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Fantasy Dark Core -Dystopian- Roleplay [OPEN]

Regent's Quarters

Oct. 13th,  5027.


The attendant nodded once, seeming to have a schedule memorized as she motioned him to follow, hurrying back to the Regent's offices. She tapped a couple times on the door frame before inviting herself in and into a side room. The main room being filled with various bookshelves, a large desk, and many the odd object. After another moment she reappeared, the Regent following close behind as he split from her and took a seat at the desk. The surface was near pristine, just like everything else in his quarters, aside from the veritable mountain of papers stacked in orderly piles. He seemed to consider them with some bit of contempt by the one glowing eye that was visible, but soon turned toward the doorway, tapping a long claw on the table. The base of his claws apparently engraved with some odd symbols as they stretched farther out from the sleeves that near swallowed the rest of his arms.

"Inside. I've a job for you."

Nearly at the same time he'd spoken, the attendant has slipped quietly back to the door, ushering Remus in and shutting the door behind him. She'd barely stood there for a few seconds before she'd spun around and quickly returned to the Regent's side. Her life seemed all work as she picked up a stack of papers, scanning through some at the same time the Regent himself checked some within folders, and then placing a select few down into a smaller stack, likely the most important documents.

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Newt offered a wave back at the child, feeling a bit awkward around them, seeing as how he was considered a child, but also old enough to work like an adult. He supposed maybe being more friendly would help if he'd ever decide to take up Gray's offer, and the chances of that were pretty high at the moment. He could also tell that he wasn't healthy like most kids should be, but he wasn't sure whether that was due to his being raised in the slums or not, Gray did say she was a scout, and scouts got some decent pay, but that he'd also had the blood cough. It really was sad with the state the city was in, at least for those stuck in the slums and poorer districts.

"There anything interesting over that way? I need some new scavenging zones, since the old good spots were nabbed."

Of course only by the people he considered bullies. They were the stronger scavengers and like some beasts of old, had congregated and formed their own hierarchy system, taking over the choice spots many newbies had used. Now the newly assigned scavengers had to fend for themselves while learning what was valuable or not, and even then, only had the picked through zones the experienced ones didn't bother touching anymore. Thus they made no money, gained no real knowledge aside from a few tidbits by word of mouth, and were generally out of luck and considered entirely disappointing by anyone that mattered. If Newt could find a new zone to scavenge, or at least get a head-start then he'd be raking it in with the goods he could bring back. Or at least that's what he hoped.

Gray watched as Bastian waved a moment longer before going back into the house, closing the door behind him. She let out a long breath and then looked back to the young mole. She considered his question for a moment, thinking about her section of tunnels and she rubbed her jaw. 

"Well, the tunnel quadrant that I'm going into now is one that hasn't been investigated since there was a cave in a few years ago. It's been off-limits since then. I'm pretty sure the soldier guards were just removed recently, to allow scouts through. I would guess it's probably got some good stuff for scavengers. Nobody is allowed in except me until I've done my mapping, it's not safe yet."

She looked him over. "I'd invite you to tag along, having a mole with better eyesight would be helpful. However, you're injured. You'd slow me down."

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Remus Flynn

Following the Mole lady into the Reagent's quarters, which looked slightly similar to his upper-class apartment. Remus stopped in the middle of the room, standing at-ease, with his hand behind his back. His eye wandering around the familiar room, glancing at the books on the wall. A few he reconized surprisingly, were human classics. But his curiosity ended, as he quickly turned his head back to the Reagent as he began to spoke.

Studying the Reagent's many tawndry layers of robes, and the intriquite engravings on his claws made him unsettled. It was a werid trait to the Mole. "What do you require of me?" He said simply, giving the Mole his full attention.

Romoana Helix

With another grunt, the rusted to hell bolt came loose. The lift shifted, the cables creaked in tune. Romoana began to immediately replace the bolt, before the lift either fell, or became more broken. She sped the nervous sweat from her brow with the back of her hand, and climbed bac, into the lift from the top where she was, and back to her tool bag. 

