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Fandom DBZ X Generation

Oliver Wade

Junior Member
10,000 years have passed since the events of DBZ battle of the Gods. The universe has since quieted down, aside from rogue organizations here and there getting into dick measuring contests with peacekeepers and nations. The Saiyan bloodline has sense branched out, becoming more common so that now named families of elite fighters have risen and train to be the most powerful of the planet earth. However, because of their diluted power, the once heralded energy has become near impossible to awaken within a Saiyan. A single Super Saiyan has not been heard of since Goten, whom is also the founder of one such family.

The legendary Z fighters have, as well, disbanded and have faded from memory. The Immortal super saiyans of legend are nowhere to be seen. Their dispersion amongst the general population also caused a power curve. Tien, it is said, even began a monestary where he trained humans in the same intense training he underwent with Kami. This caused a power curve. The very average power level of an average human rose from a measly two, to a whopping ten. This also, in turn, raised the power level of earth's champions. Meaning earth was no longer a planet of measly worms to those with champion races, and had a standing in the universe. To an extent at least.

Lightyears away on New Namek, the King Pician had observed the universe through the ancient Dende's eyes. On the Gladiator planet Mortak, neighbor to New Namek, a Universe Tournament was being held. Pician would not pass up such an opportunity, being a direct descendant of Piccalo, a legendary fighter himself. He had undergone harsh training since his birth, and was eager to compete.

Despite his thirst for victory, Pician realised a victory would mean nothing without worthy adversaries. He decided to gather a group of elite fighters from earth, the last lpcation of a truly powerful battle in the universe. There, he would hand pick the strongest fighters on the planet, train them to become truly great, and then bring them to compete in a pool of warriors who would no doubt already be destructively unstoppable.

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