Cursed IC

Someone, or something, was barreling down the road ahead. Eira could sense it but when she tried to peer through the eyes of her avian guide she was taken aback by a sudden wave of fear as it fled from the scene. It didn’t help when her mule began to panic, distorting the priestess’s borrowed vision when she reached out to the creature and forcing her to retreat back into the familiar dark of sightlessness. The sound of churning earth filled the air, growing steadily stronger as whatever was responsible drew closer.

In its frenzy the mule began baying loudly and reared onto its hind legs, ripping the rope from Eira’s hands. She had to calm it down somehow. Thinking quickly she clamored onto the beast’s back and placed both hands on either side of its writhing neck. Almost immediately a soft glow bloomed to life beneath her fingertips ,an insignificant detail to the blind priestess but nonetheless one that signified that she had successfully linked herself into the consciousness of the creature. With it she could feel the stubborn strength of its legs, the sporadic beating of its heart, and the clenching fear in its chest. Without hesitation she grasped the terror the beast felt and quickly siphoned it away into her own being.

Miraculously the mule stopped thrashing entirely, as if it had forgotten why it had been so afraid in the first place.  It stood there, calmly waiting for direction even as it saw the approaching carriage; a clear threat to its safety yet it looked on in eerie serenity. By the time Eira was able to look through the beast’s eyes the cause of the mule’s previous fear was inches before its muzzle. Luckily the woman atop of the cart had been able to stop it in time. Eira muttered a silent prayer to the gods in thanks, the light from her hands fading as her link ended with the mule beneath her.

She could feel the displeasure this woman had for her long before she opened her mouth to growl at her. Eira could not help but feel a tinge of sadness while she weathered the words; she had caused this woman needless stress and had interrupted her travels. However she knew how to repay her.

Eira bowed her head slightly. “Forgive me traveler, I did not mean to upset you. I’m sorry for causing you to stop so suddenly...and if riding this mule makes you uncomfortable than I will cease doing so.”

With that she slid off of the mule’s back and gave it a gentle pat, turning back towards the woman once she had done so. There was a gentle smile on her face this time and somehow it seemed to cause the anger in Zola’s heart to wane, almost as if there was an invisible tug pulling it away.

“I know it may be difficult to understand, but this creature is helping me to find my way.” she explained.

As Benton finished upbstitching himself back together the Frankenstein monster couldn't help but do some self reflection.  Looking upon this patchwork of bodies, none of which are original pieces either, Benton realized a truly horrible fact. He had forgotten what he originally looked like. Perhaps it was an effect of dark magic, or maybe it was because of all the body parts he had been forced to replace or risk death.

Speaking of his death Benton's thoughts went to his rather unique black magic spell. One that he called soul sutures.  He thought about how the inspiration for such a spell had come to him. He had only been researching black magic a few months for the King when he had approached Benton about their issues conceiving a child. The night Benton worked his magic for the King was the night of Benton's first death. The cost for forcing a life into being was as one would have expected: another life. Acting like a curse the magic sapped the strength of the queen to force a healthy birthday the expense of her life. When the death of the queen was evident Benton was told about it by the royal guard breaking into his lab. Benton had barely gotten out with his life! In the end his injuries would be too severe and Benton was forced to think of something on the fly. At that point the cost of the magic didn't matter to him and he used all the power he could to create the sutures that now  held him together. It wasn't until he first lost a limb did he realize just how powerful the sutures were. His rot right arm had completed rotted away, along with most of his body, as a price for making his sutures. To his amazement his sutures extended from his body, killing and cutting up nearby people and forming the patchwork of parts he was now. 

Unknown to anyone but possibly Coda This body wasn't the actual Benton. Not anymore anyway, in truth Benton was the black metallic sutures that held the body together. The reason why Benton was stitching himself together the long way was only for appearances. He didn't need the others to know the truth about him. 

Benton glanced over the group before standing up on his now repaired leg, "I'm good to go when everyone else is." He announced as he tested the leg.
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Elise stood and packed up her things, she was happy to be moving again, but they were still hopelessly lost.  Although she could understand the girls frustration, she had hoped there was a chance she could stay and provide some guidance, maybe it was a good idea to try and follow her? It seemed like she had been carrying food, to sell or for other uses, so it was possible she was coming from a small farming town? That was exactly what they needed right now, a small town without any affiliation to the guard so they could stay inconspicuous while they did their research on the horns, anything else would be much too risky, especially if they found themselves in the city with the kings runaway daughter, it would not end well for them. Taking the other direction of the road could be equally as good, it was a gamble either way, as she had never been this way before and had no real clues as to where it led.  "does anyone know this road? We need to find shelter, somewhere where the kings guard won't find us, and we'll need it soon." She said, voicing her concern to the group.  

She looked up at the sky, wondering just how long they had been traveling already, they would have to sleep again soon, and she knew Argen would have to feed himself again as well, time was hardly on their side. Whichever way they went, they would have to commit to it, and with little information to go off, the wrong choice could easily be their downfall.  
Evilin pointed in the opposite direction as to where the girl with the wagon had run off. "We should go this way." She stated. "If we follow the girl... Who knows what they might say about us when they find out we killed her horses." She stated. But then again she couldn't be sure if the girl was heading into town, or maybe heading back home seeing as the girl's animals were now gone. She couldn't exactly ride around using magic.... Or could she? 

Evilin knew about the laws of magic, but did the people really follow those laws? Apparently they did to some extent. People would still practice and study magic secretively but eventually be caught. She could recall a lot of the beheadings and other punishments to those who were caught. Evilin frowned on the thought. 

Evilin looked to Elise as she felt the elf seemed to be the only person here with reason on their shoulders. After the horse eating display and the fight... Evilin was now starting to notice who would be best to help lead this group. "Which way do you think?" Evilin asked Elise. 

