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Fandom DC Comics- Someone bigger (CS)

Faceclaim: View attachment 317934
Hero/Villain Name- The Flash
Alter ego- Barry Allen
Age- 25
Race- Meta- Human
Gender- Male
Hero or villain- Hero
Bio- Barry Allen and a twin brother were born two weeks late, to Henry and Nora Allen in the small midwestern town of Fallville, Iowa. The brother was pronounced stillborn by Dr. Gilmore. However, in actuality, he had been born healthy, but given to another family, the Thawnes, whose child had died during birth. The lateness of Barry's birth only foreshadowed his bad habit of always being late. Barry grew up reading the adventures of his favorite superhero, Jay Garrick, the original Flash, and acted many of his hero's adventures out with his friend and future actress, Daphne Dean.

When he was a child, his mother was killed and his father was convicted of the crime. The drive to prove his father was innocent gave Barry a strong belief in justice.

In high school, Barry had a reputation for being slow and easy-going. On his first date, he went to a carnival. His date had wanted to put a little motion in his life, and they went on the roller-coaster first thing. Because of this, he developed a fear of roller-coasters, a fear that he didn't get rid of until much later in his life.

Barry loved chemistry from an early age, and that helped his skills as a farmer. He won first place in the Fallville County Fair Agricultural Competition, a prize which included a scholarship to Sun City University. He graduated in three years with a major in organic chemistry and a minor in criminology.

While a senior, Barry helped the authorities apprehend a bank robber, and he was offered a job as a police scientist for the Central City Police Department Scientific Detection Bureau. Eager to be in the sister city of his childhood hero's home, Keystone City, he accepted the offer.

After moving to Central City and getting an apartment with a laboratory in the back, Barry began dating Picture News reporter Iris West, whom he met while examining an apparent murder that she was reporting. She was charmed by his honesty and stability.

That night during an electrical storm, Barry returned to an experiment after a short break. All of a sudden, a bolt of lightning streaked through a window, shattered a chemical cabinet and covered Barry in the electrified chemicals. Dazed, he decided to return home in a taxi. However, the taxi started to pull away without noticing him. Barry sprinted after it, only to run straight past it as if it had been standing still. He decided to sit down and recollect his thoughts at a diner. A passing waitress accidentally spilled the items of her tray onto Barry, who amazingly caught them all in mid-air and returns them to the tray. The next day, Barry saved Iris from a stray bullet. There was no question about it: the freak accident had somehow given Barry superhuman speed!

Intelligent, thoughtful, mild mannered guy that is always trying to do the right thing. Always tries to see the best in people but tends to have a bit of black and white view on crime. He's a bit introverted and reserved but is a happy, light hearted person that is well liked and respected by the people who really get to know him.

Oh, and he's always late.
• Speed Force Connection- Barry's powers come from his connection to the Speed Force, gained from being struck by dark matter lightning and exposed to various chemicals. This altered his DNA and supercharged his cells, augmenting his physiology into a lean-muscular frame well-beyond peak human condition. This lets him easily handle the rigors of his powers; he can resist high-level friction, inertia, air pressure, reduced oxygen, and kinetic impact.
Accelerated healing factor: Barry has dramatically heightened healing capacities. His molecules move at accelerated rates, causing his metabolism to mend any damages much quicker and efficiently than regular humans.
Bodily vibration: Barry can vibrate different body parts for various effects. This can mask his form from being clearly perceived or distort his vocal cords to disguise his voice. He can vibrate to forcibly expel any toxins that do affect him. He can also generate great amounts of heat to recover and even be kept thermally insolated from extreme cold. Offensively, he can vibrate his limbs to seamlessly grind through highly solid targets
Geokinesis: By vibrating at varying frequencies and with different levels of force, Barry can create small tremors to induce extreme amounts of jolt on any target he touches, even disrupt the inter-molecular bonds and cause it to shatter.
Phasing: By vibrating his molecules at the frequency of air, Barry can physically pass through solid objects.
Electrokinesis: While generating enough velocity, Barry can produce yellow electricity from his body, most commonly seen when moving at high speeds, and use it in many ways. He can focus the energy into specific part of his body to produce a strong static shock on contact with the target. Taught by Hunter Zolomon, Barry can harness this build-up of electricity, to which he can repeatedly hurl lightning to stun or repel enemies, and also electrify water.
Speed Force sharing: In addition to his Speed Force energy protecting him from extreme speeds, Barry can also expand it to protect others he carries while moving at such levels.
Enhanced mental process: Barry's speed enhances and extends to his mental capacities, making his system and thought processing able to take in and retain information just as fast and efficiently. Even while using his raw speed, he can clearly think, react to events, and perform actions long before normal humans can perceive them.
Enhanced perceptions: Barry's speed extends to and enhances his senses.
Superhuman reflexes: Barry's reaction time is augmented to superhuman levels, allowing him to react to danger and events far faster than normal humans.
Enhanced strength: Barry's physical strength has been heightened to peak human capacities, greatly belying his slim built, allowing him to be able to carry multiple people at once while speeding away with them.
Superhuman agility: Barry has demonstrated flawless coordination, equilibrium and dexterity. He can change direction with immediate sharp turns without sliding or losing balance. He can jump and run along falling debris and launch himself tremendous distances with little build-up.
Superhuman durability: Barry possesses inhuman resilience to injury, taking attacks and exertion much easier than normal humans and surviving impacts that would easily harm or kill a normal person.
Superhuman speed: Barry can move at vast speeds, able to run across vertical structures and over large masses of water. Using this for his various daily activities, he can complete them all in seconds.
Superhuman momentum: Barry can generate great amounts of physical force through kinetic energy, simulating superhuman strength, even in a stationary position. He can propel himself through the air to jump tremendous heights and distances.
Aerokinesis: Barry can use his speed to generate air flows on various levels and for various effects. He can create vortexes to suffocate people or extinguish fires by forming it around them. He can create large and strong tornadoes, able to repel massive targets. Alternatively, he can use this skill to propel himself through the air as a pseudo-form of flying.
Speed mirages: Barry can generate illusions of himself to make it appear as if he in many places at once, when in reality he is simply bouncing back and forth too fast for the human mind to perceive the difference. He can create dozens of after-images, allowing him to disorientate his enemies and then catch them off guard.
Superhuman stamina: Barry can handle the stresses of extreme racing without noticeable distress, letting him function much longer than normal humans unhindered.

