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Fandom Danaganronpa: Despair Mountain (Closed)


Real life has no appeal
Hello! This is the IC for the Danganronpa RP! The two people who were interested in the looking for people thread get a stop but now it's first come, first serve :P
You all wake up from a chill breeze. It's cold, and you're freezing. You open your eyes to see 15 other people around you on the floor as you. You're on the floor of a...cabin? The door is open to the cabin and you can see snow outside. There is a kitchen to your right and a closed door to your left.

Now the question is, where are you? How did you get here?

Easy Navigation
OOC Thread

Character Thread
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Aoi hand went straight to her head once she woke up, it wasn't a pleasant wake-up call by any means, groaning out as she felt sore, cold, and nauseous for some reason. The Super High School Level Caretaker soon wobbling to her feet, as her eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and fear at the sight around her, fifteen bodies surrounding her. She pulled her red muffler up to cover her mouth and nose, sniffling as she wrapped her cold fingers against the knob of the door shutting it against the snow, stepping around the [hopefully] sleeping bodies.

She crouched down towards one of the larger sleeping bodies, attempting to shift their position upright with an arm or at least attempting to as she barely lifted the body up a few inches. The other hand reached out to touch the base of her neck, "Okay, not dead. Good start." Aoi said softly as she gently shook her shoulder. "Pardon me, can you wake up for me?" She said acting polite despite the situation she found herself, frowning as she took a closer look at the sleeping face, concern written on her face as the scar became visible, watching over the remaining students that were still in their unconscious state or beginning to awaken from their... unnatural slumber to say the least.

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
Kori Gesshin opened his blue eyes, his already fairly pale complexion probably not helped by the cold...he was within unfamiliar territory it seemed. Being fairly used to the cold due to his sport of choice, he wasn't as bothered as some may be thought it wasn't pleasant, in addition it seemed that his scarf was left over his mouth which in actuality helped him quite a bit in regards to temperature, but that was the least of his problems right now it seemed. Last thing he remembered was boarding down a mountain...he had been practicing at the Niseko slopes. Infact he was in the midst of going downhill like usual and he couldn't really remember much after that. "Nghh...." He'd murmur forcing himself upright, to bolt his head toward Aoi's general direction. There was some unfamiliar girl..there..seeming to be giving attention to..someone. He decided the best thing to do would be remain silent in this case, as not to cause any alarm or anything, plus he was fairly good at keeping "Chill" even in a confusing scenario like this. He would just look around the room and the varying bodies which littered it..while sitting up right..It looked like the inside of a cabin..Where the hell were they?.. He thought to himself internally...merely listening and waiting for further life..
Kikuchi Isei
Vaguely, Kikuchi could feel cold air blowing past his face. Shivering subconsciously, he rolled over on his side in an attempt to block out the cold. As he rolled, however, his head bumped into something nearby. Jolted awake, Kikuchi sprang into a seated position and looked around. A... cabin? His thoughts first went to the snow that was falling outside and the cold that was biting at his feet and hands. Pulling the ends of his coat above his hands he crossed his arms and continued to look around. There seemed to be a bunch of people laying around, he had probably hit his head on one of them. Realizing that there seemed to a few people beginning to wake up, Kikuchi let out a tentative "Hello?" as he pushed himself onto his feet. His first step was a bit wobbly and he soon stopped walking to avoid tripping over anybody. Not to mention that he had no idea where he was walking to anyway.
Yukari Tanaka
Cold I'm so cold someone close the door....bro....close the door...bro? Bro!?
Yukari's eyes shot open as she also sat up quickly. Slamming into something rubbing her head slightly from the bump. Looking around she saw she wasn't in her room nor was she alone. She also found what she had hit was a person a girl she stood up towering over the girl. Oh did she wake me up? That was nice of her I should thank her. Yukari's mouth opened to say thank you but she froze fkr a second. Come on say something idiot anything just say something. Finally she simply pointed to the girl's forehead. "Watch it." She simply was meaning to mean that she should take care of her head wound. Though it would Yukari would be warning the girl to stay out of her way. It didn't help Yukari's size and relaxed face made her all the more delinquent like.