Coda kept his distance from the group, but not by much. More so as he didn't want to be apart of the decision making. Instead his arms were crossed and his eyes wondered around a bit. His thoughts went from 'what the hell is going on?' to 'where the hell are my friends?'. He was tired and not in the mood to walk much further. He was extremely lucky that the battle before them had already ended. Using his magic during the day time lead to worst conditions than what he was at now. 
Elise let out a deep sigh, taking a look in both directions, they really only had two options here, going in the woods just seemed like too much of a risk to her, it was not only much more dangerous than the roads, but there was no solid chance they would find themselves in a better situation.  The roads were more favorable, but it was hard to tell which direction was the correct one, after a few seconds of deliberation she let out a deep sigh "I think we should follow the girl, she looked like she was a merchant of sorts, maybe a farmer, and her cart was full if that's true than she must have been going to the city to sell her goods" she said, gesturing down the road "City's will be bad for us, it's too easy for people to recognize you, and when that man returns to the capital I'm certain we'll be in wanted posters.  Our best bet is a small town or somewhere in the forest where we can stay relatively unbothered, a small town would be nice, and it seems the most reasonable that that girl was coming from a town which means there will be fewer guards and the kings influence won't be as great, it'd be the best hideout where we can conduct research on the horns" She said plainly.  

She smiled a little at her logic, it was difficult to come up with a solution with such limited information and time against them, but she felt she had made the correct choice.  "Unless anyone has any further ideas, we should get moving while we still have daylight, everyone's going to need their rest tonight" she said in anticipation of the research they would have to do on the horns once they found themselves in a good spot to work. 
Coda narrowed his eyes at Elise at the sound of her question. "The better idea to 'all' of this." He motioned with his hands. "Would be to give me the horns." Coda glanced over to Evilin catching her roll her eyes. "Once I have the horns I can return them to where they need to be and all of you can go about your destructive ways." Coda folded his arms back over his chest as he looked over the group. 

Evilin shook her head, "Or you can actually help and tell us what they are and what they can do." She gave him a very noticeable forced smile. Coda forced the same smile back to Evilin. "That sounds like a great idea." His sarcasm could not be missed. Coda clapped his hands together, "Just like the one where you kidnapped me and took me away from my friends." Now it was Coda's turn to roll his eyes. "Seriously... Give me the horns." coda narrowed his eyes at Evilin. 

Evilin felt like this little fight was getting old. She could only assume that Coda knew more about the horns than any of them. But his approach to the situation was not pleasing or informative. She turned to Elise and smiled at the elf. "I think we should try your way." she stated. "I agree with trying to find a quiet place to lay low for a bit and get a chance to find out what the horns really are." She stated. From there she would ignore the death glares coming from Coda. coda looked more pissed off at the mention of them testing the horns. "You people are sick." Coda utter before redirecting his attention. 
(Eira and Zola)

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Zola pinched the bridge of her nose and let out an angry sigh. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Good glob, the kindness of this woman is annoying. OK, OK stay calm don't rip out her eyes and feed them to Jerry and Bob (her two pet rocks). Ok, lets just think about what the fridge is going on right now, I was driving all peaceful like on the road, then this chick who is flippen blind is riding a donkey and almost becomes a fricken flapjack! OK let's respond normally to this situation.... [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Her face was a “I always get the weirdos” look as she let out another angry sigh.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"Where are you even going on that pathetic donkey?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The priestess’s face was in full seriousness when she responded. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“I don’t know.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]     Zola’s expression went blank before she gave the expression that she was trying to not suplex 24 boulders out of pure anger and confusion.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW!!!!!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“I… I mean I’m looking for someone.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Alright then…. Who are you looking for?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“I don’t know.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]  Zola’s expression went blank as she curled her right hand into a fist and punched a hole straight through the tree next to her. Her voice was deadly calm,[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“You don’t know.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The priestess nodded, undeterred by the flying shards of wood and bark.  [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Do you know [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]ANYTHING[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] about them?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Yes I-”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Zola let out a sigh of relief. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Thank the gods.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“-I know that they are in great need and I wish to help them...”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Zola’s slightly relieved expression disappeared and was replaced with a forced smile.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“You know that they need help…”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“All I know is that they are protecting something of great importance, this was brought to me through a vision. The gods showed me this, and the gods will guide me forth.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“The Gods…”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]A smile returned to the blind woman’s face, seemingly relieved that Zola had come to the same understanding that she possessed. She dipped her head in a short nod.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]And she crazy, GREAT, JUST FRICKEN PEACHY! [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Zola at this point was trying to not destroy everything in a hundred miles.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Zola in her rage punched the tree again, making another hole a little above the other, scattering wood chips all over the road.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“I do not know why, but the gods mean for me to find them. I know it will be hard for you to understand but I know my faith will guide me.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“ME UNDERSTAND IT!!!!! YOU'RE JUST  DAMN CRAZY!!!!!!!!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]From Zola’s rage small cracks began to form in the road.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]A look of concern graced the blind woman’s face as she took a few steps towards Zola’s cart. Strangely enough when her clouded gaze fell onto the earth mage's own two eyes her anger seemed to ebb slightly, as if it were water being prevented from overflowing from a pail. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Please calm down… I didn’t mean to upset you. You don’t have to destroy those trees. Please, just stop doing this before you harm yourself![/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]There was genuine concern in this one’s voice.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Zola ignored the girl and punched the tree again, successfully knocking it down, blocking off a small portion of the road behind her. She then pinched the bridge of her nose again and let out yet another angry sigh.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Miss Zola, are you alright?” [3...2...1… ;) *que the explosions* ][/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]At this point the small cracks in the road became slightly bigger.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The priestess listened to the entire outburst, her eyebrows raised in worriment. It would seem she had a problem ([/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]No shit sherlock[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] -Zola)([/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Oh, sorry, umm… wait isn’t this my part?[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]*^*[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]-Eira). She needed to change the subject for now… but everything she had said seemed to anger the merchant. Well there was one thing she could ask.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“You said something about… sweet rolls? Is that some type of food? Sorry, but I just wanted to...”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Zola froze at the question stopping her fist from destroying another tree.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“You don’t know what a sweet roll is…?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Is it a type of bread? Like a roll?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Zola’s face turned into a surprised expression. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]What rock has this girl been hiding under?!?!..... Seriously I’ll go beat it up!!![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“You said you had no clue where on this [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]HUGE[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] earth you were going right?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Without waiting for an answer Zola grabbed the girl and force sat her down next to her then grabbed her donkey and put it in the back of the wagon. Her strength was impressive and she didn’t seem to have strained when transporting either. Eira was too shocked to resist and sat where she had been placed in utter disbelief, her eyes wide.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“SO, that means that a small detour is in order to give you that long awaited sweet roll! Am I right… OF COURSE I AM FUHUHUHUHUHUHUHU!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]At the last part of that sentence she did not give the girl any chance to say differently. Deciding that it was time to roll out, Zola made two rock horses and set off at an alarming speed, still making a huge trail due to the horses not being able to move. They just stood there like statues, simply sliding across the path, plowing the dirt in front of them. And so their journey began![/SIZE]
Benton turned over to the boy, whose name he was almost certain was Coda, and just looked at him as if he had just said the single most retarded thing that Benton had heard in his life. " Firstly, we haven't kidnapped you. You are free to go on your merry way and find those friends of yours whenever you want. None of us will stop you from doing so. Secondly, how else are we going to figure out what these horns do if not by testing them? Are you finally going to break your silence and actually tell us?" Benton asked Coda just staring him down for a moment before turning to Elise. " So we're going to follow after the merchant right? Let's go, we've wasted enough time arguing as it is."