° Artistic
° Dancing- Barry is a talented dancer, particularly in tap and ballroom.
° Expert Computer skills.
° Expert Engineer
° Expert Scientist
° Genius level intellect/ Skilled Tactician/ Leader
° Physics/ Chemistry Expert
° Skilled Hand to Hand Combatant

Weaknesses- (mwehheheh)
* Cold temperatures: Because speed is produced by a build-up of heat in the target's atoms, Barry is vulnerable to extreme cold temperatures. Under these conditions, Barry's speed will be greatly reduced. Also, direct exposure to such cold will temporarily stunt his healing capacities.
* Electricity absorption: Barry's unique biology causes his body to produce massive amounts of electricity, which charges his molecules to allow for his accelerated movements. Should Barry be drained of this electrical energy, he will lose his powers. However, as this power is genetically coded to his DNA, he can potentially regain his speed by using more electricity to jump-start it.
* Hyper-metabolism: While moving at accelerated speeds, Barry burns calories much faster than a normal person. While breaking down food far more efficiently, it requires him to consume large amounts of nutrients. Continued usage of his speed while deprived renders him disoriented and weak before ultimately passing out from low blood glucose. Also, because of his accelerated healing, he is unaffected by sedatives as he burns through them too quickly to have any effect. He also cannot experience a buzz from drunking as even a 500 proof alcohol only intoxicated for a few seconds.
* Kinetic energy absorption: Because Barry's abilities are derived from movement, the removal of the kinetic energy he builds up will leave him in a state of temporary paralysis.
* Mortal wounds: Despite his enhanced healing, Barry can still potentially be killed by massive enough damage done to vital organs like his heart or brain.
* Power-dampening tech: Like most meta-humans, Barry's powers can be weakened, even disrupted, by specially designed tech that effects his resonance field
(I'm just putting this from both the show and the comic xD)

Perfection,flash is my favorite DC hero and you did him justice welcome.

Hero/Villain Name- Harley Quinn

Alter ego- Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel

Age- 26

Race- Human

Gender- Female

Hero or villain- Villian

Dr.Harleen worked as an intern at Arkam asylum and became very fascinated with the inmate known as the joker. She began to sympathies with the joker and as the two spent more time together the more she lost her sanity. After several attempts she was able to break the joker out of that dreadful prison. (Will add to later.)

Personality- Insane, dare devilish, crazy, immature, sinister, childish, playful, irresponsible