She dug out a few more tools she needed, along with the oil can to oil the other things that needed oiling. She climbed back onto of the lift, now starting on the second half of the non electrical part of the repairs she was doing. Maybe if she got done early today, she'd be able to go take a nap, or clean up around her house a bit. She really needed to do that. If not, and she had to work more, that was fine too. Lift Mechanics were in the small number concerning jobs, so she didn't mind the work.

Speaking of work, she looked over to see and mole trying to get to lift to work. She called down to him, "Hey! The Lift is down, find another way." Romoana was met with the normal response. Cursing and rather rude comments which were totally unnecessary. After a few more remarks, and Romoana's apologizing for the inconvenience, she got back to work.
Fondi sighed with relief as he heard the shrill whistle signaling the city-mandated lunch break. Although he believed that his overseer is working to get the break removed. Fondi never actually ate lunch during the designated hour.  Instead he explored the Amberway.  There are so many hidden paths and secret roads that could be used to his advantage if need be. And the further away he was from whatever mine he was currently working at, the happier he was. 

Fondi used to be quite satisfied with his job. It was when his old overseer was replaced with the one he had now that he started to despise working their. He's a greedy mole who seems to like to cause them as much pain as possible,  and Fondi could swear that he was taking from they're paychecks and putting the money in his own pockets. 

But those complaints are for later, as he has a whole hour away from work. Fondi makes it out of the mine and heads for the nearby lift that he normally takes. As he got closer though, he could see the uniform of a lift mechanic in front of the lift. Fondi groaned, a bit louder than he meant. Maybe she's almost finished.  Putting on a smile,  he walks up to the mechanic,  a young female human. 

"So are you going to be finished anytime soon?" The mole asked politely,  with the tiniest hint of annoyance in his voice. 

Romoana Helix

With another sigh, she climbed down from the top, almost done up there but needed one more thing from her bag. But she she was getting it, another Mole came up and asked about the lift. She wanted to sigh, and give him the most sarcastic response possible, but changed her mind rather quickly. 

Her overseer had already gotten onto her about being rude to people above her. So instead, she smiled down at the Mole. "No sir, I'm sorry. I just started a few minutes ago. So you will have to find another way." There, that should be polite enough. With that, she crouched down to her tool bag again to continue her search for the elusive tool. "I should be done within 30 minutes, depending on how bad the electrical problem,  so if you're in an absolute hurry, I'd suggest taking another route." @ThatOneGuy
Newt almost blurted that he wouldn't but even he knew that wasn't true. Yet she did mention an area off limits, which piqued his interest. He was never much for rules if no one would find out he'd broken them, and an area off limits meant that no one had scavenged it yet, so it was like a possibly gold mine awaiting his appearance. Unfortunately though, he highly doubted he could talk Gray into letting him go, but there was no harm is asking. She'd just say no again, and it wasn't like that was the first time someone had told him that. Even if he could just get her to tell him where it was, it would still be offlimits for some time if she was the only scout allowed, and that meant he had ample time to get over the headache and heal up enough to go out again. The council didn't really even seem to care whether someone was injured with a cut anyways, even if it was more than just that, so he couldn't use that as an excuse for too long either.

"If you tell me where it's at, how to get to it, you know, details, then I can get there on my own time and then help you out. My kind was born and evolved down here, so I think we all have that natural instinct when it comes to tunnel safety."

"Shit" Fondi says,  after hearing the mechanic say it could take up to half an hour. It would take him at least that long to walk where he was planning to go. With his plan ruined, he was in no real hurry to get anywhere. He took a deep breath,  to calm himself down. 

"Alright.  Do what you gotta do. " Fondi said,  walking away a few feet and plopping on the ground. He watched the mechanic do her work on the lift with a little curiosity. He doesn't belive he could ever understand what she was doing.  But he had nothing better to do, so at least he could make an attempt.  

"So what seems to be the problem?" he asked.


Regent's Quarters

Oct. 13th,  5027.


The Regent seemed in no hurry as the shifted through a few more papers in the folder, the council meeting was still a few hours away, and unless they decided to push it even further forward, he had some time to speak with Remus. After perusing a section about recent rebellions, talk of the surface, and similar acts of anarchy in the city, he once more brought his amber eye up to look upon Remus.