Kenya Yukimi
Kenya's eyes slowly opened as he began to wake up. His eyes quickly darting around the room as he immediately took notice of the unfamiliar scene. Around him were many people he wasn't familiar with though that was never a problem. He stood up his legs feeling weak for a moment using the wall next to him as support. When his legs began to straighten out he made his way over to a pale looking boy. Blowing into his hands for warmth as the cold was really starting to get to him. "Hey what's going on?" He asked he'd yet to get a sense of this guy's personality but he seemed like the calm type. So he figured a simple approach was best right now and he'd adapt as he found out more on him.

Loki777 Loki777 3rr0r 3rr0r
~Alyandra Hoilster~
Alyandra found herself closets to the open door. The breeze slowly passed her and slowly made her awake. She looked around at the odd cast around her, I mean there is a seven-foot-tall woman in here. Right now that didn't matter, the cold was getting to her. So, she got up on her wobbly legs and closed the door. Still, the cold stayed around her. How unlucky. She pulled her light jacket around herself and look around and said the first thing that came to her mind, "Where the hell are we at?"

-Mitsuru Akiko-
Being a clairaudience is hard. Well, it's hard to sleep that is. So, when his perfect slumber is rudely awakened by voices, it isn't the best. Fun fact, due to his 'power' or whatever you want to call it, you can hear the tiniest noise. He is very hypersensitive to noise. So, of course, he is awoken. He is first awoken from someone saying "Hello." He opens his eyes and finds that source. "I guess 'Hello' to you too." Even when he tries to sound annoyed, he doesn't. Which annoys himself. Berries Berries
Kori's eyes widened a bit at the sudden question, before he quickly recollected himself looking at the apparently brighter-color wise one. "..I'm not sure..". Kori replied merely being honest, his voice coming out as rather calm, and "cool" to a degree, not unfriendly or particularly friendly it seemed. He couldn't help but notice the apparent prior weakness in the legs. "Are you okay?.." He'd simply ask merely wondering. It was nice to see someone else who was in a similar boat as him and who didn't seem hostile and approachable.. Unlike some people that Kori had met. He never seemed to make direct eye contact with Kenya Yukimi..as he tended to do with strangers it seemed. Perhaps over time he'd warm up a bit. He merely continued to sit and look in Kenya Yukimi's general direction..merely pondering what he should do, while he occasionally glanced to the other bodies around them. He also looked back at Yukari and Aoi, wondering what was going on there. He also couldn't help but notice Kikchui Isei. There were already so many unfamiliar faces...He also looked around the room to see another person, Alyandra, and Mitsuru yet he wouldn't say a comment further..atleast for now..
Blu3 Blu3 Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi Berries Berries 3rr0r 3rr0r
T.J LeBlanc-Halliwell

Trixie groaned. He hated getting up, but he was a light sleeper. Maybe whatever was going on would settle and he could fall back asleep... No, the weird sounds seemed to continue. He stretched, catlike, before realising he hit someone. 'A person?!' He panicked and shot right up. 15 other characters were in the room.... or dear lord... this can't be good....He got up and almost fell back down, is he didn't grab onto the Wall. Why was his legs Jelly?He stayed in the position for a while, until feeling came to his legs. He then got his answer from a draft. Shivering he wrapped his jacket over him more properly. God-Damn was it cold, Who leaves the door open with 15 Kids anyway? Were 'they' Trying to kill them??

He looked at the people who were starting to talk. "Looks as if were... In a Cabin, by the look of it. My best guess is 'surpise trip!', worst guess...."
He looked away before muttering "Kidnapped" he sighed. He looked at people before noticing one person in particular, Why is she here?

