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Curse of the Sea (Ancalagoner x Paddie)


The Piggie Lord
Two captains, two crews, one curse. Adventures abound!





History: (?)



Name: [SIZE=14.6667px]Lorcan "Shark-bait" Fitzgerald[/SIZE]

Age: [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]23[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Ship Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] Mademoiselle Illyana.  [/SIZE]

Appearance:  [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Roughly 6'1. He is slim and fit from spending a lot of time working on his ship, and from a lot of swimming. His skin is tanned and his has blonde, shaggy hair that hangs around his ears and chin. He has grey eyes framed by light eyelashes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]   [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He is covered in a lot of scars, mostly from fights with other pirates, bar patrons, anyone else  Lorcan may have annoyed... the most noticeable of his scars that begins just above his knee and ends at his hip was given to him by a curious shark.  There is also a large shark tattoo on his back.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]His clothing is simple, black pants with a red sash tied around his waist. Shirts and shoes tend to be optional for him. If he does wear a shirt it is often white, unlaced, and loose fitting. His shoes tend to be black boots, sturdy but worn.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]   [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]When it comes to jewelry Lorcan owns enough to be incredibly flashy,  though he doesn't wear most of it, instead settling for one golden ring encrusted with a ruby on his index finger, and a shark tooth tied with a leather strap around his neck, from the shark that bit him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Personality[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]: Lorcan tends to be a fun-loving guy. He has a rather impish personality, while generally friendly he isn't above teasing others and finding ways to annoy people. He doesn't take much of anything seriously, and has gotten himself into trouble because of this. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He's also rather cocky, not that he necessarily sees himself as better than anyone else, but he tends to act like he's already won some unknown argument or fight, even if one hasn't occurred. He doesn't take criticism from strangers very well, though often takes, and gives, criticizing jabs to his crew. He can be incredibly immature, often doing before thinking. He doesn't often plan in advanced for things, but is pretty good at going with the flow, and figuring out solutions on the fly (though they aren't always the best solutions, or even good ones).  He doesn't back down from a fight, even one he's losing, and will refuse to see the problem in anything he does if he himself hadn't figured it out first. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]e's rather laid back, more about enjoying the sailing and plundering, than anything else. He's also incredibly careful to keep his crew safe, and taken care of. Despite being rather selfish, putting what he wants above the wants and needs of others, he'd never do anything to seriously risk the life of his men. He can be rather intimidating when he wants to be, and has no problem using role as captain of his ship to get people in line, he just usually avoids doing so, having a  friendly rapport with his crew, especially since a lot of them knew him before he made captain.[/SIZE]

History:[SIZE=14.666666666666666px] Lorcan was around 14 when he found himself stowed away on an old fishing ship. He was the middle child in a group of five and found himself craving more then the hectic, though otherwise stable, home-life he had lived. He had always loved the ocean and fishing, and it was heaven on Earth for the young blonde... for all of two hours.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]   The captain of the ship, Bellusio, discovered the stowaway almost immediately and put the young blonde to work cleaning after the crew, particularly in the kitchens, with little return.  It didn't dawn on Lorcan right away, but he did find out soon enough that he wasn't on a fishing ship at all, but a pirate ship.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]   It was about two months after Lorcan initially snuck into the ship that he was attacked by the creature that would earn him his nickname and his scar. The ship was docked and Lorcan had been stuck cleaning the deck. It had been particularly hot out, and quite sure no one was looking, the teenager had decided to forgo the cleaning and jumped into the ocean to cool off.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He swam farther out than he intended, and soon came face to face with a shark. It was young, though no less intimidating. It had attached itself to the right side of Lorcan's body, though let him go almost as quickly, leaving the blonde bleeding and struggling to get out of the ocean. Bellusio himself had been the one to spot him, and dragged him back to shore for medical treatment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]   Over time, Bellusio seemed to grow fond of Lorcan, and took the young boy under his wing. Lorcan in turn, grew to think of Bellusio as a bit of a father figure. They sailed together for about six years when Bellusio handed the Mademoiselle Illyana  over to Lorcan, finding himself too old and too tired to continue. He had built up enough of a fortune to live with his wife, for whom the ship was named. He left Lorcan with barely enough money, as if to teach the blonde one last lesson.[/SIZE]