The man's scarred eye was unsettling to most, but the Regent seemed to not mind gazing right at it. While Remus was respectful, he was still a human, and he like most was self conscious of something about himself. Most moles had those weaknesses too, but it was something to improve upon him. He assumed the man had similar negative opinions of the Regent, but so far he'd behaved to his expectations. His wife and expected child had been slain at the whim of the council, another cruel institution to weed out weakness and instill obedience, even if entirely founded on the progression of power by fear. It was something the Regent himself was against, but of course had to order on occasion himself, likely gaining enemies of all rank, and only fueling the councils deep seated paranoia. A circle of destruction, depravity, and hatred. The founding blocks to anarchy in the supposed city of the saved. He'd let out a slight scoffing growl, before raking his claws away from the papers, folding them neatly together at the edge of the table.

"How would you feel about a reassignment. Temporary of course.."

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Romoana Helix

It would take her a few minutes to answer, since she had a few smaller things in her mouth. She went back into the lift, climbing up to the top once more, her legs dangling out of the small openin that would give her access to the cables and things holding them. "Well," She started, the rusted metal creaking as the lift swung slightly. "Yesterday, the lift wasn't functioning properly, going to fast or two slow, till it stopped altogether. Conveniently here, as you can probably tell." 

There was a pause in her talking, focused on carefully placing a clamp on the cable to keep it from moving as she inspected the wires that connect it to the electrical grid. "The input output for the power is a bit off, probably something wrong with with the wires up here, or something in the panel under the buttons there on the left." She stuff her arm down out of the maintenance vent, and waved a wrench in the direction she was talking about. 

"I was also informed there was a small fire, so I'm fixing the damage it did. But there seems to be all bit more than just those things wrong with it. The cables needed oiling, a few bolts replaced, ano-fuck!" There was another pause, the lift moving slightly again as Romoana shook her hand. There was a small shock, which surprised her and slightly hurt her finger. Thank god for the gloves she was wearing, or it would have been worse.  "Anyway, this lift has a few problems that shouldn't take long to get done, but that's only if I don't find anymore." @ThatOneGuy
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Gray contemplated his words, knowing full well the lives of low-level scavengers. She knew that their worth was in the items that they were able to find, so locating a new area could be life-changing. This was a young mole, new to his role, therefore he would be very low on the totem pole. It went against a lot of the laws of the world, but there was no harm in giving the mole a chance at something like this. It would not hurt her in any way, honestly, his help in searching the dark caverns could be useful. Gray took a deep breath and pulled her bag around her front again, digging through the little pouch on the front and pulling out a small folded piece of paper. 

"I've already memorized the location of the entrance. It's at the lowest level of the city, the western tunnel, labeled Tunnel XXX, I have the seal of approval to enter, so if you wish to scavenge or place your claim on that tunnel, you'd have to go along with me. I will not take you this time because you're injured, but if you heal fast, I will take you soon. Right now all I've been told to do is see how far I can go in a day's run and map what I see. It's going to be a long assignment because they want to start mining there after I scout it out."

On the paper was a little map, one easily recognizable as that of the lowest level of the city, where the mining expeditions usually were.

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Watching the Reagent shift through his many stacks of paperwork, appearing to be in no hurry to speak to  him. Reading a few of the titles upside down, Remus got the idea there was an upcoming Council meeting. Looking back at the Reagent, he noticed his beady eyes staring at his scar. Squinting his good eye to display his dislike of it, and it appeared he got the hint. It took awhile for the Mole to speak, and when he finally did he listened intently. "Depending on the position. What is it you require of me?"

Fondi nodded his head politely as the mechanic spoke, looking at her dangling legs. You could say that he was scoping out other jobs he could possibly trade into. But he soon saw that his big claws would be ill suited for this type of work. He would have so many singed furs he would basically be black. At least, that's what he thought when he saw the mechanic get a shock. 

Fondi started tapping his claws on the ground absent-mindedly.  "So,  does this stuff happen often to these lifts?" Fondi asked,  trying to keep the conversation alive. 
Romoana Helix

She thought for a moment. Lately, the Lifts had been having more trouble than normal. "Well, recently, yes." She finally answered, climbing down with her things. She recover her maintenance vent, and grabbed her tool bag. She brought the bag into the lift, and sat down infront to the panel.