Christopher Kasai

Christopher was asleep, and wasn't about to wake up on his own anytime soon.
Yui Shinbi slowly eoke up her eyes blinking as she moved her long hair from her face and looked around it took her a couple seconds to notice the people but when she did she instantly freaked out sitting bolt up right looking at thr other passed out people and the ones awake "W-what g-going o-on?" She wimpered on the verge of bursting into tears. Yui was shaking alot from the look of her you would never of guessed she was the SHSL Occultist.
<>< Yasu Hokkai <><

Yasu felt cold air pierce her skin from under her beloved wet suit, groaning audibly as she awoke. Rising from her place on the wooden floor, she observed the people around herโ€”both awake and notโ€”with suspicion. Why was she here in this...cabin, and who in the vast earth were these people? Her face souring, she observed that not everyone had awoken, and so she would have to probably wait until they all did to get proper answers. Nodding to herself at her thoughts, she went over to the nearest wall and sat against it; rubbing her sides with her hands to warm herself. As she did so, she observed the people who we awake, hoping she would not have to do any unnecessary socializing.
Name | Current Appearance | Location | Emotion(s)

Shion Hamasaki | Female | Strange Place | Confused/Worried

Mentioned: Everyone

Talking To: Blu3 Blu3 Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi Otaku Rabbit Otaku Rabbit Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos Berries Berries Loki777 Loki777 3rr0r 3rr0r JelloPikachu25 JelloPikachu25 (?)

Note: I'm going to use male and female pronouns depending on what they're dressed as at the moment so that it'll be easier for people to remember.

Shion laid motionlessly on the floor of the cabin with a peaceful expression on her face as if she was completely unaware of the world around her. She was knocked out cold but there weren't any signs of any violence on her entire body and on the outside she seemed to be sleeping rather peacefully. But eventually the voices of the people around her caused her to stir from sleep. Her face visibly scrunched up a little as she finally came back to her senses. Seconds after waking her eyes fluttered open and she slowly sat up.

Is this a cabin?...Where am I? she thought, her expression contorting into one of confusion. Wherever she was, it was pretty cold. She was freezing despite being indoors and the skirt she was wearing wasn't exactly keeping her warm either. "Of all the days..." she mumbled before finally acknowledging the other people in the room with her. Some were passed out on the ground like she had been while others were talking among themselves or just outright panicking. It was probably safe to assume that they were in the same situation she was in.

"You guys are just as lost as I am I'm guessing..." she said, standing to join them or...at least attempting to. When she tried to she suddenly became light-headed and fell back onto the floor with a quiet ''thump'' noise. "...What exactly did they do to us?" she said under her breath.

(Yoshimi will wake up once a few posts from other people are up. I feel weird having both of them wake up at the same time.)
Kikuchi Isei
Seeing that people were waking up, Kikuchi felt comforted. At least they weren't dead, right? The idea of death crossed his mind and he briefly panicked, what if they were all here to be slaughtered? Shaking his head, he reassured himself that he wasn't making any sense. There was absolutely no point in randomly transporting a bunch of alive bodies just to kill them. From the words of everybody else, it didn't sound like anybody else knew what was happening or where they were. As somebody responded to his 'hello', Kikuchi glanced up and grinned sheepishly. "Not sure what else to say in this situation," he commented. He didn't even know what this situation was. He had managed to get his feet under him and he aimed to move towards the wall of the cabin - he felt safer near walls, less open space - but his plans were soon foiled as he tripped over someone's head. "Agh! I'm sorry!" He exclaimed, falling to his knees beside the kid he had tripped over. Orange hair, it was cute. The guy still seemed to be sleeping so Kikuchi poked at his head a few times. He couldn't have died from an accidental kick to the head right? Right?

Blu3 Blu3 Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos
Christopher Kasai
Christopher felt someone trip over him. His first thought was 'Am I on my bedroom floor??' He then felt a finger poke his head, then rapid poking. Usually his parents would scream at him to get up, and he was sure he heard a sorry somewhere. He cracked an eyes open and looked around, eventually seeing the hand poking him, connected to a Silver-ish blue haired male. Not being able to help it, he grinned.

