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Fandom Danganronpa

Julian looked around. He noticed a crumpled piece of paper. Opening it up he looked over to everyone. "Uhm... I found her Motive... Well secret!" Julian mentioned. He held it out for someone else to take and read. The scene was gory enough as it was, and he couldn't find much else.

(IDK what it would read, buuuut, uhm... lets just say that Julian found it, ( :)

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


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Sehema turned to find Ike walking to the duo. At the questions of clues, she nodded and pointed at the pink ribbon Alouette held. "So far we've found that. It looks like something Eleanor would wear, but given her condition it's possible someone wanted her to be the scapegoat." She muttered under her breath not really thinking how Ike would react to the clue. "Other than that, we're still looking."

As she continued to investigate, she noticed Julian pick up a sheet of paper. She walked over and read the note from over his shoulder. As she mulled over what it could mean, she looked at Alexis and shook her head. "I always carry mine around with me. It could be Lucy's"


Alouette Martel

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/UmbrellaGirl.jpg.dceef1ce83e8ce3a6e5db1c54ce32244.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141128" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/UmbrellaGirl.jpg.dceef1ce83e8ce3a6e5db1c54ce32244.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Lucy broke under the pressure of having her secret exposed, so, she tried to kill someone. Knowing her physical ability, her target would have to be someone she could actually kill, maybe Eleanor. Unfortunately, the murderer overpowered her and stabbed her with the knife, which explains the trail of blood. Then somehow, the pillars fell down, which is impossible for two weak people to do."

Later they'd have to check if anyone was missing a PDA, especially Eleanor. She didn't want to believe Eleanor did it, but she'd have to look at the case with an unbiased view to solve it. Lucy would not attack people stronger than her, it was logical to prey on the weak. So that leaves out Kinjin, Sehema, Nagisa, Piper, and her as potential murderers. They would have to be someone who appeared weak, but could actually overpower Lucy.

"Someone go get Eleanor."

If the murderer wasn't Eleanor, then they must've been able to steal her ribbon without her looking. With that new theory, that adds to the possibility of murderers. Someone who could easily steal without anyone looking. But if Lucy really wasn't planning to kill someone, and if she was the prey, that meant it could've been anyone.

@Blue Fire
@OnceDarkness @Laughing Lunatic @BennyAxC



  • UmbrellaGirl.jpg
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Keiji Sore

Keiji was resting on his knees as usual. But he was crying. Tears flowed down his cheeks. His vision was blurry.

"W-why d-did she die?!"he screamed in agony.

He knelt down to Lucy's face. She was almost unrecognisable to him. What horrid creature would do this to her?​
Ike stared at the sheet of paper. Then the girl with the umbrella said that Lucy broke under the pressure of having her secret exposed... He was right, someone would kill just to keep their secret safe. F*ck.. His eyes fell upon Keiji weeping for Lulu. It was a sad sight to see, that much was obvious... And of course Ike didn't know what to do, he never knew what to do! He wasn't good for anything! He just stood there silently, watching everyone do stuff, then just walked out of there. He didn't know if he would get Eleanor like the umbrella lady said, but for now... He will go get tea at the cafe like he originally planned.

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


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Sehema stood up and nodded. "I'll do it, but I'll need someone to come with me as well. As unlikely as it is for her to overpower me, it's also unwise for me to pursue her on my own." She pointed at Julian and Ike. "Since you two are better acquainted with her, one of you shall accompany me." It seemed more like a demand than a request. She crossed her arms and waited for one of them to respond. She tapped her foot and waited impatiently. As Ike walked away, she sighed and walked after him. "I'll be back..." She muttered as she walked out of the room and passed Ike.

"Since you walked out of the room, I'm guessing you're accompanying me." She said in a forceful tone as she looked at the trap singer. "You saw the condition Eleanor was in before this. Don't you want to prove your friend's innocence? You can do that much, can you?" In her harsh words, she stared at Ike for a few seconds before heading off on her own to Eleanor's room.

@Blue Fire @OnceDarkness
DaniBot said:

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

Sehema stood up and nodded. "I'll do it, but I'll need someone to come with me as well. As unlikely as it is for her to overpower me, it's also unwise for me to pursue her on my own." She pointed at Julian and Ike. "Since you two are better acquainted with her, one of you shall accompany me." It seemed more like a demand than a request. She crossed her arms and waited for one of them to respond. She tapped her foot and waited impatiently. As Ike walked away, she sighed and walked after him. "I'll be back..." She muttered as she walked out of the room and passed Ike.