Crew of the Illyana:

(These are the main ones that I happen to like the most, have the most history, I'd rather them not be NPCs since I'm kind of attached to them ^^;)

[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Vincent "Flint" O'brien[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px] Age: 50[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Gender: Male[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px] Appearance: 6'6 and rotund, Flint is an incredibly large man all around. He has ruddy skin. His eyes are a grey-ish blue color, his hair seems to have been red once, but is now mostly grey. He has a thick, fluffy beard that comes down to his chest. The hair on his head is rather short, and balding in the front.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]   His clothes consist of a pair of brown boots, brown pants, and a cream colored shirt. He has a few scars on his face, and more on his body. He is also missing a few teeth.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px] Personality: Tends to be friendly. He is often the one to pull Lorcan out of dangerous situations, but generally has his back in a fight . He does try very hard to keep Lorcan from starting things, and because of this  Lorcan, has on occasion, called Flint "mom" for the way  for his troubles, something Flint is far from happy about.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]  History: Flint has been a seamen his entire life, and joined Bellusio's crew when he was 19. He worked as a deckhand for most of the time, and while Bellusio seemed fond of him, the two weren't particularly close.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]   He was the first person to actually befriend Lorcan when the fourteen year old arrived, and often helped him out in the kitchen.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Hawke (full name unknown)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]  Age: 25[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]   Gender: Male[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px] Appearance:  Much like his name, Hawke's nose is sharp, not overly large, but beak-like. His skin is a light-brown, olive-y color. He has long, dark brown hair and sharp green eyes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]   He tends to wear clothes that are nicer than most pirates, crisp white shirts and simple black pants are common, but he tends to add vests dyed in various colors. He tends to look the cleanest amongst Lorcan's crew.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]   He has three small golden hoops in his ears, two helix piercings in his left ear one in his right ear lobe.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px] Personality: Rather amiable, but generally quiet.  He tends to not question Lorcan, and doesn't really like the fact that Flint does.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px] History: Not much is known about his past. He came from a well-off family, but Hawke has not seen them in a long time.  Lorcan had been particularly drunk at a bar one night, and had managed to piss off a group of men. Hawke had stepped in and helped Lorcan, and for his help Lorcan asked Hawke if he wanted to join the crew, he's the newest member and has been so for about five months.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px] Other: Acts as the ship's navigator. He is rather skilled at reading stars, and maps. He has always been a bit of a thief, often pick-pocketing those he passed [/SIZE]

These are NPCs so you're free to use them for your own needs

Sealy 'Fidget' Bowlen- 15-6'4-Scrawny, tall, messy curly blonde hair, wears clothes that don't quite fit him, his pants in particular seem too small for him. He doesn't often wear shoes.- Newest member of the crew.- Quiet, shy, easily intimidated-Cabin boy

Mitch 'Viper' Mahone- 32-5'7- Sarcastic and gruf- Originally with Bellusio -Works with the cannons in working order, and is generally in charge of keeping firearms cleaned and cared after.

Alex 'Pinky' Denver-29, looks younger- Light-hearted, story-teller- With Bellusio originally-Deck hand

Frederich 'Soupy' Daniels- 37- Rotund, ruddy skin, clothes often stained.- Bellusio- Cook

Praxis 'Axe' Barlas- 22- 5'11- Shoulder length brown hair, olive skin, superstitious.-Lorcan brought him on.

Damerae 'Apollo'-28- Dark brown skin, deep brown eyes,. He has brownish red hair and a smattering of freckles on his face. - Works with medicines- Joined during Bellusio's last year.