"Am I dead? Cause you look like an Angel." He winked. His pickup lines were cheesy, or just the worst in general. He laughed slightly. "Sorry, I can't help but flirt with the first cute thing I see~" He grinned, and tried to contain his giggles, failing miserably. He didn't function well after waking up. He supposed he wouldn't understand the situation until he had really woken up properly. "So, What's going on?" He asked, looking around. Seeing other people, he cocked his head to the side.
"I don't remember going to any Parties, I'm lost." He said, pouting, but smiled once again.
Yui stood up slowly leaning against the wall for support glancing around at everyone at the unconscious people "a-are they a-alive?" She asked her voice shaking tears from the situation Forming behind her eyes "should we look around?..." She said glacing at everyone in the room her eyes ligering on the red haired boy and the blonde unconscious boy.
Kikuchi Isei
As the other boy opened his eyes, Kikuchi let out a relieved sigh. "You're not dead!" He said happily, before tilting his head in confusion as orange-hair asked if he was dead. It took Kikuchi a second to realize that he was being hit on and promptly turned an obnoxious shade of red. "Um-" he stammered, flustered. Social interaction wasn't exactly his forte. "No you're not dead and it's good you're not dead because I'm not an angel and I don't know what I would have done if you were and and-" Running out of breath, Kikuchi flushed again before starting to giggle as well. Even the situation seemed to be humorous at this point, and as orange-hair asked where they were, Kikuchi stared up at the ceiling with a silly grin. "Nobody knows where we are, or what we're doing here." He said with a snort, looking over at a girl who seemed to be on the verge of tears. Gesturing for her to come sit down beside him and orange-hair, Kikuchi offered yet another smile. "I don't think anybody's dead, probably." He commented, glaring playfully at orange-hair out of the corner of his eye.

Otaku Rabbit Otaku Rabbit
Kori continued to watch as more people continued to wake from the apparent oddly induced sleep. He was quite skeptical of everyone and kept his mouth closed for the moment. Not even bothering to say a word. He would merely stand up right, his legs felt a little uneasy but nothing that he couldn't handle..He merely walked over to the left wall of the cabin and surveyed the area wondering what would happen next. His scarf still in full effect covering his mouth to a degree. He noticed that it seemed a lot of the people around him were unsure about what was going on, who could have taken several people in such a fashion? He hoped that It wasn't terrorist or anything of the likes..What would his parents think? Kori had to find a way to get out... He was immediately analyzing the room, and looking for any weaknesses within the walls, feeling around a bit in vainly. He merely continued to do this for quite some time, not really paying as much as attention as before to the people around him. Being the athletic sort, snowboarding all he had built a decent amount of muscle not that it really showed much..in actuality he was fairly strong for how he appeared., so his pushing wouldn't have been for nothing if he managed to find anything.. Kori merely just turned his head back to the crowd after looking around for a while and stood their waiting for anything to happen...
Christopher Kasai

He looked around rubbing his eyes and Yawned. "So... A bunch of strangers are stuck in a room together? A surprise party, maybe?" He asked, shrugging. He was still tired. "Uh, Okay. I don't think anyone should freak out, there will be a weird Explanation for this-" He was stopped by another yawn. "Can I go back to sleep now? I don't like mornings." He asked, before leaning his head on the shoulder of the male who had woke him up, and started to fall back asleep. Chris could sleep literally Anywhere, and he was just too tired to really do Anything. Besides, the male woke him up, the least the other could do was let Chris sleep on him.
Kikuchi Isei
As the other boy opened his eyes, Kikuchi let out a relieved sigh. "You're not dead!" He said happily, before tilting his head in confusion as orange-hair asked if he was dead. It took Kikuchi a second to realize that he was being hit on and promptly turned an obnoxious shade of red. "Um-" he stammered, flustered. Social interaction wasn't exactly his forte. "No you're not dead and it's good you're not dead because I'm not an angel and I don't know what I would have done if you were and and-" Running out of breath, Kikuchi flushed again before starting to giggle as well. Even the situation seemed to be humorous at this point, and as orange-hair asked where they were, Kikuchi stared up at the ceiling with a silly grin. "Nobody knows where we are, or what we're doing here." He said with a snort, looking over at a girl who seemed to be on the verge of tears. Gesturing for her to come sit down beside him and orange-hair, Kikuchi offered yet another smile. "I don't think anybody's dead, probably." He commented, glaring playfully at orange-hair out of the corner of his eye.

