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Fantasy Daggerswood RP


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Name: Theo James Arcadian
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: The One Who Gets Bitten the Night of the Summer Solstice


Faceclaim: Jacob Elordi
Brief Physical Description:
Standing at around 6'2", Theo is extremely tall and well muscled. He's used to towering over most of his friends and family. He has a very sharp jawline that everyone will tell you he inherited from his father. His skin is lightly tanned, his face has angular features. Theo normally sports shorter hair, and has his mothers eyes, a caramel brown color that turn golden in the right light. His hands are slightly calloused from always holding a sword but other than that his body remains unscathed, with no scars or tattoos to speak of.

Theo is and always has been quite the trouble maker. He is a rebel and isn't afraid to show it. He detests the notion that some may have that just because he is the Baron's son he grew up spoiled. Perhaps when his mother was around he lived quite the charmed life, but after her death his father was always cold to him. He knows he is a disappointment to his father and doesn't really care. Theo wants to prove his bravery, and is consistently in search of adventure. Consistently sporting a devil may care smile, he is quite the flirt and loves to socialize, dance, and drink. He's always happy to get drunk with his friends, go hunting, or just go for a walk in the woods. Despite his recklessness, Theo can be quite the romantic, although you won't see this side of him unless you're the object of his affections. He is caring and protective of those he loves to a fault.
- Drinking
- Women
- Flirting
- Causing trouble
- Fighting
- Weapons
- Nature
- Pissing off his father
- Rules
- Feeling weak
- His father
- Not having a say in his own future
- Being ordered around
- His bravery being questioned
- Strong smells
- When his sister cuts his hair
Baron Caius James Arcadian (Father)
Lydia Anastasia Arcadian (Younger Sister)
Camilla Rose Arcadian (Mother - deceased)
Growing up, the Arcadians lived a charmed life until the time Theo was around 8 and Lydia was 6. The two children loved their mother dearly, and she was quite possibly the only person that could ever soften the Baron's heart. She was the glue of their family. When Daggerswood was attacked and ransacked by yet another wolf twelve years ago, the town was thrown into chaos. Children were running lost, people were screaming, blood was everywhere. Theo and Lydia had always been told that their mother was murdered by a wolf during this attack. What the Baron will never tell them, or anyone for that matter, is that his wife, Camilla Arcadian, actually was the wolf attacking the town all those years ago. When Caius learned of her true identity, he plunged his silver dagger into her chest and never told a soul about the true cause of her death. Living with the guilt and betrayal has caused the Baron to become cruel and unfeeling over time. His only goal in life now is to protect his children, but this has become such an obsession of his that he has become overbearing and both the children have grown to resent him and his strict rules. Theo and Lydia still remain close, but there will forever be an unreachable wall between the children and their father, who has now become so consumed with his power and his hatred for the wolves that he hardly thinks of anything else.


Plot Ideas: Obviously he's gonna be a wolf, would love some romance and some drama for him, definitely needs some childhood friends (open)
Potential Love Interests:
Theme Song:

Other: His wolf form is jet black with the same hazel/brown eyes that he has in human form.



Name: Lydia Anastasia Arcadian
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: Townsperson/ Baron's Daughter


Faceclaim: Barbara Palvin
Brief Physical Description:
Lydia is a slim girl, about average height at 5'5". Despite being on the slimmer side she has still blossomed into quite the beautiful young woman. With pronounced collarbones and rounded shoulders, her features are very soft and feminine. She has long, wavy, dark brown hair, identical to the color of her brothers. They inherited that from their mother. However, unlike Theo, Lydia has the eyes of her father. Wavering on the border between green and blue, her turquoise irises are framed by thick, dark lashes. She has a fuller bottom lip with a perfect cupids bow on her upper lip. Her skin is more porcelain than that of her brothers. Lydia strongly resembles her mother, and those who knew her mother remind her of this on a daily basis. It is one of the reasons why it is so hard for her father to look at her now that she's grown.

