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Fantasy Curse of the wolf's blood

Ladia touched her bag with her dads journal in it. She brought her face up to see Malkavian's, with eyes full of hate. She walked up to him and grabbed his throat. She held him against the tree firmly, squeezing his throat. "16 years ago did you kill two blood wolves at a fair?!" Her eyes turned almost like a dark red kind of color.
alex demonically yelled out"THAT'S ENOUGH! I AM NOT HAVING A BRAWL ON THE GROUNDS OF MY FAMILY'S MANSION" his eyes literally glowing blood red, he was clearly pissed
[QUOTE="Andrea Logan]Ladia touched her bag with her dads journal in it. She brought her face up to see Malkavian's, with eyes full of hate. She walked up to him and grabbed his throat. She held him against the tree firmly, squeezing his throat. "16 years ago did you kill two blood wolves at a fair?!" Her eyes turned almost like a dark red kind of color.

Malkavian looked in the girls eyes his own glowing a bright red. His eyes looked into the girls a dark aura a dark purple glowed around his form. Malkavian brought his hand the the girls wrist squeezing tightly claws piercing into the girls skin. He spoke in a more power filled voice" im afraid i dont kniw about this incident you speak of, but i will warn you only once my dear do not lay your hands on me if you want to keep them." He said coldly. He did not like harming females, but he would not take threats kindly.
Mia shook. She could hear a yelling voice not far from where she was. She closed her eyes,and hummed the tune again, not wanting to get too scared. She pulled out a book she was reading and started at it again. She'd much rather be with nature than in cities.
alex got in between the girl and Malkavian "i said enough" he growled at both making sure that they both understood that he well take them both down if need be
Ladia grimaced, trying to ignore the pain. She let go of the man's neck and looked down, her eyes now blue again. "I'm sorry." She looked at her shoes and continued, "Its just I thought you were... um the one who killed my parents..... you seemed to be since you just threatened me." Ladia looked at his hand with claws still holding her.
luke calmed down a little but was still pissed "lets settle this over lunch alright, we can also get introductions out of the way on the way to the mansion"
Malkavians let go his hands returning to normal. His eyes turned to normal stormy grey. He fixed his suit" i will take you up on that offer i jave some time to spare." He said calmly after taking a breath. He looked to the girl" i kill no one withought reason unleass i have a quarrel with them. I have only ever killed one blood wolf in my time, and he had no daughters to my knowledge nor a spouse." He said.

@Andrea Logan
"alright enough of the blood wolf killings ok, now what are your names?" alex said his eyes turning back to their normal dark brown
Ladia looked at Malkavian then at her bag. She put her headphones on and turned away from them. "You do that." Ladia walked down the path to the mansion. She rubbed her wrist and grimaced at the pain shooting up her arm. "Lunch...." She imagined eating a meal at a real dining table and sighed. Usually she would steal some food from a store and eat behind a dumpster or in an alley. Ladia turned up the volume on her headphones and ignored their questions.
Mia took a break from looking at all the letters and words, and stared into the sky. She could see many shapes in the clouds. She could see different creatures, houses, and other things. She smiled as she saw a rabbit, almost running through the blue sky.
[QUOTE="blood wolf]alex sighed because no one except lucy knew that he was the blood wolf alpha

Malkavian walked past Alex" seems your having trouble young alpha." He said before walking up the path to the mansion.
Mia packed everything up and climbed down from the tree. She started heading home, since the sun was going down. She had walked too far in, for she could not find her way out. She heard a crack behind her, showing something was following her. She gulped as a sweat bead formed on her forehead. "Hello?" She said quietly. yellow glowing eyes emerged from the forest, staring directly at her. Wolves. She started running, not knowing how to defend herself. She could tell they were following, and at a faster speed. Soon wolves were by her side, panting and growling at her. A wolf behind her, bit her ankle, causing her to fall. She screamed and covered her head, as they bit and clawed at her.
[QUOTE="blood wolf]"its that obvious?" alex asked

Malkavian nodded not saying anything except" you still have much to learn." He said.
alex heard screams then rushed to them, only to find mia again but she needed help so he holed and the wolves stopped then ran away "are you alright mia?"
Mia still shivering, didn't answer nor did she get up. She only hyperventilated and cried silently. She didn't know what to do in that situation, and what if Alex didn't come in time. She could have been a meal.
[QUOTE="blood wolf]alex heard screams then rushed to them, only to find mia again but she needed help so he holed and the wolves stopped then ran away "are you alright mia?"

Malkavian spoke in Alexs mind watchung from the tree tops" comfert her Alex make her feel safe again." He said calmly.
i know Malkavian "you'll be fine Mia" Alex picked up Mia and carried her back to the mansion "any one here have medical skills" he called out
[QUOTE="blood wolf]
i know Malkavian "you'll be fine Mia" Alex picked up Mia and carried her back to the mansion "any one here have medical skills" he called out

Malkavian landed next to Alex" rule one always know how to treat wounds of any kind." He said walking up the steps. He looked back to alex" bring her inside set her on a couch for know." He said walking in.
alex did as he was told, he wasn't going to challange an older wolf alpha becuase he wanted to save his new found friend
Mia laying on the couch, wide eyed and still petrified looked over at Alex, but said nothing. She stared at the ars on her head and breathed with short breaths.
alex looked at mia, doing what he can to treat the wounds that the rouge wolves gave her "you're going to be alright mia" he said comfortingly

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