  • baseball bat
  • assault rifle
  • machine gun
  • Jack in the Box
  • Laughing Gas
  • High intelligence
  • Exceptional agility and strength
  • Immunity to most toxins
  • Psychiatrist
  • Skilled Gymnast, Exceptional hand to hand combatant
  • Human
  • mental illness
  • The Joker
(I will fix this up when I get the time.)
Hero/Villain Name- The Joker
Alter ego- Unknown
Age- Unknown
Race- Human
Gender- Male
Hero or villain- Villain
Bio- The Joker is a homicidal maniac and the archenemy of Batman. Although his real name and full origin are unknown, the Joker is known to have been thrown into a vat of chemicals which turned his skin white, his hair green, and left his face permanently locked in a double Glasgow Grin. Completely unpredictable with no regard for human life, the Joker finds murder and mayhem funny, and is perhaps the most dangerous man on Earth with a body count stretching into the thousands, all centered around his obsession with destroying the Dark Knight and to see the world burn.
Personality- The Joker is a homicidal,psychopathic, ruthless, sadistic, maniacal, lunatic, manipulative, intelligent and diabolical mastercriminal who wants nothing but chaos and anarchy wherever he goes, as well as reveling in the suffering of others
• Unique Physiology: Due to his chemical submergence, Joker has gained beyond average advantages over normal humans as well as further exposure has tainted his physiology.
Pain Resistance: It is speculated that the Joker's exposure to chemicals may have heightened his resistance to pain. It is also implied that he is masochistic in nature, and thus enjoys any pain received, making it an ineffective way of dealing with him.Tainted Blood: Joker's blood is tainted. It has been said that "being an avid consumer of his products, Joker's immunity to poisons has been built up over years of dedicated abuse." When a mosquito sucks the Joker's blood, it "writhes and whines, choking on tainted blood".
Toxic Immunity: The Joker is immune to his own venom as well as various similar toxins.
•Indomitable will
• Genius level intellect
• Gadgetry: The Joker commits crimes with countless "comedic" weapons (such as razor-sharp playing cards, acid-spewing flowers, cyanide pies, and lethally electric joy buzzers) and his signature Joker venom.
• Escapology- Able to escape any traps.
• Tactical Analysis- Ability to strategize and Develop complex plans of action
• Disguising himself
• Hand to hand Combat- The Joker has moderate skills in Hand to Hand combat.
• Intimation- He is adept at torturing his victims.

° Mental Illness: Joker has been locked away in Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane on several occasions.
° His inability to Kill Batman- to Joker, Batman is too much fun to kill.



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Hero/Villain Name-Red Hood

Alter ego- Jason Todd




Hero or villain- Villain

Bio- Growing up on the rough streets of Gotham as a child to a broken family hardened Jason. He witnessed the brutal nature of crime daily, soon engaging in petty crime himself. After being caught attempting to steal a tire from the batmobile Jason, and Batman recognizing that he could make a potential sidekick became Robin. As Robin Jason was reckless and aggressive often clashing with Bruce and nearly crossing the line on numerous occasions. Finally on one fateful day, Jason was kidnapped by Joker and beaten seemingly to death with a crowbar. Later resurrected in the Lazarus pit by Talia al Ghoul, Jason arose with a thirst for vengeance and what he perceived to be justice.

Personality- Still full of rage and hate for what had happened to him, Jason has seemingly been driven slightly mad after his dip in the Lazarus pit. Having not seen Bruce since that fateful day he anticipates the moment greatly. His greatest wish is to prove that he can do what Batman never could by purging Gotham of it's criminals one life at a time.

Powers- Lazarus-Enhanced Capabilities: As of his perfect resurrection by the Lazarus Pit, he no longer ages & regenerates from injuries at a very fast rate, allowing him to perfectly cheat death on several occasions.
  • Lazarus-Enhanced Capabilities: As of his perfect resurrection by the Lazarus Pit, he no longer ages & regenerates from injuries at a very fast rate, allowing him to perfectly cheat death on several occasions.
  • Peak Physical Condition: By matching his former mentor in combat he has proven that he is physically superior to most Olympic athletes, just as Batman is. His strength, reflexes, stamina, and endurance are roughly comparable to that of Dick Grayson.
  • Master Martial Artist: Jason Todd is a highly skilled combatant trained by Batman. Although he was always more of a brawler as Robin, following his resurrection, he gained more training and demonstrated himself to be far more skilled than before. This is shown when he fought his former mentor and Nightwing to a standstill when Jason held his own against the Green Arrow in a sword fight, and when he overpowered Tim Drake at Titans Tower. Jason's fighting style focuses on brutality, strength, and speed; he is shown to have studied over half-a dozen fighting styles and has proven to be a master of Aikido, Capoeira, Karate, Ninjutsu, Savate, Krav Maga, Kickboxing, and Tae Kwon Do. He has received extensive training from Batman, and after his resurrection, had traveled the world, learning every form of martial arts he could, just as Batman did.
  • Skilled Acrobat: In his training as Robin, he had been taught acrobatics and gymnastics routines.
  • Skilled Swordsman: Jason has been shown to be skilled enough to hold his own against the Green Arrow in a sword fight until he ultimately lost.
  • Skilled detective: Jason has shown some skill as a detective most notably in Outsiders #44 and #45.
  • Multi-Lingual: Taught by Batman, Jason is fluent in several languages having spoken English, French, German, Italian and various others with Russian being his weakest.
  • Polymath: After being adopted by Bruce, Jason received an excellent education and tutoring from both private tutors and Bruce thus, has deep knowledge in many subjects, including Science, Math, Medicine, Geography, Criminology, World History and English.
  • Intermediate Bomb assembly and Diffusal: Taught by a world renowned bomb expert in Russia, Jason is able to assemble and defuse a wide variety of conventional explosive devices, from improvised to military grade designs. It is yet to be determined whether or not he can diffuse Nuclear devices, in contrast to Batman and Damian's demonstrated ability.
  • Vehicular Driver: Jason has driven a variety of vehicles from cars and boats to being trained in the Middle East by an ace pilot to fly helicopters.