Otaku Rabbit Otaku Rabbit
Yui walked over to sit beside the two her long hair trailing behind her almost like a cape "umm i-its good if there n-not dead....or if they were...nevermind sorry" she said her voice getting smaller and smaller the more she talked. After that awkward moment she tryed to continue "um im Y-Yui Sh-Shinbi and you are?" She asked the two hoping she dident sound rude or stook up
Kikuchi Isei
Kikuchi watched as the girl he had invited walked over, but he jumped when he felt orange-hair boy lean his head on his shoulder. What? Kikuchi's expression wasn't just that of a deer caught in the headlights; this deer had been hit by the car already. "Um-" Kikuchi attempted to formulate a thought, staring at the orange hair on his shoulder. "Um- I guess you can sleep then." He said lamely, not sure how to deal with the situation. As far as he could remember, he had been cooped up in a room for months on end sculpting, but suddenly what was this whole socialization thing? Despite the anxiety that orange-hair was giving him, at the same time the other boy's calm demeanor helped Kikuchi to calm down himself. What he had said made sense, there of course was going to be a logical explanation for all this!

Thus reassured, Kikuchi looked over to the girl as she sat down close by and smiled at her. It was obvious she was even more of a nervous wreck than he was, and at the moment, that was pretty hard to do. "My name is Kikuchi Isei!" He said enthusiastically before looking at the sleeping figure on his shoulder. "But I-I'm not exactly sure who he is." The sculptor admitted, starting to turn a bit red again before looking back at Yui. "Can I call you Yui, then?" He asked conversationally.
Hideki Iwao

Hideki's teeth gritted as he slowly started to come to consciousness. Like it always did, it had taken a lot to wake him up, but as he finally started to hear the noise of people shuffling around and speaking all worriedly, it immediately made him tense, even half-asleep as he was. Worried voices were a warning sign. He had to have fucked something up. The last thing he remembered was not a stunt, but... his whole body started at the prospect, anyway. His eyes flew open, and one of his arms quickly moved under himself to support his weight as he tried to sit up. 'Damage assessment,' he thought instinctively, his eyes moving to dart around his body. Nothing was obviously ripped or broken, but, by the time he recognized that, he already realized something else wasn't right. Where was he, exactly? He looked up and around to try and figure that out, but his look only confused him further. The worried voices from before weren't even near him, really; they were huddled up in individual groups, talking in a wide variety of voices about... something.

His other hand moves up to hold his head in confusion. His ears were ringing. If he hadn't hurt something, what was going on? He couldn't focus on what anyone was saying with everything that was going on. He tried to rush himself to his feet instead, but he finds it's an immediate struggle. He was able to keep himself upright, but his legs still shook like crazy, as if he'd spent way too long working out. That was how he really knew something must be wrong. If he'd been rendered unconscious because of his own incompetence, why would he be shaking like this. Unless he'd gotten some kind of head injury...? That didn't seem the likely answer considering the other circumstances, but all the same, he rubs his head sort of self-consciously at the thought. Either way, now didn't really seem like the time to be worried about something like that. Something bigger seemed to be going on here.

His first instinct was to shout - because this could only be someone's doing, and he wasn't going to take some shit lying down - but before he did, he thought better of it. He was taught better than to needlessly add to other people's panic. There might be time later for a fight, but that would have to come when he actually had himself together. Instead, he leaned himself up against the wall with his arm, to stabilize himself on unsteady legs, and look around. There were a lot of people here he could pick out to try and help him, but still not being sure if he could even move his legs from their current position, he picked out the closest person to him, an appropriately dressed guy sinking into his sweater, and called for him.

