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Futuristic Darkness Falls


Queen of Hell
Full Name:






Organization: (B.R.S, Dweller, Lords of Rust, None)

Depiction or Description: (Preferably sketches or realistic photos, no anime)

Important/Usual Accessories: (Stuff they wear all the time, or has personal meaning)

Scar(s): (Where, type, size, color, shape, depth, thickness, sensitivity)







Character Flaws: (Bossy, Loud, Harsh, Blunt, Violent, Shy, Anti-social.)

Manner of Transportation: (Car, walking, horse, bike?)



Strengths: (What they’re good at, things that make them better at fighting. No fear of heights, hard head, good balance.)

Weaknesses: (Things that throw them off. Smells that make them sick, sensitivity to light, things they are weak to, weapons they can’t defend against well.)

Weapons: (What they are, proficiency, how long they’ve used them, number, wear and tear, current state, clean?, well used?, favorites?)

Fighting Style: (Type, style, street fighting, Tai Kwan Do, dirty, fast, aim for the head, favored targets.)
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|Full Name|

Verena Hawke


"Ven"/ "Red"






5' 4"


Aprox. 135


Ex-Dweller/ None​


Ven has long red hair, light almond shaped crystal blue eyes, and is usually seen with her hair up in a messy bun. She still wears part of the Dweller uniform despite being on her own.



|Important/Usual Accessories|

A once silver ring that she wears on her right thumb, the ring having belonged to her adoptive mother.


Verena has a distinctive small scar across her left eyebrow that she had gotten when she was a child. She also has a couple on her back and arms from the everyday survival in the Wasteland.






Having Fun



Her younger brother

being useful​



The Dark

Tall places


Complete Quiet


Using Guns

Being useless


Dying with unfinished business

Being found


Falling in love



To find her brother


Locate a safe-haven​


Although at times a loose cannon, Ven knows how to handle herself and hates relying on anyone else. She's witty and brash, tending to rely on sarcasm to bypass the seriousness of her survival. Ven has been known to have a quick temper along with being brutally honest, rarely taking the time to filter anything that comes out of her mouth. Verena prefers to be reckless and has quite the habit of telling people off (mostly because she has major trust issues). On the downside, Verena has a sort of loyalty towards the people she cares about that will most-likely be the death of her.

|Character Flaws|




|Manner of Transportation|



Biting her lip when nervous or thinking really hard​



She's proficient at archery and okay with handguns but lacks skill with any other type of gun. She can be rather persuasive with merchants and others when she really wants something.


She hates the smell of blood and isn't too good with heights. She's extremely bad at hand to hand combat and can get overwhelmed easily at close range. She is also horrific at any type of firearm bigger than a handgun.


Compound Bow with homemade arrows and two Handguns with one full clip each.



|Fighting Style|

Self taught hand to hand combat and a little bit of ju jitsu, but it's mostly a "make-it-up-as-I-go" scenario.​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-27_20-44-3.png.a30ce42f77231638ce1b6b8ad9a48737.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64462" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-27_20-44-3.png.a30ce42f77231638ce1b6b8ad9a48737.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Full Name:

Jaximus Atlas










Around 225

Organization: (B.R.S, Dweller, Lords of Rust, None)

Former BRS, now a wanderer

Depiction or Description:



Minus the cane and the

gauntlet and he doesn't wear the hood much.

Important/Usual Accessories:

A necklace that he wears at all times to remind him of his family.


Scar on his right side near his ribs. Kind of sensitive, but he can take a few hits.

Multiple scars on his back from missions while in the military

Multiple scars from wandering





Being Stealthy

Learning new things






The cold

Killing (Even though he was an special agent, then Assassin for the BRS)

Small spaces


Losing control

Losing people he cares about

Closed spaces

Being betrayed

Losing his humanity in the wasteland

Losing his identity

Closed spaces


Finding purpose and himself again

Finding a place to live


Finding a family


On the outside, Jax is a cynical and quiet man. But on the inside he is broken man and he wants to have someone to fill in the void. He carries the burden of many people and he hasn't shown much emotion to people. He left the BRS in order to find himself because he question their motives. He is a confused man, but he is an effective and cunning strategist and a hard worker. He is brutally honest and he is willing to help people. After a while he opens up and reveals a little humor and a little more of a sensitive side.

