Deadly Academy- Roxel and Yullen

Rox saw Nichole struggled up and got into a charging stance. As the fight began, Rox helped, capable or not, he was not going to let Nichole fight alone. It was a sight to see for the others as they were behind the sheild, to see Nichole use nature and Rox use lightening it was amazing even more to see the two powers working together. Skidding back, Rox panted, "Eletric blaze!" His attacked mixed in with Nichole's harmony.
Rox watched the evil guy go down for the count and gritting his teeth he gripped his arm in pain and fell to his knees panting out pained breaths, he was still not used to his powers and that took a lot out of him to form that attack. The shield around the others faded away, and they all came forward silent with shock to just gaze at the two students and the knocked out guy.
Rox captured his lips with hers nodding through the kiss, as it broke he gave her a smile patting his arm, it no longer pulsed with pain, "Yeah, I am okay, thanks." He guessed she did that, "What about you?" Nix was the first to break the silence,

"HOLY F*CK!!! That what you two just did was out of this world!!!! That guy he was all like "I will destroy you." And you both were like, no way!!!" POW BAM SUPER ATTACK!" Nix grinned and laughing, "It was amazing so epic."

Rox chuckled, "You were pretty amazing yourself Nix, he was not expecting a lid to hit him in the head," Rox started to laugh, Nix grinned, "Ah well you know." Butch snorted, "I was going to throw a chair at him." Rox shook his head still laughing, "You guys are crazy!" Rue started to giggle too.
Rox blinked his amber eyes, "It is cool you have such good connections, a place to freeze is where that princy boy needs." Rox laughed lightly not even meaning for that to rhyme.
Nichole giggled and took out what looked like a communicator. She smiled and calledthe specialists. A hhologram appeared. "Hey guys long time no see!" The guys on the other end smiled. "Coco how yabeen?!" "I'm great1 listen I got someone for the omega dimension! " "kay here we come!" there was a sound of an air ship landing some time later. The guys ran out and they were dropdead gorgeous! They hugged Nichole and some kissed her cheeks. "So coco what's this we hear you got a boyfriend?" Nichole blushed deeply and laughed nervously. Miroku picked up Nichole and slung her over his shoulder. "Guys someone has to play the penalty!!" Nichole flailed. " no not again!!!" 'POOF!' "EEEEEEEEEEKKKKK!!!!" Nichole pouted. Once again she was in the dreaded...bunny suit. Nichole blushed deeply and the guys laughed. It was allin good fun. "Who wants a carrot?" Nichole's cheeks were flushed and she bit the carrot. "You're soooo lucky we're close like brothers and sister."
Rox jolted as a couple of admittedly very good looking guys came sprinting out to kiss Nichole, he twitched and got narrowed eyes. Nix slid up a bit beside him doing the same, "I think you greeted her enough..." "Yeah." As the guy placed her in the bunny suit, Nix fell over with a nose bleed and Rox stared before glomping Nichole, he was playing with the ears and chuckling, "So cute and fluffy, awww, look at your tail this is way better than the maid costume you are just to darn adorable, sweet cuteeeeee!" Rox snuggled her in a hug while Butch fell over laughing and Rue giggled and poked Nix who was on the ground twitching.
Nichole squeaked and blushed the carrot falling to the ground. But the tail and ears were to her dismay real. Miroku took out a camera and said"why don't you sing for your viewers coco!" Nichole sighed and glared a bit. She stood up and dusted off then stood with rox. The guys played some music and she knew the song. "~what we gotta do here, is go back to the top. I love the way you make me feel. I love it. I love it. I love the way you make me feel I love it. I love it. you got that kind of something. Want it all the time,I need it everyday. One a scale from one to ten I'm a hundred. Cant get enough. I cant stay away.Don't worry. You got me. I know how you like it. I got a bad boy. I must admit it. It got my hurt jumpin don't know how you did it. I love the way you make me feel. I love it. I love it. Stay by your side!~" Nichole had her arms loosely around rox's neck and danced. The guys highfived. "Great job. Didnt know you had sexy in ya coco!" (Just look up "the way" by ariana grande and mac miller) 
(<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/2013-10-23-22-40-53--1606784223.jpeg.a1f5fb07ce6a504a41c49aad61641079.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8677" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/2013-10-23-22-40-53--1606784223.jpeg.a1f5fb07ce6a504a41c49aad61641079.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> This bunny suit)



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((I liked it!~)

Rox did a dance along with Nichole blushing hotly but loving every minute of this, it was an explosion to his ears and senses of how beautiful she was. He got more into it and started dancing he picked Nichole up and swung her in his arms doing a bit of a dip before dancing some more.

