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Futuristic Darkness Falls

Hell0NHighWater said:
Yeah that's Alex. You stated swamp like gear, Ven is from the desert she doesn't know what a swamp is and she's never seen the type of camouflage your character wears so that was me describing her from Ven's eyes.
Alright, thank you!!
Hell0NHighWater said:
Apologies for my last reply guys, I kind of just whipped something together in half zombie mode. It's been a rough week.
It's alright. Glad to have you back. Hang in there, yeah?
hi everyone sorry for waiting so long to reply I'm rly busy ≧•≦

I'll get to posting today, though it might take a while. It's morning in the rp, right?
Finally back c: I should be finishing the post soon

One more question, is everybody in the city or?
thanks, i just needed to know that so my post would fit :P

Sorry if that seemed low-quality or strained, I didn't really have much to write about and my brain is not working well today so idk
Harvey isn't quite at the city yet, he can see it, but he's a couple hours away on foot (the gunfire would be audible in the city, (depending on how far into the city the rest are)).

***As for the city...I've been assuming it's Washington D.C as that's the only locale listed in the Overview but is that correct?

*** @Hell0NHighWater
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I've been checking this almost twice a day hoping for something new but as I recently posted, I didn't want to clog up the feed. We could always carry on as a smaller group (@Swimswamswom ) and hope for renewed interest?

I hope this persists as I was very much enjoying this RP =]
*Cough* *Cough* Ahem? This Role Play seems very oddly familiar. Hmm...deja vu? I think not. ;) So sorry I didn't respond to anyone's PM I couldn't log on for the longest time. Had to go through this a entire process just to get back on with the site. But Hey! I'd be honored to join up with you guys once again! xD


@Jason Carlile


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