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Fandom DC Comics

This is your rp, you do whatever you want with it. Just tell me if you want to add extra tabs and I will do that for you.

A new group of villains has formed after each of them failed to defeat their arch-enemy's yet again. They have hatched a plan to rob as much money as they can, whether it's from banks, charity benefit's or the homes of the rich, as long as there's money the group are there. They each want the money for a different reason, your characters motive is up to you. The heroes take action to stop them, will they succeed or fail? Band together or fight alone?


Roy was training, sweat dripping down his forehead as he let arrow after arrow fly at the target board. He was still surprised by how good he was at it, he'd never considered himself good at much before. He dropped his bow to the floor and grabbed a towel to wipe his face.

"Is that enough for today? Or are you going to start making me slap water bowls again?" He turned to Oliver.

They were in their base under Thea's club, like they usually were. There hadn't been too much going on lately, so Oliver had took this as an opportunity to make them all train until they dropped dead.

"Looks like our breaks over. There's been a robbery, over at Starling National Bank." Felicity said, from where she was sitting at the computers. He could only see her long blonde ponytail, her eyes firmly scanning the screen in front of her.

Roy opened up the glass case that held his costume, the feeling of the leather familiar on his fingertips. He pulled off his sweatpants, changing into the dark red costume. He slid his mask over his face and flung the quiver of red arrows over his shoulder. He felt more like himself when he was Arsenal than he did at any other time, Arsenal stood for something, he meant something to this city, something that Roy Harper never did.

"Any idea who we're up against?" He asked Felicity.

"The police report I hacked doesn't say, but I'm sure you guys can handle it. We've dealt with worse than a simple robbery." She answered.

Oliver walked back into the room, face now obscured by his green hood and domino mask. Roy sometimes still couldn't believe that Oliver was the arrow, he looked like a completely different person. Not just because his face was obscured, everything about him looked so much more confident and threatening as the arrow, Roy wondered if he was the same way as Arsenal.
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Oliver smirked slightly at Roy, He had been working everyone hard lately but that was because crime rate in starling city had suddenly dropped. It was like the criminal had decided to stop committing crimes but it was always the calm before the storm and it was something Oliver was used too. A bank robbery was just what they needed. He could deal with some bank robber but the fact the police hadn't said a single thing about the bank robber made going into a fight harder because they could be up against anyone.. or anything.

He grabbed his costume from the glass case and got changed quickly.

"We will go and help, if you see Laurel tell her where we are and keep us update."Oliver said.

He threw his quiver on his back and grabbed his bow spinning it in his hand slightly, He couldn't lie that he was glad something had finally happened. Sitting in the base doing nothing was beginning to make him feel useless, He knew it was stupid to be grateful someone was committing a crime especially when his goal was to make his city a better place but he loved protecting it.
Roy pulled the hood of his costume up over his gelled, brown hair and followed Oliver out the door. It was just turning evening, so thankfully the club was closed, lit up by the fading sunlight streaming through the windows rather than strobes and bright lasers. He climbed up on his motorcycle as soon as he got into the street. It had been a gift from "team arrow" for his birthday, saying that if he was going to be a crime fighter he should have decent transportation. They had no idea how much he appreciated it, or that it had been his first birthday present in years.

Roy gripped the rubber of the handles tightly, starting up the engine and driving off in the direction of Starling National Bank. He'd always been a fighter, even when that had just meant him getting his ass kicked, so he could admit that going so long without punching something had been beginning to put him on edge. He didn't know who they'd find at this bank, but even if it was a regular criminal that was something; sometimes he started doubt whether there even were regular criminals in Starling city anymore, but then he remembered that no shit there were because he knew half of them, he was one of them.

He got off his bike a few feet down from the bank, it was unlikely that the robber would be able to hear it from outside, but he'd learned that you could never be to careful, and that was saying something considering that careful had never exactly been a word to describe him. He looked up at the bank in front of him, there must have been money belonging to half the population of the city, and tonight it was his job to make sure it stayed that way.
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