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Fantasy Demon Wars

Kolby arrived in Chaski at sunset and paid for a room at the inn. He set his pack down on the floor and took out his small dagger. The hilt was carved with a fox head on one side and a snowflake on the other. He hummed a song that he used to sing to his little brother.

"Your heart meets mine

In a love song

Mem'ries entwine

Sweet loud and long

Stay here my friend

And rest for a while

And till the end

Be an innocent child."

He closed his eyes and laid down on the bed, humming the melody again, remembering tucking in his little brother at night and singing that song to make him fall asleep. He would stroke his little brother's hair and listen to his steady, even breathing. He sighed now, his hand rubbing his forehead and remembering his brother.
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Shinde was following a road through the empty wasteland, he'd been walking for a very long time, he'd acctually forgotten how long he'd been walking, he could've been walking for days, months, or even years, time doesn't really matter when you're undead. "I wonder if I'll find somewhere to rest today, or maybe I'll meet a new friend" He said to himself whilst walking under the, assumingly, boiling sun.

Shinde had been constantly walking in one direction, hoping to find a home, or people over all for that matter. After a while he noticed that the sky was getting darker and cloudy, and soon after snow started falling, "Oooh, so this is snow huh? it's so fluffy" Since Shinde had grown up in the desert land he'd never seen snow before and this new experience made him very exalted.
Walking through the cold but peaceful morning though it felt rather close to night, in a forest covered in snow. Dallas kept his Mandolin under wrap and whistled to himself a tune to entertain himself for the time being. He was following a small path that he had plotted himself with an imaginary line. He followed it through the lush forest in the early morning sky. He silenced himself long enough to listen the tree's making there whistles and rustling through the air. He felt drowsy and wanted to sleep where he was but he had to push on.

He continued to listen to nature's orchestra until he reached a small warehouse. He was a bit puzzled at why there would be such a thing in the middle of nature. That is until heard a whistle come from there so he approached the warehouse. When he got closer he noticed a few figures. 2 seemed to be female and the other a male. He decided to get closer and his tired feeling took over from there, "May i ask what is going on here?", he said sounding too tired and lazy to be interested.

(@Lazygout @ArtySox and @Verdas )
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Kiya was crouched in a defensive stance, ears pinned back and her red tipped tail swishing angrily behind her as she stared at the water mage. she practically jumped out of her skin when another voice sounded from behind her, she tried to spin around but her feet got tangled under her and she fell face first into the snow dusted ground. She jumped up and dusted herself off, being as clumsy as she was she barley even noticed the scratches and cuts she got whoever she fell, for instance the tiny gash on her forehead that now bled horribly down her face. She hated getting cuts on her head, they were so tiny but bled like there was no tomorrow, she swiped the blood from her face irritably and stared at the newcomer.

"We were about to have an epic battle because this female," she gestured wildly to the water mage, "called my...his drone trash!" She ranted at the stranger. Suddenly something got her interests, she squinted at the stranger and cocked her head to the side, something about this guy was familiar. She scurried toward him and stared, getting so close their noses practically touched, "I know you...from somewhere" she stated distractedly as she searched his face to figure out what it was about him that was so damn familiar.

Her eyed widened and she suddenly recognized him, "Morbus?" She murmured in disbelief. She had followed Dallas Groves exploits a couple of years back, for those years when his takedown of the Mafia had been the most exciting news in her life as he took down the Mafia boss. Now, the infamous guy stood in front her by pure coincidence, "Holy smokes" she stated, her ears perked forward and her tail had stilled before she fainted and hit the ground like a pile of bricks.

(@Lazygout, @XxLuluxX)
Lizstrun laughed at Kiya's clumsiness and what he also believed to be stupidity because she called that piece of junk her newest creation. 'What a joke!' She thought, as she continued laughing at Kiya's obvious annoyance. The other one didn't seem as stupid in her opinion, though he still did react when she called the drone a piece of trash. It didn't seem like it was worth a (blank because I don't know what currency the demons use). "Do even think you can even win an 'epic battle' against me with your clumsiness?" She asks her, now having stopped laughing and clearly underestimating the animalistic demon.

