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Fandom [Dawn of Justice] Character Sheets



Tu'er Shen the Rabbit God

Basic Information:
Date of Birth:

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name:
Quirk Description:
Quirks Drawbacks:

Personal Information:


  • Strength (Durability, Stamina, Physical Strength): How well they can take a punch How long they can fight, or how long they can use their quirk before tiring out How hard they can hit without the influence of their quirk
  • Speed (Physical Speed, Agility, Reaction) How quick your character can move How nimble they are Determines how likely they can react to danger
  • Intelligence {Base intelligence, Quirk understanding) Defines how well your character handles puzzles and gets themselves out of trouble How well they are able to assess and understand the quirks of other people How well can they notice details, perspective on their surroundings, and calculate in stressful situations.
  • Quirk(Skill, Technique) How well you handle your quirk and manipulate it Permits you to make an upgrade to your quirk’s functionality and grants 1 bonus point to other stats for every 2 points put into Quirks Expansion in functionality and other uses (one point)
    • Every 2 Points earn you an extra point in any other stat(excluding quirk itself)
    • Every 4 unlocks a quirk ability, which just adds to their 'arsenal' persay
    • Every 8 points earn you a support gear item(Students don't start with them)
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Basic Information:
Name: Chiyo Oda
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Japan
Date of Birth: 10/31

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Now You See It
Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Description: Chiyo is followed by a spectral power that only she can see or interact with one exception. If Chiyo makes eye contact with someone the spectral power will become visible resembling a ghostly figure. Once the figure becomes visible it can be interacted with by the person who sees it, or it can interact with them. Chiyo can control the ghostly figure like an extension of her own body turning her ever present “companion” to a useful tool against opponents
Quirks Drawbacks: Chiyo’s quirk only works when she makes eye contact with another being, if she can’t make eye contact when the ghostly figure is unable to be used. While she does not have to maintain eye contact, the effect of her quirk only lasts for a limited time before she needs to make eye contact again. While it is an emitter quirk it cannot be turned off for Chiyo. She will never be able to look another being in the eye without seeing the ghostly form hovering behind her, likewise Chiyo is always aware of it’s presence and will always be able to see it.

Personal Information:
Affiliation: U-A Class 1A
Backstory: Born on the holiday of Halloween, Chiyo’s birth was an ominous start from the very beginning. As an infant she was always twitchy, looking around corners, and nervous that she was constantly being watched even while alone. It wasn’t until her quirk developed in elementary school that her parents and Chiyo herself learned why. When the ghost first appeared it traumatized her entire classroom and debatably Chiyo herself. At the very least it isolated her, after all who wanted to hang around the girl who was haunted? As time went on Chiyo developed her ruleset for life, keep your head down and never look anyone in the eyes. This of course made the young girl ripe for bullying. Eventually she came to view her quirk as a curse and not a gift. She grew envious of those with quirks that were actually useful, quirks that people loved, quirks that let people be proud of what they were given. She became jealous of people who weren’t given a curse. It wasn’t until late in junior high where she developed the desire to be a hero. It wasn’t for the usual reasons of wanting to help or save people, she wanted to become a hero out of spite. She wanted to show those around her, those who mocked or feared her that she could be a hero when they couldn’t. There might have also been the faintest hope that if she became a hero, she might finally gain the courage to look people in the eyes again without the constant fear of rejection that haunts her. Not that she would ever admit that.
Feats: N/A

Chiyo Costume.png
Gear: No gear yet

  • Strength: 0 (+1 from Quirk)
  • Speed: 1
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Quirk: 2
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Ohara Michi

Name: Ohara Michi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Japan
Date of Birth: 12/12

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Sheep
Quirk Type: Mutant
Quirk Description: Gives Michi the attributes and abilities of a sheep. Notable physiological changes include durable horns growing on her head, sensitive sheep ears, Improved sense of smell, sheep retinas that increase her field of view, and soft, warming wool covering her limbs, and strengthened legs.
Quirks Drawbacks: Like most animal-based quirks, Michi's improved senses are far more easily overwhelmed than most. On top of this, her wool weighs her down, even more so after absorbing water or sweat. Because of its warmth, her wool also causes her to overheat more quickly than those of equal athleticism.

Personal Information:
Affiliation: U-A Class 1A
Backstory: Michi would consider her life as peaceful as one could be in a world full of heroes and villains. Her father was a salaryman, and her mother stayed home to raise their two children. Michi was the younger of the two children and had been a tomboy for as long as anyone could remember. As was natural for anyone her age, she was in love with heroes and wanted to be one herself. That dream soon faced its first challenges on her fully processing what her Quirk was. Sheep weren't strong. They were only meant to be cute, cuddly, and provide wool. None of Michi's classmates would allow her to forget those thoughts. Although heartbroken initially, she refused to give up on her dream because people didn't think her Quirk was good enough. Most of her classmates tired of teasing her once she stopped giving a reaction and those that didn't were swiftly shown the fruits of her effort. Against all odds, her hard work paid off, and she managed to pass the UA entrance exam, starting her journey toward becoming a true hero.

Feats: Beat an entire team at dodgeball on her own.

Michi Uniform.png
Michi Hero3.png
Gear: No gear yet

  • Strength: 2
  • Speed: 2
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Quirk: 0
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Name: Bai Haoyu (白昊宇)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Birthplace: China
Date of Birth: October 4th
Height: 5'5" (165 cm)
Weight: 104 lbs (47 kgs)
Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Emotion Eater
Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Description: Emotion Eater is a primarily two stage quirk. Its first ability is an effective radius of 10 meters around Haoyu, where those within its range have their emotions drained from them over time. Starting at the strongest feeling working down to the faintest. Once all feelings have been taken the target is left neurotic and largely unresponsive, usually unmotivated to do much of anything. The speed and effectiveness of this quirk are dependent on the range. If Haoyu were to stretch his quirks range to 20 or 30 meters the effectiveness would drop considerably. Conversely, reducing its range increases its potency. The second ability of Emotion Eater is to then manifest the emotions drained as "items", usually weapons. Their effects and composition are dependent on the emotion used to create them as well as how intense the emotion was. Each item is one time use and disintegrates immediately after their usage.
Quirks Drawbacks: Haoyu's quirk retroactively works on himself. To the point he cannot feel any strong emotions, being left with only faint feelings that quickly fade. Meaning he cannot use his own emotions for his quirk. The emotion drain takes time unless very close to the target; if going up against an enemy particularly quick or with an aberrational quirk Haoyu can be taken out before making use of his power. If isolated with no one else around he cannot use his quirk. And the items created by his quirk may not always be useful to the situation. His quirk has also affected his body making him rather weak.

Personal Information:
The Supreme Peoples Hero Association
Backstory: Haoyu was born as a citizen of the Peoples Republic of China, as a ward of the state. His quirk manifested in the womb of his mother draining her of all emotion for the last three months of her pregnancy. In this state she had to be taken care of constantly as she could not muster up the motivation or self awareness to handle even her most basic needs. The potency of his quirk was quickly reported to government officials by hospital staff. They expressed interest in Haoyu's potential as a Hero of China, and soon after his birth he was seized from his parents becoming property of the government. From then on he became part of an experimental program to develop the next generation of heroes. A generation that was loyal to the state and strong enough to be useful assets in war.