Weaknesses- His anger often clouds his judgement often triggered by thinking of Bruce and Dick. Just wait till he sees Tim.
Superhero/villain Identity: Superboy
Real Name: Jonathan 'Jon' Kent
Age: 14
Race: Kryptonian/Human Hybrid
Gender: Male; he/him
General Appearance:
View attachment 298747

View attachment 298749
Jon is a bright, creative, and generally happy person overall. His morals and values align with that of his father's (Truth, Justice, Peace, and the American way). On the physical side of things, Jon has bright blue eyes, black hair that is always shaggy, and is quite slim. Little do people realize, but Jon is actually a hybrid. He is half Human and half Kryptonian
Powers/Equipment: {:} Keep in mind that Jon's powers can fluctuate depending on the mood he's in {:}
Kryptonian/Human Physiology:
Super Strength
~ Telescopic Vision
~ X-Ray Vision
~ Flight
~ Heat Vision
~ Super Hearing
~ Freeze (Ice) breath
~ Invulnerability (inconsistent at times)
~ Superhuman Speed
Red Solar radiation
~ Kryptonite
~ Magic
~ Sensory Overload
History: Jon was born during a multiversal cataclysm event after both his and his mother's lives were jeopardized by a mentally unstable counterpart of his father. Superman managed to get his family into safety with the assistance of an alternate Batman, who aided Superman in the delivery of his son. Later in his years, Jon's powers manifest when his pet cat Goldie is taken from him by a falcon. This prompted Jon to use his heat vision, which in turn, fried both the falcon and his cat.
Personality Traits:
~ Cheerful
~ Truthful
~ Creative
The All-American Boy: A Middle Example, being a small-town boy who's sweet, polite, and more than a bit naive. However, he does have a cheeky side and he tends to be somewhat rebellious when no one's looking
~ Berserk Button: Taunting him over The death of his beloved cat
~ Farm Boy: Runs in the family.
~ Red Eyes, Take Warning: They're a sign that he's about to blast your face off with heat vision.
~ Brilliant, but Lazy: Despite being portrayed as the Dumb Muscle of the Super Sons (not helped by the fact that Damian is an Insufferable Genius and a Child Prodigy), Jon is surprisingly intelligent for his age when he puts his mind to it, solving ninth-grade math problems nearly instantly after not listening to the question, tinkering with Kryptonian technology under his father's supervision, and already knows how to drive a tractor and subsequently a truck, which he rams into the guy who was starting to overpower his dad. His foolishness comes more out of naivety, inexperience, and immaturity than any stupidity on his part. It also helps that he's around ten-years old and is thus not particularly invested in academia or otherwise using that brain of his to its full potential. As his teacher describes him:
Tony Martinez: [To Clark and Lois] You've got a great boy here. Quick thinking, always a few steps ahead, little bit of a daydreamer, but always respectful of me and his classmates. A real pleasure to have in class.
Last edited:

(Not my art. Credit goes to the name on the photo)

Hero/Villain Name-
Not one at the moment

Alter ego-
Page Summers




Hero or villain-

Page lived as a normal kid for a while. She had a mom and dad, nice home, and a wonderful life. When she began to show signs of magic however things changed. Despite living in a world of super heroes her family became frightened by the girls powers so the sold her to a secret laboratory that is trying to figure out the secrets of the super humans.

At age seven Page was put many harsh and cruel test using her magic and her body. The would push her to her limit causing her to get sick frequently. As much as she wanted someone kind and helpful to help her no one did. She was told as a little girl that when she was in trouble the superhero's would come and save her no matter what. Years went by and she finally lost hope in super heroes and humanity itself. If she wanted something done she would need to do it herself.

Fed up Page tried to escape but didn't make it far because the hand cuff that bidden her blocked most f her magic. The doctors decided it was time to run much more harder test on her which would put her on the boarder of life and death. However that was cut short due to the earthquake causing the facility to crash to the ground. Where is Page now?

When Page was a child she was a very caring and happy go lucky girl. She loved to make people smile and dreamed of making the world a better place. Now Page is untrusting of people, she is very shy, and when you meet her you can tell by the sound of her voice that she has went though something traumatizing. She is naive about the real world since she did all her learning in the laboratory so she knows hardly anything about the outside world. She's very quiet and still not sure what her purpose in life is. She sees her magic as more of a curse than a gift.

