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Fantasy Dark Ages Round 2 W/ DarkAngelRollins and DannyAstro77 ONLY


Sassy Wild Horse
Dark Angels:

Kailey (Infected)



Kodi (Wolf)
Malachi (Bear)
Lilith (Owl)

We're all afraid of something:
Skyler: Loud noises
Axelle: Death
Lilliana: Dolls

Elliot: Abandonment
Kazue: Blood
Kailey: Being called out

Bandit: Tyrants
Fallon: Failure
Calder: Puppets
Kodi: Extreme Passivity

Getting nervous is a part of life:
Skyler: Bites lip
Axelle: Plays with hair
Lilliana: Stutters

Elliot: *wolf eyes*
Kazue: Changes subject
Kailey: Hides face

Bandit: paces
Fallon: Identity signaling
Calder: Apologizes for no reason

Kodi: Rejection, Crowds, Change

Quotes we live by:

Skyler: "I don't hate you, I'm just not necessarily excited about your existence,"
Axelle: "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened,"
Lilliana: "The man who has no imagination has no wings"

Elliot: "I believe the root of all evil is the abuse of power,"
Kazue: "Hey guys! Did you ever think, that if you're to open minded your brains will fall out?"
Kailey: "I'm not the type to tiptoe through tulips, I'd rather bulldoze through the bullshit"

Bandit: "I'm not fluent in idiot, so please speak slowly and clearly,"
Fallon: "Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside"
Calder: "You smell like hidden motives get away from me,"
Kodi: "Giving up doesn't mean you are weak, it means you were strong enough to let go,"

Malachi: "Perfectionism is self-abuse of the highest power"


Everyone must be in their house by 8 pm
No questioning Lurkers
If you are caught outside of your home past curfew there will be consequences
All laws must be obeyed
Lurkers reserve the right to detain citizens at anytime for any reason
Do not run from Lurkers
Running will result in worse punishment
Do not try to escape the town; Once you are here you cannot leave
No snooping around the Lurkers end of town.
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Lilliana was pacing around her house keeping her gaze on the wall in her room where she had written plans on how to escape. Every single one comes down to the same circumstance. Everyone will need to work together, which in hines site seems simple, but the townspeople hate each other. They are all different species, none of which like to get along with another. She sighed before sitting down on here bed and hugging her knees. "Okay...there's gotta be a way for us to escape, but without the others? It's damn near impossible! it just can't happen," she muttered. She knew at this point, she was going to need to take matters into her own hands. The shifters would be easier to convince than the wolves would be, once the shifters were on board they could convince the wolves.

Elliot was in his wolf form, surveying the woods. Two members of the pack had been lost since they moved here and that is not okay. He had to figure out what happened to them and soon. He would continually catch scent of Kailey, but can never find her. However, it was has if Kodi disappeared entirely, since the day he went missing Elliot has failed to pick up on his scent. He gave up when the sun started to go down. At this point he knew he had to get back to the house, before the lurkers came out. He was in no mood to run from them or worse fight with them.

DarkxAngelxRollins DarkxAngelxRollins (tagging you so you get the first message we can stop tagging after this)
Lilliana was pacing around her house keeping her gaze on the wall in her room where she had written plans on how to escape. Every single one comes down to the same circumstance. Everyone will need to work together, which in hine site seems simple, but the townspeople hate each other. They are all different species, none of which like to get along with another. She sighed before sitting down on here bed and hugging her knees. "Okay...there's gotta be a way for us to escape, but without the others? It's damn near impossible! it just can't happen," she muttered. She knew at this point, she was going to need to take matters into her own hands. The shifters would be easier to convince than the wolves would be, once the shifters were on board they could convince the wolves.

Elliot was in his wolf form, surveying the woods. Two members of the pack had been lost since they moved here and that is not okay. He had to figure out what happened to them and soon. He would continually catch scent of Kailey, but can never find her. However, it was as if Kodi disappeared entirely, since the day he went missing Elliot has failed to pick up on his scent. He gave up when the sun started to go down. At this point he knew he had to get back to the house, before the lurkers came out. He was in no mood to run from them or worse fight with them.

“Lilliana listen, I know you’re trying but there is no way we’re going to get away from these freakin lurkers and this god ugly town that we live in,” Ian said. He's supposed to be the leader of the group but everything Lilliana said was true, they have tried for years with nothing out of it.