Growing up he was surrounded by other orphans each with unique quirks differing from the norm in their power and multifaceted abilities. The program resembled something more of a regimented boot camp than a hero school. Especially since its "students" were averaging around 6 years old. The children were trained in all sorts of things particularly as it related to their quirks. Some were suited for front line combat, others were scouted for officer positions, others for assassination, and more still as public figures one would traditionally expect of heroes. They were constantly undergoing quirk testing stretching the capabilities of their quirks and having scientist poke and prod them while advising them in ways their powers could be better utilized. It was though this Haoyu had grown to understand the difference between him and other people. He didn't fear the pain of needles or sparring, he did not feel joy when they were given their brief recreation time nor when they were praised for their hard work. All the children knew were each other and what their caretakers told them, yet even in their tight nit community Haoyu was too much for them to accept. They could not reach an understanding, neither them with him nor he with them. Yet he could not feel the anxiety or pain that came from loneliness, not for long at least. So he made no effort to reach out to others he merely did what was necessary to live his life comfortably.

As their education began to expand into more practical application of their quirks the children at 12 years of age began to engage in actual hero work. This manifested in different ways based on the projected use the state could get out of the young heroes. For Haoyu this came about through assassination missions. This was reasoned to be the best use of his quirk, in part due to the fact that his quirks effect on his body and mind seemingly also affected his muscular development making him inherently frail and weak. While front line combat was considered out of the question he could use his quirk to neutralize his targets remotely then dispatch them. Sometimes he simple walked up and did it while everyone was unresponsive, other times he would lead them away somewhere secluded to do it. With his unique mental constitution he was particularly suited to this line of grisly work. For the next six years Haoyu lived a repetitive life style. Where he would rest and train until his next mission, his missions usually consisted of ending the lives of terrorists, villains, political dissidents, and spies. However one of his missions turned messy when the second part of his quirk manifested. Up until that point he had only drained emotions to get his targets, but when he tried the same method this time it instead took the rage contained within the people affected by his quirk and forged it into a blade. His curiosity as to this facet of his quirk distracted him long enough for his other ability to wane. His would be victims lashed out when they realized they had been attacked. In order to defend himself Haoyu instinctually used the sword, and ended up leveling the building he was in. The rubble had threatened to crush him if not for some luck and his handler retrieving him. Testing on his new abilities was immediately carried out. Scientists specializing in quirks ran all sorts of tests. Haoyu was not nearly as interested as them, but he wanted to know more about his abilities if it let him continue his current life.

He found he could not continue his lifestyle comfortably, as through channels and reasonings he could not understand he was being sent to Japan. He was told it was to learn to handle his abilities and gather intel on foreign heroes. Though it still doesn't make much sense to Haoyu, but he obeyed as always. While he is quite young he is still technically a fully sanctioned and recognized hero by his government so he has his license. However the name Bai Haoyu is a fake one. The fashioned heroes of the program had no real names. Only numbers or the hero titles they were granted. For them hero work was the only life they could lead. Haoyu didn't even have a hero title due to the clandestine nature of his work, he doesn't even have a costume. Traveling with him to Japan as his guardian was a new handler Zheng Jie, a seemingly unpleasant sleepy woman. Haoyu had lived his life on a clearly defined path, his lack of emotions made only his most base need to survive his motivation. A change in scenery was not necessary nor needed, if anything it put him at risk. But he does not mind, he will do as a hero should and continue to live while doing so.
Feats: N/A

A collection of suits and formal wear
Gear: N/A

  • Strength- 0
  • Speed- +10
  • Intelligence- +20
  • Quirk- 60
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Chibi Fox
long pink hair fox girl yellow eyes grin smug s-2265463320.png

Basic Information:
Name: Hinamori Murasaki
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Japan
Date of Birth: Apr 19
Height: 4' 9"
Weight: 191 lbs.

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Fox and Elasticity
Quirk Description: Has all the senses of a fox as well as she can form her limbs into different shapes and alter the density of different parts of her body to make them harder or more elastic.
Quirks Drawbacks: Loud sounds and strong smells can easily overwhelm her fox senses. She can not swim as her molecular structure is too dense, causing her to sink rapidly.

Personal Information:

Affiliation: The Skulk Sisters
Backstory: -REDACTED-
Feats: N/A


Outfit: Likes to wear her purple kimono with pink flowers while committing robberies.
Gear: N/A
  • Black Crystal from Litwile
  • Photobooth Photos of Her and Darius

  • Strength - 3
  • Speed - 3 (+2)
  • Intelligence - 0
  • Quirk - 4
  • Tokyo Mall - 6 PTS
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An aspiring hero yet to claim a name for himself

Basic Information:
Name: Kenshi Okada
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan
Date of Birth: February 28th
Height: 5’8” (173 cm)
Weight: 165lb (75 kg)

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Bloodborne
Quirk Description: Kenshi is able to draw his blood from red lines that run across his whole body, as well as a circular shape in both palms as well as in the soles of his feet. This blood can have its properties altered to function in different ways along the fact he can return it to his body once used.

-Bloodied Blade: Kenshi can permeate blood into an edged weapon, or objects of similar shape for that matter, which makes them capable of cutting through most things with ease.

Quirks Drawbacks: The most glaring problem of this quirk, is that Kenshi doesn't have an infinite amount of blood, so he has to ration how much he uses at once. Despite his efforts to get accustomed to blood loss, he is still prone to faint if he overworks himself. A more specific hindrance to the use of his quirk, is that if he permeates an object in order to obtain the super cutting abilities, objects will corrode and break the more they are used... With only one exception at the moment.

Personal Information:
Affiliation: UA Student [Heroics] - 1st Year (1-A, seat #14)
Backstory: Kenshi had a peculiar childhood. His parents loved him and made him happy, but his father held a dark secret. He was a wanted criminal, making a living out of heists and bank robberies. Kenshi’s mother, a former hero due to an injury, found out about this. It broke Kenshi’s father to see his child and his wife suffer because of his actions, so he decided to turn himself in. Before he did, he gave his sword to Kenshi, and asked him to clear the honor of the sword. Still loving his father despite his actions, Kenshi took it upon himself to make his request come true. Both Kenshi and his mother relocated in order to keep themselves from the public eye, with Kenshi and his mother taking on her maiden surname.
Feats: N/A

Outfit: A black and brown bodysuit, with some padding and acrylic pieces of armor and a mask of the same material, the mask has yellow-tinted visors. The suit also has gray straps with pockets of various shapes and sizes.
-Rivers of Blood: A keepsake from Kenshi's father. A katana of an unusual blade color, which on top of being rather resilient, has the property of not corroding if Kenshi permeates it with his quirk.
-Bokken: A wooden sword which Kenshi carries around if he can't carry Rivers of Blood. He has a small cache of them at home since these actually damage over time if they have Kenshi's quirk on them.