Character Flaws:

He has anger problems, and he prefers shutting people out when people offer to help him.

He goes off of instinct

Doesn't listen to others well sometimes cause of during his time as a squad leader

Manner of Transportation:

BRS: Bike

Wanderer: Car. A SUV that he stole from the BRS

Sometimes he goes on foot to be stealthy though


He bites his nails, he knows its a bad habit but he can't help it.

He likes chewing on random objects (IE: Pen caps, small stuff like that).

He always would like a Pepsi.



Calm during a fight.

Barely loses his cool

Proficient in weapons and hand to hand combat

Training in survival


He hates closed spaces, he hates them when thrown into them unintentionally

He has a hard time fighting really long range opponents

He hates the cold and loses focus in extreme cold

Prefers hand to hand combat

Doesn't kill an opponent unless he has too


1 Custom Beretta 92 9mm semi-auto pistol


1 Ka-Bar 1275 Combat Knife


1 M4 tactical shotgun


Various small tools and equipment as well

Fighting Style:

Jax's time in the military has made him an experienced martial artist in Krav Maga which is his preferred style. He is proficient in other fighting styles, including ju jitsu, Muay Thai, Kendo and SCARS an American Marine and Navy combat system. He likes switching this on the fly to throw his opponent off guard. He is a decent marksman. But in the long term fire fight he will lose. He had to rely on hand to hand combat for a lot of his career.
Full Name:

Alexis Bellator


Alex, Little Warrior


23 (not so little)




About 5'10"


110-130 lbs. Slightly underweight.


None. She's probably just a lonely scavenger.

Depiction or Description: (Preferably sketches or realistic photos, no anime)

The rather brawny girl stands at almost six feet tall, with shoulder length brown hair and brilliant green eyes. Her figure is rather slim, but muscular, limbs graced with supple muscle in all the right places. She typically wears a strange assembly of swampy gear, wearing normal clothes underneath many layers of thick jackets and pale blue scaling (old armor from her father). Having found tarpaulin and other materials to make watertight containers for her equipment, she's managed to form a sort of aquatic armor.

Important/Usual Accessories: (Stuff they wear all the time, or has personal meaning)

-Blueiron scaling. A rust proof water friendly patch of metal scaling that acts as a form of light armor. Despite Blueiron being an extremely strong metal that should withstand gunfire on its own, the scales are prone to chipping and falling off entirely. It offers most effective protection against melee weapons like swords, knives, small blades, bats (although blunt weapons could chip the scales off); only a couple shots from a ballistic weapon would dismantle the scaling completely. Underneath is just regular cloth with clippings to keep the scales attached. Not to mention, the scales don't cover her entire figure. Her legs and head are still highly uncovered.

-Swampy jackets (plus netting). Alex has acquired a large amount of thick netting from around the area in order to allow herself to clip things to her jackets, including the armor. The jackets are typical of what a jacket would be, something you'd send your kid off to school with. The ones she possesses are typically green and grey, the small patches of protective scaling being the only blue. All her clothes (except for casual clothes) are lined on the inside with thick tarpaulin, making them waterproof to an extent. She has plenty of tarpaulin pouches that contain items that don't fare well with moisture.. Let's face it, she's a wasteland MacGyver.

Scar(s): (Where, type, size, color, shape, depth, thickness, sensitivity)

-There are a few along her legs from moving through shallow water that has lots of sharp brush, like those weird razor shoots and sharp twigs. They aren't very sensitive or big, and are probably pretty dull and vague.

- There's an odd sort of scar on her shoulder from an old bullet wound, it's dark and pretty deep, but it isn't very sensitive at all. In fact, there's reduced feeling due to nerve damage.