Lightforce Generation: Page generates a form of 'living light' which is actually LightForce. She produces much more than normal humans do, but is usually conservative in the use of her powers. Overuse of her powers could be fatal. She generates and stores this lifeforce energy automatically. If she goes for more than a week or so without using her powers she will become fevered and delirious, and eventually discharge her energy involuntarily.
  • Lightforce Daggers: Page can form 6-inch 'light daggers' which she can throw from her fingertips. Her daggers may automatically form under certain conditions, such as another person in danger. The maximum effective range is unknown, but the daggers seem to weaken with further distance. She has a limited ability to control their flight and reinforce them by compelling them to seek targets. They can track a being, as long she has some kind of trail to follow (blood, hair,ect) Those hit by these knives have their own lifeforce disrupted. She can then drain a portion of their lifeforce; enough to kill if she wishes. She can also choose to leave them in a state of shock where they will see a vision of how their life might be different. The experience is powerful enough to make most individuals rethink their choices, although a hardened criminal or evil being is unlikely to change their ways.
  • Lightforce Detoxification: Page's energy can also 'purge' a person, removing toxins, drugs, and other malignant substances from their system. It also has the capacity to cure certain persons of drug addictions.
  • Lightforce Manipulation: Sometimes Page can redirect the daggers after they ricochet, other times the daggers are dispersed if they hit a non-living thing. She can project her lifeforce energy in a diffused manner, allowing her to illuminate dark areas as if by natural light.
(This is all she can do but that doesn't mean she knows about, can do it well, and safely)

  • sly
  • intelligent
  • small
  • strong
  • for the most part level headed

  • as of right now she can be hurt like any other human
  • naive about her magic
  • second guesses her strength
  • works alone

Nor sure if I want her to be a villain or hero. Guess will find out XD
The DoomyFish The DoomyFish
Hero/Villain Name- Hector Barcelona

Alter ego- Green Lantern

Age- 22

Race- Human

Gender- male

Hero or villain- Hero

Bio- Hector never would've imagined he would become a hero while he was at college, but when Hal Jordan of Earth sacrificed himself to destroy paralax and the sinestro corps Hector was chosen by the ring to become the newest green lanturn. He has never actually been in anykind of combat situation nor is he known to the justice league, he just finished his basic training on Oa and is now heading home to earth.

Personality- Hector is stubborn and immature and frankly has no idea what it means to be a hero. He is brash and often disobeys orders. That said he does have a good heart and is very crafty. He never accepts defeat and though inexperienced he seems very good at boosting morale.

Force field generation
Energy projection
Energy absorbtion
Green light Construct generation
Universal translation
Galactic encyclopedia
Environmental playback
Minor regenerative capabilities
Transluminal flight (Deep space only.)

Lanturn combat training
Quick critical thinking
Morale boosting
Pissing off Batman
Computer sciences
Engineering sciences

Fear itself-Hector has yet to truly conquer fear so any remaining yellow lanturns pose a severe threat to him.
Mental instability- any type of telepathic assault or un defended toxin that causes mind altering effects can render his ring ineffective
Battery life- Like any lanturn ring Hector's ring has a battery life. He must charge this ring by uttering the oath "In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evils might, beware my power, Green lanturns light."

No one knows Hector as the green lanturn, nor are they aware of hals death. Hal Jordan has been gone for 2 years now. In truth he died in the field 8 months ago, Hector was chosen and whisked away to OA where he was trained. Now he returns to earth, and I'm sure the league has questions for him.​
Superhero/villain Identity: Superboy
Real Name: Jonathan 'Jon' Kent
Age: 14
Race: Kryptonian/Human Hybrid
Gender: Male; he/him
General Appearance:
View attachment 298747

