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Fantasy Davy Jones's Crew: The Red Ravens

Nikita header_zpstpyiyemw.png
Nikita froze for a moment. Kuma actually eats Nekos... He took her words to be truthful, and it scared Nikita right out of his fur. Nevermind that she said she wasn't hungry. Those words went right over his head. "A-ah... Just take all my jerky and my first-born, I don't care! Don't eat me!" Barely aware of what he just said, Nikita actually took a handful of his dried meat - which the Neko was quite proud of actually - and just gave it to Kuma. Nikita didn't have children, let alone a mate...

He backed away from Kuma for now, the fur on his tail still standing on end as he looked out to the sea. It was ingrained into the Neko's mind to automatically take in their surroundings when his crew left the coast. Why would that change now? He was used to being his crew's lookout. He sighed, not seeing anything notable for now. It was going to take Nikita a really long time to adjust to his new team... Sure, he'd smile and be friendly with them, but when it really boils down to it...

These men and women have more than likely killed others in the past before. They probably have much more experience than this Neko had. There's a high chance that they'd, very quickly, turn and backstab each other with no remorse if it benefitted them in any way.

Sniffing the air, Nikita sighed and sat down on the edge of their 'ship.' He curled his tail neatly over his lap and pulled out his notebook, reading the small, neat handwriting in it. "...There won't be any land coming up anytime soon, sir. I smell nothing but the sea." He spoke without looking at Luke, keeping his eyes on the pages. "The chances of us finding pirates out here are very low..."

Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Demmy Demmy
Kuma let out a hearty laugh. She definitely enjoyed playing with her smaller ship mate. She wasn't planning on eating all of the jerky Nikita had given her. She had more than enough food for herself. All she took was a small piece to munch on before putting it into a small pouch she had at her side; Kuma planned to give it back to him later when he wasn't so...on edge.

Kuma sat down near the edge of the ship, silently watching as the stinky island disappeared from their veiw. It felt refreshing to not smell the lingering stench of death around you. The only thing she would miss would be all the fights that started on that island. It was pretty fun breaking the bones of men who had tried to steal from her. Now all she would have to worry about is the crew. It wasn't always easy to trust a group of people who barely know each other, especially when they are pirates.
'Atleast I know the little neko probably wouldn't try anything with me....but the others?'
"Great. Time to put a nice little plan. We're not buying a ship." Luke was gonna steal a ship while it was parked. The question was how

They couldn't stay on the water for too long. It'd last only about 24 hours before some water got in and it started to sink. They should make it though

The smell of seawater was thick and much better than the nasty island. They had quite a while before land was spotted
(Land spotted when ready)

Demmy Demmy Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai Raiders Raiders
"Of course we're not," Morea muttered, though barely loud enough to be heard. It had been obvious from the start that these people had barely any money, let alone enough to buy a ship with. "So captain, what are you interested in... What was the word? Commandeering?" the demon stood from where she was and walked along the rail of the ship until she was closer to the small crew.
"Of course we're not," Morea muttered, though barely loud enough to be heard. It had been obvious from the start that these people had barely any money, let alone enough to buy a ship with. "So captain, what are you interested in... What was the word? Commandeering?" the demon stood from where she was and walked along the rail of the ship until she was closer to the small crew.
"I was a scout for my last crew. I planned the heists we went on. It's not unlike commanding, consisting that if the captain didn't do what I said, it'd fail." Luke looked out at the open sea and popped a berry in his mouth. With Zeus, information was easy to gather

"I don't want us to fight, since we'll be killed fast." He didn't have a notebook since it washed away when he was thrown off his ship, so he had to think without writing it down.
Nikita header_zpstpyiyemw.png
So the others were planning on stealing a ship? It made sense as money among the crew was scarce, but the only problem was how far their own excuse of a ship could go until they reach more land. Nikita rose from his own notebook and took a long sniff in hopes of catching anything but salty water, but still to no avail. Besides, it hadn't been long at all since he checked last. Nikita was, perhaps, just a little antsy about their whole situation. Thinking about it more stressed him out, so might as well distract himself with something else, right? The notebook wasn't helping, so he put that away and stood up, approaching Luke and Morea.

"I don't like stealing ships, but if we have to..." Nikita started, not really caring if he was interrupting the two of them or not. "My last crew stole stuff all the time. What they do is wait around until the ship they're after leaves only their scout to watch it, and then they go in and take what they want."

Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Demmy Demmy
Steal? A ship? Kuma would do anything to be able to be on a sturdy, trusty, beautiful ship. She listened to what Nikita had said about stealing something.
"Stealing? Sounds fun. It wasn't too hard for my old crew to steal something. Half of us were woman and let's just say most of the men we stole from enjoyed seeing a taller woman. Aaah~ those were the days!"

Raiders Raiders Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Demmy Demmy
Steal? A ship? Kuma would do anything to be able to be on a sturdy, trusty, beautiful ship. She listened to what Nikita had said about stealing something.
"Stealing? Sounds fun. It wasn't too hard for my old crew to steal something. Half of us were woman and let's just say most of the men we stole from enjoyed seeing a taller woman. Aaah~ those were the days!"

Raiders Raiders Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Demmy Demmy
Luke laughed. "Definitely their faults for letting their hormones take the wheel.......... My crew planned elaborate heists. Stealing ships, wiping out banks, covert night raids. Those were great days." So there was an oni woman who stole because she was a woman, a neko who clearly didn't want to steal, and him who didn't petty steal. It wasn't hard to steal a ship if done at the right time.
"I just wish we knew where we were. I can't really plan anything specific without a good idea of where we're going."
Raiders Raiders
"Then don't plan anything specific," Morea replied with a shake of her head. "Prepare for what we know will come and make adjustments when we find out. It can't be that hard, we'll most likely find a small port town or a port city." Personally the demon would prefer if they went into a city. At least that way it would be easier to blend in with the crowd, possibly dump this pile of woods down a river or something like that.
"Then don't plan anything specific," Morea replied with a shake of her head. "Prepare for what we know will come and make adjustments when we find out. It can't be that hard, we'll most likely find a small port town or a port city." Personally the demon would prefer if they went into a city. At least that way it would be easier to blend in with the crowd, possibly dump this pile of woods down a river or something like that.
"If you think planning a heist is easy, I can see why you didn't become a strategist...... that, or the strategist in your former crew was top notch." Luke said, brushing her off. The circumstances didn't allow them to plan easily or even generally.

No good ship
No idea of current location, future location or layout of future location
Varied citizens
Varied pirate crews
No coordination, being a new crew
Weather varied

"A city makes it harder to plan because we have to take into account stronger law enforcement or a military force." On top of generally stronger resistance. A city offered better rewards and better stealth, but certain death of things went awry, considering their crew size. A small town offered less general resistance, but potentially greater pirate resistance.

"A plan will be made when we arrive. We'll take the time to kiss the ground of civilization and actual food anyways."
'I really can't wait to get to land.' Kuma looked at her belongings, 'I definitely don't have enough money for a boat but I do have enough for other things. Maybe I can sell some of my jewelry...' She looked over at the others. Everyone looked as if they could hold their own in a fight...well almost all of them. She didn't exactly know what Nikita could be like. Who knows, he could have some hidden roughness to him. Now the demon girl, she looked like someone you shouldn't really mess with. That was fine, it's not as if Kuma was planning to pick a fight with her.
"Did I say that I thought it would be easy?" Morea asked, crossing her arms. "No, I said that it shouldn't be hard. And it's quite rude to assume such things. Besides, shouldn't a strategist know his general whereabouts by nightfalls. It's aweful hard to plan for everything if you can't tell where you are?"
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"Did I say that I thought it would be easy?" Morea asked, crossing her arms. "No, I said that it shouldn't be hard. And it's quite rude to assume such things. Besides, shouldn't a strategist know his general whereabouts by nightfalls. It's aweful hard to plan for everything if you can't tell where you are?"
"No one knows where we are. No one has been able to pinpoint the island on a map. We could be days from civilization for all we know. A strategist can't learn his whereabouts without a lookout to spot land....... and guess what? We're in the middle of nowhere." He yelled that last sentence out to the sea. They could be moving away from the closest land for all he knew and Zeus was too far away from land the last time he flew.

"It IS hard. That's the point. Everything is unpredictable and we don't have the equipment or the crew to adjust to sudden changes, which will happen because we're humans." If you had a huge reliable crew with huge amounts of info about where you were, Luke could rob the entire city blind....... but they had literally no tools outside his ability to gather info, which he couldn't do right now because they didn't know where they were
Nikita header_zpstpyiyemw.png
Nikita was quick to pipe up there after Luke's shouting and Morea's questioning. He put his hands in front of himself, both with open palms, as he stuttered out, "Hey... Let's stay positive, guys! It won't do us any good if we-" He paused abruptly, catching something in the corner of his eye. He could barely make it out - Nikita desperately wanted a telescope right now - but what he saw was... land? It was barely visible over the slight curvature of the globe, but Nikita knew what solid ground looked like when he saw it.

