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Realistic or Modern Day One




Have you ever looked at the news, and see what goverments are fighting over? Stupid things, that could lead to wars? Well, it's 2015. North Korea and the U.S had a war inbetween them, nukes everywhere. They took every single country with them. They used chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, all types of bombs, to leave us all like rubble.

This caused the destruction of our so called ''earth.'' It is now a giant wasteland with buildings popping out of the now nature-taken city. Humans mutated in horrendous ways, creating some types of horrid creatures, even worse than humans themselves. The chemical weapons caused mutuation in the human body. The victims of this, are now flesh eating beasts. These creatures, named ''H1'' or more commonly, ''Eaters'' are not zombies. They are not rotting corpses stumbling around, they are more deadly.

They have the agility of a normal human being, able to run and slightly jump. These beings eat all types of meat, be human or animal, they don't care. The Eaters won't bite you and make you one of their kinds, they will kill you, brutally. Their fingernails are as sharp as razors, teeth as pointy as the ones of sharks. They have distinct gray-ish skin, due to the malnutrition. When you die, or they kill you, your body decays on the floor, and the plants, the genetically mutated plants, consume that body. The parasite that they have enters your brain, and makes you one of them. They die with a shot in the head, or a strong hit to it, and that's the only way. There are more types of these beings, and that will only be experienced by you, in the moment.

You are a group of normal teenagers, trying to overcome this, even tough,
you will die.

Fight the bandits, or be one.


NO one liners. Three line paragraph minimum.

Have a bit of detail, please.

No god-modding. Let yourself be hit, don't go headshotting everywhere you go. If you read this, put something red in your CS

Be active. If you're engaged with someone at least tell them you wont be active.

Have fun!

9:00 AM, Mall.

A screeching sound and a horrible scream made the teens wake up. Ace woke up in terror at the sounds that were echoing across the giant, collapsed mall. He slowly got up, looking at the sides, seeing most of his friends next to eachother. He had no idea what had happened. The last thing he remembered were the screams of people that were terrorized at the bombing. His stomach growled, and his troath was as dry as the desert. His skin was extremely pale, his nutrition was clearly horrible, he could barely run at this point.

He crouched and started to scan the place, seeing a horrible human-like thing, it was dragging itself trough the floor, it had been damaged in the legs. The shock made him push the girl at his side, Carmilla. He stared at the thing, horrified, Ace was praying that Carmilla would wake up and not scream.
Carmilla sat up, about to grumble about being woken up when she opened her eyes, and saw the creature infront of her. Her eyes were huge and terrified, not knowing what the hell it was.

"Stay quiet" She whispered, not daring to take her eyes off the creature as she laced up her boots. Once they were tied, she moved into a crouching position as her friend was. She couldn't risk waking up the others, not knowing if one of them would scream or do something stupid.

"What do we do? Kill it?"

Sun was coming in through holes in the ceiling, illuminating bits and pieces of the mall. Most of one side was rubble, and the floor was decorated with the pulverized remnants of glass and concrete, almost looking like snow among the large bits of ceiling and walls. Store displays were fallen and some charred. Was there a fire? Were any of them hurt? Were there any other people in here?

Carm racked her brain for answers before she realized what had happened the night before. Mostly her memories were plagued with explosions and screaming people. But her mind seemingly cut off whatever happened after that, as if it was too much to remember all at once.

avid Blackburn

A stomach-twisting scream erupted somewhere, piercing through the air with raw terror and fear. He could feel his heart hammering inside his chest as it rose and fell, but he couldn't will his eyes open as much as he tried. Darkness swelled around him. Time was no longer relevant it seemed. He could have been asleep for weeks or a day for all he knew. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, his heart rate climbing higher and higher as the scream continued, the screeching growing more raw. Then his eyes shot open, blue and dilated with fear.

