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Fandom Danganronpa

He hugged him back, crying harder. He was quite surprised he still had tears to shed after crying so long about Kiyo. After two minuets passed, Ike eventually calmed down. He kinda just stared into space and said, "Promise?..." and before he knew it his eyes closed on him, his body was somewhat heavier in Kinjin's arms, only the light falls of his chest and the small breathes he took indicated he was still alive. He pained expression was completely vanished as soon as he was asleep, and what took place was calmness. He looked like more of a child now... A child who happened to be stuck in a killing game with two other children.

@Blue Fire
Nagisa Taketora

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Nakigitsune.240.1850241.jpg.1e19d417e0041c642793fab191e19699.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140154" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Nakigitsune.240.1850241.jpg.1e19d417e0041c642793fab191e19699.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Lower res pic, sorry but I'm on my phone)

Like Sehema, he too went outside of his room, but this time to brew some tea. Nagisa put in many various flowers that were bound to make the tea disgusting, but the final ingredient made anything sweet. He went on back to his room to see Kinjin and Ike, balancing three cups of tea on his arms and head. "Yo. I brewed some tea for you guys if you want any."

@Blue Fire



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[QUOTE="Blue Fire](Question: Where does everyone live so i know time zones.)

Julian didn't realize that Ike was behind him until He heard him speak. Mentally hitting himself, Julian made his way quickly to the Libary. He went in and looked around for books. He took two: Cooking book and a murder-mystery novel. Julian shrugged and kept them under his arm and went back down stairs. Julian wanted to say sorry to Ike for not noticing him sooner, and give him the cooking book, for making the cake later on. Not knowing that Ike was with Kinjin, he went to Ike's room and knocked. When he got no answer, he decided too leave the book infront of Ike's Room. He left a note and put it under the book, but showing slightly.

The note read:

Sorry for not noticing you on the stairs. Here's a cooking book. I promised to bake a cake with you and Kinjin, right?

-Julian (Jules)

Before Kinjin opened the door he put Ike on his bed and pulled the covers over him gave his a hug. He walked to the door and opened it like an idiot I mean it could have been a murdered but he saw Nagisa with cup's of tea. "Thanks but Ike well just see yourself." he showed that ike was asleep on his bed. @OnceDarkness

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

As Ike sheepishly made his way back downstairs, Sehema raised her eyebrow. "Um...ok," She decided to ignore it and make her way back to the library slamming the door shut. She waltzed her way over to her reading corner and set her cup down. She turned to face the vast amount of books behind her. She would spend the next few moments trying to find a book of interest before sitting back down to read.


Alouette Martel

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/downloadfile.jpg.7782f74932bb5a05c11de121ac14876d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140168" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/downloadfile.jpg.7782f74932bb5a05c11de121ac14876d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The darkness consumed everything within her room, that was good. Pitch black was her always her favorite color. She would have stayed in her room had she not been bored. Alouette opened the door and silently walked to the library where there might be at least a few interesting books to read. A slamming noise came from the library earlier, perhaps someone was in it. Her hand laid on the doorknob of the library, twisting it gently so that the opening of the door wouldn't alarm anyone. When she entered, her fingers rapidly rifled across the shelves looking for a decent book for their owner to read. Out from her hand came a book covering philosophy, one of the more interesting subjects she learned about.

"Through all my years of living, it would seem as if humans are the closest things to demons."

Her eyes were glued to the book, silently reading it in the darkness. Abruptly she caught a glimpse of a blinding light. She clenched her teeth.

"What the hell is that blinding light..."

Alouette went temporarily blind from looking at Sehema's lamp. Her legs refused to move yet her fingers trembled. This didn't normally happen, but there's always a first for everything.

@Blue Fire​



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He took his tea and closed the door. He put the two tea's on his bedside table and got in bed next to Ike. He loved that someone needed him and he needed Ike. He would keep Ike safe and he promised himself he would. "I promise Ike." He muttered under his breath as he turned his light off.