"Since you walked out of the room, I'm guessing you're accompanying me." She said in a forceful tone as she looked at the trap singer. "You saw the condition Eleanor was in before this. Don't you want to prove your friend's innocence? You can do that much, can you?" In her harsh words, she stared at Ike for a few seconds before heading off on her own to Eleanor's room.

@Blue Fire @OnceDarkness
Ike stood there, trembling at her words. He wanted to do something right? He did, right?..... Right? He walked after Sehema, only a few steps behind as he kept his head down. He then remembered that Eleanor was roomed next to Lulu... He sighed as they stopped in front of Eleanor's. He glanced at Sehema then raised his hand as he knocked on her door, then waited for her to open up.

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Eleanor "El" Livid


She heard the knock on the door and opened it slowly. Her expression was that of a scared child, she held a knife in her left hand and backed away from Ike and Sehema. "G-Go away! I-I-I didn't... I didn't k-kill her!" Eleanor held the knife in a defensive stance while crying, her mouth moved on it's own. "I didn't kill her... I'm innocent... I didn't kill her..." After her short breakdown, she lunged the knife toward's Ike, but fortunately he managed to dodge them all. "I didn't do it... I didn't..."



Keiji Sore

Keiji cried and weeped for what seemed like ages.
He didn't want to admit it but she was....she was.....oh does it matter anymore if she's already dead. He knew that crying wouldn't help. Lulu would probably want him to avenge her death. He got up from his knees with a steely determination.

Keiji walked to the pillar and tried to lift it. @Blue Fire

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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


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Sehema stood beside Ike waiting for Eleanor to open the door. Once she did, Sehema opened her mouth to ask Eleanor if she could come with them, but stiffened at the sight of the small girl holding a knife. "Eleanor... We just need to ask you something. Put the knife down..." Who would let her near a knife after what had happened?! She listened as Eleanor panicked and repeated the same statement, desperately trying to get them to believe it. How did she know who was dead? The murder had to have taken place that morning, but now would not be the best time to ask. Especially since El was holding a knife at them.

"Eleanor please. No one came to accuse you. We just want to know what happened." Sehema's eyes hardened as she glared at El. When El lunged, Sehema jumped to the side and yelled at Ike to move. Afterwards, she would try to get behind El and grab the wrist of her knife wielding hand holding it in a firm grip. She would use her free hand to grab El's free hand and restrain it behind her back. "You said it yourself you didn't do it, so why are you attacking us? To be completely honest, I don't think you did it so why are you giving me a reason to believe so..."

@OnceDarkness @BennyAxC
(Can't believe it guys! I caught a bulbasaur at the grocery store! Oh, I'm supposed to post now)
(I was about to take a shit, but then my phone went off and said there was a Tentacruel in me toilet :) . I still don't want to touch it in any way possible)
Eleanor "El" Livid


Her ribbon was gone, finally everyone could actually see her hair, but that was bad. Eleanor's breathing was heavy, she too broke under the pressure of not only having her secret known, but being called the one who killed Lucy. Now the girl was disarmed by Sehema, she turned her face to her with teary eyes, "B-Because... I d-don't know i-if I did it or n-not." She had no recollection of last night or the early morning, as soon as she heard words about a murder she locked herself in her room. "B-But, I didn't do it! R-Right?" Eleanor was unsure of herself, it was all like a dream...



Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

Sehema sighed and let the girl go but quickly picked the knife up. "We're not sure ourselves. That's why we needed to talk to you, especially if you don't know whether you did it or not." The blonde rubbed the back of her head and sighed. The whole knife incident had proven to be really troublesome, especially for a simple question. "And that goes back to the original question, can you come with us so you can explain what happened? No one is going to accuse you, especially since we're all just as confused as you. Maybe even more now." She commented and held her hand out for Eleanor. "You can stand behind me if that helps you feel comfortable, but I'm not giving you any weapons...."

@BennyAxC @OnceDarkness
Eleanor "El" Livid


Eleanor wiped her tears away and jumped on Sehema's back, she really wanted a piggy-back ride.

(Short post cause there's a freaking Pikachu in my neighborhood right now!)


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