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Fandom Danaganronpa: Despair Mountain (Closed)


Aoi gave a small nod as she saw a blue-haired student waking up on their own, almost quick succession, the same [with some outside effort] went for the other students... unfortunately for her, that also included the one in her hands.'Move!' Mentally commanding herself as the obviously taller of the two got up quickly, trying to dodge from the incoming impact before it hit her, to no avail.with her head tilting to the roof once they collided. Her already bad headache getting worse with the sudden impact. Aoi rubbing her forehead where she felt the bruise beginning to form, Her head tilting one too many degrees as she looked up at the one she was trying to wake up, snapping her neck as she spoke up, "S-sorry?" Apologizing to the delinquents looking like student, both confused and mildly more in fear than she was, to begin with, a small thought crossing her mind, "Wait! were you talking about this?" Her finger brushing up the hair covering the darkening skin.

She brushed herself off the wooden cabin's floor as discussion quickened around
her, especially around the topics of where in god's name are they, who brought them to the middle of the frigid tundra, and exploration. The last one being the only thing that she could add to, turning to the group
"Erm, it is not like that they are trying to keep us in this building, the door isn't locked," Her head tilting towards the wooden door she had closed earlier. Introductions starting to take place, almost bringing in the slightly childish thought of a role call even in this situation, and probably still would have if there weren't more people still sleeping despite the noise.

"Sorry, there isn't an orange I-pod with me, don't worry it will show up eventually!" Ai said, turning to the voice, trying to cheer the up the orange-haired student from not totally breaking down from the tragic loss.

Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi Loki777 Loki777
Yukari Tanaka
Good she somehow understood that. Yukari was thankful the kind girl had understood her understandably confusing statement. "Mm." She nodded confirming the girls statement before really looking around the room. The amount of people here made her pretty nervous. She'd dealt with large crowds before but this was an enclosed group full of people who might talk to her. All she could think about was screwing this up and ending up a loner.....again. So she decided to try hyping herself up by leaning against a wall and taking nice relaxing breaths. Closing her eyes to really relax almost seeming to of fallen asleep while standing up.

Kenya Yukimi
"Oh I'll be fine thank you." Kenya answered the pale ghost of a boy before taking a scan around the room. Hmm a pretty colorful cast. Seems to be a few loners and a couple of cool cats. Don't know what to think about the sleeping delinquent in the corner though. Oh I'm starting to notice how many cute people are here. Kenya let out a small chuckle at his realization then took notice of the orange haired boy freaking out. "Here you can use my phone." Kenya reached into his back pocket finding nothing. "If I had it that is. That's weird." He checked all his pockets and now the thought came to him. "Does anyone have any electronic on them?" He asked the group if his theory was correct he and the orange haired boy weren't the only ones missing something.
3rr0r 3rr0r Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos @mostly everyone
Sirรจne Koto
She was in a deep sleep where her dreams resided in an empty field. She was looking up into the sky and enjoying the peace as no one was their to ask questions and require a response from her. Sadly, the dream ended as she heard a voice call out about electronics. Instead of the rather serene field, Sirene was laying on the hard wooden floor of what appeared to be a cabin. She was in a corner, closer to the wall and hidden due to her dark sweater covering up her long hair. It was rather chilly, but nothing that she couldn't handle with being rather use to the cold as it is. Sirene pushed herself up off the ground and brushed herself off. She was dressed rather warmly and for the life of her couldn't remember how she got there.

Looking around, the silent girl realized that the others all appeared to be in the same predicament given their body language. I wish I could ask something, she thought, but as she turned to look for her notepad, a cellphone, or anything to write on she found that it had all been taken. This is what really made her realize that this was a serious situation.
<>< Yasu Hokkai <><

As she sat, still sitting against the wall of the cabin, Yasu overheard one of the fellow victim's ask around if anyone had their electronics. She could already tell they wouldn't, since they'd been most likely kidnapped. Of course their captors wouldn't let them keep their electronics. It didn't apply much to her; however, due to the fact that her wet suit didn't have the pockets for such things. Also her bag wasn't with her at the time, but freaking out over such things would only make dealing with this situation worse. So as she usually did these days, she kept her shell secure and her nerves calm, and spoke out in her normal monotone voice bluntly "I had no phone or electronic on me in the first place" then returned to her silence as she awaited the last person to wake up and for her to get some answers.
Yui shrugged "no phone here" she mumbled before looking at the people still asleep. Yui got up and walked over the blond boy who was asleep "um could they be in a coma they havent woken up yet...." she asked looking down at the boy her long hair forming a small pile next to his head. She had no idea of medical things so she always jumped to the worst thing possible
T.J LeBlanc-Halliwell