She pulled out a screwdriver, removing the pale from the wall, to real a bunch of wire and a few circuit boards. "It's probably just because the lifts are really old and rusted to hell." Romoana put the goggles on (kinda steam punk goggles), and grabbed a flash light from the tool bag, leaning iver a little bit to look into the shallow compartment. "Hmm, this is weird." @ThatOneGuy
"Really now?" Fondi was surprised to hear that these problems only started happening recently. He had assumed that the lifts were always in bad shape. He thought he just got lucky by getting in when no mechanics were working on it. Of course, his opinion was that most things in the Amberway were at most sub-par. 

"What's weird?" Fondi asked,  getting up and trying,  and failing to peer over the mechanic's shoulder. 

Romoana Helix

She sighed, "Well, I don't really see anything wrong, but this is where t-oh shit." There was a weird noise, hard to describe. When she pulled back, and was sitting up straight. There was a black, powery substance covering her face. "Ok, found out what's wrong," She muttered, wiping her face. 

"You know, I really hate it when people manage to shove shit in these things. The result is what you see," She said, motioning to her face. Romoana, then sighed, grabbed something from the bag beside her, and leaned back in so she could once again see inside the shallow compartment. After a few minutes, she stood, and lowered her goggles, after replacing the panel. 

"The lift should be working now," She said, stepping off. "Go ahead and try it. I gotta stay incase it doesn't move." @ThatOneGuy
Newt inspected the map, taking care to memorize the details of the map. He wanted to go with her now, but then again she refused to take him while he was injured. Despite that, she was willing to provide an opportunity for him to better his position in the city and it was hard for him to contain an excited grin as he looked back to her.

 "I'll do my best to! Don't want the miners to find all the good stuff!"

Even if she didn't intend to bring him into the tunnels just yet, he could still have a look around the area. Judge how many patrols were around, that sort. Maybe even catch an opportunity to sneak in, if they were rather lax on their posts.


Regent's Quarters

Oct. 13th,  5027.


"The council isn't pleased with the current hints of disdain for them. They wish to have ears within the unrest, and as a rather capable individual, they find it fit that you be moved to be their main source. You've the choice of being reassigned to a miner, scout, or scavenger. Your choice. Those are generally the most ill-desired roles from what I've been told, and as such, you'll also be moved to a dwelling within the slums to better have access to the groups of highest concern."

The Regent leaned forward some over the desk, sliding a paper across the table with a claw, "Choose and sign this. You'll be given appropriate uniform. You're also to be sent to have your appearance disguised somewhat better. Best you go under a moniker name as well."

If the man was a reputable spy, he'd have no issues with working undercover in those areas, but humans tended to be most offended by supposed positions of less prominence and power. He took an ink pen from a container on the desk, rather deftly compared to the lacking dexterity of most moles, and offered it to him. His sharpened claws likely attributed to this as he had finer points of contact, but he made sure to keep the points of his other claws curled away from Remus.

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Fondi quickly stepped back, as he heard a strange noise coming from where the mechanic was sticking her head. The mechanic pulled her head out from the panel,  and Fondi was surprised to see her face had turned pitch black. As she wiped it off her face, the mole realized it was just some sort of soot. 

After a few minutes, the mechanic told him that the lift should work now. "It better work" the mole muttered to himself as he stepped onto the lift. And like the mechanic said, as soon as he pressed the up button, the lift started to move  upward.  He was able to get a quick "Thank you!"  in before the mechanic was out of sight. 

Remus Flynn

Remus crossed his arms casually, though it gave most an off-putting look about him, probably due to his scar. Listening to the Reagent's words carefully, searching for a loophole, or an easier way for himself to take the mission. Once the Mole finished, he leaned forward on the desk to read the paper. "Good luck covering this ravaged mess," he commented as he picked up the pen the Reagent ill handed him.

Going through the form, he thought about his options. Scouting would be the easiest, but it would be an easier way to expose himself. He pitied Scavangers, so he simply chose mining. It wouldn't be terribly hard, he was in fantastic shape for his age, due to the military. Finishing off the paperwork with a scribble of his signature, he set the pen down on the paper, and slid it back across the table. "So how often will I need to relay input. I know Miners breaks depend heavily on their quota's. And it'll be hard to find bar time."