John 'Kobold' Boisell- 33- 6'0- Strawberry blonde hair kept in ponytail- Chipper/friendly- Good at mending things on the ship.

Jacob Boisell- 23- 5'11- Strawberry blonde hair kept braided down his back, several scars on his face, 5'0 Clock shadow.- Ill tempered and easily irritated- Kobold's brother- Cleaning/deck hand.

Name: Frances Anne 'Fanny' Crickett

Age: 21

Appearance: [SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] About 5'9, Fanny is rather tall. She has a thick figure, muscled due to the hard labor of working on the ship's deck.She is isn't very tan, but from being in the sun a lot her face and shoulders are covered in freckles, these easily extend down to her arms. She has bundles of curly red hair that reaches her mid back, though is often kept in a messy bun on her head.  Her eyes are a deep brown color, though tend to appear lighter in the sun.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]She often wears a green bandana on her head to help keep any loose hair out of her face, and sweat out of her eyes. Her clothes on the ship tend to consist of simple shirts and pants that allow for easy movement, and don't allow for catching in the equipment. When off the ship she can tend towards more feminine clothing. Calf-length skirts in dark browns and blacks that move easily, vests colored in vivid reds or purples over a short-sleeved under shirts that match the skirts in color. Her shoes consistently consist of sturdy boots on deck, and low heeled lace up boots on land, though this only happens if they staying on land for more than a couple of hours.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]She does wear some jewelry, in particular a brown leather band around her neck with a silver charm with a rose design carved into it, as well as a thin silver chain carrying an empty locket. She also always wears her two pistols on her hips, attached to a holster by a thick belt around her waist.[/SIZE]

Personality:  Fanny can be rather loud when she wants to be (or just in general). She's a person who, when she wants to be heard, absolutely will be. She's not easily angered but often speaks in a way that sounds like she's perpetually angry. She's particularly fond of general merry-making, and tends to get into the thick of drinking and playing. She's a bit of a gambler, though her luck isn't always the best.

She spent most of her life around other sailors and it shows, find it easy to maneuver among tough captains and shipmates. She's got a mouth on her and has a repetoire colorful curses that she may or may not have made up.


[SIZE=14.6667px]Fanny grew up in a large  fishing village with her parents and three older brothers (1, 3, and 5 years older). Their home wasn't far from a large harbor where the fisherman docked, and where her father and brothers spent long days catching fish. Though she was often forced to stay home with her mother there were days where she was allowed to go on board alongside her brothers, learning how to work a ship, how to fish. She reveled in these moments, loving the scent of the sea and the labor or keeping a ship working. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]She was fifteen when her father's ship was attacked. There were rumors that they were pirates, but it was revealed that they were merely rival fisherman with little luck and desperate to bring something back home. None of the men on her father's ship survived, bodies lost at sea. Devastated by the death of her father and sons, Fanny's mother seemed lose all ability to function. She slowly wasted away until she died. Left alone and needing a way to make money Fanny had to set off on her own. She found herself by the docks trying to do odd jobs thanks to the relationship she had with her neighbors.  She eventually found herself on a pirate ship. She didn't mind much, enjoying the work and the company, the thrill of the life exciting and intense.[/SIZE]

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Name: Tiffany "Francis" Drake

Age: 25

Ship Name: The Blood Red Rose

AppearanceThe next one of you bilgerats to call me "Tiff" is getting demoted to cabin boy for a year.

Personality: Tiffany is a very...strange person.  She is borderline sociopathic; the only thing keeping her from crossing that line is that she is able to feel genuine empathy for others, even if she doesn't most of the time.  Her morality is not the same as a normal person's, and she is able to easily commit atrocities that all others would balk at.  That being said, she does have a code of ethics, albeit a very strange and almost alien one.  It's just fairly difficult for most to figure out what the flying fishsticks that code entails.

