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Realistic or Modern Dead & Gone

Geun Sae

I would crawl belly deep through hell
May 12th, 1974 9:23 P.M.

12 year old Alton Reeves peddled as quick as he could. He'd been so distracted at his friends house while playing football that he'd lost track of time. Mother was gonna yell at him, he knew it, but better late then never.

The wheels of his bike bounced over the puddles on the wet road. The road, standing between to large areas of forest, was nearly covered by the fog. Alton clicked the switch on his bike's handle bars. The light beamed into the fog, making it easier for him to drive.

Momma was probably worried sick by now as the sun had already set. The fog mixed with the eerie silence made for an uncomfortable ride. As Alton peddled harder and harder, he couldn't help but contract a feeling of dread. The dread would only increase after the events that would happen next.

The light shone through the fog until hitting a shape that formed in the middle of the road. Alton only had a few seconds to process the image in the dense fog, he could only make out the silhouette of what looked like a man with short tiny horns before swerving uncontrollably in hopes of avoiding hitting the man. Alton felt his bike wheel skid before he crashed to the ground with a painful jerk.

An intense feeling of fear overcame Alton as he quickly grabbed on to his bike and lifted himself once again. The eerie silence was ended by the sound of Alton's heavy breathing. He slowly turned the bike's handles towards where the man had been standing. Before he could make it to the man, a horrific and unsettling scream came from the man. It sounded like somebody was torturing him. Alton felt himself jump onto his bike.

Before he could continue to peddle he heard a squishing noise that sent chills down his spine. Footsteps. The man's footsteps slowly became more frequent until he was sprinting. Alton peddled his little 12 year old heart out, not letting the man or monster catch up to him.

The man's scream slowly became a chilling and psychotic laugh. And the entire time, it stayed no more then two feet behind Alton.

Alton felt the bike jerk once again before crashing to the ground. As he peered up, he could see his house, no more then 20 feet away. Not wasting any time, he quickly turned back to his bike and grabbed the rubber handles. The only thing was, someone else's hand had beet him to it. He quickly jerked his hand back in fear. Alton watched in horror as his bike was dragged back into the fog, the only thing showing was the light attached to the front. Click. The light turned off. Alton was now surrounded by fog. The only light being the weak porch light 20 feet ahead of him.

Alton brushed away his tears impatiently before standing up. His feet began to take off until the monster's hand got a grasp of his ankle. Alton let out a desperate and fearful cry. The monster's nails dug into his ankle before scraping against the bone. He quickly fell to the ground, kicking and screaming, trying to get the hand off his ankle. "Mamma!"

Alton let out one final, desperate, blood filled scream before being dragged into the fog, never to be seen again.

2:14 May 22nd 2015

McKay rubbed his ears in pain as the school bell rang. School was finally out. He reached for his backpack before making a mad dash for the door out of the Science class. He made it into the now flooded school hallway. The crowds of kids ready to exit the hell hole titled School and make way with their lives. As the school week had just ended, McKay felt like he was about to pass out from exhaustion. He and the other hundred students exited through the building's front entrance. He made his way onto the patches of grass in front of the school. McKay watched sluggishly as the other kids huddled into the school buses lined in the school's parking lot.

Drowsily, he made his way for the Willow tree behind the school where him and his friends would usually wait. He walked like zombie towards the shaded spot, greeting his friends who had beat him there.

"The school yearbooks just came in, and to be honest Zach you look like a dork in your picture" he huffed before dropping to the soft grass below him.

He yanked the book from his backpack before flipping to the page with his picture on it. "Then again, my picture isn't that much better" He examined the picture, sixteen year old McKay and his Acne blasted face.

McKay rolled over onto his stomach and stared down the others. "What's new with you guys?"
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"Class dismissed."

Upon hearing the teacher's voice, Beatrix's face perked up as it beamed brightly. Exactly what she's been waiting for- this class was so boring and can be a possible synonym for torment for her. She stretched out her arms as she stood up and waved at her classmates who only smiled and waved back in reply. The joy of having good friends- speaking of good friends, she's supposed to meet them up now in their usual meeting spot or place, at the willow tree.


Skipping joyfully towards the said place and smiling and nodding at every person she meets- Beatrix finally arrived over there. As usual McKay and the others were already there. She took a seat on the ground with fresh green grass patch growing on it, "Hey everybody. So, how did you guys look at the yearbook?" she asked them while smiling delightfully and rummaged through her bag to get her own yearbook.

