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Futuristic CyberCell-MMORPG/Real Life Roleplay

  • Player: IronMaidenPower: 20

    Day OneIra came to life in the middle of the market in the general server lobby. She looked around and saw that not many characters were on. Then again, the game did just come out after being taken down for a few years. Something about reconstructing the structure of the servers. All she knew was that her character was starting over. She hoped that some things were the same though. She loved the challenges you could find in every corner.


    There was a challenge now. Her head turned to an alleyway, seeing a feathered tail disappear. She gripped her longsword and stalked over. She saw the back half of a feathery chimera hunched over a trash can, eating remains of food that had been tossed out. The words: "Level One" hovered over it.

    "Hey there," she said, her voice coming out rough. She had a tenor sort of voice, so it was a bit intimidating. The chimera turned around and looked at her with red eyes, the carcasses of what it was eating hanging from its' teeth, "You look lost. How about I show you the edge of my blade?"

    The chimera gave a loud screech and rushed towards her. She got into a fighting stance, her sword set in the middle in front of her. She waited for the chimera to get closer to her before she swung at it's neck. It gave a 51% hit. One more hit ought to do it. The chimera fell to the ground, weakened. She gripped her sword and attacked it again. The meter went down to 0% and the monster disappeared into thin air after giving a loud screech and dying. A few thousand coins erupted from the spot the chimera was at. Lion's teeth and goat hooves from the chimera appeared in her inventory. She made sure everything was collected and opened up her inventory:

    Lion's teeth (4)
    Goat hooves (4)

    That's awfully pathetic. She sighed and checked her coin count

    Coins: 12000

    She needed to build up some more so she could start buying quests and build up her power. It increased a little after that attack, but she needed more. With a heavy sigh, she walked into the square and wandered around, looking for a way to transport to Bekakar.