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Realistic or Modern Dead Inside (Characters)


Messiah of the New Night
Here be a template to follow. Fairly barebones, but you may add on a bit more as the Apocalypse rages on.




Place of Birth:

Physique: (Height, Weight, and physical conditioning.)

History: (NOTE: For the beginning, there should be no indication of interaction with zombies. You may change this when the Apocalypse starts. For now, this should capture who you are prior to the appearance of zombies.)

(Faceclaim here. Real and CGI allowed, no anime or drawings.)​
Name: Lucas "Sunny" Weathers

Age: 24

Ethnicity: African-American

Place of Birth: Slaughter Beach, Delaware, USA

Physique: Lucas is a tall, rather lanky gentleman. It goes without saying he's a bit of a twig. Light, flexible and fast on his feet. His height matches nicely with his long reach and natural skill of reaching for things those vertically challenged couldn't. His mixed descent leaves him with a soft, almost mocha skin tone.

History: After he graduated from High-School, Lucas intended to go to art school and chase his seemingly fleeting dreams of being a digital artist. He was fond of street art, be it chalk, paint, stenciling or whatever else someone could fit into a mural. Though art became more of a side-project as his life was veered towards hours of helping his father around the auto-body shop he owned and operated. His dad tried, an old fashioned man, thought Lucas should have a more hands-on skill set in his life, rather than drawing circles and putting lines on those circles. Lucas was a dreamer, and while absent minded in helping his dad, he still picked up a few things.

His mother, and even his uncle whom he grew close to, supported his artistic nature. It wasn't long before Lucas was spending his free time with his uncle, spraying and drawing murals on large stretches of dry-wall they propped up in his uncle's front yard. While this never took off, it garnered some small attention from neighbors. A few weekends, some would stop by and watch him and his uncle paint, sometimes making a few paltry donations in their effort. Though it was never for the money to begin, they made enough to keep their hobby rolling and met up every other weekend to hash out new ideas. One week it was caricatures, the next, urban dragons. One particular weekend brought on the idea to paint sunsets in unnatural colors. Who knew blue suns could just as striking as an orange one?

While his dad never took kindly to knowing his brother spent more time with Lucas than he did, he eventually let the grudge go. His boy was happy, and in time, he would be happy about it. Even still, Lucas dropped by to help his old man, be it attaching new mufflers, body work, or even the odd spark plug work. Lucas wasn't absent minded anymore.

Outside work and painting, Lucas threw in with pick-up games of basket ball, soccer, and even the odd-ball game of hockey when he had the chance. A local park he'd frequented never ceased to bring something new. Not to mention a few friendly faces welcoming his big, kind smile. He made friends easily enough, though never drew any real connection with any of them. Just pick-up games. The few friends he'd been close with, he lost contact after graduating high-school. Most of them joined the army, or left the state. Despite this, he didn't quite feel alone. Solidarity didn't bother him.

It wasn't until Lucas' uncle died - natural causes the doctor said - that Lucas found himself staring at death and feeling at a complete loss. He felt empty and helped hoist his uncle's casket down. He dwelled on it for several months before finally packing his things together and kissed his mom goodbye. She, of course, was devastated, but his father supported his decision. He wasn't going to throw his boy out on the streets, but the last words he said to him were, "Sometimes, a man just needs to... Go. Just go, find something more than what he has. I love you, Luke. Stay in touch."

Luke left Slaughter Beach, taking bus after bus, not quite sure where he was going. After awhile, he ended up renting an apartment in (location pending on RP setting) and struck out in a new scene. Faces were plenty, and finding a job was easy enough.

(Reference Picture Pending)
Name: Kobe Nathan Wade

Age: 19

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Place of Birth: Parkersburg West Virginia

Physique: 6'2" 160lbs. Kobe is a personal trainer, and has been involved in martial arts for two years. He is not a beef cake, by any stretch of the imagination. He simply looks like a guy who works out. Healthy muscle tone and posture. Built pretty long and tall, so wearing a baggy shirt can be deceiving as to his muscle.

History: (Kobe was born in West Virginia in a small town, like anyone else in West Virginia. He was born not very interested in sports, unlike his father whom enjoyed soccer through his college years. He was also not an academic, as his mother was. He was not very socially conscious growing up, and with bipolar depression had a hard time understanding his emotions and making friends. It wasn't until highschool he started to form a personality. It was then that he discovered theatre and several close friends he would have for life.

He went to college to study theatre, but as mentioned earlier was never interested in school. He did, however, gain an interest in martial arts through his school's MMA club. It was then that the fork in the road really developed, and because of his habit of partying and joining a fraternity he ended up having his financial aid revoked.

From there he continued his training, and eventually found a company called the perfect workout through his girlfriend whom worked there in Philadelphia while she was trying to become an actor. He applied, seeing it as an opportunity to aid his martial arts training and has been working in the city there for several months now.
Name: Simon Garrison

Age: 26

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Place of Birth: Raleigh, North Carolina

Physique: Simon stands at 5'11, and weighs only 168 pounds. His build is fairly average, being thin but lacking definitive muscle.

