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Fantasy Curse of the Lilac Night - The Nightmare Character Sheet


Weird Bunny Lurker

"Quote (optional)"














(Who would you like to crush? Jk.)




Native of Riden's Cadavar?:


(Answer Yes/No.)


(If not) Hometown:


(If you're a native of the village, just erase this part.)


Birth Date:


(The date when this takes place is September 13, 2017, as a reference for accuracy with the year and stuff.)


Blood Type:


(So like A+, O-, AB+, etc.)


Blood Color:


(At night, what color does your blood turn?)


Physical Appearance:


(Anime pics and drawings only. You may write a description as long as it's somewhat detailed.)






Tattoos/Scars/Distinguishable Marks:


Cause of Death/Power:


(Most important part here. Try not to make it the same as anyone else's unless you decide to have your character related to theirs. Different variations of said deaths don't count. Please do not put something vague, like "murder" or "sickness". Thank goodness for Google, amirite?)


How It Happens:


(Well, duh. Do they manipulate plants to strangle people? Do they use fire magic? Give a brief explanation. Please remember that after it happens, almost all the signs of it ever happening disappear, save for a couple vague hints, like for example in being burnt to death, the victim can be warm to the touch.)


Symbol Left on the Victims:


(No two symbols are alike, unless in the case of relatives with the same power. Just show an image and it's all cool.)


Kill Count:


(Please don't make it an absurd number like 1,000. Take note that this is a very small town.)


Men -

Women - 

Children - 

Animals -




(Make it at least two paragraphs. No special snowflakes. I have a wild Mika and I'm not afraid to use her. *^*)












(Again, optional.)




(Optional, but recommended.)


Theme Song:




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"Life is too short to think upon your sins, you might as well just live it.

Me? Well I've found that I've got a lot more sins to think upon and a lot more life to live.

Perhaps life isn't short enough..."


Kypher Hawthorne


The Lord of Vampires










Theology Student

Native of Riden's Cadavar?:


Birth Date:

September 13th, 1998

Blood Type:


Blood Color:

Golden (Luminescent)

Physical Appearance:






Tattoos/Scars/Distinguishable Marks:

(On the side of his neck)


Cause of Death/Power:

Suicide (Jumped off a building) / Immortality

(No underlying messages here, just thought it'd make for a cool character thingy)

How It Happens: 

During the night, when the CLN power activates, Kypher becomes completely unkillable. Similar to a hard reset, as soon as he "dies", his body restores itself to a point where it was physically healthy prior to death. No memories are lost due to dying. During this state he also gains the ability to suck the life out of people, generally by physically touching their chest where their heart is, Kypher seems to absorb their life force, but his mind begins to deteriorate as his emotions and judgement grow out of control, thus leading him to doing things he might regret in the day. His draining ability does not happen instantly, but those affected will find themselves very weak and unable to properly control their own body during the process. Should he drain anyone with the CLN, he will temporarily gain their power depending on how long/much he drained them. Draining them for a minute will give him 10 minutes of their power, draining someone for an hour will kill them, unless he increased the intensity of the power.

Whenever his power activates (i.e. he exercises his power to drain someone or his body regenerates), a golden glow of his energy/blood appears in his eyes, on his scorpion tattoo, on the point of contact and where he might be injured.

Symbol Left on the Victims:

(Over the left side of the chest where the heart is. It glows bright golden as well.)


Kill Count:

Men - 13

Women - 6

Children - 1

Animals - 34

(The majority of these kills are when his power is activated, of course, so he doesn't remember them particularly well or had much control over himself when he did the deed.)


During the day, Kypher is generally an okay guy to hang out with. He has very "chill" vibes and often has a "go-with-the-flow" attitude with life. He is very sarcastic when he wants to be annoying but he can easily become serious if the situation demands it. He has an annoying sense of humour but he's smart enough to still make it actually funny instead of just making senseless remarks that are just border insulting. Of course he's not above insult-based humour either. In terms of confrontation, Kypher seems to retain his annoyingly calm and indifferent personality by attempting to diffuse the situation with words, something he is very skilled at manipulating. This part of the reason why he's referred to as a vampire, he is very cunning and persuasive, especially when it comes to women.