"I highly doubt he'd be in a coma. Wouldn't we all be in one?" he asked. He didn't want people to jump to the worst Decisions possible without any evidence. Seriously, people always assumed the worst. He also checked his pockets, nothing. It's not like he usually would have a phone on him or anything. Thinking about it, he rarely got to use his phone. That Irked him slightly. "I also don't have my phone on me. If I did, it would be a miracle since I never use it." He laughed slightly. He looked at the last one who wasn't asleep. He was... Kind of cute. But then again, most of the people here were also cute, so saying one person was cute was just like saying 'There's a person'.
Shion Hamasaki | Female | Strange Place | Confused/Somewhat Desperate
Mentioned: Everybody

Talking To: Nobody

As things went on more people were waking up which was great. The more people who were getting up the better, that just lessened the chance of any of them being found dead.

However, even though it was extremely unlikely at this point that any of them would be dead she still thought the attitude taken by some of the others were too relaxed. Some were acting as if they hadn't been kidnapped at all and that this was some kind of live reality or hidden camera prank TV show where they were the stars. Though she would of commented on it any other time she decided it was best to rest since she came down with a sudden case of dizziness just trying to stand up.

She stayed silent for the majority of time the other ''captives'' talked until the red-headed guy who she also believed to be too ''chilled'' said something about electronics. With some sense of hope she patted herself down for a phone at least but it seemed like her search was in vain. "No...It seems like I've lost my phone."

Yoshimi Fujino | Strange Place | Puzzled
Mentioned: Everyone, Yui Shinbi ( Otaku Rabbit Otaku Rabbit ),T.J LeBlanc Halliwell ( Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos )
Talking To: Everyone (for the most part)

(Anything between the six bold lines are things that are more relevant. Feel free to skip everything else if you want since it's fluff text for the most part.)

It had been a wonder that Yoshimi had managed to stay asleep through the commotion around him for this long. With all of the people chattering and the constant walking around it should of been nearly impossible for mostly anyone to get any rest whatsoever, plus the cold, hard wooden floor wasn't the most comfortable of napping spots in the first place so he couldn't even imagine how he fell asleep there anyway.

"Um, could they be in a coma they haven't woken up yet..."

The unfamiliar voice of a girl was the first thing he heard when he was finally waking up. Though he was only half-conscious he could at least hear the people around him now and was not completely unaware of what was happening or being said. What...A coma? he thought, slightly confused by this unknown lady's words.

"I highly doubt he'd be in a coma. Wouldn't we all be in one?"
said another mysterious voice that was probably replying to the girl's comment. Okay, this was a little alarming.

If these two people were talking like that then something must of happened to him. Maybe he had done something to land himself in the hospital? Though that would of been a pretty good conclusion the female voice sounded nothing like his mother's and the male voice seemed a bit too young to be an actual certified doctor's...So least to say that didn't make any sense.

|||||| "Wh-What's this about a coma?" he said, sitting up slowly while rubbing his suddenly throbbing temple awkwardly. The blonde opened his eyes moments after and first noticed a girl with amazingly long hair that had apparently been standing over him while he was sleeping given her position. His eyes widened slightly and he looked up at her with a surprised expression. "Uh...Hey there?" honestly, a more appropriate reaction would of probably been to scream ''bloody murder'' or something but instead of doing that all he could say were those two words.

He looked around and quickly saw that neither the people around him nor the place he found himself in were even the slightest bit familiar. "Who?...Where?...Um..." in hindsight, he should of probably been more frightened but overall he was just bewildered right now. ||||||
Before anything more can be said a gas enters the room. Everyone feels woozy and tired. Alyandra opens the door but when she does behind the door is just more gas. Anyone on the mountain passes out. Then time just passes.