View attachment 298749
Jon is a bright, creative, and generally happy person overall. His morals and values align with that of his father's (Truth, Justice, Peace, and the American way). On the physical side of things, Jon has bright blue eyes, black hair that is always shaggy, and is quite slim. Little do people realize, but Jon is actually a hybrid. He is half Human and half Kryptonian
Powers/Equipment: {:} Keep in mind that Jon's powers can fluctuate depending on the mood he's in {:}
Kryptonian/Human Physiology:
Super Strength
~ Telescopic Vision
~ X-Ray Vision
~ Flight
~ Heat Vision
~ Super Hearing
~ Freeze (Ice) breath
~ Invulnerability (inconsistent at times)
~ Superhuman Speed
Red Solar radiation
~ Kryptonite
~ Magic
~ Sensory Overload
History: Jon was born during a multiversal cataclysm event after both his and his mother's lives were jeopardized by a mentally unstable counterpart of his father. Superman managed to get his family into safety with the assistance of an alternate Batman, who aided Superman in the delivery of his son. Later in his years, Jon's powers manifest when his pet cat Goldie is taken from him by a falcon. This prompted Jon to use his heat vision, which in turn, fried both the falcon and his cat.
Personality Traits:
~ Cheerful
~ Truthful
~ Creative
The All-American Boy: A Middle Example, being a small-town boy who's sweet, polite, and more than a bit naive. However, he does have a cheeky side and he tends to be somewhat rebellious when no one's looking
~ Berserk Button: Taunting him over The death of his beloved cat
~ Farm Boy: Runs in the family.
~ Red Eyes, Take Warning: They're a sign that he's about to blast your face off with heat vision.
~ Brilliant, but Lazy: Despite being portrayed as the Dumb Muscle of the Super Sons (not helped by the fact that Damian is an Insufferable Genius and a Child Prodigy), Jon is surprisingly intelligent for his age when he puts his mind to it, solving fifth-grade math problems nearly instantly after not listening to the question, tinkering with Kryptonian technology under his father's supervision, and already knows how to drive a tractor and subsequently a truck, which he rams into the guy who was starting to overpower his dad. His foolishness comes more out of naivety, inexperience, and immaturity than any stupidity on his part. It also helps that he's around ten-years old and is thus not particularly invested in academia or otherwise using that brain of his to its full potential. As his teacher describes him:
Tony Martinez: [To Clark and Lois] You've got a great boy here. Quick thinking, always a few steps ahead, little bit of a daydreamer, but always respectful of me and his classmates. A real pleasure to have in class.


(Not my art. Credit goes to the name on the photo)

Hero/Villain Name-
Not one at the moment

Alter ego-
Page Summers




Hero or villain-

Page lived as a normal kid for a while. She had a mom and dad, nice home, and a wonderful life. When she began to show signs of magic however things changed. Despite living in a world of super heroes her family became frightened by the girls powers so the sold her to a secret laboratory that is trying to figure out the secrets of the super humans.

At age seven Page was put many harsh and cruel test using her magic and her body. The would push her to her limit causing her to get sick frequently. As much as she wanted someone kind and helpful to help her no one did. She was told as a little girl that when she was in trouble the superhero's would come and save her no matter what. Years went by and she finally lost hope in super heroes and humanity itself. If she wanted something done she would need to do it herself.

Fed up Page tried to escape but didn't make it far because the hand cuff that bidden her blocked most f her magic. The doctors decided it was time to run much more harder test on her which would put her on the boarder of life and death. However that was cut short due to the earthquake causing the facility to crash to the ground. Where is Page now?

When Page was a child she was a very caring and happy go lucky girl. She loved to make people smile and dreamed of making the world a better place. Now Page is untrusting of people, she is very shy, and when you meet her you can tell by the sound of her voice that she has went though something traumatizing. She is naive about the real world since she did all her learning in the laboratory so she knows hardly anything about the outside world. She's very quiet and still not sure what her purpose in life is. She sees her magic as more of a curse than a gift.

Lightforce Generation: Page generates a form of 'living light' which is actually LightForce. She produces much more than normal humans do, but is usually conservative in the use of her powers. Overuse of her powers could be fatal. She generates and stores this lifeforce energy automatically. If she goes for more than a week or so without using her powers she will become fevered and delirious, and eventually discharge her energy involuntarily.
  • Lightforce Daggers: Page can form 6-inch 'light daggers' which she can throw from her fingertips. Her daggers may automatically form under certain conditions, such as another person in danger. The maximum effective range is unknown, but the daggers seem to weaken with further distance. She has a limited ability to control their flight and reinforce them by compelling them to seek targets. They can track a being, as long she has some kind of trail to follow (blood, hair,ect) Those hit by these knives have their own lifeforce disrupted. She can then drain a portion of their lifeforce; enough to kill if she wishes. She can also choose to leave them in a state of shock where they will see a vision of how their life might be different. The experience is powerful enough to make most individuals rethink their choices, although a hardened criminal or evil being is unlikely to change their ways.
  • Lightforce Detoxification: Page's energy can also 'purge' a person, removing toxins, drugs, and other malignant substances from their system. It also has the capacity to cure certain persons of drug addictions.
  • Lightforce Manipulation: Sometimes Page can redirect the daggers after they ricochet, other times the daggers are dispersed if they hit a non-living thing. She can project her lifeforce energy in a diffused manner, allowing her to illuminate dark areas as if by natural light.
(This is all she can do but that doesn't mean she knows about, can do it well, and safely)

  • sly
  • intelligent
  • small
  • strong
  • for the most part level headed

  • as of right now she can be hurt like any other human
  • naive about her magic
  • second guesses her strength
  • works alone

Nor sure if I want her to be a villain or hero. Guess will find out XD
The DoomyFish The DoomyFish
Both of these are accepted. :)
Faceclaim: (I, strangely enough, couldn't find someone who fit her description. I can, however, give a verbal description. If an image is absolutely necessary, then let me know.) Irish-Scottish in appearance, and has blue eyes and red-brown hair. She is thin but fit, and has a pair of leg blades.​