"Hey. Scarf," he addressed gruffly, frowning a little as he realized just how irritable he sounded. He couldn't help it; he never sounded energetic in the morning, and he was having trouble just keeping his eyes open. He rubbed them, trying and wake himself up a little, before he continued to speak. "You know what's goin' on?" ( Loki777 Loki777 )

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Kori immediately looked in Hideki's direction after the words "Hey Scarf" came out. He would notice how the stranger's legs seemed to be giving him issues as well as well as the many others. Kori thought perhaps he'd been lucky then in that regard. Kori's blue eyes gazed over Hideki, taking notice of any of the visible scars. This guy must be tough or something. That or he was in one too many accidents, either way Kori was just glad the guy didn't seem to want to be picking a fight with him. He wondered if the stranger was alright in actuality, hoping that no one was severely injured. He just wished that he knew more...he needed to find out more. Thoughts went through his mind before responded a bit coldly, but not in a hostile fashion, "I have no Idea...all I know is everyone here seems to be in the same boat we are..." Kori responded honestly not sure himself."Can you walk?...." Kori merely walked over to Hideki and offered the guy some support if he actually needed it. It was fairly noticeable that Kori wasn't really being openly warm to anyone yet, he was merely maintain his calm, and offering help where he could it seemed. He didn't mind either way if the guy accepted it but, he just figured that he could be of service to someone in this abysmal situation. "Anyway, I'm Kori..." He'd say in a business like fashion to the stranger. He figured that he should keep trying to find a way out of the cabin and fast..there was nothing good about what could unfold in the future. The whole place had given him a bit of an uneasy feeling right when he had woken up In actuality. He didn't feel very safe being with so many unfamiliar faces in a foreign place. As he had literally just been snowboarding and somehow ended up here. On the bright side at least he was actually dressed appropriately for such conditions.. There didn't seem to be any windows which was disappointing to say the least. His eyes would gaze at the others from time to time, just to check if anyone was doing anything or waking up...Kori wasn't sure what he'd do now, except offer assistance to those who needed it and continue to tell people no, he didn't know where they were, how they got there or why, and that they should probably help him figure out a way to get out. Naturally trying to go out of the door would be far too risky, as he wasn't sure what was out there and he didn't really want to find out yet, not until he was good and ready... ( Rustic Rustic )
Yui smiled "yeah sure ill call you kikuchi if yu okay with that "she said before giggling "you dont know who they are and they're sleeping on you hm?" She teased trying the best to forget what was going on but the cold feeling down her spine made that impossible "i wonder..." She mumbled before tracing some sort of drawing on her hand with her finger. She quickly glanced back up looking around before turning back to the boy "S-sorry"
Hideki Iwao

Hideki sighed at the guy's lukewarm response. About what he figured, but he'd hoped that woudn't be the case. Still, he gave an acknowledging nod and looked off to the rest of the crowd at the mention. He was just starting to hear a little better now, so maybe he'd just hit his ear trying to get himself up? He poked under his ear curiously, making his few piercings jiggle a bit. He looked a bit distracted, but when he hears the guy ask if he's okay to walk, he perked up, looking down at himself again. He knew it was probably because his legs were still shaking, but he still looked to make sure. For good measure, he slowly shifted on his legs, moving his center of balance between them. Beside the residual uneasiness, it seemed like there wasn't anything internally wrong, so he waved off the offer of support politely, straightening his legs to try and stabilize himself a bit better. It wasn't nearly as bad now, thankfully; he figured he'd probably be back to normal within another minute or two.