Romoana Helix

The girl smirked to herself, that was a dreadfully easy job, and now, all she had to do was wait until another lift broke down. Or if they needed her help. Picking up the canvas tool bag, hoisting the strap over her shoulder, and began to walk back to her little home in the slums. For meager dwellings, her small apartment was somewhat nice. 

There were three rooms. The main room you see as soon as you enter, with a small kitchen and living room combination. On the walls were a few papers and pictures that she though we're really cool, and of her and her father. Her furniture was what you would normally see, only her's was slightly repaired since she had the stuff to do it with.

Her bathroom, a small shower, sink, broken mirror, and toilet. Also pretty standard. Her bedroom was rather nice in comparison to others. Like most, her bed was mostly on the floor, Romoana's being separated from the floor by a few inches thanks to a thick board. She had a broken nightstand, small vanity, and a few other things. Over all she was happy with where she was, but really hated the fact that her mother was close by. 

As Romoana walked, she looked all the stands, since she was passing trough the city. Luckily it was about as crowed all bouts it normally was, since the over powered Mile had left, she could walk, not really looking where she was going, without much worry. So, she was enjoying the walk. Something she couldn't do often. 

(Open for interaction)
Kris Marr

Kris lived on the 3rd floor of a rickety old building in a single room apartment; It was a run down little place but far better than nothing - and Kris knew well enough that nothing was exactly what most people like him had.  The room was lightly furnished (very lightly) with a large mattress on the floor and a broken shelf against the wall in the corner (with nothing on it of course).  it had no windows, so the room often got hot and stuffy and - like the rest of Amberway's slums - wreaked of garbage.  Still, Kris felt incredibly lucky to have it.

Kris walked down the street with a slow, casual step, looking about with an ere of noticeable confusion.  He was lost, not completely lost, but just enough for it to be a problem.  He was a new scout, but as new as they could come (literally).  This was day one, in a way.  Kris had started as a Bug Rancher - and worked the assignment for 4 years - before trading assignments with a friend. He wasn't really sure why he traded assignments, or if it was a particularly good idea, but whatever the case he had, and there was no going back now.  As Kris walked down the street, lost and quite possibly running late, he began to wonder if his friend was having as much trouble with his new assignment.

( Interaction @FireMaiden )

The streets were pretty bare, for one reason or another, which made it hard for Kris to find someone suitable to get directions from - "suitable" in Kris's mind referring to pretty much anyone who wasn't a mole.  Kris - though he didn't outright hate them - tried to avoid moles as often as he could (as he had no trust in them).  Luckily for him, It wasn't long before he noticed a girl walking on the other side of the street (who - most importantly - was not a mole).  Kris jogged across the street and took up stride alongside her, matching his pace with hers.

"Hate to bother you," he began politely, walking along next to the girl, "But is there any chance you could help me with something?"  He spoke casually, with no urgency in his tone.  "I can pay," he added, pulling a single Crystal out from his pocket; Kris held the crystal up for the girl to see.
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Romoana Helix

She was enjoying her walk, the mostly quiet surroundings since she was blocking most of the chatter around her out. She almost didn't notice someone fall in line with her steps. She only stopped, when all the sudden, someone was wiggling a crystal infront of her face. 

Looking over at the guy who had started walking beside her, she cocked her eyebrow, her face still slightly covered in a thin layer of soot, mainly her forehead and around her eyes. "What did you say?" She asked. Romoana hadn't been listening to what he had been saying. "What are you paying me for?" @Francis Stickmin
Kris Marr

The girl Kris was walking next to stopped abruptly when she took notice of him.  When it became apparent she hadn't heard him Kris looked back at her with some concern, puzzled as to how his words had been missed.

"Directions," he said looking at her curiously, "Specifically, directions to a lift - one that'll get me to the lower level of the city,"  he tossed the crystal in his hand up and down a few times before pocketing it, "I'd say that's worth a crystal or two,"  he added with a friendly, genuine smile.  Kris kept his smile as he looked on at girl waiting for a response, trying - with some trouble - not to laugh at the her (pretty) soot covered face.


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