Growing up the Baron's daughter, Lydia is, admittedly, a tad bit spoiled. She never wanted for anything in her life, always adorned in the finest gowns and jewelry found in Daggerswood. She does have a passion for the fancier things in life, and will occasionally allow herself the indulgences her fathers money can buy like chocolates and silk and fine wine. Lydia doesn't really remember her mother much, but what she does remember she remembers fondly. She has grown up under her fathers watchful eye, and as a result, has had to keep quite a few things secret from him. She's a flirtatious girl, and enjoys the thrill that a little harmless trouble can cause. Her brother and her are alike in this way. Lydia is a deeply kind person and will not hesitate to give to others because she was born with so much. She is selfless and strongly empathetic and everything she feels she feels with passion. When she loves, she loves deeply. When she's mad, she is enraged. When she is sad, she is inconsolable. She is also quite the little spit fire, with a quick witted tongue to match here flirtatious smirk.
- Sweets
- Warmth
- Fancy gowns
- Animals
- Strawberry wine
- Dancing
- Socializing
- Cutting her brothers hair
- Attention
- Cold
- Fighting (she finds it obnoxious)
- Meat (she's a vegetarian)
- Water (can't swim)
- Those who believe her to be unkind just because she was born into money
- Her father
Baron Caius James Arcadian (Father)
Theo James Arcadian (Older Brother)
Camilla Rose Arcadian (Mother - deceased)
Growing up, the Arcadians lived a charmed life until the time Theo was around 8 and Lydia was 6. The two children loved their mother dearly, and she was quite possibly the only person that could ever soften the Baron's heart. She was the glue of their family. When Daggerswood was attacked and ransacked by yet another wolf twelve years ago, the town was thrown into chaos. Children were running lost, people were screaming, blood was everywhere. Theo and Lydia had always been told that their mother was murdered by a wolf during this attack. What the Baron will never tell them, or anyone for that matter, is that his wife, Camilla Arcadian, actually was the wolf attacking the town all those years ago. When Caius learned of her true identity, he plunged his silver dagger into her chest and never told a soul about the true cause of her death. Living with the guilt and betrayal has caused the Baron to become cruel and unfeeling over time. His only goal in life now is to protect his children, but this has become such an obsession of his that he has become overbearing and both the children have grown to resent him and his strict rules. Theo and Lydia still remain close, but there will forever be an unreachable wall between the children and their father, who has now become so consumed with his power and his hatred for the wolves that he hardly thinks of anything else.


Plot Ideas:
Potential Love Interests:
Theme Song:

Lydia has a kitten whom she dotes on named Fisher. She calls him Fish. He is the most spoiled cat in Romania.


Name: Addison Ella Montgomery
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: Townsperson/Villager


Faceclaim: Freya Allan
Brief Physical Description:

- Rain
- Reading
- Horses
- Riding
- Flowers
- Willow Trees
- Warm Fires
- Braiding her hair
- Violence
- Blood (will faint at the sight of it)
- Anyone who is cruel to animals
- Gossip
- Math
- The Baron
- How shy she is
- Pants (she much prefers dresses)
Everette Montgomery - Father - 47
Elaine Montgomery - Mother - 39


Plot Ideas:
Potential Love Interests: Sage
Theme Song: (optional)
Last edited:
Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Working on Addison right now - she's my love interest for sage!

Link to original daggers wood apps if you need it

Cool thank you! I am guessing we are doing the actual rp here too?


Name: Gavriel Rene
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: The Wolf

Faceclaim: Dove Cameron
Brief Physical Description: Gavriel is a lovely young lady with a slim and athletic build. Just because she is slim doesn't mean she isn't without the perfect curves here and there, especially in the chest and rear regions. She is also very naturally muscular from a life of never being able to sit still and always needing to be on the move. Her skin is soft with a slightly tanned color to it but still overall on the pale side. She has platinum blond hair that reaches to her mid to lower back and is overall straight with a slight gentle wave to it. Her eyes are different colors, one a vibrant mint green and the other icy blue, both with dark, almost black, coloring around the outer ring of her iris.


Personality: Gavriel is quite the spitfire, like a firework that is both dazzling and deadly. She has so much heart and puts all she has into everything she does and everything she believes. In her eyes every single moment of life is precious and important, they should all be truly lived because she knows better than most that the next moment is never guaranteed. Ever since she was little she has aimed to live a life worth remembering, she takes risks, she speaks her mind, she isn't afraid to color outside the lines. Some people might find this sort of behavior off-putting but Gavy doesn't care because her goal isn't to please others but rather to live her life according to what is best for herself and those she cares about. She is more than protective of her friends, since she has no family left they are all she has and she would set the world on fire and burn with it for any of them. Passion is both her greatest weapon and deepest weakness. Since becoming a werewolf she has been forced to learn to keep a tight hold on her emotions, especially the negative ones. The last thing she wants is to risk endangering her loved ones because of her own rage or fear. She is an expert at keeping secrets and twisting truths but tries to only do so when it needs to be done for survival, aside from that she is one of the most honest people you will ever meet, often to the point that she might seem too blunt. With her return those who knew her before will likely see her as a bit off, a bit more distant, it will likely only be those who knew her best that will see the changes though. One thing you should know about Gavy is that when it comes to fight or flight she will almost always choose to fight. She would rather die true to herself, who she is and what she believes in, rather than as a coward who was too afraid to stand her ground.
~Four-Leaf Clovers
~Running barefoot through the woods
~Midnight strolls
~Dancing in the rain
~Meat Pies
~People playing with her hair
~Dancing with her friends
~Late night talks
~Laying her head in other peoples laps
~Hunters (Specifically Werewolf hunters)
~The Barons rules
~Bear traps
~Werewolves who tread on her territory without her consent
~The idea of accidentally hurting someone
Anya Rene - Mother - Dead
Calcus Rene - Father - Dead
Tomin Rene - Brother - Dead
Carla Rene - Sister - Dead

