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Fantasy Dark Omens (OOC)

Long post incoming. Eta... Tomorrow. Or the day after, idk, but it'll be a bit of something for everyone.

Anyways, now that (mostly) everyone has posted, I'd like to bring up a few things. Firstly, you've all been doing it anyway, but remember to keep track of your character's mana. Please also note however that includes which abilities have been used exactly. I know it may seem obvious from simply reading the post, but I'll have to insist as per the rules I've set out.

Speaking of which, please only tag the people whose characters you are currently interacting with. I know the site's notifications are a bit funny at times, but it's not necessary to tag absolutely everyone with each post. For those who have done this, I'll allow it it this time around as it's the first round of posts and surely something to get excited about, but please don't do it the next time. Tagging should only be used for the benefit of clarifying who your post or a section of your post is directed to.

And finally, on the matter of npcs. I realize now that without setting any boundaries, things could potentially get... Messy. So I think from this point on, if your post features any activity from npcs and you specifically want to be the one to control them, either tell me or sing it out here so no one accidentally makes them do something you don't want. I'll call this an 'npc claim'. Once claimed, all actions towards that npc must be open ended as with a full character. Otherwise, it's open season. As gm, only I'll be able to control them as well, though of course I'll be checking to see what'd be cool with you or not.

So with that covered, I'll get back to working on my post... And the lore. Eventually. Whenever time allows. As in never.
So I've updated the rules a bit in both the Main and CS threads. Added a list for named NPCs and locations in the Lore too, but I'm still wrestling with how to organize em. More on that later I suppose. Thoughts? Questions? Lemme know.
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Another update, added a new ability called 'Ignite' which allows a mage to create their own source of flame. Also changed the pre-requisites for Incinerate and Inferno. Incinerate now requires Ignite to use while Inferno requires both Ignite and Incinerate. They will now cost 2 and 3 mana points respectively. If anyone with a mage character or npc is thinking of which abilities they might gain in the future, please take this into consideration.
So I've updated the rules a bit in both the Main and CS threads. Added a list for named NPCs and locations in the Lore too, but I'm still wrestling with how to organize em. More on that later I suppose. Thoughts? Questions? Lemme know.
Are the changes highlighted in Main/CS threads in some manner? I took a quick look, but didn't see anything that had changed. Granted, I didn't commit the previous version to memory, either. ;)
Kharmin Kharmin I've honestly forgotten what the rules were before, so I guess it was nothing important... I hope so anyway.

So yeah, this is a bit awkward, but I ran out of time for writing on account of early work tomorrow. Just give me until like the end of the day and I'll have my post finished by then.
That's alright, I can wait. I actually should have posted yesterday, but I've been having a lot of family stuff to deal with too. I'll definitely be posting tomorrow though, so hope to see yours by then.
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And trying to recover from two business trips has eaten up my time with work. Managed to get some kind of post out, though.

Where's everyone else at?
Alright, I guess it wasn't that long, but it sure took a while to write. Too long, probably. Sorry for the wait.
Thinking of removing the 3 day time limit rule. I figure if I can't follow it myself, no one else should have to, so... Thoughts?
I've been waiting for other authors to write so that I'm not writing a post right behind one of my own posts.
Well, I suppose another way of looking at is like a minimum wait time. Like, if whoever you're waiting for hasn't posted in 3 days, you might as well go ahead and start writing your own, but it wouldn't necessarily have to be posted on the 3rd day. That said though...

Epiphany Epiphany Lekiel Lekiel you guys still with us?

I'd tag Severinus and Silverfeathers as well, but since they haven't responded since the last time, I'll have to assume they can no longer be active in the rp for whatever reason and I wouldn't wanna keep bothering them. So basically, we'll just have to treat their characters as npcs. If anyone wants to go ahead and claim them, let me know. Otherwise, I'll be taking the reins for now. Actually now that I think about it, I probably shouldn't just assume things.

Severinus Severinus SilverFeathers SilverFeathers haven't heard from you two in a while. What's up?
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Well, I suppose another way of looking at is like a minimum wait time. Like, if whoever you're waiting for hasn't posted in 3 days, you might as well go ahead and start writing your own, but it wouldn't necessarily have to be posted on the 3rd day. That said though...

Epiphany Epiphany Lekiel Lekiel you guys still with us?

I'd tag Severinus and Silverfeathers as well, but since they haven't responded since the last time, I'll have to assume they can no longer be active in the rp for whatever reason and I wouldn't wanna keep bothering them. So basically, we'll just have to treat their characters as npcs. If anyone wants to go ahead and claim them, let me know. Otherwise, I'll be taking the reins for now. Actually now that I think about it, I probably shouldn't just assume things.

Severinus Severinus SilverFeathers SilverFeathers haven't heard from you two in a while. What's up?
Still am! Just a little unsure of the direction i want to take my post. So if someone else's muse hits, just go ahead first!
Back from work travels and swamped with all the work I was supposed to be doing but couldn't because of work travels. Uff da.

I'll try to get something put together today.
Today sure is taking a while to get here. Well in the meantime, I hope you don't mind if I go ahead and post first.
Yeah, time got away from me. Sorry for holding things up. Hope that post will help move things along.

I'm not trying to split the party, mind you, but it seems like the logical play for the greater good of the mission.

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