Tiffany is a fairly serious person.  She doesn't mind the lads having a bit of fun (as long as they do their jobs well), but don't expect her to participate more than once in a blue moon.  She is a strict, no-nonsense disciplinarian, handing out punishments for all kinds of infractions.  That being said, the punishments are scaled to fit the "crimes", so the only times she goes out of her way to make a rule-breaker suffer is when they majorly fuck up.

Trust is extremely important in a pirate crew; these are the people you're entrusting your life too, after all.  As a result, Tiffany takes loyalty and her duties as captain extremely seriously; she may not be a bucket of sunshine, but she's probably one of the most reliable people on the 7 Seas once you have her on your side.  On the flip side, there are few things in all the world that can incite her wrath quite as intensely as betrayal.  There is little any can do to keep her from her prey when she (or someone she's come to care for) is stabbed in the back; it's best to just keep out of her way and hope you don't become a target.

When it comes to combat, Tiffany is a freak of nature.  This is partly because she is literally incapable of feeling fear, and thus doesn't react like a normal person to the tides of battle.  The majority of it, however, comes from her skill; she is just shy of impossibly-good at making people stop living.  This, combined with her brutally pragmatic nature, is where the majority of what infamy she has stems from.  It doesn't help that she doesn't hesitate in the slightest when committing her slaughters.

For all of her faults, there is at least one virtue Tiffany can claim to have: when she grows to care for someone, she doesn't do it half-way.  She treasures that person as if they were old friends or family, even if she's rather terrible at showing it.  She would do anything for their sake, regardless of the personal cost.  This, combined with her values regarding loyalty, is why she is able to command such respect and devotion from her crew.  She isn't the most sociable person, and she may be a Stop Having Fun Gal sometimes, but she is the truest friend a sea dog could ever hope for.

History: Nobody really knows much about Tiffany's past before she came to these seas.  While she looks like she's of Asian descent, her name and accent are clearly European, so she's something of an enigma.  The first time anyone ever noticed her was when she became the Quartermaster of Captain Andrews, one of the veteran pirate captains in the region.  She was even less personable back then; whenever others tried to speak to her, she usually either slugged them across the jaw or just stared at them until they got so uncomfortable that they outright ran away.  As Andrews' Quartermaster, she ensured the crew operated at an efficiency they had rarely seen before.  For a while, this was all the notoriety that Tiffany garnered.  

Then one of the crew got killed by a rival captain.  Andrews wanted to let sleeping dogs lie; he didn't want to drag his boys into a bloody conflict with the other crew, despite the blood already shed.  Tiffany would have none of it.  Against the Captain's orders, Tiffany tracked the offenders down and massacred them to the last, tying the mutilated corpse of the enemy Captain to the mast.  This was the first real example of the brutality that Tiffany would become known for in the future.

Despite her accomplishment, disobeying a direct order from the Captain was a heavy crime, and it was eventually decided that Tiffany would be removed from the crew.  She drifted for a while before finding enough people willing to follow her own brand of crazy, and she formed her own crew.  They gained a ship of their own, christening it The Blood Red Rose.  Tiffany proved herself an able captain, and her crew proved themselves hardy folk; together, they began to build a reputation throughout the region as being fair (for pirates) yet horrifically brutal.  

This is how Tiffany now lives her life: commanding a crew of bloodthirsty scalawags, sailing the open ocean until the day she dies.  This is the path she's chosen; whatever life she once had is meaningless to her now.  She will enjoy the freedom of her current craft for as long as she can...but at the same time, she knows in her heart of hearts that the path she's on has only one end.  A villain such as her doesn't get a happy ending.

She'll settle for a happy middle.