Of course, as ever expected- her usual bubbly face was bright and full joy. Just like every other year- innocence and pureness written all over her face, just the way she wants it to be. Beatrix gave out a soft chuckle though when her eyes landed on McKay's photo, "Is this a wacky shot?" she gave out a little joke before pointing at the said picture and laughing louder.​

Joel leaned against the willow tree, the rather warm wind tugging at his shirt. He looks toward Mckay, and chuckles when Beatrix teases him . He hadn't gotten the year book, he had no intentions of looking back on the last year, all he cared about was going to college. He sighs, the willow rustled in the wind gently. " I got accepted to that college." He looks toward Mckay, before shrugging. College meant the close group would be splitting up, possibly for good.

He watches at a group of girls walks toward their car, chatting and laughing loud enough to make the most patient person want to strangle them. He rolls his eyes when they blast some ridiculous fruity beat from the stock radio, quickly driving away as if they didn't have a care in the world.

Joel looks toward his friends, a nagging feeling had been dragging him down all week. Most would think every senior would be excited to leave highschool, especially one with a free ride to college, yet something in Joel told him college wasn't going to happen for him. He quickly pushes the negativity aside in his mind, before returning back to reality.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_m2g2bidZNY1rt7yd2o1_500.gif.9587355341e720c780461101b5044ad2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53753" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_m2g2bidZNY1rt7yd2o1_500.gif.9587355341e720c780461101b5044ad2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She was a little odd indeed, that girl with her head above the clouds. To be honest, she looked like she was about to fly off to outerspace. But then again, she probably was; at least her mind. Elliot, as she was called, didn't always have her head in the game. Most of the time, she'd be waltzing around with her mind somewhere else. Just like right now. She didn't have anything serious to think about at the moment, but the look on her face always told otherwise. Almost all the time, she'd look like she was thinking about the meaning of life, but in reality; she'd just dream about some story her grandmother had told her when she was younger. This time though, Elliott was actually thinking about nothing more than how blue the sky seemed to be that day. Her pace wasn't fast, quite the opposite. But what to expect from a girl like her? You can't both travel to dreamland and walk fast at the same time. In her chest, Elliott held an all too familliar book: the yearbook. Could it even be possible to have all students look like complete idiots? Some of them looked like complete douchebags; while others, including herself, looked like terrified chickens. But little did she care about those things. Her focus was set on the group of people that stood by the gorgeous willow tree that stood tall behind the school building. These people were smiling, some of them laughing slightly; but even those who didn't smile still seemed happy to see the others. These people, were also the ones she considered her closest friends. Elliott's face lit up in a warm smile as she adjusted the strap on her bag and headed towards the tree to meet up with these people. "Hey guys! You all got your yearbooks, right?" She said, still with that smile on her face. "It really should be illegal to force innocent students to take photos like these to have them shown to the whole school. I bet there's some kid out there developing serious issues with photographs." Elliot continued, hoping they'd get the hint of the joke.



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The breeze ruffled his hair as he looked down at the book resting on his knees. The yearbook. It was opened to a page with his picture on it. Almost everybody else was there, other than Beatrix and Mckay. Upon hearing Mckay's footsteps, Zach lifted his head. Everybody in their group had very different footsteps, (for example, Zach's heel hit first, and then his heel would almost drag for a second when picking it up, though it wasn't really noticeable unless you paid close attention.) so it made it easier for him to tell them apart since he didn't have the full field of vision they did.

"Well, thanks Mckay. That makes me feel so much better." He said, shaking his head. "Really though, I do look like a dork." He said, peering down at the picture. "I've never been able to take a half decent yearbook photo," Zachariah sighed and leaned back onto his elbows. His Sophomore year had been so much worse. New driver, still on his permit. He hadn't seen that other car, and it had been a head on collision. The other driver was okay, but after all, most intoxicated people were okay in an accident.

Anyway. Belle, his cousin, ended up in a coma from it, and Zach ended up in the hospital for a week and a half, and blind in one eye. Fun times. Naturally, his cousin hadn't been as lucky, and therefore Zach wore the bracelet he did for remembrance.

His sophomore photo, he'd been covered in bruises, and it had probably looked like he'd been hit by a truck. (which technically wasn't wrong.)

