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Realistic or Modern Dawn of Ragnarök [CS]


Officially, The Worst
Please post possible Ragnarok Voyagers/Vikings here for approval ^^
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Aslaug Fjorleif

An oddity from the moment she was born; Aslaug was the daughter of the former shaman of the tribe. The girl was considered to be an ambiguous omen due to her strikingly pale features. Most alarming was the fact that she had silver hair from the moment she was born. Her mother unfortunately passed after the especially arduous birth, leaving Aslaug to be raised by her father; who also met an unfortunate fate while defending his Jarl's honor as a warrior in his stead. Aslaug, then after, became the village's child, and often floated from household to household, but was never kept for too long as she was often spotted conversing with 'spirits' and animals. Many believe she has inherited her mother's special "sight" and that she can commune with the gods. Therefore, though she is somewhat ostracized and isolated from the clan; they do revere her and heed many of her 'insights'. Beyond her origins, and strange appearance, not much else is known about the mysterious seeress. Her goals have never been clear to any one, but the wild woman always seems to have a reason for her unusual behavior.
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Brünnhilde Löfgren

Within her tribe, she is known for her warm and gentle demeanor. For her family and friends, she is very accommodating; if not a complete pushover. Though when not tending to the temporary Keep and the live stock, Brunnhilde is also known as one of the meanest sword arms on the battle field. Her demeanor has been known to drastically change once in the midst of a fight and she can become quite ferocious. The tribesmen often refer to her as 'the woman with the heart of a doe and the strength of a bear.' She is very protective of her loved ones, and her goals in life include keeping those she cherishes safe, and one day marrying a loving husband; despite his looks or position in life. Due to this sweet disposition; Brunnhilde is often underestimated as a shield maiden and most often resigns herself to manual labor around the camp. Hildi, as she is known by friends, comes from a large family that makes up a fraction of the Jarl's current followers. She is the middle child, boasting several older brothers and sisters, and many younger siblings that are usually left in her care. Her father is a behemoth of a man, and one of the Jarl's personal bodyguards, while her mother is a gentle-eyed wisp of a woman. Many wonder how such a tiny woman could bless such a large man with so many robust children. Hildi's closest friend is her hunting dog, Olaf; who was bred and trained to hunt bears. He is a fearsomely loyal animal, but he strangely has a fond love of mead.
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Olev Usleif

Olev Usleif is not, originally, a member of the existing clan. At one point, he was an archer in a more militaristic clan, wielding his heavy war bow with notable skill. Unfortunately, disease burned through the majority of his clan like a wildfire, killing enough of them to cause the survivors to disband and seek their own lives. Olev found himself in his current living conditions solely on the grounds of his archery prowess and his strength. While the bowman doesn't speak very often, usually only in grunts when he does, he does lend his support when needed. When not dragging in game for the meat stores, Olev can be found lugging logs or other heavy materials for construction. While it seems he fits into the clan well, he holds no true loyalty. He's seen how easily a clan can shatter and fall to pieces, and the madness of the Jarl is doing nothing to aid these worries.
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Vættir Elgfrothidottir

Vættir Elgfrothidottir is small, standing at 4'10. Her name, Vættir, which means creature, was such a name given to her by her father. Vættir, being premature, had been born blind, and deemed her sense of touch as her only means of survival. Her home, which laid between two great plains, had been raided by barbaric sellswords. Pillaging her village, they left the male inhabitants for the wolves, taking the women for trading purposes. Sold into the hands of men, she was separated from her mother and father, unknowing of the territory she was constantly moved to and from. Marking her as their property, the barbarians tattoo'd the left side of her face, symbolizing that she had belonged to them. Constantly abused and taken advantage of, Vættir was forced into slave trade.With this in hand, acquiring traits to accommodate her surroundings had been her only source of sanity, and she grew manipulative of those around her. Becoming unnecessarily ill-behaved, she had been deemed useless, and was deserted. Faced with hunger and freezing temperatures, it was unlikely that Vættir would have survived without the assistance given by this clan. Losing her entire family had left her mentality scarred, leaving her with no choice but to cast everyone aside, trusting no one but herself. 
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Eirik Torsterin


One of the old hand of the tribe Eirik has been around for longer than most. He is an experienced raider who's experience in battle has won many chests of loot for the clan in the past. As his years caught up to him however he found himself raiding less and teaching more. The young boys and others who wished to learn from his stories and his blade alike are many and though it might not be the glorious battles of his youth Eirik has accepted his current role, knowing that one day he shall meet his destined death and join his brothers in Valhalla.
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Valka Halladottir 

Valka, daughter of Halla, has been a warrior and protector of the tribe since she could remember. Her family is renown for their warrior ways, and they have always been part of the expeditions and sieges the Ornolf tribe has been part of. Val is prideful and stubborn, but dutiful to the clan and the people she cares about. She is emotional in her decisions, for better or for worse, making her brash and impatient to act; this has caused her several problems in past raids, when, in a fight against three of the other tribe's men, she got an ax to her throat, leaving an ugly wound she likes to boast about.  Recently, she lost her eye in a tavern brawl, where a drunk man from the Hofferson clan tried making advances on her -the man in question lost more than an eye- Competitive and driven, she always searches to prove herself, to better herself. The situation of the clan worries her greatly, and every day her nonconformity grows, feeling that the Jarl isn't the man to guide them anymore.  
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Siv Nylund

Soft-spoken by nature and fearful by circumstances, Siv has felt -and is, really- like an outsider for the few months she has been part of the Ornolf clan. Once the healer and midwife of a small village, she was taken as a slave when the warrior tribe of the Ornolf clan pillaged and sacked the place. The village burned, men were killed, women sold. She was given to Esbjorn Ornolf himself as a bondwoman, used as a bedfellow. She takes solace knowing that she can keep herself busy during the days, helping with wounds and illnesses (when the villagers trust her enough to let an outsider treat their children and wives). Siv is usually seen around the outskirts of the village whenever she isn't cleaning wounds, carving healing runes or chanting and singing. Songs soothe her, and she can be usually heard humming when she strolls through the village. Though nowadays, they don't do much to ease her growing unease: the village is crumbling. People are starving, children are succumbing to the cold...there isn't much she can do without the necessary herbs, and she fears that for the second time in a lapse of a few months...she'll find herself without a place to stay. 

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Uhtred "The Saxon"

Uhtred was born Into a family of petty noble landholders in East Anglia and was but a child when the great heathen armies came from the north to raid , pillage and plunder . On one of these raids the northmen decided to attack an unsuspecting Town , poorly defended and unguarded where he and his family lived a peaceful life . The people of the town fought bravely but they were outmatched and outnumbered , after all the men had been slaughtered they simply gathered the women and children and burned the whole town to the ground . Uhtred was made a prisoner and then a Thrall , as far as he knew his entire family had been killed in the massacre . Through several years of faithful service Uhtred was able to earn his freedom although now that he had earned it he didn't really know  what to do with it . The next few years of Uhtred's life were spent roaming the Norse heartlands scavenging and hunting for food , until Uhtred was convinced by Jarl Esbjorn to serve as his housecarl believing that Uhtred's skill with the bow and his command over the saxon language would be a great asset in the wars to come .   

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