Other: Tiffany honestly doesn't know if she's related to the Sir Francis Drake, and she doesn't care.  She's not the one who came up with the title/nickname; her lads just thought that they were being clever one day, and (to her chagrin) the name found its way onto her wanted poster.  
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The sky above was clear blue, only a small smattering of pure white clouds, barely wisps, hung in the air.  The captain of the Mademoiselle Illyana was standing at the wheel, dripping wet, hair clinging to his face despite his efforts to keep it away from his eyes. He was waiting on Fidget to bring something to dry himself off with and fresh clothes, in the meantime, despite the relatively warm air, the blonde stood there shivering as he directed the ship towards land.

They had been relatively lucky, having successfully taking over a shipment of trading goods, things like spices and and herbs. They also had a healthy stash of gold that they had been paid with, and Lorcan found it a good idea to celebrate their victory. It would be early evening by the time they hit shore, and his men would have all night to enjoy themselves. Not one to pass up on the opportunity for a good time.

"Took y'long enough!" he said, giving  Fidget an annoyed look before stripping down and drying off before changing into the new clothes brought for him. The difference in comfort was drastic, almost immediately his shivering slowed down to a halt. He rolled his sleeves up to his elbows as he seemed to gain a new vigor, more alert and aware of his surroundings, though the seas were calm and the skies clear.

((Sorry I had to stop and start this a lot (had a lot of things to do as I was writing this ^^;) my other posts should better))
((OOC: Is fine, don't worry about it.  Hope this was alright.)

Tiffany Drake wasn't in the best mood right now.  It wasn't the worst she'd been in, granted, but she was still a bit miffed.  The reason for this was simple: her precious lil' pack of bilgerats were taking entirely too long getting the ship docked.  They were doing it as well as could be expected, of course, because Tiffany was not one people tended to willingly disappoint.  She didn't like being kept waiting on good days, let alone meh ones like this.  At least the weather was decent, but that hardly made up for the current hold-up.

Her arms were folded across her chest as she tapped her left arm, taking in the port with an impassive and unblinking stare.  Thank god they were back in civilization, that jungle island had been a nuisance.  It was a nice enough place to look at, she supposed, but once you've seen one jungle-esque island, you've seen 'em all.  She'd never have believed how same-y a type of island could get once upon a time, but her years of pirating had taught her a lot.  Still, it'd been an okay-ish morning workout, if nothing else.  Besides, they hadn't stayed too long (and thank god for that).

Some people would wonder at what the high-flying fuckballs Tiffany Drake, Monster Extraordinaire could have in some random island that didn't even have a name on the map.  The truth was a fairly standard, even stereotypical one: treasure.  Now, normally the "good" Captain didn't bother with that nonsense since 9 times out of ten, someone else had found it first.  This time, however, Tiffany found herself intrigued.  She still had plenty of friends from Ol' Andrews' lot, and one of the more reliable ones had given her a treasure map.  The thing was, rather than a map to a massive collection of treasure, it was a map to the map that had the location of the treasure. 

It was a good ol' fashioned treasure hunt.  While she didn't indulge such things often, she'd been given the map when she and her mates had been exceptionally bored due to hitting a lull, and this would be a good enough way to pass the time.  The journey to that island hadn't taken too long, actually; the wind had been at their backs practically the entire time, so the travel time had been cut in half from what she'd thought it'd be.  She'd even found the second map without too much trouble, so they'd come back to get a few more supplies and give the lads and lasses a chance to unwind before continuing on.

She'd memorized the map already, but she kept it on herself at all times now.  Just in case.

After what felt like entirely too long, the lads finally pulled their heads out of their asses and got the ship docked properly.  She walked into the town as the gangplank was set into place, and just began to...well, walk.  She didn't really have a destination right now, as she didn't feel like dealing with the bar crowds just yet and didn't have anything she personally needed to buy.  This was fine with her; a walk around a port town was a much better stretch for the ol' legs than a walk around the ship.  And it gave her at least half a moment to herself; she adored her scalawags, she truly did, but there were times when she just wanted to strangle the lot of them.

It would only be a matter of time until something ruined her current contentment, because the universe hated her on a personal level, but she'd enjoy it while she could.

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