History: Gavriel grew up the middle child of an extremely wealthy merchant who built his family's estate near Daggerswood. She had all she could ever want for when she was young, fine clothes, servants, more food than she could ever eat, and best friends she could spend her days with. Most of her life was split between her family estate and the home of the Baron since her ultimate best friend was the Baron's daughter Lydia, and she had a crush on Theo. Life was wonderful until one night when out of nowhere a group of raiders attacked her family's estate and burned it to the ground, robbing them of countless belongings, and worst of all they slaughtered her family. Gavriel truly believed she would die that night with the rest of her family but apparently, a lead member of the raiders, a 17-year-old werewolf with a lust for blood, sensed potential in her and took her captive. Come the blood moon the werewolf-raider bit Gavriel and attempted to convince her that in time they could start a pack all their own with her as his mate and fellow alpha. Gavriel refused, giving him a scarring rake of her nails across the face, and was thus imprisoned and dragged around with the raiders until one night she managed to escape her cage and bindings. As she ran for her life and freedom she could hear a group of the raiders tracking her down, including the wolf who changed her. She ran and ran until suddenly she ran into someone, a loner by the name of Ronan. She tried to warn him of the danger behind her but when he saw the state of her it seemed like something in him shifted. He pushed her behind himself and drew his weapon. When the raiders reached them Ronan slaughtered the majority of them but was soon overwhelmed by the wolf and raiders attacking together. Seeing this man who didn't even know her fighting to protect her gave Gavy the strength to shift and somehow manage to keep control. She took on the other wolf and as they battled she managed to come out on top. She wasn't able to bring herself to kill him but she did leave him with a bite that she knew he would never forget. When she shifted back she expected Ronan to turn on her but instead, the man simply scooped her up and carried her back to his home. She spent the rest of her time up until the present with Ronan, safe, and learning to master her abilities.


Plot Ideas: If another werewolf role ever opens up it could be the wolf that changed Gavy? We could also do something along the lines of someone working to try and cure werewolves and it could become a question of if they would want to be cured at that point?
Potential Love Interests: Theo, open to others as well!
Theme Song: SVRCINA - Meet Me On The Battlefield

Other: Her wolf form except one eye is ice blue and one is jade green


Name: Ronan Drax (Real name is General Brallor Paleblood)
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: The Blacksmith

Faceclaim: Jason Momoa
Brief Physical Description: Ronan is a hulking man who stands at 6'6" and looks to be made almost purely of muscle but not in a gross and veiny sort of way. He has long hair which he has grown out, but tends to keep at least somewhat tied behind his head. His hair is about shoulder length and dark brown with lighter tips from being outside. He has a thick beard that hides his perfectly sculpted jawline. Ronan has several tattoos to represent his heritage as well as his time as a soldier. As to be expected of someone who lives on the outskirts of town he is also covered in scars, the most obvious of which is the one running through his eyebrow and ending just above his eye.