((Only these two would dance out in an abandon cabin, while two specialist film them xDD))
Nichole blushed darkly and said" am I done now?" "Yes but-" "thank you I can take this off!" ''-you have to keep on the suit all day!" "WHAT?!" they nodded smirking. Nichole grumbled and her tail twitched. Miroku did the move. "Ah but you make such a beautiful bunny my love." Holding her hands and his lips inches from hers. He was just playing around. (Lol true) 

Rox grinned when it was told Nichole would have to stay in the suit all day. Nix got up with heart eyes grinning, "Whoa all day." Rox bonked him on the head and when Miroku pretened he was about to kiss Nichole, Rox develop a twitch and a creepy lip and poked him in the side of his head, "Uh, excuse me there, but BoyFriend remember??" *twitch, twitch*
Miroku laughed and picked Nichole up. " coco you can get your payback now." Nichole smirked and he and kaito were in the bunny suits. "Here feed him some yogurt." Giving kaito the yogurt and a spoon. "Using your mouth." They blushed and miroku tried to run but the others caught him. Nichole squealed and it was embarrassing for both guys. Nichole smiled when it was done. "Ok scratch that besides that you gotta wear your costume!" Miroku said. He smirked holding up a tight dress and pumps also kitty ears and a tail.Nichole said"no no more dresses!" Running but they caught her this time. there was a huge dust cloud and their heads popped up. And nichole was seen clawing the ground. The dust cleared and she was in the dress. Nichole pouted and the choker around her neck had a golden bell. "Roxy...Nya!~" doing a sexy pose. She blushed a bit and the others rolled on the ground laughing. But then had nosebleeds.
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Rox grinned and wished he had a camera to take pictures or something it was hilarious as they forced Nichole into another costume, Rox watched to curious to help out on what it may be, as the others fell out laughing and Nix pretty much had a heart attack, Rox stared before his eyes bulged out and cute. He ran over to Nichole picked her up swinging her around talking super-fast, “Your so sexy and cute it makes a whole new word sexute! Just look at you! Adorable! Mine all mine!” He started laughing and kissing her and playing with her bell.
Nichole eeked and blushed then kissed back. "We'll be back later. Dont go too far rox or we will hunt you down and cut of your balls. Same with you two."pointing to nix and butch. Nichole sighed as they took jaques away to the omega dimension.Nichole then smirked at rox andpulled him behind some trees.
At the threat, Rox a little pale before looking at Nichole, "Nice friends you got there, very protective. I won't do anything....till we are ready that is." He kissed her as they fell behind the trees. Nix blinked, "I was not even planning on anything! Butch and Rue both rolled their eyes.
Rox sighed with a pleasured blush on his cheek to her cute little moan but as she broke the kiss, his face went hot with an embarrassed blush, he pulled away coughing looking away slightly before looking back at Nichole.

"Affections in the woods? Well I can't say the exercised failed..." Dr. Z mutter from around the other side of the tree. The rest of their group came out looking surprised to see the doctor.
Nichole blushed deeply and hid behind rox her clothes returing to normal. She got from behind him still blushing and looked away. "Hey dr.Z...wait a second...WTH WERE YOU?!"glaring.
Everyone had the same glaring look on their face arms folded or hands on hips. Dr. Z just adjusted her notebook scribbling something down, "Ah, we got a bit disconnected did not we? I took a wrong turn and got lost on the path of life." A small smile edged on her lips, "Shall we return to campus?" She motioned to a truck she had waiting. Rox just stared at the woman Butch stormed over to the truck, "Yeah you got lost and managed to find a truck? BS!"
Nichole growled hating dr.z even more now. "So you get teens lost in the fking wilderness and find a truck?! How does that work huh?!" Walking over wir h the rest.
Dr. Z just shook her head, "I know you may seen confused now, but fear not, you will understand very soon, this exercised did made you all a little closer right?" Rox snorted climbing in and helping Nichole in as Butch climbed up pulling Rue and Nix up, "Whatever it almost made us dead, your the one who has no idea."
Nichole sat with rox with a scowl then trieeto calm down for the sake of her nerves. She rubbed her temples then hit her head rrepeatedly on the dashboard angry and bled a tiny bit from hitting her head so hard.
Rox put his hand in front of her head before she could whap herself again and wiped the blood off with his thumb and kissed the wound, "Don't damage your brain love." He rested her head against his shoulder.
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