(Sorry it's short. Just trying to get things rolling)
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The bloodsoaked wolf paused where he stood and took a deep breath before turning on his heel and falling in line behind his contractor. This journey was becoming from more troublesome than it was worth but at least there was some semblance of a fight in the near future. Hopefully these guards proved to be all they were shaped up to be. Argen could have ripped them all to shreds if Elise had let him. But of course, the young elf always had to be the merciful one. In fact, she still could simply send him out to dispatch them. That would solve everyone's problems. But he couldn't suggest the action when everyone seemed to be doubting his morality. Everyone had given him the look already.

What did they expect? Did they expect someone of his stature to be a kind person? To genuinely care about this whole quest for the light in the world. If Argen was on one side or the other, he was most certainly not on the side of light. His very existence stood against everything the light was. But Argen was not evil. Just as black magic wasn't "evil." The lycan didn't believe in such a thing. That would be like calling the sword of a killer evil. The sword is just the tool. It is the wielder that is evil. 

But when everyone gave him "that" look, it only served to irk him further. If they didn't expect a wolf to act as a wolf then what did they want? An obediant pup? 

Clearly, its what they would prefer and its what they would get from now on. The lycan lapsed into silence as he fell in line beside his contractor. The stench of his kill still radiated off of his person like a cloak. The warrior's eyes took on a dull, uninterested look as they traveled down the road the Earth mage had taken. There was food in his stomach, though not much, he had slept a decent amount, and the only thing that remained was his fierce irritation for the group he was forced to travel with. The only bearable individual being Coda or Elise when she wasn't trying to save the world or answering some higher calling. 

But all in all, it was enough to placate his mood significantly and enough for him to return into his quiet guardian role. Regardless of how the others may prefer he act. Clearly, it wasn't his mind they wanted him to speak or act upon. 

Pathetic. This little band of misfits was nothing short of pathetic. All of them.
Finally, a group decision was made, and they were on the move, weather or not it was the correct was was something they'd soon find out.  Elise walked alongside Argen who had been relatively quiet since his feeding, she tried to ignore the smell radiating off of him, focusing on the trail ahead.  She was happy to be moving again, it felt like they would finally come across suitable shelter soon, and they could plan their next course of action.  Picking an apple from her small supply of food, she ate as they moved, topping off the small meal with a sip from her waterskin, it wasn't exactly filling, but it would do for now.  She handed the waterskin over to Argen "thirsty?" she asked politely seeing as he had yet to have a proper drink.  "If you're still hungry, we go and get you something to eat after we find a place to stay, how does that sound?"  not that she knew of her guardians discomfort, she wanted to make amends and give him more chances to feed himself, she still felt so terrible about what she had done.  

She tried to think of what to do next once they had more information on the horns, clearly they should be destroyed, if what Evilin said was true no one was meant to have that much power.  If they couldn't be destroyed, they'd have to be hidden, Coda seemed to know a bit more about the horns, maybe he could be trusted to take them somewhere they couldn't be found, but before they would do that they'd need to know more about what the horns did and how important they were.  

It was unfortunate, there didn't seem to be any easy solution to their predicament, they would need to find a town soon, somewhere they could stay undetected and Elise doubted there were many places like that.  If they didn't find shelter soon then they would be caught by the party behind them, it would be nice to have something to hide their trail.  And finally, Elise couldn't help but be a little selfish, this whole ordeal had set her very far behind in her own research! She promised herself she would dedicate some time to her studies as soon as they found a place where they could stay for a while.  
As they walked Evilin kept to herself. The group was once more on the move and her last words felt a little empty. She was born to lead and yet here she was not doing a very good job. Or that's how she saw it. She glanced behind the group to see that once more Coda was not keeping up with the group very well. She questioned this in her mind. They were not treading through the woods, they were on a good path now... So why was he always lacking behind. 

She turned her sights towards the path before them. Hopefully soon they would come across a place to stay. A place to be safe and catch their breaths. She caught herself looking over her shoulder once more. this time she got an annoyed look back from Coda. "What?" He asked in a grumpy voice. 