Kuro clears his throat and backs away slowly, certain there would be a fight. He felt a bit bad for leaving the female demon to face these two alone, but she did provoke them after all. He shifts into a fluffy little arctic fox and scurries away to hide behind a bush, leaving light marks in the snow as he did so. @Lazygout @ArtySox
Shiro was infuriated. She did it again! That woman called his drone trash again! Oh~ she was going to the afterlife very soon. Shiro moved his drone. He looked at the "trash" nearby. Th focus crystal glowed from within as his void powers acted on it. It swiftly moved to float next to him, alongside his other drone.

"You are going to regret saying that." He hissed at the water demon. He looked to the redhead who was still on the floor. He kicked her side.

"Get up." He ordered. She had seemed pretty irritated at the insult as well. Surely she would want some revenge too.

@ArtySox @Verdas
"Are you seriously going to use that junk to fight? Oh well, it's your choice. Don't cry if you lose because of those worthless objects." Lizstrun mocks the void and, indirectly, the red-head since she was the creator of the drone. The snow around her melts and she waits for one of them to step into the puddle of spilled water that had broken bits of a clay pot floating around inside. A good trap so long as they didn't figure it out, of course. She believed the animalistic demon would be pretty easy, judging by it's clumsiness, and she doubted the Void could win with such strange and, in her opinion, ugly weapons. @Lazygout @ArtySox (Lizstrun: I'll just go on ahead and insult two demons and provoke both of them!)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.b7cf4e20e8ea70f7f45a90fca00c0307.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49985" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.b7cf4e20e8ea70f7f45a90fca00c0307.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kiya woke with a start when the void user jabbed her in the side with his boot, she leaped up and crouched down again, "ugh yes fight, that's what I was doing." She looked at Morbus again and whined, she was like her favourite super villain but she was dedicated to this fight first. She was about to whistle again when the ground began to vibrate under their feet and she grinned.

"The cavalry has arrived!" She whooped with a fist pump in the air. From the surrounding forest huge stags burst through the underbrush, Kiya squealed and ran toward them extending her arms out. The giant stags came to a screeching halt in front of her, roughly twenty of the beasts in total, and she jumped up to grab the first ones head and hug it lovingly with her whole body.

"Whose the cutest little Sir Thinderbolt? You are! Yes you are!" She cooed to the stag. After a moment of cuddling the stags head she slipped around onto its back and grinned manically, "Do the thing!" She told the stags and they all reared and squealed loudly and proudly, "and now!" She called to the group dramatically, "I am safe!" She told them and grinned. There was no way she would survive in a fight buuuut being on the backs of very fast and strong stags would help her runaway.

(@Lazygout @Verdas ... Yes Kiya is a coward xD )
@ArtySox<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.327a08da55b9a856cf1b62e971ced1ea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49987" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.327a08da55b9a856cf1b62e971ced1ea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Shinde was walking through the woods when he thought he heard voices, he walked towards them and saw a group of people, three of them seemed to be fighting, one was a girl with elf ears riding a stag with many more next to her. The other two seemed to be a girl who sounded very upset over something, and the other was *gasp* a Void, merely the look of him seemed threatening.

(Can Kiya lend Kino a stag? I think those are gorgeous. Or maybe at least a faun?)

(Because honestly, having a huge buck to protect you is pretty wicked cool. @ArtySox )
(@sitanomoto she can't really lend stags out seeing as they only come to her because they are friends but depending on the situation they may choose to help on their own. I'll just decide as the situations happen xD )

(@Verdas that picture is amazing :P )
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Lizstrun seemed slightly taken aback when she became even more outnumbered by the wild stags that suddenly appeared and seemed to be allied with the animalistic demon. She created several spikes of ice from the snow around her and had them launch toward the stags and the void, melting more of the snow around her to create more spikes, hoping it would take care of some of the stags.

Kuro did not hear what they were saying and thought the stags were just some wild herd and shifted into his leopard form, crouching and ready to leap out and get one of them for food later but waited for the fight to end first since he didn't want to get involved. It had nothing to do with him, this unreasonable bunch's fighting but the herd of stags was just too good an opportunity to just pass down for the sake of a fight. @Lazygout @ArtySox
(Guys, can we limit the amount of ooc in this tab. One line is fine, but make sure you have more rp material than ooc. On that note, Sox, I want a picture of Sir Thunderbolt!)