Everyone wakes up. Not feeling woozy or tired anymore. Everyone weirdly feels relaxed and calm. There is an obvious change in the room you're in. Furniture lines the walls, cameras are all around and three monitors are close by. A warm fire is in the fireplace and the door is closed. Then you hear footsteps. A girl, around the same ages, as you lot looks in and then slowly opens the door. ( Skita Skita you may enter the game now!)
3rr0r 3rr0r Gizaira Gizaira Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos Otaku Rabbit Otaku Rabbit JelloPikachu25 JelloPikachu25 DemonKitten DemonKitten Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi InternalAssumpter InternalAssumpter Berries Berries Rustic Rustic Loki777 Loki777
Honoka Kawaguchi

Honoka slowly pushed open the door peaking her head in. After wandering around for last couple of minuets she had finally found a place with that wasn't empty. 'Finally, other people', She thought to herself as she allowed herself to fully enter the room. "Um..." She spoke softly looking around at the other people. How did everyone get here? Why were they all here? "What...um, does anyone know what's going on?"
T.J LeBlanc-Halliwell

Rubbing his head, trying to ease what should be a headache. He looked at the girl who had walked in. He got himself up and Smiled awkwardly. "Uhm, I'm pretty sure everyone else is just as confused as you are. We all woke up, but then we were put back to sleep and moved here, I guess." He assumed. Everything was a bit foggy for him overall. "But everyone is waking up at the same time now, which is good." He smiled, but other than that he was stumped at what else to say. "Though I have a question... Why were you seperated from the rest of us?" He asked curiously. he couldn't help but ask questions, but he had to remind himself not to get too carried away.
Shion Hamasaki | Female | Nicer Strange Place | Annoyed
Mentioned: Honoka Kawaguchi ( Skita Skita )
Talking To: Honoka Kawaguchi ( Skita Skita )

Okay, the whole passing out and waking up in a strange place thing was getting old extremely fast.

Just when everyone had gotten up finally they were knocked out clean all over again. Whoever was doing this must of found messing with a bunch of defenseless and disoriented teenagers amusing or something if they felt the need to do this again. Luckily though, their kidnapper seemed to have put them in a much less shabby looking place this time around.

When she woke up she saw that they were obviously not in the same cabin (or at least not the same room) as before and she no longer felt light-headed or tense but oddly relaxed. This place was much warmer than the area they had been in when they first woke up and for the most part it was pretty nice though the cameras and monitors were a bit unnerving and kind of messed with the soothing vibe the room had.

"This place is-" before she could finish her comment the sound of footsteps and the door opening made her go quiet and she turned her attention quickly to the previously closed door. A teenage girl was standing in the doorway. Someone else that's been kidnapped by this oddball maybe... thought Shion.

In a soft voice the girl started to ask the question that was on the minds of probably all of them, "What...Um, does anyone know what's going?"

Ah, I was right. she though before shaking her head a bit. "No. Unfortunately not. I was hoping you might of been able to tell us since you came from outside this room..."

Yoshimi Fujino | Nicer Strange Place | Puzzled/Curious
Mentioned: Honoka Kawaguchi ( Skita Skita )
Talking To: No One

Before he could even realize it Yoshimi was out like a light-bulb again.

Miraculously however, he didn't sleep in and woke up around the same time everyone else did. Despite his early rising though, he remained laying on the floor without motion like he was asleep. Unlike in the other place he felt a lot more comfortable and secure plus the throbbing in his head had completely disappeared like it was magic so he felt no need or want to stop resting his eyes just yet. Honestly, this kind of attitude was unusually sluggish for him.

Hmm...Somebody else? he thought, reluctantly rolling onto his back and sitting up. Now wasn't the time for him to nap apparently.

As soon as he got up another female came into the room looking just as flustered as they had been before. She must of also been a victim of whatever this was.
Kikuchi Isei
As orange-hair woke back up and started searching for an ipod, Kikuchi half-heartedly attempted to search with him but was more interested in watching the other people around him. He had never carried a phone on him, instead relying more on a small notebook and pencil. It was easier to take notes and sketch inspiring things he saw that way. After a little while, a gas filled the room and the next thing the boy knew, they were in yet another place.

Sitting upright, Kikuchi took a brief inventory. Orange-hair was still there, as was Yui. That was good, it was the same crowd of people. He figured that if he was going to keep falling asleep and waking up with different groups it would get weird pretty quickly. Attention drawn by the girl who opened the door, he figured that she was just another one like them; seeing that she didn't know what was happening either. Sighing and shaking his head, Kikuchi decided that he had had enough of these mindgames.

Perhaps it was all a dream? Pinching himself, he decided that it most likely wasn't. Nevertheless, there was always the possibility of him waking up (yet again) later, and he hoped that eventually he would. Instead, the fact that there were suddenly electronics in the room piqued his interest. Standing up, the boy moved towards the monitor closest to him. In the cabin, hadn't they decided that their electronics had mostly been taken away?