Head pounding and stomach aching, he hesitantly sat up. It took him a good full minute to remember who he was, and his last memory. David James Blackburn. Last at a mall with friends before he had heard screams. He couldn't remember anything past the distant memory, and it frustrated him for unknown reasons. Not certain how to feel about the whole incident, he stood up on his feet. A few of the others were slowly beginning to awaken he noticed. Sunlight poured in from the ceiling, making him squint through the bright light as he dazedly glanced at Carmilla and Ace.

Then he saw it. At first he had thought it was a human, but as his eyes looked downward, he saw it no longer had legs, and looked oddly... deformed. As if it once had been human at some point, but now was... different. He wasn't sure if he was imagining it because of dehydration, or if it was real. Maybe this was all a dream. As much as he wanted it to be a dream, deep down he knew it was far from a dream. David opened his mouth to say something, or maybe even attempt to wake the others, but stopped himself as he watched the strange, deformed human crawl along on the floor.

He stared at Camilla at her suggestion of
killing the human--or what was left of it. The very thought of ending a life made him shiver. For all he knew, the person could have had their legs blown off, or something. Maybe they just needed help. But something was gnawing at him. The eyes of the person didn't look human-like anymore. The glow of life seemed vacant, and lifeless. What if the person wasn't human anymore...? He shook his head, running a hand through his hair as he continued to stare at the crawling human--or whatever it was. He blinked.

"We don't need to... kill it if it's not gonna bother us, right?" he whispered. "We should just leave it alone and get outta here, find out what's goin' on."

A quite bright day. It was standard weekday walk, going about the daily routine, waiting for the bus. The war seemed miles away. Sudden whale of sirens as warning of the attack on nearby radio. A flaming object in the sky falling near the city center. A blinding flash. A burning sensation in the entire body. Screaming of pain and agony. Strong force hurling back. Blackness.

Alexis snapped out of the vision, he woke in a bile of rubble of a blacked objects he didnt recognition. He breathed heavily as he tried to look around in near panic trying to make some sense of were he was. Shock followed pain as he felt like he was on fair enough to make him scream in pain as instict told him to move thinking it was were he was that caused his pain. His movement were stiff and weak like Alexi hadn't walked for a while but by some miracles he managed through will, he wasn't dying here. He was free but the pain remained, Alexis looked at himself, his clothes were beyond just tittered, they didn't exist only burns through out the his body.

Alexis mind raced trying to figure out what to do. He needed clothing and more importantly he needed medicine. Alexis look around, clothes seemed to be the easiest to find as fate was kind enough to let him wake up in a clothes store. Most things were charred or torn but Alexis eventually found some rags to cover himself though the process of putting them on was painful. He checked the assemble in a nearby mirror, the sight of his face even made him cringe. Like a mutant in a bad sci fi flick. Alexis cursed he could be seen like this, he didnt want to be seen like this. He trudged around the store for a solution, coming to the cashier area. He found a box marked: "Emergency, in case of chemical attack." There was an image of a gas mask on top and the toxic hazard symbol. He opened it seeing the gas mask inside, he took it and wore it without a second thought. He must cover himself, he cant be seen like this. He trudged out of the store and the shuttered remains of a mall came into view earning his awe and a chill down his spine.
Devany groaned as she woke up to a screeching sound, her head feeling like it was going to explode. With her eyes still closed, she wondered where she was for what she was lying on felt more like a cold, hard surface instead of the warm plushness that was her bed. The last thing she remembered, she was at the mall with some friends, finishing up some last minute Christmas shopping and about to go to a party with said friends. She didn't remember going to the party, but the way she was feeling with the head-splitting migraine and fatigue like she ran a mile, she associated it with a hangover. However, she vaguely remembered screaming to stars dancing in front her eyes before an abrupt darkness.

Must have been a fun night... Shakily, Devany pushed herself up in a sitting position. Her eyes slowly opened, widening in response to the scenery that met her sight. The mall did not exactly looking the same as she remembered it, most of it having collapsed. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she looked around the rubble, seeing some familiar faces that were some feet away. When she was about to call out for them, she stopped herself as she saw the most hideous creature she had ever seen in her entire life. It put all the creatures she read about in horror stories to shame, especially since it chilled her right down to the core.