Strength: 0
Speed: 0(+2)
Intelligence: 0
Quirk: 4
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The Dark Knight, Alastor

Basic Information:
Name: Victor Dybala (Lives under the alias Tetsuo Suzuki)
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Canelones, Uruguay
Date of Birth: November 2nd
Height: 6’0” (183 cm)
Weight: 198 lbs (90 kg)

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Graviton Generator
Quirk Description: Victor can manipulate existing gravitational fields, making them stronger, weaker, change directions, or a combination of the three. He can modify ones of his own creation as well. He has learned to use his quirk in a few ways.

-Grav Waltz: Victor can increase/decrease his mass across his whole body to make his strikes heavier and his dodges nimbler.
-G Switch: Victor can create fields of altered gravity. Increasing its normal flow, decreasing it, modifying its direction, or deactivating it altogether.
-Newtonian Grasp: Victor has an area around him in which he can detect any gravitational force change. Within that area, Victor can make a gravity zone intended to take ahold of people or objects. He can change both the area of detection, and the strength of his hold(s). This includes himself, enabling him to levitate or even fly at high speeds.
-Einblast: A pulse of gravitational force, which acts as a shockwave. The more spread the shockwave is, the less is its effective distance.
-Pulse Shield: Simply put, a barrier that pushes back anything going against it. It lays around Victor passively, but he can move it around within the range of his Newtonian Grasp. And again, the smaller the area it covers, the more effective it is.

Quirks Drawbacks: Excessive use of the quirk will at first cause numbness on the limbs, as a warning of sorts, since if the overuse continues the numbness will spread all over the body and cause immense pain. Both phases of overuse hinder the capabilities of the user to varying degrees. A fight could be continued during the first stage, but during the second, the user is better off getting out of sight and rest.

Personal Information:
Affiliation: N/A
Backstory: Victor was born in [REDACTED], where he lived a rough childhood. Where he saw just how evil people can be. After [REDACTED], Victor escaped to Japan with the help of [REDACTED]. Heroism as a business was plentiful, but it wasn’t enough [REDACTED]. To him, what was done to criminals wasn’t sufficient. With his mind so fixated on that, he decided to don a mask and be the one to deliver proper justice to evil-doers.
Feats: N/A (RP-wise)

Outfit: Though seemingly a suit somewhat reminiscent of the Victorian era, this suit has special carbon alloy padding under a highly resistant to trauma and temperature fabric. The hat is also built with such materials. It may not seem like much, but the mask has several functions on top of hiding Victor’s face. It has an air filter which doubles as a small oxygen reserve. The lenses on his eyes have special functions like a flash shield, night vision, infrared, ultraviolet and automatic track detectors. It also has a voice interface, masking Victor's voice.
- Smoke bombs: Hidden from sight, Victor carries bombs that create a thick cloud of smoke. Perfect for a getaway, or to catch an enemy off guard.
- Bearing balls: Small projectiles Victor launches with his quirk.

Strength: 20(+5)
Speed: 10(+5)
Intelligence: 10
Quirk: 20
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Toshiro Matakura

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Birthday: 04/20
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 145 lbs

Hero Agency: None
Quirk Name: ~~Incubus Embodiment~~ Daredevil
Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Description: A quirk that influences the desires of those afflicted, dangerous in the right hands but mundanely exploitative at best.

Upon a key word that is "I dare you" the user can influence the desires of those afflicted, this key word is required for the activation. With both these, the user can afflict the person with a command that must be fufilled to the best of their ability.

This can be various commands, as innocuous as walking somewhere and twirling to a circle, to doing a backflip when you really, really shouldn't. This of course has limits, long term actions tend to last for a handful of minutes if the goal has been achieved by his repeating(Continueing to twirl).

However if one is given a goal, the afflicted will do their best to fufill this, this however can be stalled by actions that would obviously kill the afflicted.

If the afflicted succeeds in the dare, the afflicted gain temporary immunity and a large rush of strength and energy as adrenaline and dopamine floods their system. This rush changes depending on the dare, the more dangerous, the bigger the bonus, up to an enhancement to abilities and strength!!

He has some small features aswell, a long thin spade tail, little flightless wings and two cute little nubby horns.

Quirk Drawbacks/Weaknesses:
If applied to an enemy, dare success still gives a adrenal and dopamine high, this can cause a good deal of issues due to sudden reprisal.

The crash afterwards can be catastrophic at the wrong time...

Backstory: Put simply... he had a very surprisingly normal childhood. With little in way of true strangeness, he lives with his single mother who was quite fond of her baby boy. though in truth, her own quirk had passed on directly to him. She is... a influencer... of a sort, her quirk not so much in the way of demand but the natural slow draw of attentions that one might find in a rather beautiful individual...

...Long story short, as he is givein an Incubi's physiology.. She has a Succubus'. She did not hide this fact, shes quite happy with her life in truth, and is quite popular in certain circles... But... for a young boy such as he... Word does get around about certain parental work and... Well... he was quite easily the most picked on boy in his grade, at all times, by a long shot. Pulling of his tail, calling him names... he developed into a very shy person after the many years...

it was a particularly rough day that he woke up to his powers, face first in a toilet, he was inches away from getting a face full of the disgusting mess when his pleas and demands for them to stop... Were suddenly met... And... some.. unchoice words were said by a panicked frightened young boy who wanted desperately for the boys to stop...

"Someone stop him!" ended up getting the kid beaten up by his previous friends in the attempt to stop.

Strength : 1
Speed:0 (+1)
Intelligence: 1
Quirk: 2
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Basic Information:
Name: Tsukasa Kaminari
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Japan
Date of Birth: March 29

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Charge
Quirk Description:
User can plug a USB cable into a socket on their neck to charge themselves, storing the energy in their body. They can then convert a percentage of the stored electric energy into kinetic energy to boost their speed and strength.

As they level up the quirk, they will be able to electrocute enemies with the stored electricity as well. Or use it for CPR. But doing so will also consume electricity faster.

Quirks Drawbacks: If user runs out of energy, they are essentially quirkless until they recharge it. They also need to carry around portable charger just in case they run out. Lastly, just like midoriya, using too much energy will strain the body and cause it to breakdown if the user has not trained themself.

Personal Information:
Affiliation: UA 1st year
Backstory: Tsukasa had a normal, peaceful childhood. Since he never had the knack for studying, he set his sights on applying to UA from young so that he could be a hero instead. After all, surely it was much more fun doing hero things than studying! What could possibly go wrong?