Nagisa Taketora


After giving them the tea, he went back to the kitchen to take a seat and think through a few things. Nagisa set the cup of tea to his side and took off his mask, revealing lots of burn marks on his face. "There's no way we can stop this besides not killing each other... That is the only way that we can end this madness." But staying in the school forever seemed like a bad idea, is their life going to be confined in this damned murder house forever? Hell no. "I better drink that tea while it's still hot." He did so, and went over to the fridge to check if there was any raw meat inside. Nagisa took out some raw meat and started cooking, he always wanted his talent to be SHSL Cook, but being a ninja was just as fine. After he finished cooking, he put all the food in the fridge so that everyone could have a nice meal tomorrow, one that's made from the heart.

@Blue Fire
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Alexis who should be titled SHSL Ninja because everyone who has walked into the kitchen has not noticed her "Hey Nagisa how are ya." She loved being sneaky in the corner. @OnceDarkness

Julian left the book and note and went to his room. he shut the door, but didn't lock it. He sat on his bed and started reading. He started to get hungry, and Julian groaned. "Stupid stomach." He grumbled. When he's hungry, it may as well means sleep. He got up and opened his door and looked over to Ikes room to see his Book and note still there. 'He's... Probably asleep. Yeah, that's it. He's asleep, and didn't hear me knocking.' Julian nodded and closed his door and locked it. He stretched and looked around his room for anything. Nothing strange, and no one hiding in his room. Thankfully. He shook his head at his paranoia. He got into bed and turned the light off, and tried to fall asleep.
Nagisa Taketora


"What! I thought I was alone!" He took off his chef hat and threw it at Alexis, it landed perfectly on her head and he also took off his chef's apron... And also threw it on Alexis while simultaneously landing perfectly on her. Nagisa ran past her and back into his room, not wanting his secret of cooking to be found out. After he reached his room, he locked it, put a chair against it, used a fork to double lock it (Yes, you can lock a door with a fork) and pushed his bed to the door, keeping the mattress. "Guess I'm not sleeping very well tonight."

@Blue Fire

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

After trying to find something that would clue her in more about Monokuma or what was going on, Sehema failed to find anything. Feeling annoyed, she settled on a romance novel and a documentary book about the most horrifying murders ever documented. As she read the documentary, her eyes fell on a page that held a familiar name to it. "The murder of Maia Rijinder was a case that was all over headline news for weeks... Sehema read aloud as she continued skimming. "According to police, the victim was shot in both of her legs and then beaten to death when she couldn't move..." Sehema slammed the book shut and noticed that her hands were trembling out of anger. Why was she still so upset about this? Her mother's death had been years ago, and despite that, Sehema herself had taken care of the murderers. "I'll just have to skip that page when I read it again... She muttered to herself and picked her the romance novel.

"So Lingers The Ocean..." She read out loud before rolling her eyes. Romance novelists always found some way to come up with the cheesiest titles for their books. Sehema opened the book and began reading and drinking her tea. She was halfway through the first chapter when she heard the door open causing her to close her book, waiting for the student to show themselves. After a moment of unnerving silence, Sehema got up and grabbed a thick hardback book before walking to the front of the library. There, she was met with the sight of a female student with what appeared to be a black frilly dress with purple hair. Sehema saw that the girl was just standing there and stood in front of her, blocking the light from her as well. She cocked her hip and kept the book in her grasp. "Do you want to come in or do you just want to keep standing there looking suspicious," Sehema asked glaring daggers into the one who had interrupted her reading.


Alouette Martel


Alouette heard footsteps among the shadows, and then a voice came from a place she couldn't locate. She stood there idly for a few quick moments then took out her rather fancy umbrella, opening it up and covering her face with it. The umbrella, or parasol, was then retracted and put back in her satchel.

"I'm sorry, but the light blinds me."

Still, she couldn't see from her right eye, but could make out the face of the girl in front of her. It was mundane, another human who was angry over a problem that they already solved. But for her own sake, she'd sympathize with the girl to some extent. What should she say? It's always best to think before you speak, otherwise you share a secret or two, but in a situation like this a quick answer is needed. Alouette closed her eyes and breathed in deeply.

"I was looking for a book to read. Would you mind if I stayed here?"

Finally, her legs could move again. She took a step forward, but her lower limbs felt wobbly and unstable. What was next she thought? Probably a fall, it's normal for humans to do things like that; fall. Gusts of wind, other humans, animals, all things that could easily make a human fall on their knees in pity. Shivers went up her spine as she remembered the torture she went through, part of the reason why she'd only paint her nails a dark purple color.