Evilin blinked and was a bit shocked that he had even spoken. "Nothing..." She turned her gaze to her feet. 

Coda grumbled a bit as he dragged his feet along the dirt path. His eyes glued to Evilin, after all she was the one with the horns. Such a stupid girl whom was holding something so special. He gritted his teeth as another thought crossed his mind. A thought he dared to not think. If he did the others might get suspicious. So he turned his attention to nothing more than the road. If only his friends were able to find him soon.....

(Sorry so short... Not sure how long until you wanted them to find a place... Or maybe even a time skip?)
[Just to clear up some stuff, I made this with Fluffy so everything Zola did came from Fluff's crazy mind.]

“And that my dear Emma is what sweetrolls taste like!” Zola commented proudly as she stood with her back facing her home, hands rested proudly on her hips as flames raged behind her. Cows and other livestock made distressed moos and clucks as smoke covered the sky like a dark blanket.

Eira looked sheepishly behind her, her face being met by a wave of heat. “It was delicious, actually, but… isn’t your kitchen on fire?!” The priestess was beginning to worry about her new companion.

Zola turned her body around and flinched slightly at the fire. She took a sharp inhale through her teeth, “That may be a problem….”

Everything was silent for a moment before Zola started freaking out. Dang it, that was the 3rd time this month.

“Erine get the bucket of water!” Zola screamed as she gripped her head in panic.

“I don’t know where it is!”

“Well go find it!”

“I can’t see anything!”

“Excuses! Fine, I have to carry the burden as usual, ya lazy bucket of snails!” Zola muttered the last part before observing her surroundings for anything to put out the fire. Her eyes landed on a bucket of wet sand. Why did she have this you may ask, her father probably left it there since this was a common occurrence. Zola grabbed the bucket of wet sand and threw it over the main part of the fire, successfully making the flame smaller, and would blow out soon. “There, problem solved! And no casualties this time!” She exclaimed happily as she turned to Eira.

Eira was too relieved fully comprehend Zola’s past statement and turned her head towards where she imagined the kitchen to be. “Thank the gods there was a window in the kitchen… even if you did break it in the end.”

“Ya, thank you ‘Gods’ for that window! Actually, there used to be no window, and I just jumped through the wall. But, my mom bought that after I crumpled the roof 10 times she thought it would be safer!” ^-^

There was a concerned look on Eira’s face while she nodded weakly. “Maybe we should do something else. Something without fire.”

“Oh! I know what we will do...”

Eira seemed relieved that they would finally do something a little less dangerous. [SIZE= 14px]Unadulterated[/SIZE] hope shone in her features.

“I'll teach a wimpy loser like you how to fight!”

All the color in Eira’s face drained away in an instant. “Wha… no! Please you don’t understand I can’t hur-”

“No excuses Eve, so it's decided…. Fighting it is!”

With both hands clasped to her chest, the priestess looked at Zola helplessly. This was not what she had in mind. She knew that there was no convincing the farmer, no matter how much she begged or pleaded. Eira could feel the stubbornness in this girl’s heart, as stalwart and unyeilding as the roots of a mountain. All Eira could do was mutter a short prayer to the god of mercy under her breath.

“Ok Erica, lets go!” Zola then threw the priestess over her shoulder like a sack of cabbages and began to walk in the direction of an empty corral near the entrance to her farm.

The walk hadn't been very eventful since the meet up with the farmer girl. Other than that it just seemed long. Evilin was doing fine on her own... As did the others. But Coda was struggling to keep up. They didn't really stop until they came to a small village in the distance. Figuring that the village would have food, shelter and a place to stay, this would be their ideal spot for the moment. What stood in their way now was just a large farm and it's dwellings. 

"Maybe it might be best if we see if the farmer will put us up for the night." Evilin suggested. Who knew, maybe even staying out of the village would help conceal their whereabouts. 

Coda finally caught up to the group and leaned against the old fence surrounding the farmland. "Sure and then you can give up this stupid quest and hand over the horns..." His sarcasm or anger didn't sound so threatening with him almost out of breath. Evilin puffed out her cheeks to his words. She was really starting to get tired of his antics.

"We are going to the farm." She stated. She mostly did this out of spite, but she also needed to take charge. If she didn't, she felt like she would be leaving her mission in the hands of others when it really needed to be in her hands.

Evilin started to storm off in the direction of the farm. If they followed.... They followed. If not... Well it's their choice.

Even though i was a choice Coda felt like he had no choice. He couldn't just let this bimbo of a princess run around with such things. Things she had no idea was or what they could do. They needed to be returned and if there was anymore in this part of the world... He would need to find them and bring them all back to where they needed to be. Coda let out a deep sigh and began to follow Evilin. "Can we at least take a break?" Coda call out to Evilin. 

Evilin shook her pretty head, "Nope." She continued at her pace. "Maybe slow down?" Coda added. Evilin would only walk a little faster. 

Eyes and direction focused on the farm house. 
The walk to the village had been exactly that. A walk. The lycan walked the entire way in silence, other than offering the black mage a ride upon his back several times. Not only for his promise but for the sake of speed as well. He was slowing everyone down and it was beginning to irritate the warrior. For some reason, the young man didn't respond to him and Argen merely left it at that. 

The blood that had thoroughly soaked the wolf had already coagulated and dried upon his person, leaving a rust brown color over a broad area of his person. It could even be confused with dirt if it wasnt for the telltale smell that still lingered. 