Shiro saw the icicles flying towards him and teleported out the way. It was only a few centimeters, but he was very tired all of a sudden. He realized how far he had gone in his search for the redhead who stole his drone. He would have to rely mostly on his drones and hope that his attacks would stop the water demon from having a chance to strike back. His drones darted towards the water woman. He had to admit, the one he had reclaimed from the redhead was faster. Their razor edges aimed directly at the female. He wanted to spill some blood... lots of blood. He wanted to kill her, put bluntly. He grinned his crazy smile and a chuckle came with it.

@ArtySox @Verdas
Kolby was awakened by a loud stomping outside and looked out the window. Stags. Beautiful! A Void, an animalistic, a shifter off to the side, a water user. @Lazygout
Shinde was looking at the battle, whilst hiding behind a tree, they all looked so strong, he wanted to stop it, didn't want anyone to die, but how would he be able to do anything? He was still way to young to fight properly.

(@Lazygout is it ok if add a power t omy sheey? Scavenger: Shinde needs to scavenge bones from larger creatures to get stronger. I find it both a strength and a weakness)
Lizstrun took several quick steps back and created a thick wall of ice in front of her to block the incoming attack from the drones. "This land is covered in snow and I have an almost infinite amount of water to use. Why do you even try?" She asks them, clearly making fun of their stubbornness, once again underestimating them because of the abundance of snow. She turned the puddle of water into a bunch of ice spikes almost simultaneously, making them fire at the void again, and felt slightly tired from the repeated use of her powers but ignored it since she felt she was certainly going to win. As she felt her energy going down, the ice spikes she made losing their mark and missing the void due to lack of concentration. She cursed under her breath as this happened. @Lazygout @ArtySox
"STOP IT!", he shouted at the top of his lungs not even sounding human anymore. His eyes got a red glare in them. He took a deep breath but he was still agitated, "I came back to see my family, NOT! to see more needless violence.", he walked towards the boy first. "I don't care if you have a mental issue or not, you treat women with respect and if i see you just TRY and hurt them i will break you like a twig.", he stated in an agitated voice. He then walked over to the girl referred as a water mage. He got a little less mad then, "And you need to learn how to respect other's and there things, just because that machine is not yours doesn't mean you disrespect it.", he than walked over to the animal lover. "And i don't want to be reminded of my old days because i did more harm than good and i regret all of it. I AM THE REASON MY FAMILY GOT IN TROUBLE AND I AM THE ONE WHO FORCED MYSELF TO FAKE MY DEATH!, do you know how bad it feels to leave you loved ones just so they would not get hurt .......trust me ITS AWFUL!.". He finally took his last deep breath and took a seat on a pile of scrap metal. His Mandolin was beginning to fall out of it's wrap.

@Lazygout @ArtySox @Verdas
Kolby sat straight up and looked out the window. The yell startled him so he did something rash. He opened the window and jumped out. "HEY!" He yelled, sending an icy blast of snow at them. He looked at the boy. "I know what it's like to lose family. I'm sorry for your loss," Kolby said quietly. He then turned to Shiro and Kiya and Lizstrun. "All of you need to stop. Now." He looked at Lizstrun. "Are we supposed to be using our abilities this way? We are supposed to use them to help people, not hurt them. Challenging a void," he said, gesturing to Shiro,"and an animalistic," gesturing to Kiya,"who apparently has an A in advanced technology and a herd of stags at her beckoned call, is not very smart. Especially if you're insulting her droids, which," he turned to Kiya, "are a work of art by the way. Is that old world metal?" He asked slowly approaching the stag she was riding on. His hands were at his sides and he looked the stag in the eye. He bowed his head, remembering what his younger brother had told him. Give the animal the respect it deserves.
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Shinde, who was still hiding behind the tree nearly sceamed himself by the loud yelling from the demon man. He looked out behind the tree and saw that the demon man had made the fighting stop and a new man had appeared from an unknown place. He wanted to leave his hiding spot and introduce himself, but everyone seemed so strong that he was too scared.

@Lazygout @sitanomoto
Kolby heard a small, suppressed scream from behind a tree. He smiled softly. "Alright, come on out, I know you're there. No one here is going to hurt you." Kolby stated gently.


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