Searching for an "on" button, Kikuchi ran his hands over the monitor curiously.
Honoka Kawaguchi

Honoka stared up at the two people, almost more confused than she had been before she had walked in here. She unconsciously twirled her hair in her fingertips. "That's a good question..." A lighthearted smile came to her face as she tried to make the most of the situation "Maybe I'm just that special?" Although the word special was very much an understatement, after all she woke up alone with the taste of blood and the unmistakable feeling as if she had been punched in the face. If she really were that special she doubts that would have been knocked out in that fashion. "Although I really wish I had the answers but....I'm just as confused, if not more."
Gizaira Gizaira Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos
Christopher Kasai

Chris groaned. He hated getting up-wait, why was he asleep again. He felt... oddly calm. Even though he was on the verge of having a panic attack. Chris looked around dazed,and noticed the silver-haired beauty walking over to a Camera. He followed, interested. He wasn't interested in the new girl who came out of no where in his eyes. "Shouldn't the On button be behind it? At home, what's where mine was." He said, his eyes not exactly focused. He looked half asleep more than anything. "But then at a friends house, you had to turn it on with the Remote, so maybe not..." He said unhelpfully. "Sorry, I'm kind of stupid..." He apologised. It wasn't a far stretch anyway. He was pretty stupid when it came to some things, except for flowers.

He then realised something and turned to everyone. "We don't know each other by name yet, and I don't want to have to refer to people by their hair. Example would be the sliver-haired beauty behind me, or the cute red-head." He gestured behind and in front of him towards the cute red-haired male. "Uh, I guess I should start. I'm Christopher Kasai, but It's easier to call me Chris." He smiled innocently.​
<>< Yasu Hokkai <><

Yasu had no idea what happened as she once again was once again finding herself awake after somehow passing out. She and the rest of the people she'd seen were now in a noticeably new location, but at least this location had a fireplace warming it up. It didn't take her long to find that there was a new face among them; however, so her face soured at the new person. She heard her timid question of; "What...um, does anyone know what's going on?" along with one of the others in her group of captives responding to her question. Yasu narrowed her eyes briefly at the new face, not trusting her one bitโ€”not that she trusted any of the others around her, but at least they appeared to be in the same situation of waking up in an unknown location.

Looking around for more details on the place she was in now, she saw cameras and monitors around the room. Wait, what? Cameras? They were being watched? She got to her feet, trying to keep her usual stone-faced expression up as she tried to rationalize her situation. They were being watched, as if they were someone's sick entertainment. As she listened back in an the new face, she claimed to be just as confused. Yeah right, like she'd believe that. She still kept her cool on the matter though, not wanting to cause unnecessary arguments or something of the like. She did, however, want answers.

Hearing another voice, she saw it belong to the orange haired fellow. He was suggesting introductions by the looks of it, which seemed "fair" seeing to how they were in this together...unfortunately. She was just hoping they could get out of this mess soon so that she won't be caught up in any lies these strangers might conjure up. She grimaced mentally at the thought. A simple introduction shouldn't draw to much attention to her, though, so she bowed formally while stating her introduction "My name is Yasu Hokkai, greetings to all of you"
Shion Hamsaki | Female | Nicer Strange Place | Calm/Interested
Mentioned: Honoka Kawaguchi ( Skita Skita ), Christopher Kasai ( Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos )

Talking To: Honoka Kawaguchi ( Skita Skita ), Everyone

She nodded her head slightly as if showing that she understood where this other girl was coming from. She found it amazing how people continued to smile even in these types of situations. "Special, huh..." she mumbled, spotting what kind of looked like a bruise and red stuff, presumably blood, on her teeth. Did she feel that? Was it best not comment on her injury? "...Well, the fact you're confused and can't answer our questions can't really be helped much, can it?" she said, standing up without a single issue and not even a slight bit of dizziness. I'm in a lot better condition than I had been in before. she thought to herself, finding it interesting that she suddenly felt better after going to sleep a second time.

"Hmm...Do you at least remeb-?" once again her sentence had been interrupted, this time by the orange-haired boy who had been looking for his Ipod in a panic.

"We don't know each other by name yet, and I don't want to have to refer to people by their hair. Example would be the silver-haired beauty behind me, or the cute red-head." he said, briefly gesturing to said red-head before continuing "Uh, I guess I should start. I'm Christopher Kasai, but It's easier to call me Chris." he said, smiling.