However, his parents were against it as it was far too dangerous. The last thing they wanted was for their only son to die in an accident. But as the boy begged and cried his eyes out for days, they finally agreed to it reluctantly. It wasn't as if their crybaby of a son could actually stand a chance among the various applicants, right? Perhaps he would take the exam and see for himself how much he was lacking and learn about the harshness of reality, they thought to themselves. Determined to prove his parents wrong, the boy worked hard and with a stroke of luck, barely managed to pass the entrance exams.
Feats: N/A

Outfit: uniform
Gear: wooden sword

Strength: 1
Speed: 1(+1)
Intelligence: 0
Quirk: 2
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Basic Information:
Name: Sorina Bancroft
Age: 118 (18)
Gender: F
Birthplace: Scandinavia
Date of Birth: 4/18

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Nosferatu
Quirk Description: Nosferatu is a quirk that turns the user into a vampire. The user of this quirk gains Superhuman Strength, speed, endurance, durability, agility, and reflexes. They can shape shapeshift into a swarm of bats. The user also gains sharp claws at the tip of their finger tips, sharp teeth, the ability to see in the dark. The user also gains bat wings that they can store inside of their body at will. The user can not die from old age. The user can heal themselves by drinking blood.
Quirks Drawbacks: Without replenishing the blood she uses for various abilities, Sorina begins to petrify. Which makes her slower and much more vulnerable.
If the bats are damaged while shapeshifted, Sorina also takes damage equivalent to how many bats were injured.
Sorina must drink blood once every 2 days. Otherwise she begins to petrify, and age.
Her finely tuned eyes to darkness are immensely sensitive to sudden bright lighting. Especially at night.
Direct sunlight burns her slowly. Requiring her to drink blood to recover. Must use an umbrella at all times during the day.


Personal Information:
Affiliation: U.A
Backstory: (More will be revealed over time!)

After hundreds of years deep in the underground networks of the coastal county of Whallem, Sorina, was obligated to her large family after the murder of her brother. Refusing to partake in the endless and pointless feud that spurred between rival families that contested for territory of the above ground networks. Sorina decided to take her life into her own hands. It wouldn’t be the hand of fate that would guide her undead life, but the inheritance of a powerful bloodline.

As a noble destined for queendom, Sorina refused the responsibility assigned to her. To wage a war. To bring the House of Bancroft to victory.

However, she wasn’t immune to the wanderings of young adults, she craved things only a normal girl could. Perhaps under the surface, she wanted mortality. So she set out to figure out what could sate that thirst.

Feats: N/A





(4 points)

1. Fear - Emits a horrible scream that makes those within range flee.

  • 0 + (1) Strength (Durability, Stamina, Physical Strength)
  • Speed (Physical Speed, Agility, Reaction) How quick your character can move How nimble they are Determines how likely they can react to danger
  • 0 + (1) Intelligence {Base intelligence, Quirk understanding)
  • 4 - Quirk(Skill, Technique) How well you handle your quirk and manipulate it.


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Basic Information:

Name: Jezebel Itami
Vigilante Name: Recompense
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Mustafu, Japan
Date of Birth: December 28

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Torment

Quirk Description: Her quirk allows her to increase her physical ability when herself and those around her are suffering. The suffering felt can either be physical or mental, and the power she gains from it increases all physical aspects of her body.

Quirk Abilities:
Radius of Suffering: Any suffering within 50 meters of her is turned into pure strength and speed for Recompense. The more mental or physical anguash the person feels, the more power she gains, and this suffering can come from multiple people around her
Sense of Suffering: Due to her ability to draw power from those who are suffering, she can feel where people who are suffering are around her. This allows her to find those in need of help, and also assists in keeping those who she has hurt from running or trying to get the jump on her
Self Sacrifice: If need be, she can and has caused her own suffering in order to increase her power. This tends to be a last resort, but can give her the boost she needs to finish a fight.
Stop the Pain: While she cannot heal someone, she can deaden the pain for others in order to keep them from going into shock or to keep them going. However, when she does this, she cannot draw from the pain they are no longer feeling.
Flair Pain: While she can stop pain, she also can cause it to flair up, causing suffering for opponents or those she is interrogating. However, she cannot draw extra power from this extra pain.

Quirks Drawbacks: Due to her body not being used to massive amounts of strength or speed because of an inability to train with the upper ends of it, when in situations where she is surrounded by suffering, prolonged use of her increased speed and power can cause the body parts utilizing said power to suffer and even cause major damage.

Personal Information:
Affiliation: Vigilante, works for the Hero Association
Backstory:From a young age, Jezebel Itami looked up to heroes. She was born to a Japanese Father and American Mother, receiving stories of the heroes of their respective homes. Every time she heard one, her eyes would light up in excitement. However, once she learned of her power, she realized that she could never make it as one. She knew her power was the type a villain would use, and someone like her would never be able to function with the greats. People would always think of her as exploiting their pain to help her fight. But instead of deciding to give up, she decided to help heroes in a different way instead of being one herself. She pushed herself, going through the Management course at UA, but throughout that, even if she wasn’t going to be a hero, she pushed herself to be stronger, maybe because in the back of her mind she still had a dream of becoming a hero, of helping people in that way. When she finished near the top of her class, she joined the Hero Association to assist Heroes in that way. She did her best to work hard, moving through the ranks until she got to the point of being in charge of the department of Hero Licensing. As she worked, her eyes caught on many applications for licenses and she watched many students that passed the tests to get provisional licenses, and she began noticing a trend she didn’t like. She believed from a young age that first and foremost, a hero’s job was to help people. That is what being a hero was supposed to be about. But so many heroes and students who got spotlighted didn’t want to become a hero because they wanted to help people. It was obvious from how they acted. They just wanted money or fame. It sickened her to see them succeed, see their applications succeed when the people who worked their ass off and believed in helping others failed because their quirks weren’t naturally as strong as others who get handed things to them their entire lives and feel like being a hero should be the same. Her mind turned back to her own dreams of being a hero before she gained her Torment. Her eyes turned down to the next license application that passed her seat, knowing that person didn’t deserve it, but there was no true reason to refuse it. As she signed off on the application, she decided that if nobody else would be in it to help people, then she would have to.
Feats: N/A

Outfit: While in her Vigilante outfit she wears a WWI doughboy uniform, with the bottom half of her face covered by a gas mask style apparatus, leaving her eyes unblocked. She decided on WWI due to the fact that it was one of the most brutal wars for boots on the ground, which fit her fighting style


Gear: Trench Club, Bear Mace, Pepper Spray, and a gas mask. Finally, she has a a type of under armor on that, if need be, can be activated to pierce over her arms to give her the extra suffering she may need to finish a fight.

  • Strength (Durability, Stamina, Physical Strength): 0 (+10)
  • Speed (Physical Speed, Agility, Reaction): 0 (+10)
  • Intelligence {Base intelligence, Quirk understanding): 20
  • Quirk(Skill, Technique): 40
    • Every 2 Points earn you an extra point in any other stat(excluding quirk itself)
    • Every 4 unlocks a quirk ability, which just adds to their 'arsenal' per say
    • Every 8 points earn you a support gear item(Students don't start with them)
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Basic Information:
Name: Elizabeth Markson
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Birthplace: San Diago, California, USA
Date of Birth: July 4th

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Cyberspace
Quirk Description: Their brain has a constant connection to the internet, and by proxy, things connected to the internet, and can collect information and send out information through it at the speed of thought.

Quirk Abilities:
Can connect and, if necessary, hack into networks in her vicinity, as well as equipment that has or requires internet connections. Due to the actions she takes with networks being at the speed of thought, hacking becomes less like work and more like a fun puzzle, one that she is very adept at doing.
They release a small area of wifi around them
They can use the internet to search for information about situations

Special moves:
Mind Spike: Brute forces her mind into systems, hacking into them through sheer power of will and mental fortitude. Much harder to do on systems with stronger security.
Mental Visualization: Can create 'pictures' of things she thinks up or things she sees, and, using her power, is able to send those in emails or through websites/applications to others in order to give them precise information.