Likes: Company, old stories, TREASURE MAPS!!!, antiques like old compasses and cameras, comfortable bedrolls, all of her wartime memorabilia, her father's old sword. Pretty knives. Pretty anything. Beauty in this wretched land is rare.

Dislikes: Being too wet, being freezing cold, being alone despite having traveled on her lonesome for such a long time.

Fears: Fire, large amounts of fire, extensive gunfire, being stolen from. Being attacked.


Alex is fairly docile, not really being one to outright attack another person. She'll fight back if provoked, and is fairly practiced when it comes to advancing and scouting, she collected inane amounts of military memorabilia as a young girl with her father, and read up on all sorts of strategies. Granted, she's no army general, but she can hold her own. She's probably rusty in practice since all she's had are old outdated books, but the reading still went a great distance in helping her survive.

Character Flaws:

Oversensitive, probably. Rather than grow up hardened and practiced, she has tendencies to become very frightened.

Even if she's skittish in a manner, she isn't particularly sensitive when it comes to taking a life, she has learned that she needs to do what she must to survive, however she does so with moderation and typically great regret.

Manner of Transportation:

Alex typically walks between shorter distances, but will take abandoned vehicles in order to cover greater distances--prone to hijacking. Sure, she's not a terrible person, and thinks herself rather valiant, but she'll steal if she has to.

Habits: Mild kleptomania... In all honesty, she's become a bit of a hoarder with all the clipping space she has with her netting jackets. Kinda like an aquatic pack mule...



If needed she can stache her jackets and equipment in a place so she'll be more lightweight during a fight, she has the blueiron scaling on her casual clothes as well. Again, not nearly enough to count for full body protection, but some patches in the places it counts. She's very agile when she isn't carrying too much, and is a pretty good driver.


Intense heat might give her a bad flashback, dazing her or confusing her. She hates the smell of rotting things, but has acquired a few protective masks to filter out bad smells.


Ever since she was a young girl, Alex had been proficient in using blades of most sizes, especially her father's old sword. It's probably the fanciest item she owns. Her father was killed in her adolescence, leaving her with the sword and a need to fend for herself. She refrains from using explosives as they're messy and attract a lot of attention. She will use small one hand firearms such as pistols, but her favorite sort of ranged weapon is a small tightly strung crossbow that shoots less than lethal bolts. Certainly lethal if shot in the right place like the head or neck, but one could probably take a hit to the leg or torso and be only badly injured.

Fighting Style:

Alex enjoys staying incognito, using her camouflaged clothes to hide wherever possible. Ranged attacks are good for eliminating a target quickly. She's quick and sporadic, and not the best fighter, but it'll be rare the other person comes out unscathed.
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Full Name:

Greg McClain










255 lbs


Lords of Rust

Depiction or Description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.0bdccd3d9472b9a09c26fe25d49ed80a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64763" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.0bdccd3d9472b9a09c26fe25d49ed80a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Greg is always seen with black facepaint and wears what looks to be the apocalyptic version of a football uniform. His attire is worn from years of use and permanently stained with dust and blood. He also wears knee pads on each knee, both pads sporting one short, metal spike pointing outwards for painful results of the wearer decided to go for a knee attack.

Important/Usual Accessories:

The only real reoccurring type of accessory Greg wears is a pair black, leather gloves stained with blood from countless kills.


Greg's torso, front and back, is littered with numerous scars of varying lengths, all created by certain rituals the Lords of Rust commit.





Adrenaline Rushes

Tight Spaces/Close Quarters


Easy kills

The Dark/Husks


Open Spaces



The Husks

Exposure to his fellow Lords of Rust

Open Spaces


To survive


Greg, just by the company he keeps alone, can easily and safely be catergorized as a violent and ruthless man, at least externally. The man has no trouble being the aggressor in any type of conflict, but what sets him apart from the stereotypical psychotic Lord of Rust, is his clear-minded approach to conflict. Rarely ever will Greg be seen blindly charging into trouble instead opting to survey an entire situation, thinking up possible escape routes, ways to gain a stealthy advantage, etc. Greg is also willing to expend fellow bandits, seeing them as lesser beings and cannon fodder and he uses them so...sending them ahead into buildings for possible traps or reveal prey and more. While seemingly indifferent towards the lives of his fellow partners, the reason for this is a side of Greg that tries to surface with every gruesome act he commits. A side of rationality, a side that questions his sickening actions, a side that threatens to have him forcibly removed from the Lords of Rust if that side ever showed itself. Maybe there really is a human soul inside the hulking monster of a man...maybe not.