History: Simon was born the son of an accountant and a paramedic, who raised him in a homeschooled life of mediocrity. Upon adulthood he attended UNC Greensboro, and earned a degree in Real Estate. All throughout his college social life, he was ostracized for his reputation as a man of few words, many believing him to be a sissy with no inspiration or motivation.

His ventures in home sales were hardly impressive, however, as all he had to show for it was ownership of an Apartment complex in Philly. His rates were cheap enough for beds to be filled, but it left him struggling to pay his own finances, forcing him to take up a desk job at a nearby warehouse, managing employee presence. Though finally seeing himself in a position of authority, Simon began to see the assertive changes in himself that he desired. He ran his apartments in person, with an iron fist; cracking down on smoking indoors, pets, and possession of contraband himself. Were it not for his cheap rent, it's likely that no one would desire to live on Simon's property.

DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete - I'm sorry that it's a bit rushed >.<

Name: Aiko Tensai

Age: 26

Ethnicity: Japanese

Place of Birth: Japan

Physique: 5'4", 121 lbs, Mesomorph

Aiko was born in Japan. Her childhood was pretty basic, however one thing about her was that she always wanted to help people. When she was 9, right after her brother was born, she and her parents moved to America. Fortunately, Aiko was able to adapt relatively quickly and after doing a bit of research, decided to be a police officer. As such, she began working out a lot and learning about the law of the US as she grew. Eventually she graduated high school and went straight into a police academy. After graduating she started working. It's been 3 years since she first started, and due to her hard work, devoted nature, and helpfulness, she's known as one of the best cops in Philly. She currently lives in a house with her parents, as she's taking care of them.

Name: Gakuon Tensai

Age: 17 (Turning 18 on first day of RP)

Ethnicity: Japanese

Place of Birth: Japan

Physique: 5'8", 111 lbs, Ectomorph

History: Gaku was born in Japan. however, he only lived there for about 2 months before moving to the USA. As he got older, his family found out that he had perfect pitch and an eidetic memory. As such, they started getting him pino nd singing lessons. Fortunately, Gaku was hooked. There was nothing he enjoyed more thn the intricate melodies and harmonies one could create thorugh music. As such, he began learning the trumpet, violin, and just about ny instrument he could et his hands on as well. Eventually, high school came and Gaku was given a scholarship to a private high school that specialized in the Arts. Fast forward 4 years later, Gaku's a senior and due to his eidetic memory, he's currently the valedictorian as well. He had multitudes of friends, and was going to go to Berkley. He lives in a dorm room with his boyfriend at the private school he attends.
Name: Art Jones, AKA Masterpiece Monroe

Age: 28

Ethnicity: Some kind of mixture, God knows what.

Place of Birth: Arizona, baby.

Physique: 5'7, 173 lbs, a bit on the chubby end but hey. Nobody's judging.

History: Arty was born a hot mess. His mother was a prostitute, and father... uh... shit, man, I dunno. Usually if someone asks, Arty just makes something up. Regardless, ever since he was born in the slums of Phoenix, Arty knew there was something... different about him. Which turned out to be that he was gonna grow up to be a gender-fucked drag queen with an alcohol and tobacco problem. Also autism. That's a lot less interesting, though.

Anyway. Arty attended the local public school where he generally didn't talk to that many people, and came out as "gay as hell" in his junior year of high school. It was Arizona, though, so nobody cared except the old white people who ran the place. By the time he turned 18, he got the hell outta Dodge and moved to Philly... mostly because it was the first place he thought of. And lucky for him, he managed to get a job at a bar!... A drag bar. He didn't have a bar tending degree, but the place didn't really care, so he nervously served drinks for a solid year or two before breaking into the drag scene, with a character named Masterpiece Monroe. (Get it? 'cause his first name is Art? It's funny. Shut up.) And that's where his life is now. Doing shows in a padded bra and not giving a damn. That's what everyone should aspire to, quite frankly.

Name: Art Jones, AKA Masterpiece Monroe

Age: 28

Ethnicity: Some kind of mixture, God knows what.

Place of Birth: Arizona, baby.

Physique: 5'7, 173 lbs, a bit on the chubby end but hey. Nobody's judging.

History: Arty was born a hot mess. His mother was a prostitute, and father... uh... shit, man, I dunno. Usually if someone asks, Arty just makes something up. Regardless, ever since he was born in the slums of Phoenix, Arty knew there was something... different about him. Which turned out to be that he was gonna grow up to be a gender-fucked drag queen with an alcohol and tobacco problem. Also autism. That's a lot less interesting, though.

Anyway. Arty attended the local public school where he generally didn't talk to that many people, and came out as "gay as hell" in his junior year of high school. It was Arizona, though, so nobody cared except the old white people who ran the place. By the time he turned 18, he got the hell outta Dodge and moved to Philly... mostly because it was the first place he thought of. And lucky for him, he managed to get a job at a bar!... A drag bar. He didn't have a bar tending degree, but the place didn't really care, so he nervously served drinks for a solid year or two before breaking into the drag scene, with a character named Masterpiece Monroe. (Get it? 'cause his first name is Art? It's funny. Shut up.) And that's where his life is now. Doing shows in a padded bra and not giving a damn. That's what everyone should aspire to, quite frankly.