Looking around her, Devany noticed the shopping bags scattered around her and remembered the pocketknife she bought. She was going to gift it to her brother, but the world now has seemed to have turned for the worst and that put Christmas gifts as a thing of the past. Carefully, and as quietly as she could so she wouldn't attract any attention, she went through the bags and found what she was looking for. She didn't know what to do with a pocketknife against these creatures, but it was better than nothing, and fighting off the vertigo as she slowly got up to her feet and crept over to the group of three.

"I don't suppose any of you guys got a match or something to light it on fire, huh?" She whispered, grasping the pocketknife tightly in her hand.
Rissa had a rude awakening to a exceedingly blood-curdling scream. She refused to open her eyes, grimacing at the splitting headache that had invaded her brain. Her hearing dropped in and out; as if she had been hit with an explosion. Rissa tried to assemble her thoughts, although it made her experience even more painful.

My name is Clarissa Sterling. Where am I? What am I doing?

Her eyes still shut, the thoughts all came at her at once. The last thing she could remember is chatting with her friends at the mall, as some of them needed to buy items to wrap for tonight's party, or more of a get-together. Rissa had already bought all of her presents for her beloved friends, except one. She needed to buy the perfect thing for that certain person.

Rissa's eyes bolted open, frantically searching for the gift she had just bought. It had costed a lot and she put a lot of thought into it. Reaching around, she notices that she was surrounded by rubble. No matter, she had to find that present. Rissa got up on her knees, experiencing a sharp pain. "Ah, fuck!" She sharply whispered, holding her back. Her head had stopped throbbing due to the new pain, so she was at last thinking clearly. Turning around to inspect the damage on her lower back, her eyes rest on four of her friends, hunched and whispering. Rissa carefully made her way to the group, grabbing her backpack and frowning as the present wasn't a part of the contents of the bag.

As she looked at her surroundings, she noticed that she may not even need the present anymore. Rissa finally saw what her group of friends were gawking at.

There was a mutilated... thing on the floor, crawling and making terrible noises. It resembled the shape of the human, but she could barely find any human-like qualities about it. She scanned the familiar faces of her friends and studied their expressions. They had been talking about killing the creature. Rissa had stayed quiet, looking back on the monstrous freak of nature.
The sight of the creature obviously made him panic, and the whispers of his friends made the chills in his spine get even worse. They were all seeing the same thing. Dead people and mutated people would be something to be expected from horrible bombings, but this?

This wasn't human. He then shook his head at Devany's question, since he hadn't brought anything here. Not even a match.

He slowly rubbed his hands against eachother, his eyes slowly moving to see all this place. It was overrun by some type of very bright plants and grass, even brighter than the normal one, almost as if it was glowing.

His toughts were interrumpted by a loud screech. He rapidly shifted his gaze to the creature, seeing its dead eyes had seen them. Ace's eyes widened at the sight. The creature would keep hissing and doing some sort of inhumane scream.

He tried to run, or at least walk with the fastest speed he could, kicking the thing in the neck. Its throat got stuck, making it unable to make a noise anymore.

He got on top of him and grabbed a rock from the side, hitting it with force in the skull.

Ace's mind was horrified at what he had done, but, it was an instinct. If he let that thing keep screaming, it would attract more of these creatures, assuming there were more, and that would even a worse situation.

He slowly got off of it, with his hands and body shaking.
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Alexis trudged through the ruins of the mall, the grey morning with the little light falling through the remains of the roof gave everything a creepy foggy quality. The screaming and moans did not help matters either, some were close he people trying to move who like Alexis were charred remains of humans. He focused on the one who showed more movement, barely ably to move her head or arms.