Character Flaws:

Greg's dismissal of the lives of his peers has left the man lacking basic compassion that any sane person should possess which can lead to awkward or just outright terrible conversations should he be engaged in a conversation that doesn't include the dark humor the Lords of Rust so often use.

His rather repulsive lifestyle leaves many outside of his organization to treat him with hostility and suspiciousness.

Manner of Transportation:



Greg tends to run his fingers along the blade of his machete for seemingly no reason. This action always seems unsettling to anyone witnessing.


-Has a high pain tolerance

-Body is physically fit from years of surviving the decaying world

-Capable in defending himself

-Holds a clear head during combat


-Any type of ranged combat as his lack of ranged weapons leaves him needing to fight in close quarters

-Overwhelming numbers of Husks can leave Greg immobilized in fear, though he is fine with handling small numbers

-His other side can leave Greg feeling with indecision at times, though it may not happen during every gruesome act, he has experienced it multiple times and has no set pattern




Fighting Style:

Greg prefers to deal as much damage and pain as possible before killing blows, his sledgehammer perfect for inflicting pain as he likes to target joints and limbs to gradually exhaust prey, though if time is of the essence, he will rapidly attack to kill.

If his sledgehammer isn't able to get the job done, the machete is another weapon he can use, slashing foes everywhere on their body before making the killing blow.​



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Full Name

Harvey Snow


'Harv', jokingly refers to himself as the 'Harvester'










None, spends his life wandering the wasteland after being exiled from his hometown.

Depiction or Description



Harvey has an unkempt appearance due to his extended time in the wastes, mid length brown hair, swept to the left side over his blue/gray eyes. His right eye is a tone more blue than his left.

Important/Usual Accessories

He has a large rugged rucksack designed with a tiger stripe camouflage pattern, in which he keeps all his belongings, scavenged items, food and medicine. He is very protective of this and keeps it on or about his person at all times.

A lightweight cloth sheet, that has been customised with 2 different camouflage patterns, urban and desert style, allowing for greater stealth opportunities.

A tattered piece of paper with a detailed sketch of his home 'town'.


Right forearm, stretching from wrist to elbow and 2 cm thick. Also mirrored on the other side of the same arm but half the length. A result of a broken bone and a poor surgeon.

Various other deep cuts and scratches as a result of general wear and tear of life in the wastes.





Open spaces


Diet Coke

Finding rare or impressive items in the wastes

Delicately designed weapons (mainly swords and spears).


Dead silence


Having nothing to do

Being scared


The idea of having to take a life

Brash or aggressive behaviour

Being subjected to harsh weather.



Dark, enclosed spaces that could be hiding attackers.

Deep water/Drowning (will actively seek an alternate route than cross any deep area of water).

Being caught and subjected to torture.


To find like minded survivors and safety

Bring something useful back to his town and be welcomed back.


Harvey's time spent alone in the waste have affected his outlook on life. He was once a happy chirpy individual, who, when surrounded by his friends could shrug off any problem. Now however, with a year and a half of solitude, he has become a shell of his former self, sneaking around the wasted cities and roads wrapped up in his memories, looking for something or someone to connect to. While having nothing to live for, he would be fiercely loyal to his friends/allies and would gladly put himself out to benefit those who accept him into their lives.

Character Flaws

Shy. Harvey is very quiet at first until he develops a bond then is happy to open up and share details of his life.

Sensitive. He tends to over analyse any comment made about or toward him, usually only seeing the negative implications of most probably harmless comments, thus fuelling his shyness.

