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Fandom ☠CyberSpace☠

  • PlacesNo Secrets ☠ No Lies ☠ Only Truth ☠


    Apartments are where most civilians stay in bigger cities like New York.
    Others are more luxurious which costs a higher price to live there than other cheaper run down apartment buildings.
    Some of the members of Phantoms and Pride reside in the same apartments but are totally unaware of who those people are.
    Phantoms normally stay in the cheaper buildings to stay undetected if they wish and some prefer a more luxurious lifestyle.
    Just be careful....someone could be watching.

    It's common for cities to have coffee shops.
    It's an easy job and can keep you undercover and blend in if you wish.
    Civilians come in and out all the time which is perfect for hacking bank accounts if you can get away with it.
    Be careful though, authorities come in all the time and could either recognize your face or remember you if you were a part of a heist.
    Coffee shops sell a wide range of different types of coffees and teas along with light meals.

    The Government Facility is where the employees go to work and track down hackers in the city.
    They will sometimes contact Pride to join them for a meeting to find out any information that Pride has uncovered.
    The boss and his/her right hand man share the same office to discuss important matters.
    Employees are in cubicles working to gather information on heists and other criminal actions going on.
    Generals and Special OPS are sent when there are heists in action to stop the criminals.
    Security cameras are posted everywhere and without access to these cameras...game over.

    Pride is a gang of professional hackers hired by the Government.
    They were offered to be pardoned only if they helped the government track down the notorious hacker gang; Phantoms.
    Their base is actually located near the Government facility underground and out of site of civilians.
    Hidden cameras are posted around the area to help out Pride to keep their base safe.
    The government summons the gang members weekdays at 9am for them to get to work tracking down hackers.
    The base is set up with screen on a wall to show their security cameras along with other cameras throughout the city.
    Smaller computers and other technology are on tables with several chairs for each member to work on.
    The gang uses smartphones to hack whatever they have access too throughout the city.
    If they are caught stealing from civilian bank account or their personal information.
    The government will send them to a life time in prison.
    They have been warned.

    The Phantom's base is located in downtown dangerous neighborhoods.
    The base is also underground in a neighborhood with small hidden cameras posted all around the neighborhood.
    They have multiple computers and a few large computer screens showing their targets and the faces of government officials to look out for.
    Each member has their own unique hacker name such as their leader; 4ZUR3.
    It helps keep their identity hidden and gives them a bit of fame for locals to recognize but never know what they actually look like.
    Each member is incredibly smart and stealthy which has kept them hidden from the officials for a long time now.
    This place is where they gather to plan heists and keep tabs on the officials they have marked dangerous.
    They have yet to find this new hacker gang and find out what their faces look like.
    ☠Hacking Abilities☠
  • Hacking AbilitiesNo Secrets ☠ No Lies ☠ Only Truth ☠


    ☠ Jam Communication- Jam phone communications and police scans.

    ☠ Blackout- Gadget that temporarily switches off the lights in a given area of the city.

    ☠ Lure- a device that distracts opponents.

    ☠ Frag Grenade- Grenades that are very useful at eliminating groups of enemies and blowing up vehicles.
    ☠ IED- A much better option than the grenade, because you can detonate it on your own, at the moment at which you want it to explode.

    ☠ Proximity IED- The difference between this one and the one above (IED) is that the charge explodes at the moment at which it detects movement.

    ☠ Car Unlock- Unlocks the option of opening the parked cars and disable their alarms. It helps to not attract the authorities.

    ☠ Hacker's Tool Kit- Adds new objects to hack into such as enemy phones, security camera, bridges, ect.

    ☠ Profiler Optimization- Shows the name, age and job that a person does. (Must talk to your boss before asking for the upgrade.)

    ☠ Utilities- The systems that you hack into, always explode so, if you do not want to kill an individual enemy unnecessarily, you need to make sure that he stays out of the blast radius.

    ☠ Disrupt Enemy Comms- To hack into the devices on the opponents.

    ☠ Disable Reinforcements Calls- Deprives the opponents of the possibility to call for reinforcements.

    ☠ Transformers- An overloaded transformer explodes, which results in a break in power supply.

    ☠ Traffic Lights- To hack into traffic lights.

    ☠ Disable Helicopter- To damage the helicopter temporarily. Unfortunately, the duration is mere 15 seconds.