Zach shook the thought off and sat up more, his head shifting toward Beatrix and then Joel, listening to the conversation. He debated in commenting, and finally he did, first responding to Beatrix, then Joel. "Yup, I have, I look horrible, as normal," he joked, lifting the yearbook he had briefly. He then shifted his entire torso so he could look over at Joel, who just so happened to be on his right side. A smile pulled at his lips. "Congrats, Joel," Zach said. Though he was happy for his friend, he felt a twinge of longing for them to stay together, but he knew that probably wouldn't happen, since he was looking into computer tech or Criminology, which would be difficult to find a career in because he didn't track as fast as most people.

Zach once more moved his head over to Elliot when she spoke, offering a smile and his typical 'hey.' If the joke was referencing him, it totally flew over his head.
He Giggled at Zach's remarks. "Did you know american highschoolers pay more for yearbooks then they do on dental hygiene? Disgusting." For McKay, nothing was more of a deal breaker then bad teeth. Is it really that hard? Two minutes of your day. It's not that bad. McKay stuck his feet in the air, a comfortable condition considering the situation. His eyes peering at Elliot who sat a few feet in front of him. He lifted his the yearbook from the grass under him. He flipped through the pages, looking at the clubs, school events, school sports. "Hey you guys, I was wondering you'd like to go on a hike later tonight. Ya'know, get some pizza then night hike around the lake. It'd be fun." He loved hikes, almost as much as he loved basketball. "Or we could go see a movie, there's somebody good stuff in theaters right now."

((Sorry for the short post)


Beatrix smiled softly at Mckay's suggestion, after all they will be leaving high school now. And they might never see each other's faces again, well at least physically and literally. But there's always social media and all that stuffs. Beatrix nodded her head in agreement, "Hiking sounds fun." she backed McKay. Next year she will be sent to another country to study medicines and she won't have the time to visit her friends.

"I will bring the food!" she volunteered cheerfully before raising her hand. She looked at everybody's face one by one with her eyes full of innocence hoping that they would come with them. "What about you guys?" the bubbly girl asked the group, plans and possibilities already gathering up inside her mind.​
Jeanne cupped her hands under her smooth jaw. Fiddling her free hand in the grass, mindlessly ripping it out. Her eyes scanned the yearbook curiously, listening in to the conversation. She rested on the trunk of the tree, leaning her head back and letting out a groan.

"I'm supposed to sign that thing, right," her voice stern and soothing, with a pinch of French accent to give her rhythm

She shifted herself onto her knees and leaned over the book. Snatching a permanent blue marker from her leather bag and biting the cap off with her mouth. Taking ahold of the book.

Jeanne D'Arc was written into it, no comment to go with it. Just her name. She handed it back and put the cap back onto the marker, now tapping it on her cheek as she observed the rest with a cheeky curved smile. Her grey eyes fixed onto McKay, merely blinking at him.

"I have to visit my mom in jail today, Ramond was supposed to come with me but he hasn't come to school today, nor' reply to my messages." Jeanne wiggled her Android phone in the air, showing her blank notifications icon. The girl let out a shrug, now standing up to her feet and dusting herself from dirt on her hands legs. The others glanced at her as she stook a step away from the group, exiting the tree's shadow and into warm sunlight.

"Mind coming with me? I have to go there straight after school," Jeanne let out a sigh, clearing her throat.

Her arms reached out for McKay, motioning him to grab it if he accepts. The look on her pale face didn't look so patient, nor very relaxed. Couldn't blame her. Having to live with her deadbeat father, she rarely even goes home. Rather stays with friends all the time.

"Come on, I don't bite. I'll tell you all about it on our way there," she added.

Dangling her car keys on her other hand, making a jingling sound. It had a smaller than average lipstick attached to the chain. The container was transparent, as the color of the it was black. Odd, Jeanne only wore crimson on her lips. She would never be seen with another color. The gal wasn't exactly the experimenting type, none the less care. Her lowered hand remained for McKay to grab.
Zach was silent for a moment, finally speaking up at Mckay's question. "Hiking sounds good. Anything you guys would like me to bring?" Zach shifted a little, sitting up right. He put his yearbook away and stretched his legs out, crossing them at his ankles. "Did you have a certain trail in mind or something?" He asked, looking towards Mckay, then at Beatrix. (this is horribly short and way below the required thing, I know. I just couldn't think of anything.)

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