"Hey... I am gonna... I am gonna see what i can do for you."Alexis said kneeling next to her and examined her seeing if she could be moved. However she began moving more quickly shaking almost violently against Alexis touch trying to scream. He looked in her eyes who was looking at the mask with clear fright in here eyes. He noted her right arm moving, he moved his hand to stop it. There was a switch knife in her hand. She was that quick to kill him... The knife dropped from her hand as her body began to go limp as the excitement was to much for her. He knelled silently for a moment, muttering a small prayer before taking the switch-knife and got up.
Carmilla stood up, still staring at the thing. Whatever it was, it wasn't a threat anymore.

"Well, we should probably wait to get some stuff before torching shit, Dev." Carm laughed. If there was anything about that girl that was need to know, was that she was ruthless.

The smile was wiped from her face pretty soon when she heard Rissa's act out in pain. Carmilla still had next to no clue what was happening, other than a lot of people were dead and she's currently with possibly the most odd bunched group of her friends she could imagine.

"Are you aright?" She asked, laying a hand on the girls shoulder. "If you're hurt we can look for meds or something."

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Rissa stared blankly at the horrid creature that was no longer moving. She furrowed her brows at Ace, who was shivering after his outburst. He killed it in a blink of an eye, like it was an instinct. Not knowing what to say or think, she stayed quiet until Carmilla rested her hand on her shoulder. Rissa squinted her eyes as pressure was applied, making pain from her lower back shoot upward.

Smiling apologetically at her reaction, Rissa replied. "Thank you, but we should only grab medicine along the way. I don't want to trouble the rest of you."

Rissa trusted this group of friends, but she didn't go out with them much. She was always busy and running around, this Christmas shopping was one of her only breaks in her schedule. She figured that she has an eternal break from her old life now. Her eyes dilated with fear as she remembered her family. Thoughts swam through her mind, wondering if her beloved ones are safe or if they ended up like those things... Shaking her head, she looked away from Carmilla with another small, forced smile.

Another question lingered in her mind as she studied Ace's kill. What do we do now?

avid Blackburn

Rissa and Devany were awake, along with most of the others. The teens had all crouched beside each other, gawking and staring at the thing as it crawled over the ruins of the mall. David was still trying to piece the clues together. The mall was, obviously, destroyed. Vibrant plants were clinging to most of the walls, and no other living being was in sight. The confused, jumbled thoughts pierced through his mind, making the headache even worse. Sighing in defeat, he gave up on trying to make sense of any of it. All he could do now is observe and collect more info.

The more he watched the strange thing crawling on the floor, the more he was dismissing the idea of it being human anymore. It just seemed unlikely--the thing was making inhuman-like noises from its throat and if it
was human, the person would have bled out by now. Whatever it was, it gave him the willies as it moaned and slowly crawled with its two arms against the surface of the ground. David crouched beside Devany, his eyes still glued on the creature. With a deafening screech, the creature was making its way toward the teens.

David, for a brief second, felt fear bloom in his chest. By the time the thing had moved ten feet, he had managed to swallow down the fear, and calm himself as he always had done in daring situations. With a clear mind, he stood up on his feet since the creature now could see them, and quickly looked around his surroundings for anything that could be used as an weapon. David scanned over the ground around him, and found nothing but pieces of rubble and an occasional large rock. Biting his lower lip, he bent down and gripped his hands around the rock nearest to him.

It wasn't the best weapon against the creature, but it was all he could muster in the split-second decision. He raised the rock above his head as the creature slowly made its way toward the group of teenagers, ready to attack. Suddenly, in a blur, Ace was running from the thing. The creature gripped its hands around him as it attempted to grab him, but Ace kicked it in the throat, cutting off its screams and groaning. David couldn't help but to stare as Ace repeatedly bashed the creature's head in with a rock, over and over until all life in the creature was completely gone.

Silence followed after Ace had put an end to the creature. Whatever it was, it was dead and long gone. David dropped the rock which he had been gripping so tightly his knuckles had turned white, and stood in complete silence, letting everything that had happened process. Ace had killed something that once had been human. What had that thing been? How long ago had it been alive, with two legs, and happy? Had it had family? The pit of his stomach sunk. His family.