"Oh. Nevermind. I will be taking my leave."

Once more the mysterious girl raised her parasol, but with the instability in her legs her steady posture would soon be reduced to a girl on the floor. Now on the ground, she showed her true mentally unstable nature by reciting random words in her vast vocabulary.

"Petrichor... Chrysanthemum... Agastopia... Quire... Europium... Genesis... Putrefy... Aposiopesis... Capriccio... Celadon... Stargazer... Crescendo... Demure... Tesseract... Transciense... Zenith..."

@Blue Fire

(i'm reading the posts and I fell like there's a Love triangle between Julian, Ike, And Kinjin. Ike like Kinjin and maybe Julian, Kinjin Likes Ike, Julian like's Ike. Its crazy.)
(-bangs on desk- Chill! Chill! Chill!)

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

Hearing the girl's story caused Sehema to ease on her glaring, if only a bit. "Well if that was the case, you should have said something. And sure, as long as you don't bother me." She shrugged and scoffed placing the book she held back in the shelf. She didn't need it anymore so it was just dead weight. Hearing the girl's change of heart caused the archer to shrug and head back to her table before hearing a thud. "What the hell?" She turned immediately to find the girl suddenly on her knees chanting random words. She sighed and rubbed her temples. It would seem that she would have much better luck if she just went back to her room to be alone.

As the girl continued to chant, Sehema grabbed the chair and carried it over to the girl and placed it between them.
"If you're goign to have a breakdown, you might as well do it somewhere other than the floor." She muttered grabbing her books and walking past the girl heading to her room.

Keiji Sore

Keiji couldn't quite sleep after what he saw. He was tossing and turning. He heard Kiyo's dastardly screams. He woke up in a cold sweat. I think it's 2 o'clock,Keiji told himself. It's too late for him to do anything. He looked around his room. He had only been here for 2 nights,Keiji realised. Keiji felt that they were going to be here for a long time so might as well get used to it.

In the corner,stood a whiteboard with some markers. It was from Keiji's father after he found out that Keiji got in Hope's Peak. He is supposed to be the SHSL Mathematician after all. He couldn't refuse because it was his father's gift. He just couldn't no matter what. He just couldn't. It was still blank though. Like he'll ever use it. Then his eyes settled on the TV and DVD player. It's quite generous of Monokuma to provide them with entertainment. Too bad that he provided them those horrid DVDs. He pulled himself up,walked to the DVD player,pulled out the disc and threw it in the trash can. He's going to throw it out firs thing in the morning.

Keiji looked into his drawers. At the top,clothes. In the middle shelf,books and magazines. At the bottom,VARIOUS WEAPONS OF DEATH.That was a bit out of place. Keiji guessed that everyone got some. It was obvious who put them there. Keiji sighed. If only there was nothing to kill with,it will be safer. His laptop sat lonely on the counter. It was fortunate for Keiji that he could still create games,his true passion. Keiji turned on the laptop. It took awhile for it to boot. After registering, he checked the internet connection...Figures,no internet. That makes sense. If he had internet,he would've called for help.

He then checked his newly created games. Untested,however.He was sure Warren would be more than delighted to try them. Then,he remembered about the arcade cabinet.

"Twilight Syndrome Murder Case,huh?"Keiji caught himself saying. That would have to wait however. Keiji tried to code but he was too tired to think properly. Keiji yawned. He turned off the laptop and drifted off to sleep.
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Alouette Martel


Her breathing stabilized while her mouth stopped chanting words that only a few would know the definitions of. Alouette recomposed herself and followed Sehema back to her room hugging a philosophy book tightly with her two arms.

"I am stable now. May I please know your name?"

This blonde archer in front of her managed to pique her interest. Her brain went through various thoughts, one of them being if Sehema was capable of murdering her. She set those thoughts aside, it was silly to think this girl would really try to kill her. What interested the girl most was the contents of the book she read out loud, her being the SHSL Investigator she'd already know who that person was. After all, she herself worked on that case a while back.

"I take it you believe that I am insane?"

@Blue Fire

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