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Fandom Death note oc rp

In this roleplay there will be two groups of roleplayers kinda like cops and robbers insted, There will be deathnote weilders with their very own shimigami and investigators choosen personally by L himself. Like one big game of clue you have no idea who is an investigatior or Weilder. Kira's group goal is to find the real names of all the characters in L's group amd kill them without taking out anyone in their own group . The goal of L's group is to find out who is in Kira's group with out aprehending anyone in their group. Everyone will have a short cover name they can use. If you aprehend or kill anyone in your group you will lose the game. People who are apprehended or killed by their own team mate will be able to create a new character and rejoin on the same team or maybe even opposite team. If you are found out about and aprehended or killed, You lose the game. Rules will be posted else where.

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