Oh my Christ.

Angela knew what was coming after she had seen the vicious creatures for the first time. She had watched too many old time zombie movies not to know.

She had taken to calling them "eaters". Suddenly, She remembered the sight of her family's charred remains and held back tears. "Pull it together Angela, just stay calm." She kept telling herself. Soon, however, she found herself sobbing, wishing the world would go back to normal.

She stood up and looked at the place she was in one last time. It was a grocery store that she went to in order to See if there was any food.

She clumsily wiped the tears from her face as she walke out of the store. About a half a mile away was the mall. "Might as well check it out..."

She gazed upon the destroyed landscape with a faint sense of hopelessness. She slashed and stabbed at the heads of a few of the eaters along the walk to the mall. She nearly reached the main entrance when she swore that she heard a faint echo of a scream. A human scream. She ripped open the door and made her way into the mall at a brisk pace.

She kept walking the desolate building, killing more eaters. One of the eaters quickly leapt from the shadows and clawed pretty deeply into her shoulder. She let out a rather loud cry of pain. She sliced the eater's head in half, kneeled down on the floor and winced in pain. "Shit! Shit! Goddamit!" She said, her voice shaking. She touched her shoulder and felt liquid cover her fingers. She looked at her unsteady hand, which was covered in deep red blood.
Alexis walked through the mall, trying to ravaging anything useful she could find in the various shops. Everything seemed to frozen in time, like no one living has been through this places in months. It was a depressing thought to be in such a situation but at least if anything survived whatever happened to them, it was still there to be taken. So far she had found a backpack, a couple of first aid kits, some odd cans of food and granola bars.

It wasnt long though when she came across the mutant eaters. She saw a group gorging them selves on a recent kill and silencing the screams of another survivor waking up to their blight. She hid behind a wall of a store as she tried not to through up in her mask, trying to figure out a way to get past. Luckily their attention were drawn away by a sounds of fighting nearby and run of after its source. Alexis had to follow as it was the only way to move forward, she then saw the first sign of a human life: An injured woman a few of the mutants surrounded her while Alexis group about to attack it. Alexis couldn't just stand by taking out her switch knife and extending it as she approached the mutant cutting them down as as best she could gaining a few scratches and scrapes in the process and dragged in their blood. Ones done she approached the girl and sat knelled next to her.

"Relaxed i am here to help."She said calmly through her gas mask. She removed her bag and took out a first aid kit.
Angela looked at the strange person, slightly creeped out by the mask, and slightly astonished that he or she had come out of seemingly nowhere. "I heard screaming... I have to help them..." She said. She wiped her blood-covered hand on her pants. "What's going to happen to me now?" Angela asked, her voice quivering slightly. In her mind, she imagined all of the zombie movies and television shows in which the scratch or bite of one of the undead would turn the person into one of them. She hoped against hope that somehow, that wasn't the case with these... things.

Of course, she reasoned deep in her mind, that those were just movies. But she couldn't help shaking the feeling of dread. She looked at the Man/Woman's first aid kit with wide eyes. "Thank you..." She said. She didn't think that after all that had happened, there would be much kindness left in the world. She asked her strange savior, "What's your name?"
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"Alexis."He answered using a cloth to wipe away the blood before talking out a bottle of antiseptic spray and shook it."You are the first person I have seen since this mess who other hadn't died or tried kill me. Awfully descent of you... This is going to sting." He said casually before spraying the antiseptic on her arm. Once enough was applied he took out the bandages." You are?"
Angela cringed at the feeling of the antiseptic on her wound. She inhaled sharply as a strong burning sensation overtook her entire left arm. As it faded, she opened her eyes and the world seemed to spin. "I'm Angela." She said quickly. Angela assumed that Alexis was a woman. "Nice to meet you, Alexis." She said. As Alexis applied the bandages, she winced slightly at the pain she felt when the bandages moved across her skin. "Thank you so much. " She said after a few moments. She stood up. "I have to go look for whoever made that scream." She said. She bent down and picked up her sword. The pain in her left arm and shoulder was still apparent. Luckily, she was right handed. She looked at her shirt and noticed part of the short sleeve had been clawed away. "Dammit..." She sighed. How was she going to stay alive if she let things like this happen? She shook her head slightly at the thought.
Devany watched with wide eyes as Ace went and killed the monster. Her hand was still gripped the pocketknife tightly, and she wondered if she could ever do what Ace just did. Everything felt so surreal. How could things turn out for the worst so quickly? One moment you're Christmas shopping and the next, you're in something that seemed straight out of an apocalypse film.