Quirks Drawbacks: Like a computer, they do not do well in hot situations. At a temperature over 90 F, they gain a migraine if they try to use their ability, and any more use than small searches can cause fainting without proper care.

Personal Information:
Affiliation: U.A.
Backstory: Elizabeth grew up in a wealthy home, her father being a higher up in Google. As he rose through the ranks, to continue his upward trajectory he was asked to oversee the company’s interests in Japan. As for his daughter, she grew up interested in being a hero, but felt like the more physical aspects weren’t for her. That, mixed in with her quirk, drew her instead to the support aspect, which, while not as glamorous, still interested her, as she could become one while still being able to go after other business ventures that she might want to pursue in the future.
Feats: N/A

Outfit: Long boots, tight shorts, jacket, her glasses, and goggles.

Gear: A water bottle
-Enhanced Glasses and goggles: Taking a page out of her father's company, both her glasses and her goggles have a form of projection to them that connects to the natural wifi aura she emits. This allows her to project thoughts or problems she faces onto the glasses to better visualize and thus deal with the issues, whether it be hacking or gathering information.

  • Strength (Durability, Stamina, Physical Strength): 0
  • Speed (Physical Speed, Agility, Reaction) 0
  • Intelligence {Base intelligence, Quirk understanding) 0(+4)
  • Quirk(Skill, Technique) 8
    • Every 2 Points earn you an extra point in any other stat(excluding quirk itself)
    • Every 4 unlocks a quirk ability, which just adds to their 'arsenal' persay
    • Every 8 points earn you a support gear item(Students don't start with them)
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Basic Information:
Name: Seikatsu Mirai
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Date of Birth: December 1st

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Immortal Body

Quirk Description: Mirai was born with a quirk that allow him to be wounded and survive most wounds that would be otherwise lethal. While he can still feel pain, he would eventually recover by reattaching his missing limbs or removing any foreign matter keeping wounds open. He has already survived wounds such as losing limbs, punctures to vital organs, and suffocation.

Quirks Drawbacks: Immortal Body takes its toll in stamina and while limbs are missing or wounds are open, it drains Mirai's stamina to keep him awake and conscious. If he were to run out of energy he would fall asleep, like going into hibernation.

Personal Information:
Affiliation: UA, First Year
Backstory: Born to humble beginnings, Mirai was the offspring of a pro hero and an average woman who despite having an impressive quirk, lived a simple life. Because his father was a hero in the spotlight, Mirai and his mother saw very little of him and this mad the boy grow up somewhat resenting him. Of course he loved his father and appreciated the hard work he did to keep the world safe, but none of that made up for the time they lost while he was being a hero. Mirai's quirk came in and he inherited his mother's gift and grew quite fond of it. In school he did get bullied for the bizarre and creepy nature of his quirk, but most people left him alone out of fear. With help from his mother and some encouragement from his father, he got a hold of his power and started to aspire to heroic goals.
As all aspiring heroes do, he applied to UA and was accepted. His hero's journey is now underway and although he faces it with mild excitement, he is eager to grow.

Feats: N/A


Gear: N/A

Strength: 2
Speed: 0
Intelligence: 1
Quirk: 1


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Basic Information:
Name: Masamune Ritsu
Hero Name: Pinwheel
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Birthplace: New York, New York
Date of Birth: August 7th

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Yo-Yo

Quirk Description: Masamune's quirk allows him to exert force over any object or person that he touches, permitting him the ability to push and or pull an object to or from him.

Quirks Drawbacks: This quirk has weight limits as well as distance limits, with the maximum weight being around 2,000 pounds and the maximum distance being 100 feet before he loses control of the object. Attempting to lift an object greater than 2,000 pounds puts great strain on his body can cause physical harm to Ritsu.

Personal Information:
Affiliation: Pinwheel Hero Agency
Hero rank: 17

Backstory: After villain activity destroyed Ritsu's family in America and left him orphaned, the boy was adopted by a Japanese family and brought back to Japan where he would grow in happiness. Eventually he would go on to attend UA and become the pride and joy of his family. His years of studious hard work allowed him to reach his goal of becoming a sidekick the REDACTED hero team. He trained under them and built a bond with their son who was a similar age to him. But then things started to sour within his mentor's family and Ritsu had a front row seat. He tried to encourage his friend not to let the darkness around him influence him and send him down the wrong path, but it was all in vain. Eventually Ritsu lost his friend to the darkness while he became a pro hero himself. Ritsu would go on to establish the Pinwheel Hero Agency shortly after and has risen to the rank of #17 on the Hero Listings. His most famous feat of heroism is easily the time he stopped a runaway train that'd been sabotaged by villains, with no collateral damage or passenger injuries.

  • Daring train rescue


Steel Yo-Yo: Pinwheel carries a giant, lightweight, metal ring with him to combat villains.

Strength: 15
Speed: 20
Intelligence: 20
Quirk: 10
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Isiah MacDonald
Buttery Smooth Hero: Legendairy
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Philadelphia, United States

Birthday: November 17th
Height: 5'8'' (172.72 cm)
Weight: 147 lbs (66.6 kg)
"Buttered Up"
Type: Transformation

The user can transform, shape, and manipulate their body into thick, slippery butter. Additionally, they can control what state it manifests in, allowing them to adopt a liquid or rock-hard solid form.

Both forms specialize in different aspects. While the solid form excels in versatility and physical effectiveness, it lacks mobility. Contrarily, the liquid form excels in movement, though physical attacks, both outbound, and incoming, are ineffective.

Typical uses of the quirk include superimposing hardened butter on limbs to increase physical strength, liquefying oneself to evade attacks, forming extra limbs (such as fists) using hardened butter, or liquefying and extending one's limbs, etc.

Smooth Operator:

The user quickly turns their entire body into a slippery pool of butter, allowing them to evade attacks or quickly move along objects.
Dairy Defense:
The user hardens their entire body with hardened butter, substantially increasing their defense, but lowering mobility in the process.
Extra Ingredients:

The user creates extra limbs using hardened butter, which can be used for defensive, offensive, and evasive maneuvers.

The user spreads a pool of slippery, liquid butter along the floor, making movement difficult for the unequipped.

The user powers up their attacks by enlarging a limb with hardened butter


Extreme Temperatures:
Butter generated by the user can be melted/frozen by extreme temperatures, putting a quick halt to the user’s capabilities.
Form Weaknesses:
While in their liquid form, any physical attack from the user is severely weakened. While using solid forms, the user becomes less nimble, and their attacks more telegraphed.
High Maintenance:

The user’s quirk works off the lipids stored in their body. As such, they must regularly eat foods rich in fats to keep their quirk in working order.