Personality: Despite what he has been through Ronan is still a very loving and caring man. He loves the members of his chosen family, such as the soldiers he used to run with and Gavy, as though they were his own blood and would die to protect any of them. He is a very wise young man who has seen his fair share of how terrible this world can be but still somehow manages to push on and find something worth fighting for, usually others. This wasn't always the case though. For many years, after losing many of his men and best friends during an impossible battle, Ronan fell into a deep depression and isolated himself from the world. He drank too much, didn't care for himself, and wouldn't allow himself to grow close to others. He would work, drink, sleep, and repeat with no care for his own well-being. This all changed however when he ran into Gavy and saw how afraid she was, it reawakened the part of him that he had forgotten, the part that knew there were still people out there to protect even if he wasn't a soldier anymore. He has worked hard to recover from his depressive state over the past year or so, ever since Gavy entered his life. He has become more like himself, or how he once was, he has learned to smile, to laugh, to let the world be more than just darkness. However, if you are his enemy it is unwise to stand in his way because he will show you no mercy if you have any ill will towards him or the people he has promised to protect. Without hesitation, he will always be there to pick up those who have fallen and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. Ronan is also a major dad, with the corniest jokes at his disposal and he isn't afraid to use them. He knows when to be serious and when to relax but he also knows how to appear relaxed in a very serious moment in order to mess with his enemy's head. He can be very kind, supportive, and loving, but he can also be tough and is known for having a no mercy policy when it comes to those who betray him. People are often confused when they first meet him because he looks so intimidating, which they would expect from a reclused blacksmith and former elite soldier, but he acts so relaxedly and casual with just about everyone.
~Teasing Gavy
~He is learning to like trips into town
~Getting lost in his work
~Roaring fires
~Dogs (he has a dog named Flint)
~Bad jokes
~Lemon tarts
~Playing the flute
~Drinking, he used to have a problem but has since stopped drinking alcohol
~Fighting, will fight to protect himself and others but doesn't like it
~Large social situations
~PTSD, which he definitely has
~Cruel men in power
~People who would lead but not do what they ask others to do
Flint - Dog - Alive
History: When Ronan was younger he was made one of the youngest generals in the kingdom's armies for his excellence in leadership and on the battlefield. He accepted the title and the duties but never let it go to his head. He didn't think himself above the other soldiers and thus would always march with them into battle, fighting by their side, giving them someone that they knew had their back. It was a method that many in power frowned upon since it made the other generals look bad because they were not willing to do the same. Despite being told to stop Ronan never did and continued to go out with his men, fight in the battles, and come out victorious with remarkably few losses. Levi, one of Ronan's soldiers he was closest with and considered a brother even trusted Ronan enough to reveal he was a werewolf. The young man was struggling to learn control and together he and Ronan worked to give him the ability to master his curse rather than be a victim to it. Ronan was a hero to the troops, an inspiration, which made him a threat to those who craved the control Ronan had over his men. They didn't realize that what Ronan had with his soldiers wasn't control, it was trust. Because of the hero Ronan had become to the soldiers the other generals knew they couldn't just kill him outright so instead they worked together to leave Ronan without aid in an impossible battle they sent him and his men to fight. Ronan watched as the other generals arrived to the battle only to turn their troops away and leave as he and his men were slaughtered as they held the line. Ronan fought as best as he could but they were outnumbered and their backup had left them to die. All around him his men, his soldiers, his friends, and his family were dying. Levi died in Ronan's arms as he tried to help his men retreat, the boy having taken several arrows to his arms and torso. Barely any of his soldiers survived the battle and most of those who did only died later of their wounds. Understanding what had happened and why Ronan took full blame for the lives lost and planted evidence to make it appear as though he had died as well. He managed to track down the generals who took part in the plot and one by one executed them but taking their lives didn't ease his pain, it only made it worse. For years after that Ronan lived in isolation, an anti-social blacksmith with a drinking problem who lived in the woods just outside Daggerswood. It wasn't until the night he found Gavy running for her life in the woods that he found himself again. After helping the young woman to escape her tormenters Ronan took her in and helped her learn how to control her werewolf abilities just as he helped Levi all those years ago.


Plot Ideas: Someone finds out Ronan isn't really who he says he is? I will come up with more!
Potential Love Interests: Angelique?
Theme Song: Shaman's Harvest - "Tusk And Bone"

Other: This is his best boy Flint


Name: Mercy Lurray
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: The Witch/Town Healer/Apothocary

Faceclaim: Jessica Green
Brief Physical Description: Mercy is a lovely young woman with strikingly beautiful features. She has high cheekbones, lush lips, a perfectly sculpted jawline, and pointed chin. Her skin is fair and smooth and complements the naturally rosy coloring of her lips. She has long ebony hair that has a natural gentle wave but can easily be straightened. Her eyes are almond-shaped sky blue eyes with long dark eyelashes. Her build is slim but she is rather busty as well as has long and very nice legs. She is very fit and clearly takes good care of herself.