He quickly walked over towards the edge of the ship nearest to the land he saw, his tail was waving rhythmically in both relief and satisfaction. "It's land! Finally!" The Neko yelled in excitement. He mumbled mostly to himself his next line, but anyone standing near him would have caught it. "...So glad we all won't meet our watery deaths just yet."

(Eh... I'll let you pick what they end up finding Kylesar1 Kylesar1 lol)

Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai Demmy Demmy
Nikita header_zpstpyiyemw.png
Nikita was quick to pipe up there after Luke's shouting and Morea's questioning. He put his hands in front of himself, both with open palms, as he stuttered out, "Hey... Let's stay positive, guys! It won't do us any good if we-" He paused abruptly, catching something in the corner of his eye. He could barely make it out - Nikita desperately wanted a telescope right now - but what he saw was... land? It was barely visible over the slight curvature of the globe, but Nikita knew what solid ground looked like when he saw it.

He quickly walked over towards the edge of the ship nearest to the land he saw, his tail was waving rhythmically in both relief and satisfaction. "It's land! Finally!" The Neko yelled in excitement. He mumbled mostly to himself his next line, but anyone standing near him would have caught it. "...So glad we all won't meet our watery deaths just yet."

(Eh... I'll let you pick what they end up finding Kylesar1 Kylesar1 lol)

Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai Demmy Demmy
(Before the conversation)
They had been sailing for almost 8 hours. It was nearing sunset and they even stopped moving at some point due to their crappy sails not catching any wind and being too dense to catch a breeze

Then Nikita proclaimed land. "Finally. Jeez. We'll get there and get some food. I need a burger. Stake and Shake or something."

The ship floated to land and they were greeted with a small shipping dock with a few ships far bigger and elegant than their (current) ship will ever be. The town itself was definitely small and pleasant. It had a lush green countryside where the only big thing around were farmland. Luke and Tessa stepped off. "A small place. This is good," Tessa said softly

images.jpg images-1.jpg

Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai Demmy Demmy
The second their tiny ship had docked Kuma was off on the dock in a second. She took a sniff of the air. "Aaah~ Reminds me of home!" She stretched as she stepped onto the dirt road. It felt nice to stand on something that could hold her weight. Although she wouldn't of fell through the boat, she still felt a bit safer. "So captain, what now?" They seemed to have been getting a lot of stares from the village people.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1

"-And that is how I got This scar under my wing! Riviting huh?" The short fairy slouched against the bar, sighing as she pushed her mug towards the burly looking man. "May I have another cup of milk? oh and 3 spoonfuls of sugar, please!" Paige asked. the man gave her a strange look before doing what she asked and handing it back to her. Paige took another big gulp before letting out yet another loud groan. 'I can't believe I actually left! I wonder if they are going to hunt me down?' She shivered at the thought. "Ugh, I doubt I will ever find Kuma. This sucks."
Morea tore her attention away from Luke when Nikita had noticed land. Curious, she looked out at see, despite knowing she wouldn't see anything just yet. Her eyes weren't as good as they used to be. With a sigh, she turned and ventured to the other end of the ship to avoid the others - it would do no good to argue. Once they were close enough, the demon jumped overboard, swimming the rest of the way to shore. When the others arrived, she smiled, the swim having put her in a better mood. "Well, small town it is."
"Well let's get to work," Luke said. There were a couple of restaurants in the city and a couple of general stores and hunting stores. They had what they needed and nothing more.

"Go ahead and explore a bit. I'll think of my plan. Go buy what you need. I'm sure you all got a little bit of loot from that island."

Luke walked around the town. The Town was very outsider friendly, and didn't exactly have a problem with theft or unruly behavior from the Pirates outside the Tavern. If they'd steal a Pirate Ship, it'll have to be done at night, because this place was too small for

Population: 3,000
Specialty: Hunting and Fishing
Stores: Mostly general and hunting stores; a Farmers Market
Restaurants: 2 Taverns and small-scale sit in restaurants (Like Steak and Shake)
Weaponry: Rifles and Pistols; Knives and Machetes
Piratry: 3 Crews, 3 Ships; 1 Small, 1 Medium, 1 Large
Crew Sizes: Smallest is 10-15

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