While specific limbs can be quickly solidified or liquified, doing so in rapid succession puts strain on the quirk, slowing subsequent transformations.
U.A High School, First Year Student

At a young age, Isiah was well-aware of society's most prominent standard: quirks simply made life easier. It didn't matter how you looked, who you were, or where you came from. If your quirk was "good," you'd never have to worry about feeling lesser. So when the time came for his life-changing quirk to manifest, and it turned out to be the ability to turn himself into butter, all his hope for an honorable future instantly disappeared. He'd been born flawed, that he was sure of.

Fortunately, Isiah's parents had the same problem growing up. Undistinguished heroes cursed with mediocre quirks themselves; they didn't want their only son to follow in their depressing footsteps, so they took the initiative. Pushing Isiah into quirk-training regiments and enrolling him in rigorous school courses, they hoped to strengthen his character and shape him into a fantastic superhero they couldn't have become themselves.

Much to their displeasure, Isiah had still yet to change. He'd only compared himself to others more, and despite their lectures, he'd only felt even less confident in his abilities. But they were sure it wasn't any fault of his own. Or theirs. It was the schools. The schools here were far too inadequate.

So, they decided on something else. Why keep Isiah here when they could send him to one of the best heroics schools on Earth?

Then, he'd just have to become an exceptional hero.

And then, he'd finally be able to pay them back.
Super Heavy Duty Shoes:
Custom-made shoes created to help Isiah easily move on slippery (or buttery) surfaces.
Snack Pack:

A small bag meant to carry foods high in fats.

A pair of yellow goggles used to keep foreign objects out of Isiah’s vision.
Hero Suit:
Strength: 1 (+1)
Speed: 1
Intelligence: 0
Quirk: 2
Total: 4
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Basic Information:
Name: Hinamori Kaori
Villain Name: Liquid Fox
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Date of Birth: May 22nd

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Fox and Elasticity
Quirk Type: Mutation
Quirk Description: Kaori's first quirk is Fox and it grants her the physiology of a fox, allowing her to do what they can but better. Elasticity is her second quirk, which grants her extreme flexibility and the power to stretch and manipulate the form of her body.
Quirks Drawbacks: Fox's heightened senses put Kaori at risk of being overwhelmed by noise and scents. Elasticity takes a physical toll on Kaori beause it works her muscle twice as hard to perform any action while her body is transformed

Personal Information:
Affiliation: Skulker Sisters
Backstory: REDACTED
Feats: N/A

Outfit: N/A
Gear: N/A

Strength: 2
Speed: 1
Intelligence: 0
Quirk: 2
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Basic Information:
Name: Eddie Gears
Alias: Void (Formerly) Wraith (Currently)
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Idaho, USA
Date of Birth: March 12

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Jumping and portal Manipulation
Quirk Description: Jumping is a teleportation ability, the teleportation has a limited range of around three miles. The ability works as tearing holes through reality into another reality called the void. The void is empty except for supplies and a garden Eddie has built in the void.

Over time, Eddie has learned to prolong his tears in reality, opening portals for a period of time. These portals work in many ways: normal portals, one way windows into a chosen location, or two way windows. These are all affected by water and humidity, melting upon contact with water.

Quirks Drawbacks: any contact with any water will disable Eddie’s teleport ability, instantly closing any portals.

Personal Information:
Affiliation: Nova Team (Formerly)
Backstory: Eddie lived a normal life, living in the US except when he went missing after accidently using his ability stranding him in the void for months. Afterwards his father (A Law enforcement Officer) Was killed on the line of duty. Eddie now dedicates his life to tracking down and bringing the killer to justice.
Following his training, Eddie returned to the US where he was drafted as transport for military teams. Soon he was assigned as an assassin. Eddie left the US after seeing many terrible things and after contacting several former classmates he helped form a team: Delta Team; running many missions worldwide, until an ambush and betrayal planned by The Revenant and orchestrated by two jealous teammates left the entire team destroyed. Eddie was left for dead, only to escape and take on the new moniker Wraith. Ever since this, Eddie has become a brutal crime fighter, hunting down those responsible for his betrayal.
Feats: Defeat of: Hardline, Bioweapon, Hammer down, and Red Reaper.

Outfit: Combat gear, gas mask.
Gear: Hybrid Sniper/Assualt Rifle, Dual Magnum’s, Throwing Knives, various gadgets.

  • Strength (Durability, Stamina, Physical Strength): 6
  • Speed (Quirk allows them to escape many dangers) 8
  • Intelligence 7
  • Quirk 8
    • Every 2 Points earn you an extra point in any other stat(excluding quirk itself)
    • Every 4 unlocks a quirk ability, which just adds to their 'arsenal' persay
    • Every 8 points earn you a support gear item(Students don't start with them)


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Basic Information:
Name: Hinamori Katsumi
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Date of Birth: 9/13 (August 13th)

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Fox and Elasticity
Quirk Type: Mutant
Quirk Description:
  • Twin-Tailed Fox: Grants the user the feature and senses of a fox. Phantom's variation of this quirk features two tails instead of one.
  • Elasticity: Grants the user extreme flexibility and the power to stretch and manipulate the form of their body.
Quirks Drawbacks: Fox's enhanced senses leave the user susceptible to being overwhelmed by loud noises and power scents. When a part of the user's body is affected by Elasticity, the muscles are stretched and at a higher risk of cramps, damage, or at worst, permanent muscle damage when strained.

Personal Information:
Affiliation: The Skulk Sisters, Red River, Small-Time Villain
Backstory: [REDACTED]
Feats: None


  • Strength : 0 (+1 From Quirk)
  • Speed: 1
  • Intelligence 1
  • Quirk 2
    • Every 2 Points earn you an extra point in any other stat(excluding quirk itself)
    • Every 4 unlocks a quirk ability, which just adds to their 'arsenal' persay
    • Every 8 points earn you a support gear item(Students don't start with them)
Basic Information:
Name: Darius Blackwood
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Florida, USA
Date of Birth: January 31st

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Battle Tide

Quirk Description: Darius is capable of generating H20 from his body, and wielding it as if it were an extension of himself. He has extreme control of this water, and his control cannot be overridden by other water quirks. However, the caveat to this is that he cannot control any water he does not generate, and his supply comes directly from his own body, so if he creates too much, he dehydrates and risks passing out and even his life if he makes way too much. He can control his H20 Completely, and can change it’s state from the different states of water at will. He as well has inherited the ability to look at opponents through a lens of ice or water and gain an understanding of their quirk. This part of his quirk has no further ability or purpose.

Quirk Ability 1: Visualization: By making things into the shapes they would naturally be, Darius is able to replicate the actions of items through his waters, such as making a ball and chain from Ice for the Ball and water as a rope, able to use it like the weapon would normally be used.