As they approached the farm, Argen groaned aloud and spoke for the first time, "Why? Why?" It was just one thing after the other. Now, they had actually arrived TO WHERE THE EARTH MAGE LIVED. Lovely. "It'll be best if I stay around here." He stated to the group as he made his way to the center of the farm, a fair distance away from the main house, and merely locked eyes with one of grazing bovine. The thing about human raised cattle was that they couldn't recognize danger when it stared them in the eyes until it was too late. Animals normally became frightened or aggressive when they locked eyes with Argen, clearly detecting his predatory nature. The passive sow just stared back as if all was fine in the world. It was quite comical how they stared at each other, the bovine munching away at the grass and feeding into her two stomachs.

"You are a dull creature." He said to the cow. It moo'd rather obnoxiously in response. 

(Eira and Zola)

Eira could hear the distressed shriek of rusted iron as a gate opened and shut behind she and her captor. Strands of her pale hair fell unseen around her downward face, rustling silently from the light breeze and of Zola’s movements. Clearly they were not inside a building, but some closed off place. A pen perhaps?

As placidly as a lamb before slaughter, the priestess allowed herself to be carried around like a doll without so much as a struggle. She knew there was no point in resisting, this woman possessed far more strength than Eira would ever have in her life. It seemed as if this was the cause for training in the first place. The more that she thought of this the more Eira realized what she had to do.

A look of solid determination passed over the blind woman’s face.She would show this earth mage that violence was not the only answer.

Zola stopped abruptly all of a sudden as she jumped over the white fence that’s new coat of paint was long overdue, and looked slightly rotten. It would be empty forever now due to her horses being dead. She had raised those horses with her mother. Zola unknowingly clenched her fists tightly, she did not fight Argen because the lives of those horses that he took, she fought him because of the memories he took with it. Zola then shook her head, clearing her thoughts away, and put Eira on the ground roughly.

“Ok Elisabeth, Time for fighting training!”

Grief, anger, pain, this is what the priestess felt emanating from her new friend, a wound reopened. The sudden flow of emotion shot forth like an arrow, piercing through her very being. It hurt, but all she could think of was helping this woman so she reached out and tried to subtly drain away the negative emotions. In doing so Eira’s hand instinctively went to her head, rubbing it as if she had been physically hit. However she quickly ushered it away with a smile, refusing to let Zola know about this.

In hopes of distracting Zola from such thoughts she gently placed a hand on the other woman’s shoulder, transferring a sliver of her own calmness to her friend.

She smiled warmly “Hey...I’m ready for our training!”

As Eira spook Zola was distracted by a what she thought was a black figure in the cow pasture. She began to take a step towards the gate ready to pummel anyone who would kill her cows. That better not be Argen!

The priestess gently took Zola’s hand in her own. “Please, Zola. You need to let go of this anger before it harms you. Focus on the future instead of the past.”

Zola’s face held recognition as a memory flashed through her mind. She saw a young version of herself holding onto her mother's shoulder, crying about a slash across her chest. She had been attacked by a wolf after she had went to investigate what she thought was an intruder. Her hand that was not in Eira’s hand lightly touched her chest were a small fraction of the scar showed. Her tanned skin had paled slightly, unknowingly she had roughly shook her hand out of Eira’s grasp during her little memory, but she just pushed away the pain like she always did and continued looking forward.She then turned to the priestess and put on a wide smile as she looked happy again.

“OK Erin, let's get to training!!!”

Glad that Zola had finally perked back up to her usual spunk, Eira turned her attention towards her battle strategy. It wasn’t much. She realized that she didn’t really think this through.

“I’m ready.”

Zola nodded before gathering up a bunch of pebbles lying around (a lot of them) and then handing the blind girl a shovel.

“Alrighty Evie, dodging training begins now!” Zola did a battle cry as she began to throw pebbles one at a time at the girl, hoping she would get a hang of it before she started to speed up. “These rocks symbolize ARROWS, so….. Try to not get hit by them!”

One of the stones hit Eira squarely in the chest, causing her to flinch with a quiet ‘oof’.

“You're dead!” Zola yelled as she continued to throw the pebbles.

Yet another hit the priestess, it was almost as if she was waiting for something.

Zola gave Eria an annoyed look, this would be harder than she first anticipated.

“Um….Are you trying” Zola asked slightly angry.

Eira chewed on her lip, mulling over something in her head. “...maybe?”

“D O D G E   T H E   P E B B L E S…..” Zola said annoyed. She then continued to throw the pebbles.

“Will I be done after this?”

“Sure, sure. JUST DODGE THE ROCKS!” Zola said more annoyed, she was not this girl's kindergarten teacher.

The priestess sighed, gathering up her resolve with a nod to herself. She focused on the pattern in Zola’s emotions, searching for a slight shift...then. There was a rustle of cloth as Eira jerked to the side, dodging the spark of aggression. A pebble landed on the dirt some distance behind her. The next one to be thrown was blocked by the shovel’s blade, the pebble ringing off of the metal.

Zola seeing this as a sign of improvement smiled widely, “OK, Time for level 2!” Zola yelled as she began to throw the pebbles randomly in random directions.

“But you said-”

Eira was soon cut short when she was bombarded with a rain of pebbles. They crashed into her skin in a cascade of pain, the only thing to block them being her upraised arms and the thin cloth of her garb. To make matters worse, in her haste to defend herself she had managed to accidentally drop her shovel as well. Without a clear indication of where the rocks were being aimed the priestess was all but defenseless. She would be bruised after this.

Zola seeing that Eira for some weird reason was failing horribly at this decided to do something different. Zola pinched the bridge of her nose slightly annoyed, “Alright Elsa, Lets move on to hand to hand combat, since for some reason you are failing!” with this Zola took a step towards the priestess.

A look of discomfort passed over Eira’s face. “I- I won’t fight you!” She took a step backwards as Zola advanced. “There is always another way…”

Zola then ignored Eira’s words and charged at her, fists raised. It was surprising how easily the blind woman dodged her blow. Zola smirked at the girl’s skill before charging at her, full force. The priestess however immediately turned heels to run away from Zola.