Personality: One way to describe Mercy is that she is a big sister to basically everyone she meets. She is patient and trustworthy with those who need such support and have earned themselves a place in her heart. She would stand by them on the darkest of nights and walk through hell and back for someone she cares about without hesitation, or even for a total stranger if she felt they truly needed her aid. She also knows how to keep others motivated and work towards making improvements to that which needs to be improved while also calling attention to things done well so others feel appreciated. It might seem a bit hard to get to that side of her when you first meet her though since oftentimes she is very professional, quiet, and more interested in observing than interacting with others. This should not be taken personally because it stems from the fact that Mercy is simply socially awkward, especially when meeting new people. She has always found that she understands herbs, brewing, and medicines better than she does humans. Honestly, she spends so long observing how another person might work or what they do because she is trying to figure out the social situation as though the person were an apothecary potion that she just needed to figure out the ingredients of. Once she gets to know you this awkwardness disappears for the most part and she will act very comfortable and affectionate. When around her work Mercy is extremely creative and always coming up with new and better ways to cure and heal, or even poison and harm if the situation arises. She can become very consumed by her work and lose herself for hours or days on one project which usually means no sleeping or eating. It is during these times of hyper fixation that she tends to truly slack at caring for herself but will still make sure to tend to the needs of others. One thing that should be known above all else is that Mercy will do whatever it takes to keep her patients safe, no matter who they are or their crimes, if they are in her care then NO ONE is to lay a harmful finger on them. She will go mama bear mode the moment a patient is in danger and getting in her path is a great way to end up with a dagger to the side of the head.
~Her garden
~Finding new brews, cures, etc
~Seeing the people she helps being able to live their lives
~Alchemy in general
~Sunny days
~Her cat Clove
~Slave traders
~Being locked up
~Being ordered around
~People trying to control her
~Anyone who tries to hurt her patients
~Anything messing up her garden
~Disrespecting the dead
History: Mercy did not actually come from Daggerswood or really anywhere near Daggerswood. Years ago when she was younger she was kidnapped from her home in Westfell and sold into the slave trade. When she lived in Westfell she was an apothecary prodigy, a true master of alchemy who worked with her mentors to aid her people of all forms of ailments. Being taken from Westfell was a truly traumatic experience to live through as Mercy and many others were ripped from their homes, watched their friends and families die, or be shoved into cages and split up. It is a night that will live in her memory for the rest of her life. Dragged hundreds of miles away from her homeland Mercy was forced to labor and serve or face truly horrific punishment. She did her best to heal those in bonds around her with what she had or was able to find but so many died because they were overworked or infection became too great. For years Mercy was a slave to cruel men and watched many of her countrymen die and be buried in unmarked mass graves. One night when Mercy was serving one of the Slave Lords she managed to sneak some deadly nightshade berries onto his plate which he happily devoured. During the panic of his hallucinations and convulsions, Mercy managed to slip away and free herself and a few others from the slave pits. They all rushed into the forest and had to fend for themselves from that point on. Mercy managed to find her way to Daggerswood after several days of harsh travel. While no one trusted her at first she stuck around and began to show her worth as an apothecary, her alchemy skills truly shining when she managed to cure several children of a possibly deadly illness. She has since become the towns primary healer and takes her job very seriously.


Plot Ideas: Perhaps she and Evangeline could have some plots? @Walliver
Potential Love Interests: Open
Theme Song: Enya - May It Be

Other: Here is what lil miss Clove looks like!


Name: Sage
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: Stable Boy/Aspiring Soldier

Appearance: (image)
Faceclaim: Booboo Stewart
Brief Physical Description: Sage is a very handsome young man who clearly does the best he can to keep himself in prime athletic shape. He is well muscled and has the endurance and flexibility of a master gymnast. His raven black hair is very long and reaches past his shoulders when loose which is why he often has it tied back behind his head. He has beautiful chocolate brown eyes that always manage to have a mischievous glint to them, especially when paired with his dignities smirk. He has well-defined cheekbones and a chin and jaw that look like they were chiseled from stone.


Personality: Sage is so much more than he might seem. When you first meet him he might come across as flirty, cocky, or overly confident which tends to put people off. But, what you will discover if you give him a chance is that behind that facade is a very kind, very caring, and extremely determined young man. Sage has lived his whole life being told he is nothing but trash, that his life means nothing and he will never amount to anything. He acts like a show-off and a flirt to counter those comments and to make sure he is seen and known, but also because he likes to see others smile. When he shows off he loves the rush of not knowing if he will succeed or fail, but he also loves how no matter the outcome, success or failure, he will likely make someone smile. He first because he loved to see the beautiful smile his words often bring to the faces of girls who might have been told that they are ugly or not worth the attention of others. His goal is to make sure no one feels like they are the trash he was always told he would be. Sage wasn't always like this though. For a good portion of his life, he was bitter and angry at those who told him he was worthless and those who stood by and watched. When told he was worthless he wanted to make the people who hurt him feel worthless too and became a master thief so he could rob them blind and give the things that made them somebody to those who actually needed it. Now, he has given up his life of crime, gotten a real job, and is hoping to use his drive to protect and defend the innocent and make the world a better place in other ways. This hard-working stable boy wants nothing more than to become a soldier so he can help the world in a way that really matters and protect those who most need protecting.
~Sword fighting
~Making others smile
~Ice Skating
~People who make others feel lesser
~Not being able to move around
~Sensless violence
Family: He is an orphan
History: Sage grew up with nothing on the streets of Daggerswood. Since the town was poor and many people were struggling enough as it was there was never anyone able to adopt him and those rich enough to do so would rather stomp on him than help the small boy he was at the time. When he was young many folks would call him trash or a rat since he lived on the streets, surviving off of the scraps of others. Over time the hurtful words drove Sage to want revenge. He left town for a while and ended up falling in with a group of thieves who taught him the art of their skill, a talent Sage picked up surprisingly well. He became a master thief in just a short amount of time and ended up enacting his revenge plots against the wealthy who stomped on him and others when he was young. He easily robbed several rich bastards blind and gave his loot to those who needed it most. This was his version of justice but eventually Sage learned there could be another way. He made the mistake of judging a man too quickly and robbed him of a locket precious to him. Sage did not know that the man was so mean because he was grieving the loss of his wife and when he learned this he returned the locket and apologized to the man. Rather than having him thrown in prison the old man forgave him and told him that if he really wanted to help others and fight a true enemy he could put his efforts into becoming a soldier rather than a thief. Sage took this advice to heart and got a job at the stables so he could work and train to become a soldier.