“Well I don't know about you but I'm gonna keep looking,” Micho said trying to catch a scent, any scent. He transformed into full wolf mode and started digging around as well. Let the lurkers come, he was ready for a fight. Finding his friends is more important than anything right now.

“If we work with the others, we can make it happen,” Lilliana said truthfully. She knew even though they were outnumbered, they could outsmart the lurkers easily with everyones help. The fact the the lurkers cant fly is huge asset to them. “Plus, we can fly they can’t so,”

Elliot shook his head before huffing. “We need to get back now,” he said. He wasn’t going to lose another member of the pack, not now not ever, “We’re both going back to the house now, we can all go out and look in the morning,” he added. He knew they had a better chance of finding Kodi and Kailey if they had the whole pack out. As Elliot was about to turn, he heard a faint growl in the distance. “Did you hear that?” he asked.
Micho's ears twitching as he was listening for the noise. "Yeah....but I can't make out who it is" he said. He began walking towards where the sound was coming from. "You wanna wait in until the morning now?" he asked. What could happen? Its not even close to curfew yet and it could be Kodi. He tried getting a scent but it was no good.

"Right," Ian said. It's time for him to start being a leader and stop worrying too much. "Its going to take A LOT of convincing and plus some of us can be very manipulative," he added. He walked over to Lilliana's board examining it. There has got be a loophole somewhere.
Elliot growled lightly before shaking his head. "We gotta figure out what that was, but...." he trailed off. Lurkers were infamous for going out early, but honestly that was the least of his concerns right now. "Forget it, we gotta find out what that was," he stated before walking towards were the growl was coming from. He didn't what to expect at this point in time.

Kodi was stalking towards the two members of his old pack. He growled when the two started getting closer to him. He had a strange marking on his shoulder, due to being branded. He flashed his red eyes before shaking his head, the lurkers would be out soon, all he had to was keep Micho and Elliot out long enough for them to start patrolling so they would be captured.

Lilliana smiled lightly before sitting down on her bed. "The shifters would be easier to convince, they're more peaceful than the wolves, then they can convince the wolves since they're rather close," she said to Ian. She knew that would be the easiest way to get things done, once everyone was on board they could work on an actual plan of escape.
Micho nodded and ran towards the growling with his senses on high alert in case anything were to go wrong. He soon was close enough to see that it was Kodi. "Kodi!" he shouted with a smile on his face. Finally he gets to see his friend again, but something wasn't right. Once he got close to him, he stopped dead in his tracks and backed up. "Kodi....what the hell happened to you?" he said softly. Was that stupid mark the reason why he couldn't catch his scent?
Kodi snarled when Micho got closer to him. He snapped at his ex pack mate before making a run for it. If he could just keep them out for long enough, the lurkers could get them and that would take two more towns people, the less the better. Kodi zig zagged through trees, trying to make it harder for the other two to keep up with him.

Elliot new instantly when he saw Kodi that something wasn't right. "Micho...we gotta go," he said softly. The scent coming off Kodi oddly resembled that of the lurkers, but at the same time was different. All he knew was going after Kodi was not in there best interest, not at this point in time. "We gotta back to the house now," he added.
Micho shook his head and turned around looking at Elliot. "I'm sorry....," he said. Kodi was up to something but that will have to be dealt with later. He began walking back to the house until he caught a whiff of something....evil. "Shit," he said softly. The lurkers came out to play early. He snarled back in Kodi's direction, "son of a bitch," he thought. He ran as fast as he can back to the house.
Elliot followed Micho and held his low when he caught scent of the lurkers. "Micho, go I'll hold them off," he said. He knew he could outrun most of the lurkers, he was the fastest member of the pack, Micho had to get back to the house now, while he still had the chance, Elliot could easily get the Lurkers attention and have them chase him around for awhile, until Micho's safe.
Micho bit his lip before nodding. He wasn't going to question him, he'll be okay. He ran to the house as quickly has possible. When he finally got there, he took a deep breath and looked outside waiting until Elliot got back. "Come on....make it back," he said quietly.
Elliot booked it in the opposite direction of their house, getting the lurker to follow him. He started taking odd turns to throw the lurker off before making a complete u turn and running back to the house. The lurkers couldn't really keep up with him, thankfully. Even though they were on motorcycles, Elliot was one of the fastest "animals" in this town. He picked up the pace a little bit when he heard the lurkers getting closer to him. The house was sight so it was just a matter of time before he made it back. He ran right into the house when he got there taking Micho with him. As soon as the door was shut and locked, Elliot began panting heavily.

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