Zola smirked and began to chase her, due to being surrounded by a fence the two were just running in circles with Eria screaming at Zola that she didn’t want to fight, and Zola ignoring her and trying to land a hit on her.
Elise followed Evilin and Coda towards the farm with a shrug, she wasn't about to argue, she hoped to apologize to the girl anyways, and hopefully repay her.  It took all she had in her not to laugh as she watched the two, ah children, even in a time as dire as this, they would find time to bicker, it reminded her of life in the village, a much more peaceful time, her problems of the past almost seemed trivial considering her current predicament.  

Her ears perked up at the sound of shouting coming from the nearby barn, she went over to investigate only to spot the exact girl the group was looking for, chasing some poor woman dressed in strange robes around the back.  Clearing her throat, she spoke up "Er... Excuse me!" she called out in hopes of catching their attention "I hope I'm not interrupting anything... It's just, me and my companions are desparate for a place to stay for a few days, and this farm is the only place we've come across.  I know that my companion may have gotten.... a little...." oh what's the word for when your companion goes stark raving mad and mauls a group of poor innocent horses? "......out of place.... I completely apologize for his behavior, it was my fault really, a-and I plan to repay you for it! I'd just also ask if you could perhaps allow us to stay here for a few days? We have some very important research to do, we'll pay for that too of course!"  

Oh this was hopeless, there was no doubt to Elise the group of theirs would be kicked out, they'd be lucky if the woman didn't call for the guards! At the very least she hoped to have her apology accepted, with reparations, it was only right that she should pay for her mistake.  
[SIZE= 14px]  At the sound of a voice behind her made Zola stop in her tracks. She then dropped her fists at her sides and spun around trying to identify the voice that seemed familiar. Her face turned to a scowl as she saw who it was, it was Elf Chick, a friend of Argen. This means Argen is nearby. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]I swear to Glob, if one of my cows are dead in the morning I am killing Argen and moving to Belmore. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]Then the Elf Chick started saying that it was all her fault and that she was going to repay her(somehow). She rolled her eyes at this and crossed her arms over her chest. She was having none of this.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"First off, This is all Argen's fault. The reason why my horses are dead, the reason why I sold none of my harvest, and the reason why I am having THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!"[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] Zola growled at the thought of the dreaded man that had ruined her entire day because he was TO FRICKEN LAZY TO GO FIND FOOD IN THE WOODS NEXT TO HIM AND JUST KILLED TWO INNOCENT HORSES!!! To say Zola was not happy would be an understatement. Zola's face looked unamused at the girl, but she had to admit, if they had gone to the house of the person whom they had just decapitated their two horses head, meant they had to be pretty desperate. But she really didn't want to see Argen again, she had nothing against the others though.[/SIZE]

@Juju  @Nogoodname
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Benton had been silent for the entire walk. He was contemplating the next step in the princess' journey to stop her father. He was also keeping a close eye on his travelling companions, especially the boy. He had knowledge about whatever those horns were yet refused to speak on the manner. There are only two reasons Benton could think why he would do such a thing. Either they were powerful and he wanted them for himself, or he was working with the King to get them back. Either way this Coda wasn't to be trusted. Then there was the matter of the Lycan. A dog is only as good as its training, and while this one was combat capable the same couldn't be said for the way he acted. Of course that too can be blamed on the one who holds the collar. Elise seemed to be a kind girl, and a competent healer, but that nice attitude would lead them into trouble  further on down the line. Especially because she controls that beast. Benton wasn't even sure why Evilin was doing what she was doing. He had been able to keep tabs on the princess as she grew up thanks to an old guard friend in the palace, and this journey of her's seemed out of place. Perhaps the atrocities the King planned to commit were too great and even the frail princess wanted to stop it.

Benton's thoughts were interrupted by someone, namely the farmer girl screaming about how terrible of a day she was having. Were they really about to impose on the person they just tried to rob? Benton could see this going down hill very quickly, but stayed quiet as this is what the princess wanted to do presumably.
Elise nodded along to the girls words, sighing to herself, she still felt a sense of personal responsibility for what had happened.  "Regardless of who's fault it was, I'd like to make things right, If you'd like I could pay for the horses so you could afford new ones, or perhaps offer my skills as an alchemist? I've a lot of special remedies or elixirs that I could make for you that would benefit your work on this farm.  Anything really, I owe you a debt for what's happened, repaid however you'd like"  she said, flashing a sincere smile.  If she could make things up with the girl, it would make her feel just a bit better about what had happened, she knew Argen didn't necessarily plan on apologizing, so hers would just have to do.  "And... if you could find it in you to help my friends here, I would be willing to pay for that as well, there are some very dangerous people after our friend Evilin, and we can't keep moving for much longer"  She held off on telling Zola just who Evilin was, just in case Zola disagreed with her offer in place of turning in the princess for a reward.  Elise desperately hoped the deal would go through, otherwise they would have to find another place to stay, maybe even another town for that matter, which she assumed wouldn't fair well for the group.  
Eira's magical awareness was so exhausted from avoiding Zola's relentless assault that she didn't even sense the presence of the travelers until they were beside the corral. Thankfully their arrival was enough to divert Zola's attention from her combat training. The priestess was immensely grateful for this chance to rest and leaned heavily against the fence of the empty horse pen, her head sagging. She was too weary to even think of quelling Zola's outburst of anger and was forced to bear the stabs of emotion from her friend while she listened to the brief exchange.

In doing so Eira was able to piece together the story of what had happened to her newly made friend and two-time kidnapper. On surface value the outlook did not look favorable to the group of travelers, but Eira knew she could sway her friend. The farmgirl had too much kindness in her heart to turn them away, she just needed the right prodding. The priestess wearily walked over to Zola's side, peering towards the newcomers despite a circlet of silver shrouding the blindness of her eyes. 

