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Demon x Demon Hunter (MxF)


The Lone Wolf
It all started as the nights got longer and the days got shorter.. She knew it was time to act. Time to slay the demon who haunted the night. Far to many people have been terrorized by it and she was done waiting around. She couldnt see another village destroyed. She just couldnt.

~Need someone to take the role of a male demon~
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Ice walked around and as he sees his prey walks up to her and after a period of time seduces her and leads her to an alley ready to feast...

Azuri raises an eyebrow. She wasnt thay easily seduced but it was obvious he was demon. So why not play along? It just made everything ten times easier.
He smiled as he said "You'll not get me that easily The Slayer." He smirked and he started to cast a ice spell

Azuri smiles devlishly. "Oh and you demon will not seduce me that easily." She raises her sword, the sword of ten thousand souls; ten thousand demon souls. With each demon she slayed their soul would be brought into this sword. It could only be destroyed by the temperature of the sun releasing all the demons with in. Because of the many demon souls it possessed it could deflect magic quite easily. It was bound to her as a curse that never ended.
He smiled and said "They don't call me the Dark lord Ice for nothing." he smirked as his ice went around her and went straight to her back

"Sweetheart they dont call me The Slayer for nothing either." She spins around slashing at him and breaking yhe ice with amazing speed. She has almost made the limit of speed and agility a human is capable of. She then backflips to the left facing him. "And dont get me wrong I will slay you first."
"Hm I've always admired you but you fell to it to easily." He smirked as a bottomless pit appeared underneath her

Azuri smirks, "oh but did I?" She asks. The only thing that fell was what looked like her sword. She was really still in the spot he had sent ice at her. "This is not my ability one the demon in the sword uses to help me. Aid me when I need it. It wasnt even an illusion, I moved to quickly for you to see me... Thats why it looked as if my sword fell. Come at me again." She replies.
He smiled and looked back and saying "Am i really here as well?" he vanished and started to appear in random places

Azuri laughs. "What game are playing? Or perhaps I should be asking what game do you want to play?" The female almost purrs. She wasnt a flirt at all but obvious this demon like many others likethe seducing fact. Yuck.
He laughed and finnally said "Huh so you don't get your information renewed have you?" He smirked as he was already behind her and said "To late."

(Sorry gtg cya)

(Kk cya) "No I dont but to late is not the right statement." As she heard his voice she stabbed her sword backwards at him. "Now would you die already I have places to be."
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Azuri jumps up once again slicing at his fist. This was quite interesting, wasnt he suppose to be an ice demon? Well those were the rumours they really shouldnt be trusted anyway.
He smiled as the blade sliced at him "Oh that is gonna hurt." he laughed as his ice fell of his hand and went up close and said "Your cute and i guess we can fight again later." he kissed her and vanished

Azuri's mouth dropped open after he kissed her and left. Why that son of a... She growls a bit. The universe hates me! She thought quite conviced of it and looks around one last time.
He smirked as he said to himself "Good if i remember that was her first kiss dame this is really valuable and can be sold for a high price." he smiled as he accomplished his goal

(What kind of monetal system should there be?)
(Nan thats monetary system I believe tho xD um easiest would be like gold and silver pieces. xD if u have an idea please say)
(Um I was thinking of using Spirts and flickers for demons and regular for humans)

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