For a moment she had glanced at him but now she returned her attention back to the girl who had showed up "Ah, sorry. I should of thought of introductions before starting to question you on other things...At least this might give us a chance to see what we remember before being in this situation." she said before turning around to face everyone else. "I'm Shion Hamasaki. It would of been nicer to meet all of you under different circumstances but...Anyway, hello." her introduction was lackluster for the most part but she spoke loud to be heard by everyone in that room.

She turned back around once she said her piece and looked at the girl again. "And you are?
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Kikuchi Isei
Absorbed in examining the monitor, Kiku jumped when orange-hair spoke behind his back. "Oh yeah, probably," he agreed, moving his hands to try to feel for the power button once more. When he couldn't feel anything, the sculptor frowned and tried to get a look behind the machine. His sense of touch was very sensitive from sculpting so he was pretty sure that nothing was there, but it was worth a second try. When he once again couldn't find anything, Kikuchi sighed in exasperation. Looking up as orange continued to talk, Kiku bit his lip thoughtfully as he looked around the room. "It doesn't look like there are any remotes unfortunately." The boy said before waving his hands frantically, "oh no you're not stupid! Well, not that I would know but- but-" He was determined not to descend back into a stuttering mess. "I'm sure you're not." He declared with some confidence.

Turning his attention back to the monitor, Kikuchi wondered if there would be something if he managed to dislodge it from its platform. Beginning to tug on it, he was careful not to pull hard enough to break it. In a strange place he didn't want to get stuck with property damages. Meanwhile, orange was talking again, and it took Kiku a second to process that the 'silver haired beauty' was supposed to be him. His face flooded red again and he purposefully looked away and nearly missed orange's own introduction. Christopher. His name was Christopher. Placing his hand on his cheek to determine whether or not he was still red, Kikuchi determined that it was safe to turn around and see what everybody else's names were. Yasu. Shion. So far, they were pretty easy to remember.

After Shion spoke, it seemed like there was a pause so Kikuchi raised his hand to introduce himself. "I'm Kikuchi. You can call me Kiku if you want to." He said, waving a little bit. "Is anybody good at electronics by the way? I'm trying to turn this thing on," the boy added, gesturing to the monitor.
Honoka Kawaguchi

"I'm Honoka. Honoka Kawaguchi, It's nice to meet you Shion." The girl held out a hand for the Shion to shake, it was nice to know the names of the others that were here. After all if she could make friends or at least people she felt she could trust, it would make finding a way home a hell of a lot easier. Although she wasn't completely sure how easy it would be to make friends with any of them, surely waking up in a secluded place away from everyone wasnt going to be winning her any points.

She had turned her head to glance at the three others that had introduced themselves as well and made a mental note to speak with them as well before turning her attention back to Shion. "And before you ask if I remember anything...not really. I think I tried to fight someone off but after that it's completely blank...." She trails off as she stares down at her feet, twirling her hair between her fingers.
Gizaira Gizaira
Hideki Iwao

Before Hideki had even realized it, he was out like a light again. He wasn't unfamiliar with the floor, but he did prefer hitting it after he'd at least had time to do something cool first. Still, he wakes up with the rest of the group much in the same fashion as last time: dazed and unamused. It takes a bit of effort to wake himself up again, but this time at least goes a little smoother and quickly after he realizes quickly where he still is. A disgruntled huff escaped his lips as pulled himself up off the floor, but much to his surprise, he doesn't abruptly follow it by loud complaint. He would've been more surprised at that, but really, he's acquainted with downers. He can guess what's up. Instead of immediately getting too worrying about it, he decided to take a moment to get his bearings, since apparently, that was what everyone else had decided on.

First stop was a look over his limbs. A quick search of pulling up his sleeves and ends of his pants showed nothing was really out of the ordinary, and much the same seemed to be the case, rubbing his head a few times over. He checked one of the new pieces of furniture - a mirror - to confirm, and everything seemed to be in order. At least, with his body. That finished, he fixed his hair while he still had the view of himself, finishing up with a wry smile. 'This is bullshit, but, at least I ain't lookin' half bad,' he appraised silently as he looked himself over. The thought is an attempt to be light-hearted, but it fails to stay that way for long, mostly because of it's tacit reminder of the circumstances. Ugh. He slumped over a bit at the dampening mood and placed his fist slowly but firmly against the wall. He had a strong urge to rear back and just punch it, just to break something in this ugly, sterile-feeling room, but he still felt high and dry from whatever he'd been given, so he could only give a long-suffering sigh as he turned back around to the rest of the room sort of defeatedly.