Especially with these creatures roaming about, anyone would think that this was some sort of film and not real life. Devany remembered seeing on the news about terrorism and a war that could possibly happen, but it never really bothered her. Maybe it's a dream... She looked over to David, who was standing next to her and seemed to be in shock. Absentmindedly, she pinched David before she pinched herself. "Nope, not a dream..." She muttered to herself before she looked around at her peers.

"Maybe we should get a move on?" She suggested, balancing her weight from one foot to the other, that heavy anxious feeling finally sinking in that this was now reality.
Carmilla stood up straight, and looked into her direct area for anything to protect herself. Near by in a pile of rubble, was a pretty bent out of shape metal pipe. Picking it up, she tested the weight, and swung it hard and fast a couple times. She could hear the whiz of air moving over and under it, and soon she became focused on it. It took the small shuffling of feet to get her out of whatever zoned out state she was in.

Carm coughed, and picked up her bookbag. She remembered having used it for school a lot., but now there wasn't exactly a lot of school supplies in it. Just a empty water bottle, some pens, and a bloody shirt. Disgusting.

"Yeah... She's right. You've got to get some ground under our feet incase any more of those things show up. Not all of them will have injured legs."

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David Blackburn

The pinch pulled him out of the quickly spreading feeling of dread and heartache for his family. Somewhere, they were either like that creature Ace had killed, or they were still alive and surviving. Every ounce in him wanted him to believe that they had survived, of course, but the odds were... unlikely. Not impossible, just highly unlikely. The thought made his stomach churn and twist inside, making him feel nauseous just for a moment. "God dammit," he muttered. David, taking a deep breath, stopped crouching and slowly stood up, hesitant and cautiously.

As much as he'd like to get a move on, every muscle in him screamed at him to turn around, go back to his house, and see what's left. Another part of him didn't want to know. How would he handle it if his parents were dead in the house? Or his little brother? Hands shaking, he glanced around the mall once more. Vines stretched over the shops, hanging from the ceiling. Plants were bundled here and there, an odd, almost artificial color to them. The vibrant green color shone in the sunlight, almost glimmering. Not sure what to make of it, he ran a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh.

His eyes scanned over the empty shops. He was somewhat surprised to not see any bodies laying on the floor, or something. It felt surreal. Like a wicked, twisted film they were in. Or a dream. As much as he wanted it to be, he knew it wasn't, so he quickly put that wish aside. They needed water before anything else. Three days without it would mean they'd be dead as the thing Ace had just killed. Next would be food, and weapons. Weapons to defend themselves against the mutated creatures. David wasn't sure where to begin to look for the supplies--there was a risk that came with it, too.

Instead of remaining quiet, he decided to voice his thoughts, though he knew that it was possible the others would ignore him. "We need supplies. Water, food, weapons. We can't just go waltzing into the city with nothing. We'd probably end up like that guy in a day or two," he spoke, pointing at the thing Ace had killed. "There might be food in the cafeteria. Maybe, if we're lucky, some bottled water." David glanced at the others, falling silent as he finished voicing his thoughts and concerns. If the others decided not to take to his advice, he'd have no choice but to scavenge for supplies himself, on his own.