Hero/Villain Name- Blades​

Alter ego- Rachel Lockwood

Age- 23
Race- Human

Gender- Female

Hero or villain- Hero

Bio- She was born into a wealthy family. Her father was a highly successful lawyer, and her mother was a neurosurgeon. Both of her parents wanted her to have a similarly successful job, but she just wanted to run. Her parents did everything they could to try and force her into a high paying profession. Nonetheless, she kept trying to do what she wanted. One day, she got into a horrible car accident where she lost both of her legs. She thought that she could never run again, but she was wrong. She learned about something called leg blades. Leg blades are the fancy prosthetic legs that runners use that have that curve in them. She was able to somehow convince her parents to get her a pair, and a high quality one at that. When she put them on, she immediately was able to run again. That was unheard of. When she graduated high school, she decided to go into the martial arts. She was at the top of her class. At the age of 19, she ordered herself a very special pair of leg blades, this time taking the whole 'blade' part literally. She learned to use them like weapons, paired with a set of Katanas. She became so skilled, that even the most successful martial artists respected her. After that, she decided to take a new class in college: Nuclear Physics. Finally her parents started rooting her on. Once she got a Bachelor's degree, she visited a science center in upstate New York. But she was there, disaster struck again. In the same explosion that gave Aleksandr Petrov his powers, she was hurt, but also gifted. She received a single power: Material Regeneration. She was kept in a hospital for a month, but was released after some testing. She headed home to her house in Anaheim, California. She discovered that she had her new power and realized that she could be a sort of superhero. This was when she found her calling.

Personality- She is very friendly, but somewhat arrogant. She is very athletic and loves to run. Also, her puns make people want to scream.
Enhanced Speed- While she is nowhere near The Flash, she can still run pretty dang fast. If she really puts her mind to it, she can run up to speeds double that of a professional runner.
Martial Warrior- She is a master at martial arts, and loves to fight.
Material Regeneration- By absorbing matter, she can heal herself.

Skills- She has knowledge in Nuclear Physics and great knowledge in martial arts.

Weaknesses- Unlike Petrov, she is overconfident. She Is also deathly terrified of cars, as she lost her legs in a car accident.

Other- Theme: 'Binary Sunset' by John Williams.
General Information

Name: Barry Allen-Reyes Jr
Nickname: BJ
Gender: Male
Race: Hispanic/White
Age: 15
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Languages: English/Spanish
Other abilities (if applicable): Phasing, running at high speeds, throwing speed force lightning like most speedsters can.
Faceclaim: Young Daniel Radcliff from the Harry Potter Films

Alter Ego: BarryAllen Reyes "BJ" Jr

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'3''
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Length: Back goes to nape of neck
Hair Style: Mullet
Eye Colour: Brown
Body Shape: Athletic with thick powerful legs from running a lot.
Right Handed or Left Handed?: Right Handed
Scars: on back and front of chest both surgical scarring.
Tattoos: Has Blue Beetle like markings on his shoulders

General Attitude: Upbeat, but full of nervous energy and he is cautious towards unfamiliar faces. Once you win his trust he is a very loyal person.

Personality: curious about the world around him BJ has an inquisitive mind
Normal Mood: positive and warm hearted
Good Qualities: Protective of friends/family,takes interest in what your doing, supportive
Bad Habits: Picking at hair or skin, clenching jaw and grinding teeth out of nervousness, foot tapping
Strengths: thinking on the spot, learns by trial and error, studious, and stands up for himself
Weaknesses: can loose focus since he thinks so fast, easily distracted, hyperactive
Likes: pizza,animals, hanging out with superheroes,training
Dislikes: natural disasters, seeing people in danger and not being able to help, war, mentions of invasions fictional or real
Fears: Hospitals, outer space, being confident against his will
Why?: After the Reach invade and conquer Earth, they round up meta-humans and experiment on them in hospitals. BJ was held in one after his adopted dads were killed before running to a different earth/to the past
Soft Spot: plush toys, he used to have them as a kid which made him feel secure


Adoptive Fathers: Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes and Impulse/Bart Allen
Great-Grandson of the Flash

Theme: Lightning Strikes- Rupert Greyson-Williams

Other: Due to his captivity by the Reach, he never received a traditional education after the age of eight years old. All he knows is fighting and he killed several scientists to escape. It's going to take someone with a lot of patience to mentor him. Teach him how to live as normal a life as a superhero.
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Did best with Bio, sometimes I'm really bad with backstories.




Hero/Villain Name- Dread Hunter

Alter ego- Gray Deaxus

Age- 24

Race- Metahuman

Gender- Male

Hero or villain- Anti-Hero


Gray was born to a fairly normal family on the outskirts of Metropolis. At a young age his parents started to notice he was a bit different then other children. The other kids trip they scrape thair knee or get a injury of some sorts, Gray trips, he remained unfazed.