"Ah, so these are the travelers you mentioned." She gave the newcomers a warm smile as she spoke and clasped her hands together at her waist, lowering herself with head inclined in a bow. "It is good to meet you all. I am Eira, priestess of the gods and... guest to Zola." There was an uncertain air about her when she mentioned the last part.

After addressing the group, Eira turned back to her smoldering friend. The anger was coming off of her in waves, skewing Eira's vision of the travelers and making it hard for priestess to read their emotions. Still, she was confident that she could detect no ill-will. 

"Zola, if what you are all saying is true than you should give these people a chance. The gods reward those with charitable hearts, and even more to those who forgive transgressions. Allow them to show you their worth for one night." She placed a hand onto the farmer's shoulder, allowing the calm within her to give Zola comfort. "Everyone deserves a second chance."

She wondered if it would be enough to convince her friend, but as she was doing so she thought of something else. "Just think, we have people to cook for... we could make more sweetrolls."

@Fluffykitty9000 @SleepyBuddha @NovaNovass @Nogoodname
    Zola crossed her arms as she paid little mind to what Eira says, gaze still hard. Zola eyes then grew wide as she looked at Eira like she was a genius after hearing her last comment. She then pulled her into a bone crushing hug, spinning her around happily at the thought.

"BY THE GODS! YOUR RIGHT!" Zola then put the poor women down, looking directly at her circlet wear her eyes should be as she squished Eira's cheeks, excitement seeping off of the farm girl. She then let go of the priestess face as she turned around quickly, basically bouncing off the walls at the thought, "SWEET ROLLS FOR EVERYONE! Except Argen..." She exclaimed loudly, muttering the last part of the sentence. 

    Zola then cleared her throat as she realized she had gotten a bit out of hand there (Ya just THERE), "Sure, I guess you can stay, but if Argen kills my livestock again, then I'm going to kill him, then bring him back from the dead, Then kill him again!" She said slightly angry at the wolf-man, "Oh, and by the way, you don't have to pay for the horses. We have lots of them." She then stretched her arms over her head then turning to her new friend. "Welp... Elsa it looks like our training has been cut short. BUT! Don't worry, we can continue another day." 

[SIZE= 1.3rem]   Zola then gazed at the bright red barn in the distance, [/SIZE]tongue[SIZE= 1.3rem] stuck out of her mouth due to her [/SIZE]laziness to put it back in her mouth after licking her chapped lips[SIZE= 1.3rem]. She had been living in her barn ever since she burned down her house a couple times, seeing that [/SIZE]rebuilding[SIZE= 1.3rem] her room over and over [/SIZE]again[SIZE= 1.3rem] was [/SIZE]too[SIZE= 1.3rem] much work, and she didn't think that letting anyone sleep in rubble was a good idea (besides Argen). Zola then shrugged, she would have a bunch of roomies with her tonight, that don't touch any of her stuff or they lose their hand! (Great right ^-^) She then turned back to Elf Chick, [/SIZE][SIZE= 1.3rem]"So, where's the rest of your posse?"[/SIZE]

@Juju  @Nogoodname
If Argen had a coin, any type of coin, for how many times humans forgot exactly how well he could hear, he would seven times richer. Argen was already fairly wealthy due to all of his work as a bodyguard and mercenary. So, this was no joke and the he wasn't exaggerating.

They always seemed to forget that a few dozen feet of distance was as if he was standing right next to them. It was....irritating at best. Especially the ridiculuous farmer girl. She'd kill him? It also seemed humans had a short memory because Zola would have fallen prey to him in one strike. He would have felled her in one blow. Just like her damn horses. His elven contactor was the only reason she still drew breath and wasn't being digested along with her livestock. 

The lycan would have walked over and reminded her how their last fight  went but lucky for her, he wasn't starving. Merely hungry now. In a strange, twisted way, her horses were actually sparing her life from beyond the metaphorical grave. 

As much as he disliked begging and weakness, it actually almost made him feel guilty. Hearing Elise apologize so many times for his behavior was actually making him feel bad. It was, indirectly, her fault he had reached that extreme but it wasn't as though she did it on purpose. She knew what he was now and that when Argen ate, he needed more than just leaves and a rabbit. The young elf was learning how the world worked. While it was enlightening, it was never pleasant. Still, it's not as if she deserved to get reprimanded for something she didn't do.

Argen broke eye contact with the indoctrinated bovine, conceding victory to the cow this time. It moo'ed its victory as the lycan walked away from the creature and headed over to where the women were standing. He reached them rather quickly and he placed a large hand on his contractor's shoulder. He shook his head, "Enough apologizing on my behalf. I'm going to go eat. Actually fill my stomach this time. You should be...." The warrior stole a glance at the insufferable earth mage. She was a novice but her strength was not something in question. Merely her skill and experience. "Relatively safe. Do try not to do anything dangerous."

The lycan leaned in and whispered into the elf's ear, "I'm choosing to trust you. Don't make me regret it." With that, he straightened and was about to walk away when something caught his attention. The lupine warrior's golden ire became glued on the blind priestess. He looked her up and down for a moment. There was something....odd about her. Argen narrowed his eyes and literally cocked his head like a confused dog. Something was incredibly odd.

Very odd. Very, very odd. She was human but....more? The lycan leaned in towards her and breathed in her scent a few times, trying to identify exactly what was different about her but he couldn't. With a sharp exhale, Argen looked at her one more time before straighteneing and walking away. 

But one last thing before he left, he couldn't resist.

"Hey farmer human. Rather than complaining like a spoiled child to my master, I am right here you know? If you have a problem then by all means, you can finish LOSING that fight. As many times as your little heart desires." He looked back at her and flashed her a cocky smirk before turning back around and heading on his way. 

Now, there was only one thing left on his mind....