He had only been barely been keeping up with all of the action, though, so he perked up a little when he turned to find the newcomer - a beautiful girl... talking with what looked like blood in her mouth. Yeesh. He cringed a little at the sight, but quickly averted his gaze, not ready to make a girl think he might be gawking at her injury. Or at her, for that matter, as he looked like the type otherwise inclined to do either. Instead, he looked around tiredly trying to make a note of what name's he's heard and the faces they belong to. He knew he wasn't going to actually remember any of it, but he knew he'd feel a little better about it later if he tried now, at least. He's patient listening to the one he's turned around to see, but when Honoka finishes her's, he can't help but pipe up, maybe a little obviously avoiding looking at her.

"Uh, yeah. Was wonderin'," he sort of mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck self-consciously with a tinge of relief. At least now the elephant in the room of elephants had at least been noticed. With that, though, he noticed the floor's opened for another introduction, and he'd still yet to make any effort to do his, so he went ahead to get it out of the way.

"The name's Hideki Iwao. Yeah the Hideki Iwao, yeah, the delinquent looking kid who does the stunts." he greeted in a playfully dry way, showing off two rows of oddly sharp teeth as he grinned softly at everyone around. "Nice to meet ya." Maybe it came off a little too cocky, as it was entirely possible that nobody knew who he was - he didn't really show off or film or anything - but he kind of doubted that nobody at all would. He had a few world records, after all, and quite a few fans. And regardless, he wasn't trying to be a show-off; he had just wanted to throw that out there, in case anybody had been looking at him all curiously. Now they'd only do that about his sense of style, which was how he liked it. He wasn't really concerned about that right now, though; he actually still concerned about Honoka, who he turned back around to, suddenly looking a bit more serious.

"Err, look," he started to say uncomfortably. "Can I at least take a look at that for ya?" he finally asked, pointing to the area around her face where she'd bruised up a little and gotten blood on her teeth. "It's lookin' a little fresh, and I'm sure I got something on me that'll help..." ( Skita Skita ) To that end, he started to rummage around in his pockets, looking for something familiar among them. He hadn't worried about electronics, since, besides his old as hell MP3 player, he never carried any, but maybe whoever was in charge had let him keep a bandage or something.

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Umezu Yori

Yori didn't have the chance to interact with people because of her little problem. Also because she decided to just listen in to others' conversation. She could tell no one knew what was going on which raised the possibility they were kidnapped higher. As she listened, she noticed something in the corner of her eye. An orange ipod. She picked it up. She remembered there was one guy that was asking where it was. Nodding to herself, Yori attempted to give it to him. Keyword, attempted. Before she could, she fainted once again. Not before cursing a few colorful words in her mind.


Groaning, Yori sat up and rubbed her head. This was getting annoying. She looked down at her hands and saw the ipod. Sighing, she stood up and made her way to it's owner. She looked to see the new face and she couldn't help but feel suspicious. Even if that girl wasn't the cause of all this, there must've been a reason why she was the only one here now. Or maybe her mind was just affected by all the journalism she did.

Yori could her their introduction and ever so slowly, her eyes widen. When she got to the guy named Christopher. She tugged at his sleeve and showed him the ipod and made a gesture for him to wait. She quickly wrote something on her notebook and showed him.

Sorry to bother but I'm Yori. I'm pretty sure that's what you're looking for. Anyway, I can't speak but would you mind saying saying these words below? You don't have to say it exactly like I wrote it though. Thanks.

I don't know what's going on but I think I see a connection. I'm the Super Highschool Level Journalist. You're the Ultimate Florist. Hokkai is the Ultimate Biologist. I'm pretty sure Kikuchi is Kikuchi Isei the Ultimate Sculptor and Kawaguchi is the Ultimate Figure Skater. Iwao is obviously Ultimate Stuntman. Do you see the pattern?

