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Nation Building Darkest Depths - OOC

So, our characters were the servants of the Dark Lord, but how much would we have known about him? How close would he have been to his minions?
Wooo! An OOC! I have an question too: is the Dark Lord who just died the first and so far only Dark Lord or have there been others before him?
Well, I as thinking along the lines of making a inventor/tinkerer who… rather thinks too much about the burns upon his body and often hides it from view, thinking that other individuals thinking of him as ‘useless’ and ‘ugly’, and had joined the Dark Lord thinking that they were the only one had respected his own work, now vowing revenge upon the rest of the world after what had occurred. Was thinking of using this as their appearance:
Sooo, what's y'all ideas for characters?
I've had a bunch.

I've been giving some thought to making a faction led by a scientist (insanity optional), generally leaning towards something more steampunk or sci-fi. Maybe he joined the Dark Lord because the forces of Light tried to stop some of his particularly nasty experiments, maybe the bad guys paid better for the creations, or whatever other excuse I can come up with. Though apparently Laz had the same idea, so I might go with something else.

Another idea I've been playing with is a fantasy take on an all-devouring hive mind, something like the Tyranids.

Of course there is also the classic stuff - a necromancer cabal, an orc horde, or whatever. Might also be fun to do.
Sooo, what's y'all ideas for characters?

I was thinking something along the lines about a member of a small cult that worshipped The Darkness but was wiped out by the Forces of Light at some point who escaped the destruction of their cult and joined the Dark Lord to kind of sway more people into following The Darkness.
I should have a sheet ready and the initial rules setup ready. Just need to find time these upcoming evenings to pull it all together.

Character Sheets are up for applications!
Discord server is now linked in first post. This is mainly for OOC matters and game discussion. Most events will play out from actions taken in game posts.
Rules are posted, get your sheets changed if needed before I do reviews to launch the game. Link is at the top in Other.


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