Quirks Drawbacks: He cannot control any water he does not generate, and his supply comes directly from his own body, so if he creates too much, he dehydrates and risks passing out and even his life if he makes way too much

Personal Information:
Affiliation: UA
Backstory: Darius was born in Florida USA to a single mother, in a rather poor town. He never learned what his father was like, and only knew him as a kind and charming man and supposedly a hero. Whatever his mother told him, he believed. Darius his entire life was raised with the ideals his mother held, and only wanted to help people. He gained his quirk at the regular age, inheriting his mothers Dragon Eye, and his fathers Tide Quirk. At first, he had difficulty accepting his quirk, when he saw all his classmates with cooler quirks and stronger ones, when the most he could do to start was fill a cup with water. However, as time went on, he grew into something a bit more formidable. When he grew old enough to sign onto a hero academy, he was approached by an American heroine named Nexis, who informed him that it would be best if he attended U.A. He had no reason to do so, besides speaking the language and the heroes advice. However, when the hero left the bait of information about his father, he went and did his best to get into it. He wants to discover who his father was, and why he disappeared, and believes the answer may be in Japan or U.A.
Feats: Ate 40 Popeyes Biscuits in one sitting WITH NO DRINK


Gear: N/A
  • Strength: 0
  • Speed: 0
  • Intelligence: 0 (2)
  • Quirk: 4
    • Every 2 Points earn you an extra point in any other stat(excluding quirk itself)
    • Every 4 unlocks a quirk ability, which just adds to their 'arsenal' persay
    • Every 8 points earn you a support gear item(Students don't start with them)
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Name: Zesh
Age: 15 (Rat years: 15 Years)
Gender: Female
Birthplace: The Sewers
Date of Birth: Hard to say

Quirk Name: Lab Rat
Quirk Description: The quirk allows high intelligence for Zesh to slow her mind down to better think and give her more time to come up with solutions. She can also create items and weapons out of nearly anything, including junk.
Quirks Drawbacks: This quirk makes Zesh pass out and take a long sleep to recover, making her utterly useless. Although drugs can help extend this span of time.

Affiliation: UA
Backstory: Zesh remembers her first day like it was yesterday, she awoke in a sewer to a nice mother and 19 other siblings. Zesh would live the life of a rat, eat some trash here, find a dead body there. Eventually Zesh ate the brain of a dead hero one day and Zesh was able to fully think. This caused her to awaken to her quirk and she grew rapidly after that and eventually ventured out into the world. Seeing she could create tools and weapons, Zesh would end up creating a suit out of a trashcan and a massive working golem out of a dumpster with junk miniguns. And it soon fell apart. Zesh would go off next to find out about a school, which intrigued Zesh to join to learn more about building.
Feats: Created a Junk Golem out of a dumpster that went on a rampage for like... 17 seconds before it crumbled.

Outfit: Rags and a sweet leather jacket

Support Gear 1: Literally a bag of junk

Support Gear 2: Rat Meth tablets

Support Gear 3: Red Ring Gun

  • Strength (Durability, Stamina, Physical Strength): How well they can take a punch How long they can fight, or how long they can use their quirk before tiring out How hard they can hit without the influence of their quirk
  • Speed (Physical Speed, Agility, Reaction) How quick your character can move How nimble they are Determines how likely they can react to danger
  • Intelligence {Base intelligence, Quirk understanding) Defines how well your character handles puzzles and gets themselves out of trouble How well they are able to assess and understand the quirks of other people How well can they notice details, perspective on their surroundings, and calculate in stressful situations.
  • Quirk(Skill, Technique) How well you handle your quirk and manipulate it Permits you to make an upgrade to your quirk’s functionality and grants 1 bonus point to other stats for every 2 points put into Quirks Expansion in functionality and other uses (one point)
    • Every 2 Points earn you an extra point in any other stat(excluding quirk itself)
    • Every 4 unlocks a quirk ability, which just adds to their 'arsenal' persay
    • Every 8 points earn you a support gear item(Students don't start with them)
Strength: 0
Speed: 0
Intelligence: 10
Quirk: 0
Total: 10


RPs involved and rewarded

Grand Tokyo Mall: 6 Points and Red Ring Gun Fandom - [Dawn of Justice] Grand Tokyo Mall
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Name: Renee Nyx

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthplace: Kazan, Russia

Date of Birth: November 12th

Quirk Name: Witchcraft

Quirk Description: The Quirk allows Renee to use her to mimic “magic” to create and manipulate objects around her. From creating a small fire in her hand to summoning a rock golem to telekinesis to teleportation, the ideas are nearly endless.

Quirks Drawbacks: The cost of her body breaking down or her mental state breaking depending on how powerful the ability is. If Renee was to go past her limits, her body would begin to break down, such as her skin would begin to crack and eventually her bones break, her organs would begin to disintegrate. Going any further will either destroy her body and kill her or transform her into a hideous abomination known as a Lich.

Affiliation: UA

Backstory: Renee was born in a pretty terrible hole, throughout her life she had done a lot of suffering and begging. Hating the state she was in, she had to do what she had to do to get through the world she currently was staying in. Eventually her quirk would awaken at her 13th year of living. This caused her to go on a spree of crime for a time in Russia but she never got caught. Wanting to harness her power better, she decided to go to UA to better understand her powers and to harness them.

Feats: Better left unsaid


Gear: A small shit talking flame named Hareld she can summon.

  • Strength (Durability, Stamina, Physical Strength): How well they can take a punch How long they can fight, or how long they can use their quirk before tiring out How hard they can hit without the influence of their quirk
  • Speed (Physical Speed, Agility, Reaction) How quick your character can move How nimble they are Determines how likely they can react to danger
  • Intelligence {Base intelligence, Quirk understanding) Defines how well your character handles puzzles and gets themselves out of trouble How well they are able to assess and understand the quirks of other people How well can they notice details, perspective on their surroundings, and calculate in stressful situations.
  • Quirk(Skill, Technique) How well you handle your quirk and manipulate it Permits you to make an upgrade to your quirk’s functionality and grants 1 bonus point to other stats for every 2 points put into Quirks Expansion in functionality and other uses (one point)
    • Every 2 Points earn you an extra point in any other stat(excluding quirk itself)
    • Every 4 unlocks a quirk ability, which just adds to their 'arsenal' persay
    • Every 8 points earn you a support gear item(Students don't start with them)
Strength: 0
Speed: 1
Intelligence: 1
Quirk: 4
Total: 4(+2)

Name: MIM! The Mimic Knight!

Age: 4 Years alive (Treasure Chest years: 33)

Gender: Treasure Chest

Birthplace: Somewhere in Europe

Date of Birth: N/A

Quirk Name: Mimication

Quirk Description: Mim is able to imagine weapons and spit them out to wield them in battle, this includes stuff from swords to spears to shields to crossbows. Armor pieces too as well to defend himself, shields, bracers, helmets if needed for others if needed. Mim can also imitate other people’s abilities, although this can only happen a few times before it begins to damage Mim.

Quirks Drawbacks: When the quirk is used too much, Mim begins to crave blood to recharge his ability which makes Mim start to become more feral and dangerous.

Affiliation: Vigilante

Backstory: Mim would awaken one day in the bedroom of a villain, blood splattered across his frame as he got up seeing that there was a dead body, hungry he would eat this dead villain who had gone missing for a long time. Gaining the quirk to copy objects that way. Mim doesn’t remember too much of it but during fights it will help him remember more of his life.

Feats: Eats villains he kills


Support Gear 1: Mim’s Cape! A self-grown cape that allows Mim to use it to fly distances if needed and to slash flesh.