Slightly panicky. Has a tendency to lose focus when things get rough, spurred on by his encounters with the Husks. He keeps his composure, but his reaction times and instincts are stunted.

Manner of Transportation

A foldable bicycle. Discovered while scavenging a gas station, was in good shape but has deteriorated through use and environment damage. Most of the parts aren't the same as when he found it, and has a nasty habit of breaking.


Spends a lot of time checking, tinkering with and cleaning his weaponry.

Runs his fingers through his hair, pulling it through his index and middle finger specifically (calming)



Strategist, He is good at strategy, able to formulate effective plans quickly.

Stealthy, silence is just a part of scavenging the wastes, and is a trait he carries into battle, usually leading to non lethal resolutions, or avoiding combat altogether.

Survivalist, Grew up with survival skills from birth, having been born shortly after the bombs fell, Harvey has been brought up to respect and live with nature, even this vicious, altered version of nature.

Agile, even with the light-medium armour he uses, Harvey is extremely agile, keeping good control of himself even if having to run at top speed.

Proficient with multiple weapons, Harvey spent his youth, like many of his peers, being taught how to use and regulate a variety of weaponry. Harvey excels with sniper rifles, and can wield assault rifles and pistols with some ability, (though he will flat out avoid mid range engagements if he can), while also having skill with mid length knives.


Awful swimmer, any body of water that requires floating has the potential to kill Harvey as he simply cant do it well enough.

Horrific smells can result in loss of focus, even leading to retching, anything from strong mouldy smells to decomposing flesh can completely clog up Harvey's senses.

While able to use the weapons,
his ability to end mid range fire fights with assault rifles and pistols is poor, and while preferring to avoid combat altogether, he'd rather deal with threats from a distance, or up close and silently.

Timid in conversation, Would rather yield and back down in any verbal confrontation than risk being disliked by anyone.


Left his hometown with this rifle and 12x5 magazines of ammunition, and has since replaced any lost rounds through scavenging. Still in very good condition due to rigorous maintenance. Harvey's preferred weapon.


Scavenged from the gas station he found the bike, along with 5x9 clips of ammunition. Barely used and in good condition.


Left hometown with this knife and matching pouch. Used sparingly but maintained daily with a small whetstone.

Fighting Style

Depends on the situation. At long range, Harvey will engage and relocate quickly. Mid Range, an aim for the head combat style is applied, though poorly due to the potential desperation of the situation. Close range, Harvey will move silently and eliminate as necessary with his knife and moderate skill with hand to hand techniques. However, Harvey will avoid combat completely if possible, and is more likely to retreat continually until he is certain of safety, unless he needs to get somewhere then see above.

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Laila DuChanne:


Age: 26

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10

Weight: 125

Organization: None.



Usual Accessories: Laila has a necklace given to her by her father which she wears all of the time.

Scars: A thin mark extending from her back to her waist.


-Vinyl records







-Enclosed spaces





-For everything to return to normal.

-To find her parents.

Character Flaws:



-Irresponsible (at times.)

Manner of Transportation: An old rustic motorcycle.

Habits: Laila often abandons those who get too close with her emotionally.





-Relaxed under stressful situations



-Often finds herself in trouble

-General disregard for rules and people


-Has a fear of Husks.

Weapons: Two long daggers which she uses often and cleans daily. They are highly efficient.

Fighting Style: Laila uses stealth to her general liking but also targets those who are the weakest first.


Full Name:

Anthem Rivera


Madman, Midnight Wanderer








134 lbs. (underweight)



Depiction or Description:

Anthem is a scrawny man with messy, lifeless brown hair that sometimes hangs in front of his eyes/mask. His eyes are brown and dead, often with bags hanging under them. He wears a ripped and tattered green-brown jacket, stained with blood, dirt and saliva. In addition, he wears a simple black pair of pants and a white t-shirt (which can't really be called white anymore) in similar conditions.