Plot Ideas: Thinking
Potential Love Interests: Open
Theme Song: The first song is his theme song back when he was a thief, the second song is his theme song now



Name: Lord Waverly Morvo
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Librarian/Secretly a Lord

Appearance: (image)
Faceclaim: Shawn Mendes
Brief Physical Description: Ever since Waverly was young he was always told he was a very beautiful boy. As he grew however this beautiful boy became a strikingly handsome man. He has a face shaped like that of the angels and a smile to match. His hair is slightly long with a gentle wave to it and is a rich brown color that has lighter brown streaks in the sunlight. He is very well muscled, clearly training his body as well as his mind. His eyes are dark brown with hints of gold that light up when the light hits his eyes just right.


Personality: Waverly is a friend. He is the kind of person you can trust and you know will have your back. Even if you barely know him you know he would be willing to help you in an instant. He is honest and kind, always willing to give you a smile or listen to anything you have to say. Patience is one of his greatest virtues which is obvious when young children enter his library and he spends time with them teaching them how to read or reading aloud to them. He is a very well-educated young man since he was raised at court and is a Lord, soon to take his father's place and responsibilities. He is not someone you can bribe and he will not respond to threats, a well-made argument is always the best way to get his aid or simply express that you need help. He is spending what little time he has left before becoming responsible for his family's entire region attempting to understand the life of the common people so he can better lord over his own people. His doors are always open and he will always make room in front of his hearth for those who need it. He loves a good battle of wits but only when in good fun. Some might think him cowardly since he does not turn to violence easily, but in truth, he prefers to take the path of peace because it means less bloodshed in the future. This doesn't mean that he will not draw his sword when he needs to. He is expertly trained in combat and can defend himself and others, he will simply attempt to find a more peaceful option first. Waverly is also extremely understanding and would do all that he could to try and help someone stuck in a situation they do not wish to be in. His love for books comes from the years he spent stuck at court wishing he could be anywhere else. In those days books were the one escape he had, he could go anywhere and everywhere despite being trapped in the one place he didn't want to be.
~Cinnamon Twists
~Sharing his books with others
~Helping the young learn to read
~Learning other cultures
~Being called Lord
~Unfair treatment of those in need
~Getting all dressed up
Lord Henry Morvo - Father - Alive/Sick
Lady Shayla Morvo - Mother - Alive
Lady Katlyn Morvo - Sister - Alive

History: Growing up Waverly had to spend every minute of every day preparing to one day take his father's place as head of House of Morvo. He studied, attended parties, mingled at court, did everything expected of him. He was an excellent student in all fields of study ranging from politics to swordsmanship but he was never content. Learning everything he would need to know about life at court was like only reading half of a story and never getting to see the other half. He wanted to see the people he would be ruling, he wanted to see the people being ruled by other houses. Knowing that anyone in his father's territory would know him or quickly figure out who he was he decided to travel far from home to a small village in the middle of the wooded mountains. Here Lord Waverly Morvo became simple Waverly, the young Librarian. The only ones aware of his true title were the Baron and his family seeing as his father arranged that the Baron would make sure to keep Waverly safe during his time there and in exchange Waverly would wed the Baron's daughter and make her a Lady with connections to a foreign king.


Plot Ideas: Thinking
Potential Love Interests: Open
Theme Song:



Name: Siena Ellara
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: General Store Owner

Appearance: (image)
Faceclaim: Megan Ory
Brief Physical Description: Perhaps the first thing most people notice about Siena is her smile. It is such a genuine and kind smile, it shows care and understanding, often expressing more than words can ever say. She is not someone who is always smiling but when she does it can certainly light up a room. Her figure is slim and well-muscled. Her hair is a soft chocolate brown in color but gets light caramel colors during the sunny months. Like her smile, her eyes are also a defining part of her features. They are a vibrant minty green color that is highlighted by thick, dark lashes. She is tall and beautiful with long legs that are as dangerous as they are distracting and though she might not be as voluptuous as other women she does certainly make up for it with other features.