Love it. Accepted.
Name: Good girl. (Intelectus is engraved on the rusted dog-tag, responds to Cuddles, Stargazer, April, Emma, and Daniel.)

Age: ??? (7)

Ethnicity: Boof. (A mangy mutt; a fairly large dog that likely has Great Dane, Labrador, Pitbull, Komondor, and a little Saint Bernard in her somewhere.)

Place of Birth: Gggruff. (Born in a back alley somewhere in Philadelphia, was rescued and was going to be euthanized up until she was adopted by William.)

Physique: Ruff. (Intelectus stands at nearly three and a half feet at the shoulder and shows excellent conditioning. Likely has been taken on many walks and gets plenty of exercise despite living in the city. Although a rough, nearly matted hide accompanies her muscular body making her look like nothing more than a blob of sentient fur. Trying to brush her fur seems to make it worse but luckily she doesn't seem to shed very often.)

History: Brork. (Intelectus was adopted by one William Belloche a few days before she was supposed to be euthanized. Years before that she was a stray dog roaming the streets and surviving off scraps and anything people gave to her. She found herself in the company of a few homeless men now and again but they came and went. Up until the fateful day when she was captured by the city animal control and dragged to the pound where she faced several aggressive dogs and inhumane treatment from the animal control personnel. She wasn't spayed and faced an early euthanasia until William came through and adopted her without hesitation. She was happy to be in the care of a quiet, yet kind human being who treated her nicely, fed her well, got her vaccinated and spayed, and continues to treat her like the close friend she is. Despite the mistreatment she maintained her friendly nature and continues to befriend almost everyone she meets.

Years later she turned seven the present year, William celebrated with an extra helping at dinner, more time outside to play, and a treat for being such a good girl. William had left for one reason or another, she was blissfully unaware of the reason being a dog, he's been gone a long time and someone new came to the house that she was familiar with. Lucas had been taking care of her for nearly a month now. Although she misses her master, Intelectus is happy to spend time with a good friend. She eats well, still gets exercise, and has someone to cuddle with when he comes by. Everyday since William left she awaited his return, and that return will likely never occur. It's been about a month and a month too long since Intelectus has seen William. She's grown antsy lately, wanting to go outside and tugging on the leash very uncharacteristically in an attempt to find him. Now she lies at wait at the door for whoever might walk in, she's excited to see them but always hopes it's William.)
Name: Good girl. (Intelectus is engraved on the rusted dog-tag, responds to Cuddles, Stargazer, April, Emma, and Daniel.)

Age: ??? (7)

Ethnicity: Boof. (A mangy mutt; a fairly large dog that likely has Great Dane, Labrador, Pitbull, Komondor, and a little Saint Bernard in her somewhere.)

Place of Birth: Gggruff. (Born in a back alley somewhere in Philadelphia, was rescued and was going to be euthanized up until she was adopted by William.)

Physique: Ruff. (Intelectus stands at nearly three and a half feet at the shoulder and shows excellent conditioning. Likely has been taken on many walks and gets plenty of exercise despite living in the city. Although a rough, nearly matted hide accompanies her muscular body making her look like nothing more than a blob of sentient fur. Trying to brush her fur seems to make it worse but luckily she doesn't seem to shed very often.)

History: Brork. (Intelectus was adopted by one William Belloche a few days before she was supposed to be euthanized. Years before that she was a stray dog roaming the streets and surviving off scraps and anything people gave to her. She found herself in the company of a few homeless men now and again but they came and went. Up until the fateful day when she was captured by the city animal control and dragged to the pound where she faced several aggressive dogs and inhumane treatment from the animal control personnel. She wasn't spayed and faced an early euthanasia until William came through and adopted her without hesitation. She was happy to be in the care of a quiet, yet kind human being who treated her nicely, fed her well, got her vaccinated and spayed, and continues to treat her like the close friend she is. Despite the mistreatment she maintained her friendly nature and continues to befriend almost everyone she meets.

Years later she turned seven the present year, William celebrated with an extra helping at dinner, more time outside to play, and a treat for being such a good girl. William had left for one reason or another, she was blissfully unaware of the reason being a dog, he's been gone a long time and someone new came to the house that she was familiar with. Lucas had been taking care of her for nearly a month now. Although she misses her master, Intelectus is happy to spend time with a good friend. She eats well, still gets exercise, and has someone to cuddle with when he comes by. Everyday since William left she awaited his return, and that return will likely never occur. It's been about a month and a month too long since Intelectus has seen William. She's grown antsy lately, wanting to go outside and tugging on the leash very uncharacteristically in an attempt to find him. Now she lies at wait at the door for whoever might walk in, she's excited to see them but always hopes it's William.)
Well this is extraordinarily unorthodox. I am expecting great things from you. Accepted.

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