Important/Usual Accessories:

*Gas mask: A small, red mask that he was given to by his parents as a present for his 6th birthday. Its left eye portion is missing and only covers a little more than half his face (including his mouth) due to a fight with Husks.


*Various scars all over body

*Long, shallow scar across face lining the cut part of the mask



*People (sometimes)



*Intense music






*No reason to live

*No freedom



*To get the courage to die

*To see his parents and close ones

*To find happiness again


Anthem is a rather airy boy who floats around the wasteland. His experiences and losses in the apocalyptic world has made him detest living and want to kill himself, but when it all boils down to the last moment, he can never seem to do it. Due to his "fuck everything" attitude, he tends to be brutally honest, make light of situations and only care for something that could thrill or interest him.

Character Flaws:




Manner of Transportation:



*Going out at night

*Wiggling and drumming his fingers



Anthem is generally fearless, which makes him able to take many hits and make huge risks. He has no qualms hitting or even killing anything from Husks to humans. However, once his life actually is in danger of ending, he has a powerful survival instinct. He is also decent with a blade.


Anthem isn't good with a gun and has trouble guessing where a gun will fire. In addition, though he is good with hand-to-hand combat, he isn't a master of any martial art and can most likely be taken down by someone highly trained.


*2 sharp daggers

Fighting Style:

Anthem does a combination of hand-to-hand and dagger combat. His hand-to-hand can be classified as street fighting but is a little more coordinated. Since he often makes a sport out of fighting at night, he likes to show off and do unnecessary moves and tricks in combat. It's a habit which can carry over to fighting with humans.​

:Full Name:

Lyric Grace De Caste


Lyric / Cas / Grace








Somewhere in the midst of 130 lbs



:Depiction or Description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Lyric.png.0143e0af8f3279ce94136a6277edcdc2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72562" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Lyric.png.0143e0af8f3279ce94136a6277edcdc2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

:Important/Usual Accessories:

[Most gear & accessories were either acquired through theft or were already pre-owned.]

- Lyric carries around with her a two gray tank tops as well as a two pairs of dark jeans. These are her average, Non-Armor, clothes that she wears beneath everything else. Socks are unheard of. And

underwear is constant.

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/PAW.jpg.07f1efcf6dd1340568a4208f9d9ff45b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72564" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/PAW.jpg.07f1efcf6dd1340568a4208f9d9ff45b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • + The Jacket itself provides decent wind and water resistance. It's hood decreases sun exposure and is light enough to be worn in semi-warm weather but also provides excellent protection against the cold.

    Disadvantages: Jacket is degrading while worn in warm/hot temperatures and environments.

- A constant necessity in world in which she lives in...

  • Fox-Titan-Sport-Jacket-Upper-Body-Armor.jpg

    + Fox body armor; Fits comfortably, is lightweight, flexible and provides protection as well as easy mobility. Obtained again from abandoned Military Base.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Bracelet.jpg.b3939faf1186246acc13ae2258a8fdc5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72569" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Bracelet.jpg.b3939faf1186246acc13ae2258a8fdc5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

+ A reminder of her daughter who's life was taken at a young age... The anchor is symbolic to the hold her child still has on her heart. Forever straining.


LifeSaver Water Bottle- Removes virus / bacteria / fungi from up to 750ml of water in 60 seconds.

Tactical Field Watch- Solar Powered. Equipped with calculator and digital compass. Water proof up to 30 meters. Also constructed to withstand a sure hard blow. It isn't easily broken.

Tactical LED Flashlight- Self Explanatory (Water proof).

Forest Green Paracord Bracelet- Survival Bracelet

Binoculars- Setting Change; Can shift from night vision to normal. Excellent magnification


A long jagged scar running from the peak of her left shoulder diagonally down her back ending at her right hip. A sort of reminder of the time she spent in Russian Captivity, just before the beginning of the War. Their torture methods are…most unpleasant.

Multiple scars across the left side of her rib cage remaining from the knife attacks of her former husband. She was stabbed repetitively before help arrived and she was tended to.