Personality: To smile is a gift, to be able to do so after true tragedy...well that's what some might call strength and others a coping mechanism. Siena is someone who views it as both. To be able to smile freely was a luxury she once enjoyed but the heavy blows of a hard life have made it more and more difficult. She certainly tries to take advantage of the beautiful moments, the times that count the most, she stores those memories away for the worst days when she needs to smile and remember that life can still be good. This is a lesson she tries to pass on to others in her own subtle way. She wants those around her to be able to remember the good times, to remember how to have a bit of happiness stored away for a rainy day. She is not all sunshine and rainbows, she is very realistic and knows how the world works, but she also knows that hope can be a very powerful thing, happiness or the promise of it can drive people to do the unimaginable. The world isn't kind but people can choose to be. People always have a choice even when they don't believe they do and Siena is one who makes each choice carefully because she knows even the smallest action can have an impact. Most would think of her as soft but she has proven herself to be anything but. When it comes down to it Siena is nowhere near as delicate as her she may appear, she is strong, determined, and ready to accept the consequences of every action she takes. She is also incredibly kind and understanding, her heart large despite being broken by tragedy. She takes care of people, oftentimes giving freely to those who cannot afford what they need to survive. She is a genuinely good person who has faced much pain and does her best to push through. Still, someday are hard for her and she has a terrible time even getting out of bed. The loss she has felt can become too much and she will spend hours crying in her home, missing those who used to live in it with her.
~The color red
~Helping those in need
~Giving gifts
~Long walks
~Being tricked
~Her hair getting tangled
Orion Ellara - Husband - Dead of plague
Lily Ellara - Daughter - Dead of plague

History: Siena had a very happy life growing up. She was a sweet and well-liked girl who worked hard and did her best to make others happy. She always had Orion at her side since they were small children, their parents joking about them being each other's true loves and even going as far as arranging their marriage when they came of age. Siena and Orion didn't mind though since they were truly and absolutely in love with one another. They were each other's best friends, soul mates even, it was often said around town that if you saw one then the other wouldn't be far behind. Their wedding was a truly joyous and beautiful occasion that was filled with much celebration among friends and family all across the town. A year after being wed it became clear that Siena was with child and in the months that followed she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Lily. It was like living a fairy tale except like every story there must be an end. This story's end came in the form of a plague that spread through the town a few years back. It took many lives including that of Orion and young Lily. Siena was left heartbroken and alone, her world ripped away from her right before her eyes as she first held her dying husband then her dying daughter. All the years they were supposed to have together, the moments they would share, they were all gone in an instant. Siena felt like she had been ripped in half, that she would never be whole again. For days no one heard from her, her store remaining closed until a friend offered to run it in her absence during her grieving period. Eventually, after being gone for several weeks, Siena showed up at her store again, she was clearly still grieving but was also trying to find some sense of normal. Over the years Siena has become more like her old self, she smiles, laughs, dances, but sometimes you can see the sorrow in her eyes when a flash of a memory sneaks across her mind. She will clearly never forget her lost loved ones or let the memory of them go, but she is healing and continues to do so every day.


Plot Ideas: Thinking
Potential Love Interests: Draven
Theme Song:



Name: Elena Delridge
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Wife of Rich Spice Merchant and Mistress to the Baron

Faceclaim: Caitlin Stasey
Brief Physical Description: Elena is a strikingly beautiful young woman who takes great pride in her beauty and thus has learned how to highlight all over best physical qualities. Her skin is a beautiful natural olive tone that is very complimentary of her naturally rosy lips. Her eyes are a beautiful brown color with hints of green close to the iris and lined with thick, long, dark eye lashes. She has well-defined and very flattering cheekbones and a slim neck with a perfectly sculpted jaw. Her build is slim yet still a perfect hourglass shape and she takes great care to keep her figure and her features desirable enough to make even Aphrodite jealous.


Personality: Elena may look beautiful, perhaps even angelic, however, she is anything but. She is a very vain young woman who looks out for herself and her interests above all else because she learned at a young age that she would be the only one to do so. In a world run by men, she wanted to have some semblance of control and found it in her ability to control hearts and minds with her looks and charm. She is a wonderful actress and can make others believe that she truly cares about their interests and ideas while really she is just trying to decide if you are worth her efforts or her time or not. When she is bored she loves to cause trouble, create drama between others, then sit back and watch her work and enjoy the entertainment it provides. She loves to have the attention of others and truly doesn't mind when people don't like her because surviving and thriving isn't about being liked in her eyes, it is about power and wealth. She is far more clever than many give her credit for and will often provide the Baron with council during her visits to his estate. If for some reason you do gain favor with her you can be certain it is because she has a vested interest in you as well as what you can do for her so as long as you are useful she will pull all the threads required to keep you safe. If you fall out of favor with her however you can be assured that she will quite enjoy making your life a living hell. To have her affection is to play with fire and hope not to get burned. It is exciting and full of warmth but can also cause you incredible pain in an instant if not handled properly. When you matter to her she will protect you from threats that you may or may not agree with whether you like it or not.
~Poisons (they can be so useful)
~Fine gowns
~Great acts of affection
~Cherry Tarts
~Being talked down to
~Being poor or in need
~Being called ugly
~Not having power
~Being ignored
~When her husband comes home (he is often away)
Christopher Delridge - Husband - Alive
Robert Halhark - Father - Alive
Lola Halhark - Mother - Alive
Jasper Halhark - Brother - Alive