Somewhere, he hoped they wouldn't want to scavenge for supplies. It'd give him the chance to go back home. Search for his family. Certainly, the others wouldn't want to put the time and effort it'd take to search for his family. He didn't blame them--it wasn't their family. It was his. And maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing, once he gets water and a weapon. He wouldn't have to rely on anyone else. The others would have one less mouth to feed, too. As he thought it through, David began doubting himself. Would it really be worth it to be on his own, alone in the world as it fell apart?

David, as much as his heart was tugging at him to find his family, decided to stay with the group. Safety was always in numbers. What if there were hundred of the mutated creatures out in the city? He wouldn't be able to defend himself against them. Not for long, anyway, before he would end up dead. And no one would even know he had died. He would just be another body to another stranger, like the thing had been to Ace. David blinked, shoving his hands inside his pockets in attempt to keep them warm from the frigid cold.
"Getting some coats wouldn't hurt, either," he said with a half-shrug, biting his lip anxiously.

@xSparrow @Keiser @ayezombie
Ceros said:
Angela cringed at the feeling of the antiseptic on her wound. She inhaled sharply as a strong burning sensation overtook her entire left arm. As it faded, she opened her eyes and the world seemed to spin. "I'm Angela." She said quickly. Angela assumed that Alexis was a woman. "Nice to meet you, Alexis." She said. As Alexis applied the bandages, she winced slightly at the pain she felt when the bandages moved across her skin. "Thank you so much. " She said after a few moments. She stood up. "I have to go look for whoever made that scream." She said. She bent down and picked up her sword. The pain in her left arm and shoulder was still apparent. Luckily, she was right handed. She looked at her shirt and noticed part of the short sleeve had been clawed away. "Dammit..." She sighed. How was she going to stay alive if she let things like this happen? She shook her head slightly at the thought.
"No problem, Angela, if there is ever the time to be helpful its now. "Alexis said finishing the bandaging up, then replacing the aid box back in his bag before standing."Especially when its a cute girl in need who also has a giant sword that could be a serious health risk for somebody. Two reason to be on your good side..."He said remaining quite for a second."Oh... I winked there... Forgot i had the mask on." He then sighed."You have to be more specific of who your are looking for... Alot of people were screaming know."
Angela listened to Alexis speak. She blushed slightly when Alexis said the words "cute girl" but didn't let herself think about it too much. She responded to Alexis's question. "Well, I wasn't looking for anyone specific. I just heard screaming and thought I could help. But if what you say is true, if there's been a lot of screaming, then I guess they're probably not alive anymore... I mean, I don't hear them screaming right now." She said, a hint of sadness in her voice. "Well... what do we do now?" She asked. "I was looking for food before, in the grocery store not far from here... there wasn't much in there though, and if there was it was destroyed."
"There was a bit of grab in in the mall kiosk not far from here. I might have missed something while i was there." He said finally trying not to dwell on the dead that surrounded them. He reached out in one of his pockets and took out a couple of bars."You can have these if you like, i was gonna eat them but i was feeling nausea since i woke up. "He looked on to a nearby map of the store."There is a gun store not far, with the mutants about might be wise to be better armed."He chuckled."Heh, in past i helped campaign against the selling of weapons like this."
Angela sighed a heavy sigh of relief as she accepted one of the bars. "I havent eaten anything since.. IT happened." She said. "Whatever IT was.. I still dont know that.." She laughed slightly when he said gun store. "Im not very good with guns. Only with swords, knives... Maybe even baseball bats if i have to." She continued, "I was never tought how to use a gun... But we should still go so that you have one." She walked to a nearby clothes store and picked up a bag. "This will come in handy for carrying things.. Let's check out the kiosk you mentioned."
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"The destruction of an entire city, means only one thing: nuclear." Alexis said reasoned as he began to walk with Angel to the kiosk and the gun store. A sudden realization came to him at the source of his nausea which if he was right didnt bare well him in the long run."Guns are not that hard to use, i jad some training with them i can show some of the basic."

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