- Candy

- Animals

- Guns

- Justice (The Equine)

- Action

- Fighting


- Quiet & Calm (Peace)

- Books / Art

(Before the bombs dropped she was looking into dropping her military

career and perusing her dream of becoming an Artist.)


- Criminals

- Death

- Husks/Feral Dogs = The affected

- Surprises

- Arrogance

- Chocolate

- The Cold


+ The Unknown


+ Being Useless

+ Love

+ Storms... [Long Story]


+ Everything was back the way it used to be...


Characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, she uses her drive, determination and sharp mind to achieve whatever end she has set for herself. If there’s anything she loves it’s a good challenge. Her ability think strategically and hold a long-term focus while executing any particular action makes her a very powerful and intimidating figure. She presses down dominantly, relentlessly, and unforgiving on those who oppose her. Though beneath her multitude of layers at her core self lies a woman, who in in a way is completely opposite to the soldier she portrays herself as. And though the cover truly is a part of her, a heartless cruel part, it is only a mere fraction of who she really is.

:Character Flaws:

As hard and rational as her exterior may be, just beneath the surface hides a cunning and manipulative face few come to notice. She, a dominant woman by nature, often proves stubborn and will stop a very little to get her way. Though compromises aren’t unheard of, they are far and few between. As a sort of underlying tact she has developed an incredibly manipulative way in acting that, more often than not, result in her triumph.

She is followed by a long, complicated past. One that left her with exceedingly poor handling of emotions. Love. Kindness. Hope. Things that when faced with, end up mentally crushing her more than thought possible. Loss. A cruel heartless thing that leads to isolation. That leads to one pulling away, concealing, and hardening. Walls form within walls.

:Manner of Transportation:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Justice.jpg.d272d7b519fc0e52628414a09fdb8347.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72572" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Justice.jpg.d272d7b519fc0e52628414a09fdb8347.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

+ After the world fell to shambles most places were left as barren wastelands, only ruins remaining of magnificent fortresses. Bombs fell demolishing everything in their path. Live became scarce. Survival became vital. And so only the strongest remained. This stallion is relentless. He is intelligent, powerful, and holds an unbreakable loyalty to its rider. The rider who willingly rescued him from death to husks.

Given Name: Justice

Gender: Stallion - Male

Height: 17 Hands - Approx. 5 1/2 Feet at the Shoulder [A very large equine]

Weight: 950 lbs

Composure: A powerful but agile horse who's light weight and long legs equal speed and agility.

Accessories: Found at abandoned Farm

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Tarpin-Hill-Rocky-Mountain-Saddle.jpg.766777b05b45a2abc4df6d2f0efe8840.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72780" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Tarpin-Hill-Rocky-Mountain-Saddle.jpg.766777b05b45a2abc4df6d2f0efe8840.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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+ Husks. Feral Dogs. Varkin. The world that once was is no more. And so to protect the life of her new found companion she
'borrowed' the armor, the horse currently wears, from a museum. A replica of the ancient armor used by knights, the armor is composed of an iron alloy; tool steel with tungsten. It is coated with a sort of shine that prevents rust and deterioration.


+ Jumping to Conclusions / Assuming

+ Gazing off/ Blanking out when deep in thought



After a long physically challenging military career her body as well as mind is incredibly fit, working to her advantage during fight/flight scenarios. In addition to her physical and mental conditions Lyric works well with various weapons, still though prefers to stick with hand guns.


Kids. She has a very sensitive spot for children. Whether it be the topic or an actual physical kid. Her heart, as secluded as it is from the rest of the world, will never heal from the loss of her daughter.

Storms... Its her near fatal flaw. She's terrified of them. And as hard as she could try not to be that fear is near overpowering.


+ While Lyric is proficient with any weapon she only carries a select few with her. +

  • Mossberg-500-Pump-Action-Shotgun.jpg

    + Used mainly as a last resort. Is stored in a sling strap across her back. Easily accessible.

Other: Hand to Hand Combat

:Fighting Style:

+ Mastery in many. Her fighting style is just a combination of all that she has learned and come up against.



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