One day on his 14th birthday Gray punched another child for stealing his toy and sent the child flying back several feet onto some furniture. Then his parents realized he is a MetaHuman.

Couple days later some guys in suits, clameing to be from the government show up to the house and kidnap Grey by force. They take him to a facility to test his super abilities and train him in combat. Several years later Gray decides to try and break out, ge easily overpowers the guards but is severely wounded in the escape. He finds himself in a room full of magical artifacts. Knowing he has no choice he grabs several artifacts and tries to figure out how to use him. A small amulet he finds speaks to him and tells him that they both seek to escape and it wills to assist, Gray at first is sure but gets discovered by guards, following the Amulets instructions he shatters it causing nearby shadows to cosume his attackers. Another shadow fuses with his shadow.

He later excapes seeking to help those in need, regardless of his methods.

He later attempted to find his parents but to no avail.


Tends to be cocky, talkative but mostly to himself, dislikes prolonged fights, willing to kill his enemies if he deems necessary.


Shadow Manipulation: Can create and control shadows, cause shadows to become solid objects and use shadows to warp from place to place, but only in short distances.

Separate Shadow: His shadow is a separate entity and acts alone for most part but protects him. The shadow can also emurge from the ground in a physical form.

Enhanced Physical Strength and durability: Dread Hunter is much physically stronger then then the average human, but not quite superhuman. He can also survive things that would kill a normal human such as impalement or a great fall.

Enhanced Endurance and Stanima: Dread Hunter has a much higher endurance to pain and higher Stanima then normal humans.


Swordplay: Dread Hunter is highly skilled in useing daggers, swords and other bladed weapons, he prefers one handed weapons though.

Stealth: Dread Hunter is highly skilled in stealth tactics, allowing him to move around unseen.

Marksman: While not as skilled as other heroes and villains. Dread Hunter is fairly accurate with most firearms.

Close Combat Expertise: While not as skilled as other heroes and villains, Dread Hunter is very skilled in hand to hand combat.


Lack of Shadows: Dread Hunter can only manipulate existing shadows, no shadows, no shadow powers. A pitch black room will also work. Also has to be touching the shadow or his shadow overlapping an existing shadow.

Bound by Shadows: If his shadow gets destroyed or weakened, Dread Hunter temporary loses his shadow abilities.

Human on inside: Despite bring a Metahuman, Dread Fighter can still be wounded or killed by anything that hurts humans, just requires more effort.
Superhero/villain Identity: Kid Flash
Real Name: Wallace "Wally" West
Age: 18
Gender: Male; he/him
General Appearance:
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Standing at exactly 6 feet, and weighing in at 175 pounds, Wally is quite toned and primarily fit for someone his age. However, this may be because of his accelerated healing factor putting his muscles in a constant state of cellular regeneration. In addition, Wally, obviously, has red hair and lime-green eyes.
Powers/Equipment: Wally's primary power is his connection to the Speed Force. It's that simple. Although, with Wally's connection to the Speed Force comes a plethora of other abilities and powers. Ranging from enhanced strength, to bypassing the laws of friction. However, unlike Bart and Barry, Wally has an issue with passing through solid objects. When he does vibrate his molecules and pass through solid objects, one of two things will happen. He'll either get a nose bleed or the object will explode. Moving on, Wally can summon his suit at will. His suit (as seen above) is made from pure Speed Force energy, and can be constructed just by thinking about it.
Weaknesses: Too much of, or too little of, gravity, lack of friction, speed-dampening serum, running for too long, being "cut" from the Speed Force, physical injuries, gas poisoning
History: Being the nephew of Iris West, the fiancé to Barry Allen a.k.a. The Flash, Wally grew up in a small town called Blue Valley. Most of the time, he dreamed about living in Central City, mainly because of his emotionally distant parents. His childhood hero, the Flash, operated in Central City as well, which was also a factor in his want to move there. One fateful summer, Iris wanted Wally to stay with her for the summer. Happily, Wally agreed, and so did his parents. During his stay in Central City, Wally was introduced to Barry, who in return, introduced Wally to the Flash. The Flash informed Wally of how he acquired his powers, and soon...the same technique would happen to Wally. It was later discovered that the Speed Force used these "accidents" as a cover to grant super speed to people. A while later, Barry would reveal his identity as the Flash to Wally.
Personality Traits:
~ Witty / Wise Cracker
~ Laid back
~ Charming
~ Cocky​
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Jordan Grace

  • Hero/Villain Name: Nyght/ "Superior Batman"
    Age: 19
    Occupation: Student/ Hero
    Race: Meta-Human
    Gender: Male
    Hero or villain: Anti-Hero

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