Sorry, I wrote it in a hurry

Yori was aware she left out Shion but she felt like that she be something she told herself. She wasn't sure why. It just felt right that way. She felt silly for not noticing it before. She wasn't the Ultimate Journalist for nothing. Finding out information and writing the twisted version was her job.
T.J LeBlanc-Halliwell

He wasn't good with conversing, so he decided to stay quiet until someone decided that everyone should introduce each other. Sounds like a good Idea, and some had already started to introduce themselves. "My full name is Tristen Jayden LeBlanc-Halliwell, But Tristen or T.J is what most call me." He smiled. It took him a while to think of what could be used for his middle name. and he liked the name Jayden, so he thought 'Why not' really. His last name was weird, cause his mother and Father didn't want to get rid of either of their names, so they Hyphenated it.

Christopher Kasai

Chris smiled, seeing how people started to introduce themselves and gave a 'hm?' sound when someone tugged at his shirt. She held out his Orange Ipod, and almost gave her a Bone-Crushing hug at that moment, but he was given a Notepad.

Sorry to bother but I'm Yori. I'm pretty sure that's what you're looking for. Anyway, I can't speak but would you mind saying saying these words below? You don't have to say it exactly like I wrote it though. Thanks.

I don't know what's going on but I think I see a connection. I'm the Super Highschool Level Journalist. You're the Ultimate Florist. Hokkai is the Ultimate Biologist. I'm pretty sure Kikuchi is Kikuchi Isei the Ultimate Sculptor and Kawaguchi is the Ultimate Figure Skater. Iwao is obviously Ultimate Stuntman. Do you see the pattern?

Sorry, I wrote it in a hurry

Chris Read it and Smiled. "You're not a bother, and sure, I'll read this out for you. The least I can do for you returning my Ipod back to me. Thanks by the way, you may have saved me from a panic attack." He laughed sheepishly, giving her a One-Armed hug. He turned to the others and smiled. "Okay, this quiet girl over here is Yori, and she wrote something that she wanted to share with everyone." He said, before continuing.
"She doesn't understand whats going on, but she's the Ultimate Journalist, I'm the Ultimate Florist, Hokkai is the Ultimate Biologist, Kiku is the Ultimate Sculptor, Kawaguchi is the Ultimate Figureskater, and Iwao is ,obviously, the ultimate stuntman. Do you see the pattern?"
Chris read out and winked at the girl with a Grin. To him,flirting was for boys but that didn't mean he couldn't slightly flirt with Girls. He was flamboyant after all. "By what I can tell, it's that we're all ultimates, right?" He asked. He was stupid, but he can see the obvious details in front of him.
Yui sat up slowly rubbing her eyes "again?" she mumbled looking up noticing the new girl she instantly jumped to her feet "huh who are you?" she asked wondering if she had been the one to kidnap them she then turned to the blond boy "s-sorry for standing over you" she said politely "i was worried"
Kori felt the gas fill his lungs...his vision went hazy, his scarf did little to stop the process... He fell to the ground , slumping over...An odd black out it seemed. Eventually he awoke..somewhere new? He would look around the room, wondering what had happened feeling even more disorientated than before. It seemed there was someone new....He'd look over at her and then around at everyone else, who he had seen previously, he supposed he should try to socialize more..but he just wasn't sure where to start, again though he'd be willing to aid people if need be with the change of environment. For now he'd briefly look over at Hideki once more before he'd merely go and walk over and sit near the fire place, warming himself. He had many fond memories of warming by a fire after his boarding sessions. Infact he might have actually enjoyed a place like this if he was under any other circumstances, such as the whole "Kidnapped" aspect while loomed over. He also wondered who would be watching them..he was sure that none of this good. He seemed to just maintain silence for a while focusing on the fire...Then he began to think of an escape plan..mentally focusing on such. He was sure that he was probably on the younger side of things here to a degree, only being sixteen and what not..He really had to be careful regardless of all facts., infact everyone had to be very careful.. He wasn't sure who he could trust and who he couldn't Although Hideki, from his observations seemed to not be threatening just by the way they had interacted earlier. .at least that was one person he could be less suspicious about.. When Kori wasn't looking at the fire, he was looking around the room occasionally listening in to what people had to say. He was sure that much like the last space there wouldn't be anyway to escape easily anyway..
Honoka Kawaguchi

"Hm?" She turned around looking at the other boy- Hideki was it? She had been so preoccupied with finding out if the was anyone else here she didn't really take the time to actually take a look at her injury. She pressed a hand to her cheek, did it really look that bad? Lord she hoped she didn't look too embarrassing, after all first impressions were everything regardless of being in this weird kidnapping ordeal. "Um..Sure if you'd like. Thank you." Honoka looked through her pockets, maybe she had her mirror compact so she could have an idea of what her face looked like

"So....." She spoke up, in an attempt to make conversation "You're some type of a stuntman I'm guessing? That sounds kinda dangerous isn't it?"