What in the seven hells was a sweetroll?
    Zola's face turned sour as Argen walked up to the group, slightly annoyed. But when he insulted her that's when her sour face turned to one of rage, her fists clenched furiously. Her foot was in the air ready to beat the cocky smirk off of his face when she stopped, realizing where she was. Sure everyone one in the small town had grown acclimate to Zola after the may fights she had at pubs and with anyone who insulted her, but she already burned down part of her house, and was sheltering guest that her father had not invited. She quickly stopped her foot, and placed it back on the ground, she did not want to destroy her farm and anger her father. If her father did come home she did not want him to see that she was responsible for this. Now her father wasn't evil, and didn't abuse her, Zola just never seemed to be enough for him. Their farm was barely shining compared to it's former glory, since he refused to help her take care of it, he was out all the time, and the only he came back was if he ran out of money for ale and needed some from her(Which was the farm funds, she saved none for herself, only food was important enough to waste money on), or when he was drunk and his buddies did not want to take care of him that night. When he saw her his brown eyes were not filled with the same love and happiness, just disappointment and pain. He hated Zola. She looked almost exactly like her mother, and held the same stubbornness and kindness. But she just wasn't her. There was many nights where Zola wished that she could take her mother's place, and make him happy, make everyone happy, not just be such a burden.

     Zola let out a sigh, she would have to use her brain that her mother once said was amazing, and better than violence to solve this conflict, she just hoped it wouldn't backfire and destroy her farm anyway. "HEY ARGEN!" she yelled, stopping him from going any farther away from her as she jogged up and stopped a couple meters behind him, "You think I lost that fight, HA! Then you must be stupider than you look. Let's start this off with the fact that am letting YOU stay in my barn, then the fact that you never won that fight we had," Zola's face was twisted into a smirk, ready to show this Wolf-man what she was made of, "You're the one who stopped mid punch, surrendering the fight because you refused to kill me. Well how about you get off your high horse thinking that god blessed you with forever fame and that you are so much better than me because you are-... whatever the hell you are, and have so much 'cool powers'. But let's get this straight, You don't have future vision, you don't know how that fight would have ended, if that hit would have landed or if you would have succeeded in beating me. Next there is the fact that you technically didn't win due to the fact that you never landed a hit on me, but I landed a few hits on you, meaning that I won. But you know, 'I am Argen and I am good at every frickin thing that I do', well news flash you aren't. Now go walk away all cool like, thinking that you are all that, not facing the hard truth that you lost. To a farm girl none the less! HA! Won't accept it either, you really are pathetic."  with that being said Zola turned around smug look on her face and walked back to where she stood earlier, there would be no fight, unless Argen wants to continue being Argent. (XD I couldn't help myself)

@shadowz1995  @Juju  @Nogoodname
The lycan stopped in his tracks and turned around slowly. But his face was not the anger nor the challenge that Zola expected. That everyone expected probably. It was...

....apathetic. One could even see it as disappointed. 

Argen had a strong warrior ideology. Always stand strong. Never back down from a challenge. Conduct yourself with a warrior's honor. And above all, find honor in defeat. The girl was cocky, brash, far too head strong for her own good. Things Argen didn't actually mind too much. He met plenty of fighters who carried themselves in a similar manner. But her naiveté was downright pitiful. 

So Argen answered her, quietly, apathetically, word for word.

"I am not staying in your barn human. I will not slay your horses for food and then impose myself in your home. Don't insult my honor. I know I did wrong by you but I don't care. It was your horses or my contractor. I chose Elise."

"I'm a lycan, human. A beast of nightmare. Try to remember that."

"And to wrap all the childish nonsense up. If you truly believe you would have won that fight than I have to apologize. I expected far too much from a simple farm girl who let a little bit of strength get to her head."

"You are so weak, you don't even know when your life was spared. So spare me your dull attempts at trying to get a rise out of me. Ill be interested in fighting you when you realize where you stand. Hell, you might even be worth teaching at that point. If you make it that far."

"Yell if you need me Elise. I won't be too far." 

What most of the group didn't know was that Argen was not some beast with no control. It was the fact that he had been starved and quite literally dying slowly that he had been so violent during their short time together. It was constant internal struggle with the ravenous beast inside that continued to claw its way to the surface, demanding it be satiated. The more starved he got, the more bestial he became. 

Now with some food in his stomach and more on the way, he was quite....well not calm....but as close as a warrior beast could get to calm. 

The warrior adjusted the greatsword on his back and cracked his neck a few times before continuing his walk into the forest, raising his arm in a lazy farewell gesture.

At this point Coda and Evilin had been extra quiet for some reason. Well it was more specific. They had followed the others to the barn but didn't really say much. Evilin felt that the situation was in good hands with Elise as the girl apologized to the other about earlier. Evilin couldn't help but notice the other as well. The mask over the woman's face stood out that for a moment she couldn't stop starring at her. She tilted her head a bit and felt her mind go into a daze as she she started to wonder why the girl had the metal casting over her eyes. 

But she was brought back to reality quickly as people started to scream and argue. For once it wasn't her and Coda. After hearing the words being exchanged she only wished now that it was her and Coda. The two were so aggressive that she had to take a step back. 

Coda had followed the others, but was still lagging behind the group. His feet dragged across the floor till they came to the barn. His main attention was on his breathing as this had been the most activity he has done during the day in a very, very long time. but his ears started to burn a bit when someone mentioned sweet rolls. He could feel his mouth water at the sound of something sweet to eat. 

But just like Evilin, his attention quickly shifted to Argen and the farm girl. His face became dull as a low grumble formed in his throat. The bickering was loud and hurt his ears. He turned his head to look elsewhere for the time being. If anyone killed anyone at this very moment... He would know without even seeing it. So what was the point in watching. His thoughts were quick to go back to thinking about sweet rolls and other sweet foods. Oh how he wished for some form of candy right now. 

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