"Thanks, man. I'm probably fine," he assured, taking his hand off the wall to try and prove the point. He had to throw his arm out to the side to readjust, as the sudden change was a little more than his body was expecting, but once he does, he seems to even out. That taken care of, he seemed to wake up a bit more, his eyes finally blinking open to look fully awake. Kori, his name was? Kind of fit his aloof demeanor. He wasn't expecting the first person he met to be so cool about the whole thing, but everyone had different ways of dealing with things, he supposed. Having seen everyone else, too, it didn't feel so odd; among them someone here had to be handling this well. Though, maybe not as well as the guy with bright orange hair, who Hideki could've sworn was wide awake a second ago. Anyway, he shook his head, and looked back over.

"Nice to meet ya then, Kori," he said with a small smirk. This wasn't coming under the best circumstances, sure, but a little hospitality never killed anyone, he thought. Realizing he was giving introductions, though, he tried to slick back his hair a little firmer, worried the nap on the floor probably hadn't done his looks any favors. He goes over it a few times, but quickly recognizes it to be a lost cause, so he just let his arm fall limply back to his side and looked minorly disappointed with it all before carrying on.

"Hideki, or just Hide," he said casually, his fingers scrunching up in his gloves thoughtfully. "Only my aunt calls me Hideki, and that's when I know somethin's up." He smiled again, half amused and half wanting to be polite, but when he sees where Kori's was staring, his eyes followed, looking over toward door, too. The room had been cold the whole time like the door had been open, but he had figured that that had been because the building they were in was poorly isolated. He leaned into the fur of his jacket with his face a little as the cold started to hit before turning back to Kori.

"Nobody's left?" he asked, eyes furrowing a little with curiosity. Otherwise, it seemed a little weird if the door was just open, but he couldn't be sure. He might be interested in taking a look around, but not if somebody else was already out there. Or, maybe he might anyway. Just to be sure. ...He was well aware how easy it was to get lost in snow. ( Loki777 Loki777 )

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Umezu Yori

Yori could hear people talking as her eyes slowly opened. Her head felt fuzzy and it was throbbing slightly. She held her head as she sat up. A sudden thought came to her mind and she immediately checked her pockets. She paid no mind to the people around her as she checked. When she got to her jacket's pocket, she felt something and a sigh of relief left her. She pulled the thing out to reveal a small notebook and a pencil. She flipped through the pages briefly before nodding. She put the notebook in her skirt's pocket before standing up, wobbling a bit as she did.

Adjusting her glasses, she looked around to see 15 people besides her. All that she didn't knew. Her stomach churned as she realized this was likely a kidnapping. Unless one of the people here owns this place and decided to invite 15 random people over to have a party by kidnapping. Yeah, that made no sense. She breath in and out a couple of times. Panicking never does any good. First things first, she needn't to find out who these people are. Maybe that could be a clue.
T.J LeBlanc-Halliwell

T.j just decided to watch everyone interact. Should he talk to someone? Finding a social group would be Ideal. He found it amusing, that he couldn't socalise, yet he was 17 already. 'But who do I talk to? I'm not the most interesting character here.' He sighed to himself. 'Maybe I should just stick to the sidelines,like I always do. That hasn't killed me yet at least.' He thought hopefully. He looked at the remaining three who were asleep. Should someone wake them up? Wait,count the orange-haired kid on 'Kikuchi', that makes four. He sighed. "Should we wake them all up?" He asked, pointing to the last people remaining. This had to be moved along somehow, and It was getting too cold for his liking. Even though he liked the cold. Besides, if they all didn't get warm soon, they could all freeze. Well,except for the orange haired kid who seemed to be Hibernating.

Christopher Kasai

He heard him being mentioned and cracked an Eye open. He stretched and almost fell over. Fuck was he tired. He wanted to wake up. Where was his music when he needed it? He felt the pockets in his trousers and froze. What? Where is his Ipod? He bolted up and pulled out his pockets. "My Ipod is gone..." He whispered. He looked as if he was about to cry. If he couldn't play with his flowers, then he had to listen to music. He was lost without either. "Ha-Has anyone seen an Orange Ipod anywhere?" He asked out loud, his voice shaking slightly.
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