Rustic Rustic

Hideki Iwao

Hideki nodded politely at her response, but he couldn't help but still look off to the ground a little uncomfortable even as he began to approach. It wasn't still that he had a problem with looking at her, because, in this case, it was what he'd gotten express permission to do. It was more so the fact that he was having to do it that gave him some pause. What was even going on with all of them that he was having to give some pretty girl treatment for what looked to be some kind of assault? He just didn't get it. Still, he figures it's not really his place to waste time considering as he gets in close to her. He wasn't really the awkward type, but he thinks he understands the feeling as he starts to dig further into his pockets for something to use. He did keep around a bit of medical stuff, as it seemed like a smart thing for a guy like him to do, but in retrospect, he wasn't entirely sure what all he had with him right now. Wasn't like he could keep a whole damn kit with him all the time. Luckily, though, before he has to resort to piling up snow or something, he finds a cold pack somewhere near the bottom.

"Huh?" he suddenly asked, looking a little confused for a moment as he processed what she had said. After a second, though, it gets through. "Oh, it's no prob'," he said, looking honestly modest as he smiled a bit embaressedly in response. He keeps an eye on what he's doing, though, and it's pretty obvious that he'd done this before as doesn't stop to hesitate as he starts handling the the preparation of it. He's pressing his hands firmly on each side of it as he looks up to answer her.

"Yeeaaah, I am!" He drew out his answer excitedly with a smile. He's tempted to specify 'daredevil', since to him, 'stuntman' had always seemed sort of lame, but it doesn't matter too much, as it's just nice to to be able to be excited about his job regardless of his actual title. He just goes on. "And I can't say it can't be. It's why I keep all this stuff on me; of course, why I'm lookin' like I am." He smiles a bit wider, more mischievously at that comment, rubbing the skin around a particularly nasty on his cheek almost thoughtlessly.

"But uh, confidence goes a long way," he appends casually, calming down a little and appearing to get back to what he's doing, shaking the bag in his hands a bit. "Ya got a good plan you're sure of, you land most of it when it counts." And with that, he presses his hands to both sides of the pack, feeling it for a moment, before holding it up near her face, slowly and gently trying to put it down over the bruising. He mouths the word 'careful' before actually placing it on, giving her some time to reach up and take it into her own hands to cradle it there for herself before releasing it and putting his hands back down.

"Ah, there. That should do it for that, but uh..." he stopped for a moment and tried to think of how best to go about handling her other situation before he heard one of the other guys started speaking up. He was already vague on the guy's name, but apparently it didn't matter, as he's only doing lip service for the older girl beside him. He turned to listen to her words. Yori, he said she was. What Yori had to say was just about as interesting to him as how she'd chosen to say it. Hideki had known that at least he was an 'Ultimate' something, but everybody here was? That was something. At the revelation, he scratched his head sort of hopelessly, but he looked toward the two of them, impressed.

"Jeez, you really that observant, or you just got that good a memory?" ( InternalAssumpter InternalAssumpter ) he asked sort of naively, almost tempted to whistle at the whole thing. Though, he couldn't help but quickly sort of frown, gaining a more perplexed look. It didn't really answer any questions for him, though; just asked more of them. He wants to gain some sort of higher understanding from what she's given them all, but he can only defeatedly shake his head, and turned back toward Honoka.

"But, I dunno. Unless you got any other ideas, don't know if we can do anything with that info right here an' now. But, everyone else who ain't shared their name with the class-" he stops for a moment to give a stern look over to some of the stragglers he noticed, "should share that bit o' info, too, while they're at it." That's all he can add to the situation, he knows, but he looks down, clearly dissatisfied with things, as his mouth had twisted into a bit of a grimace. There were a lot of potential reasons to take kids, especially ones with talent, that were all rather alarming. Especially considering that their 'kidnapper', who seemed to had knocked them out twice just to show them he could, had apparently also thought it necessary to assault one of them? A girl, no less. But, knowing the weird expression that considering it must be making him give, he just shakes his head at the whole business, and looks back up toward Honoka.

"That might be it. Unless your... mouth's hurting?" ( Skita Skita ) He puts his hand over his mouth and opens it a little to gesture to her teeth to give her an idea of about where the blood was in her mouth.


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