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Nation Building Dark Experiment of Agora - Factions Observation Station (Fac Status)

Information on Starting Species.
  • Dear Players, as I enlightened above, all factions will start as the same species. So I will enlighten what this species appears as their stats is listed above.
    Jolæ's Log:

    Species: Havanger Class 0

    Our first creation here at GOUL, I couldn't be prouder of what the team has done. We have truly made a fine discovery and a fine place to take it. The Havanger will become our newest race into our precious empire. Why might outsiders ask? There will be signs to tell. I pray that they will not destroy themselves as the others of more natural origins. But who knows?

    The Havanger represents the first ever artificial lifeforms. I am excited in what they will become.

    Appearance Only:

    Bi-pedal, adaptive and designed to fit our technology from the beginning. We hope that they will fit later on, but it doesn't matter. We will always watch, we will constantly improve on their evolution. Their choices will affect many things. Someday, they will learn of their creators and ascend to us. May the strings of fate ever so weave to us.
    End of Log