Support Gear 2: Third arm for him to grow so that he can fight or grab more.

Support Gear 3: Multiple eyes, allows Mim to open eyes all over his body to see where at all angles.

  • Strength (Durability, Stamina, Physical Strength): How well they can take a punch How long they can fight, or how long they can use their quirk before tiring out How hard they can hit without the influence of their quirk
  • Speed (Physical Speed, Agility, Reaction) How quick your character can move How nimble they are Determines how likely they can react to danger
  • Intelligence {Base intelligence, Quirk understanding) Defines how well your character handles puzzles and gets themselves out of trouble How well they are able to assess and understand the quirks of other people How well can they notice details, perspective on their surroundings, and calculate in stressful situations.
  • Quirk(Skill, Technique) How well you handle your quirk and manipulate it Permits you to make an upgrade to your quirk’s functionality and grants 1 bonus point to other stats for every 2 points put into Quirks Expansion in functionality and other uses (one point)
    • Every 2 Points earn you an extra point in any other stat(excluding quirk itself)
    • Every 4 unlocks a quirk ability, which just adds to their 'arsenal' persay
    • Every 8 points earn you a support gear item(Students don't start with them)
Strength: 20
Speed: 20
Intelligence: 0
Quirk: 40
Total: 60(+20)
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Basic Information:
Name: Solaris "Rhis" Downer
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Hamburg, Germany
Date of Birth: August 6th

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Metal Beast
Quirk Description: Rhis was born with a body made of metal, a super durable alloy for his skin and organs, and molten steel for his blood. He has a few parts made of real flesh, such as the inside of his mouth or his eyes, but they are the minority in his body. His internal temperature is that of the inside of a volcano, and when he focuses he can exhale that extreme heat to create heat based attacks, as well as ejecting heat from slit vents on his body that glow red
Quirks Drawbacks: He is extremely weighty and cannot stand in fragile places, and he has no long range options.

Personal Information:
Backstory: Born in a sesection for his mother, he was cared for intensively by the hospital, his monstrous body making care very difficult. However, he never felt unloved by his mother or father despite how difficult it was to raise him, which as he grew older made him very grateful to the two, and he wanted to repay them by protecting them and everyone else he could with his incredibly strong body, using his immense strength and quirk for good.
Feats: N/A

Outfit: N/A
Gear: N/A

  • Strength (Durability, Stamina, Physical Strength): 3
  • Speed: 1
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Quirk: 0
    • Every 2 Points earn you an extra point in any other stat(excluding quirk itself)
    • Every 4 unlocks a quirk ability, which just adds to their 'arsenal' persay
    • Every 8 points earn you a support gear item(Students don't start with them)
Basic Information:
Name: Reo Yamamoto
Supervillain Name: Wreaking Ball
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Mostafu, Japan
Date of Birth: March 15th

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Unstoppable
Quirk Description: While a part of her body or her body as a whole is moving, that part or her whole cannot be stopped by any means, whether blocked by a person or a structure, knocking away anything that tries to block her momentum. Her body or body part also gains increased toughness, making it incredibly difficult to harm her while she is in motion.
Quirks Drawbacks: Due to the way her power affects her movement and attacks, she cannot attack halfway. Every time she moves, she commits fully to the attacks, and when she's rushing forward, she cannot stop on a dime, instead having to slow down before stopping. Also, while she can turn during her movement, she has to take turns wide.

Quirk Abilities:
Pitch!: If a part of her body while in motion meets something that isn't bolted down, like a desk or a car, she can use that item as a projectile, throwing it at her opponents.

Personal Information:
Affiliation: Red Water University
Backstory: At a young age, Reo always thought the coolest job to do was a demolitionist. A person who learned how to level entire buildings and put that knowledge into practice. In her mind, that was one of the most powerful things a person could be. So as she grew up, she became a rather... destructive person, and gaining her quirk did not assist in slowing that down. She loved the feel of something crumbling because of her. But, due to her tendencies for destruction, the police were not fans of this delinquent, but she found someone who was a fan was Neramo. She was offered a spot in his school and a ticket out of the police station, which she happily took, and thus, she came to Red Water University.
Feats: Razed a bank to the ground, not taking a single cent from the vault.

Outfit: She doesn't have a different casual outfit and villain outfit, instead just putting on a basic mask that covers the area around her eyes.

  • Strength (Durability, Stamina, Physical Strength): 4(+1)
  • Speed (Physical Speed, Agility, Reaction): 0(+1)
  • Intelligence {Base intelligence, Quirk understanding): 0
  • Quirk(Skill, Technique) 4
    • Every 2 Points earn you an extra point in any other stat(excluding quirk itself)
    • Every 4 unlocks a quirk ability, which just adds to their 'arsenal' persay
    • Every 8 points earn you a support gear item(Students don't start with them)
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Name: Lupin II
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Unknown
Date of Birth: Unknown
Height: 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight: 130 lbs
Quirk Information:
Quirk Name: Sleight of Space
Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Description: Sleight of Space is a quirk that works off spatial disposition. With it Lupin can swap the locations of two objects of similar mass, including himself. There is no limit to the type of material or thing which may be swapped so long as the mass remains similar. His quirk also allows him to sense the relative mass of objects within his view, as well as how easy it would be to swap two targets at a time.
Quirks Drawbacks: Lupins quirk requires line of sight in order to swap, objects outside his sight cannot be swapped. When swapping the difference in mass is evened out by the air around him which makes the swap take time depending on the difference in mass rather than being instantaneous.

Personal Information:
Backstory: A dashing villain makes his appearance! First reports of his crimes sprung up in Britain, France, Italy, and Spain. At first it appeared to be mere burglary, each one seemingly unrelated. But before long law enforcement realized each of these robberies were in fact committed by one person. For a time he was treated as a mere thief, though none had seen hide nor hair of the perpetrator. However some robberies were too clean, some items having been stolen in ways that seemed impossible. Reinforced glass cases showing no sign of tampering now lay empty. All that remained was a metallic calling card. This was when authorities realized they weren't dealing with your average thief, but a villain thief! As Lupin continued his spree of robberies with not one person having yet laid eyes upon the Phantom Thief, he was finally caught in the act while attempting to steal from a prestigious national museum. Rather than panic or surrender Lupin toyed with his pursuers before finally giving them the slip as he proclaimed his name to them for the first time, Lupin II!

After this his burglaries ceased, and some had wondered if the villain had made off with his spoils to live a life of luxury. However that was not the case, instead a report of a fairly mundane robbery reached Interpol from Japan. It seemed like petty theft nothing of true value was taken, but like the other cases the items stolen showed no signs of tampering they were just, gone. And all that was left, was a single metallic calling card. Lupin II was in Japan!
Feats: N/A

-Sword Cane
-Smoke Bombs
-Flame Retardant Cloak
-Kevlar Suit
-Grappling Hook
-Locksmiths Tool Kit

Support Gear 1- Electronic telescopic monocle
Support Gear 2- Remote controlled mini drone
  • Strength- 5
  • Speed- 20 (+7)
  • Intelligence- 19(+1)
  • Quirk- 16
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