History: Elena grew up in a very well-off family and was often given the finer things in life. Ever since she was young she had a beauty that would greatly help her in getting whatever she wanted but it was never enough for her. She saw how her mother felt such pride in her accomplishment of marrying up in station and honestly found her mother's accomplishments pathetic. She knew her mother was a bar wench who married a famous artist but in Elena's eyes she felt her mother could have done more, strived for more, and she knew that was exactly what she would do. When Elena came of age for marriage she practically had her pick of suitors and stomped down any girl who tried to snatch one away from her. Eventually, she snagged Christopher Delridge, a world-famous spice merchant who controlled the majority of the spice trade. He was an extremely wealthy man who could afford the lifestyle Elena dreamed of and was everything she could want for a husband, despite being nearly three times her age, a matter of little importance to her since he was gone on business the majority of the time. She could spend his money, live in large fancy houses, travel, ride the finest of horses, go to the most exciting of parties, do whatever she wanted because of her station as Christopher's wife. Yes, she had to put up with him during the short spurts of time he came home but manipulating him into believing she was madly in love with him was well worth the rewards. During his time away Elena spends the majority of her time at his estate near Daggerwoods, or more specifically, at the estate of the Baron of Daggerwoods as his mistress.


Plot Ideas: Thinking
Potential Love Interests: She is the mistress of the Baron but I don't mind plotting some other things too for fun!
Theme Song:

Just realized I never finished Addison's form - Bumping so I don't lose this thread again lol


Mood: Longing

Location: The Forest

Interactions: Mentions Lydia and Theo WanderLust. WanderLust.

Two years had passed since Gavriel had dared to set foot in Daggerswood. So much had changed in that time both in town and in herself, some of the changes more drastic than others. For the past ten months however, she has been stalking the edges of the town watching the lives of those she misses most pass before her eyes. Ronan would give her updates when he went into town but always warned her that returning herself could be more danger than it was worth. Still, she felt in her heart that the risks were worth the rewards of seeing Lydia and Theo again. Lydia was her best friend since birth and Theo…well Theo was more complicated and even after two years away from him he still filled her mind and made her heart flutter.

Truthfully it was the fear of what could happen to her friends that kept her away. She didn’t want to risk hurting them, they weren’t as familiar with the ways of the wolf like Ronan was. If she lost herself for even a moment she could seriously hurt or kill one of them, or worse, she could turn them into a wolf as well. The thought of that was enough to deter her from town for months while she trained with Ronan to gain true control over her curse. Honestly, without the blacksmith, Gavy wasn’t sure where she would be or who she would be at this point. He had no curse himself but seemed to know a great deal about the werewolves and how to help them keep control, in the past ten months he had become her family as well as her teacher.

Multi-colored eyes watched from deep within the woods as Ronan drove his cart into town. The town was decorated with colorful ribbons and wreaths in celebration of the festival that would be held tonight. It was beautiful and Gavy wished for nothing more than to be able to waltz into town and take part in it, to see the faces she missed and embrace the friends who likely thought her to be dead. For a moment she swore she spotted a familiar yet more grown form of Theo between the buildings but in a blink, he was gone. Her heart hurt at the thought of seeing him and knowing she was so close to him yet so far, it hurt much the same way when she occasionally caught the scent of Lydia on the breeze, her perfume much the same as it had been for years. Ronan had told her a few weeks ago that the Baron had arranged Theo’s marriage to another village girl and her heart broke at the thought. It seemed her childhood crush on him hadn’t faded but she was sure, or at least she prayed, he would be happier with his bride-to-be. She knew that arranged marriages were part of life in Daggerswood, honestly, she was surprised Lydia wasn’t engaged yet but also hoped it meant her best friend would get to enjoy what freedom she had for just a bit longer. Lydia was always a free spirit after all, a flirt who had the eyes of all the boys in town which made it hard for Gavy to fathom the idea of her ever settling down.

All of these thoughts raced through the head of the young platinum blonde as she pressed herself behind a tree and hid herself from view. She wasn’t sure why she had bothered to get so close tonight, it wasn’t as if she could go into town. She was dressed in a simple blue and white peasants’ gown, so very unlike the lavishly embroidered dresses she used to wear. This dress was loose, easy to move in, it was perfect for her needs and honestly, it was the best she could hope for Ronan to afford. He had done his best acquiring it for her when she first moved into his place and for that, she was eternally grateful. Besides, the plain colors were easy for her to hide in the forest when she wanted to get a good look at the town without being spotted like she currently was.

Taking a breath, she let out a soft sigh as she watched and wondered what life could have been like if things had been different two years ago. Where would she be? Who would she be? Would Lydia and Theo still be in her life, or would she be married off already? All these questions would never be answered and were honestly too painful to think about as she broke her gaze away from the village and looked down at her hands which could all too easily become paws if she wasn’t careful with her emotions.

code by Stardust Galaxy

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