Darren Carson


Gentlemenly Gentlemen
Full Name: Darren Carson
Alias: The Stranger
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Body type-muscular
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Clean cut
Eye Color: Blue
Appearance(Realistic photos only):   

Role/Occupation: Servant
Personality: Darren is a very caring man not want or really even able to stand by while anyone is hurt. He prefers to a watch and waits for his moment as to not get his friends hurt. He does hold a lot of anger carry,  mostly for Malice and wanting to see everyone stand up and break out of its current dark shackles, instead of sitting around.He has a rather dry sense of humour. He does hold a fair bit of arrogance due to his idea that he is the only one out to stop Malice.  This does lead to him thinking he knows best but if proven wrong he will not hesitate to apologise. He is also a man of honour, mostly due to his upbringing.




Agility Training

The Royals being hurt or worse

Malice finding out about what he does

Family: None his mother and father were taken from him. 
History: Darren Carson was born to a happy family in Relandra, his father a royal guard, the mother one of Queen's personal handmaidens.While the family were servants they were happy with their lives. Darren had a nice upbringing with the father teaching the son combat, and the mother teaching the son compassion. He from a young age became quite adapts at it. Not that it saved him to form what came later. One day when the parents were on their daily tasks and the son played something happened. Something attack.  A dark horrible creature, a creature named Malice. Being that they cared deeply for those they served them the mother and father fought back and while they tried their best, in the end, it cost them their lives. The son was kept around. Future servant and all that.  As he grew up under the iron fist of the new king, Darren created a scheme. He would play the downtrodden servant, with his training being seen as a pathetic form of escapism, while when the night fell he would work from the shadows to try and learn what Malice plotted and how to bring him down. Hence The Stranger was created.

@Ms. Sparrow This Okay?
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