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Fantasy Deathless, Chapter 1: Ghost Airship Character Thread

Species of Vechern
  • Species of Vechern

    Vechern's place in the cosmos leads to geologically frequent impact events, causing mass extinction. As a result, life on Vechern is highly adaptable and changes in a species take place quite quickly over time.

    This has led to a plethora of different hominid-type species - so plenty of opportunities for character creation, interesting powers, etc.

    Here are the chief species on Vechern, known to Skene anyway:

    This resilient, populous species is the most dominant land-based species on Vechern. Human-analog. Homids can be, but are not usually, ley-sensitive. Ley-sensitive humans can, but don't usually, exhibit wondrous, but physically demanding powers.

    Homids exist all over Vechern. They are evolutionarily the most versatile of the planet's species. They are also the most social of the major species and the quickest to reproduce. The proliferation of homids has led to countless extinctions and assimilations.

    A bulky species from the eastern highlands, the gnomids are a sort of gnome, giant, dwarf analog. They regularly grow to 8 feet or higher, have ashy or very earthen-toned skin and typically are quite hairy. Evolutionarily, they are very close to homids and capable of interbreeding. Gnomids are not known for ley-sensitivity.

    With brains roughly twice the size of a homid, they are regularly thought to be beings of higher intelligence. And often, this is the case. Gnomid societies, often developing as nations unto themselves atop the plateaus of the eastern highlands, were rarely threatened by outsiders. Gnomid characters in Vechern world literature are often ascribed the properties of these plateaus: tall, vast, and completely unassailable.

    Their great strength makes them incredibly valuable workers, and their gentle demeanors win them plenty of fans.

    Elfids can be any species, and can be born from non-elfid parents. They are a very recent phenomena, beings whose primary means of sensing is via ley mapping. A sixth sense, if you will - ley mapping (or somatic mapping) is not unlike how some animals can sense and respond to magnetic fields.

    Elfids are not well-understood. Their first categorization came around 100 years ago, just before the beginning of the recent long winter, and little research has been done formally. The truth of elfids is that they developed due to exposure to somatic engines, which kept the population warm during the long winter but also exposed them to heavy doses of somatic byproducts.

    They tend to be in-tune with nature. Their lifespans have not been pinned down - some elfids die in childhood, while many among the original elfids are still alive.

    Joans.pngVOD - Restricted (for now)

    The vod are the most plentiful species on Vechern by a significant factor. They are primarily water-dwelling, but possess temporary air bladders allowing short periods of time spent on land. Vod societies float along on major currents. During low tide, it is a common sight to see tide markets set up, where vod peddle their wares. Vod find great value in jewelry and metals (metallurgy being essentially impossible underwater), and many turn out to vod markets in hopes of snatching a rare treasure from the bottom of the sea. Primarily, though, most of what you'll find at a vod market is fish.

    Vod are a highly spiritual species.

    The language of the vod, known colloquially as the trade language or the Language of Buying and Selling, is spoken worldwide and serves as a sort of Rosetta stone for the cultures of Vechern. Regardless of where in the world you are, there will be vod markets, and the vod will all speak the trade language. Knowing the trade language makes communication even between civilizations completely unknown to one another possible.

    Ohnivak.pngOHNIVAK - Restricted (lore reasons)
    A common trope in world myth is the myth of the ohnivak, beings said to be made of fire and born from the impacts of meteors. In the lore of the vod, the ohnivak are an antagonistic force meant to embody their opposites (water dwelling nymphs vs. fiery winged sky beasts) and make many appearances as evil or deceptive beings in the common mythology.

    Other stories of the ohnivak emphasize more the tale of birth from destruction, redemption and purification.

    Despite this, there's never been any physical evidence discovered of an actual, true-to-life ohnivak. It's a myth. Pay it no mind. Look over there!
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