During the night, Kypher almost transforms into a completely different person. His emotions become unstable, almost as if he were bipolar, and he can very easily become provoked into doing or saying stuff he'll regret. Not having the ability to think ahead of his actions, Kypher can easily be aggravated into a violent situation in which his anger turns very physical very quickly to those that annoy him (which is fairly ironic). Kypher is also very bad at making decisions like this and his cool and calm attitude will have gone completely out the window as he stresses about things and acts rashly. If handled correctly, one could calm him down enough to gain his situational trust, but he also grows very suspicious, untrusting and paranoid to those around him while it is night and he is in this state of mind.



The Sun

Nice days

Ice tea on a hot day


Theology (ironically)

The night

Not being able to control his own actions



Plays a pretty mean bass guitar

Pretty good at boxing

He can cook fairly well

He can debate a subject that he doesn't necessarily believe in with great skill


Playing the bass guitar




Kypher hadn't always been like this. He hadn't always been so... "Dead? That's what you meant, right? Both inside and out. Come on, we all know it - just say it, dammit!" During his earlier years, the boy - "Hah." - had displayed a keen interest in God. His family had always been religious and so he was brought up in a religious household. Taught to love thy neighbour, turn thine other cheek and follow the rules of God, Kypher was deeply invested in devoting his life to their lord and saviour and even took it upon himself to study religion at school due to his deep-seated interest in it. "And goddamn was that ever a mistake. Heh, get it? God-damn?" Upon finishing his education, Kypher had come upon a realisation.

"There is no God."

Crushed that his life devotion was nothing more than a farce, he became wracked with sadness, anger and regret for having wasted his life in believing in a literal false prophet. He stopped eating properly. He stopped sleeping properly. He became devoid of social contact. He shunned his parents, moving out as soon as he could and renting his own apartment. He messed with the wrong people and got himself involved with a local gang. Kypher began to hate the world and himself for having been tricked into such deceit. Thankfully Kypher was not too foolish, so he did not resort to self harm or the abuse of others, but his decisions still lay heavy on his mind. "Careful, there's still time for plenty of self harm and abusing yet..." But eventually there came a tipping point. One night he had been suffering a night terror like no other, it had been the worst yet. A divine figure had come down from the sky to pass on to Kypher it's divine will. "What a bloody hilarious joke that was." And when Kypher finally accepted the figure in disbelief, hoping that this was a sign of God, that he was real, the figure changed. It twisted and morphed into a indescribably horrific demon that grinned a mercilessly satanic smile that split it's face as it tore into Kypher, ripping him to shreds and- 

"I woke up. But it wasn't me. Not really. I was in a daze, sleepwalking you could say. I walked outside, went to the local zoo. And I set it alight with a lighter I had in my pocket. It was near the morning, so there were some staff there, they died. A lot of animal died too, slowly I imagine. The larger the body the more there is to burn. I didn't care. I left and returned to my apartment. It was by the beach. I went up on the roof. By this point it was me, the real me. I was wide awake and I knew exactly what I had done. A murderer. I was a murderer, of animals no less. And people. It's kinda funny now that I look back on it. I'm like the reverse Noah, killing the animals and people, and there was no disaster coming. Perhaps it's not that funny...

But anyways, I took my sorry ass to the rooftop and well, looking out at that beautiful night moon, I suppose I just couldn't take it anymore. Life was mocking me. I was even mocking me. I jumped. Five stories of free falling as the ground rushed up to meet me and-"

Kypher died that day. Surrounded by his neighbours flower bed, he had cracked his head on the garden wall, his body a bag of broken bones. But it wasn't quite the end for him. "Yeah, curse my goddamn luck, huh? I definitely feel damned." Waking up the next day, Kypher found his wounds gone, in their place a strange golden glow. Walking his way back to the apartment he went about his daily life again thinking he had even failed to kill himself, wallowing in self pity. So he tried again. He sat in the bath and drowned himself. This time he woke up an hour later, completely fine. Confused now, he decided that something was definitely wrong. With one last attempt, he hung himself. "Worst fucking mistake of my life, I can assure you." He woke up again. And then died. Then woke up. Then died. Over and over until he was eventually found by the authorities, who cut him down from the rope and tried to take him in. It was dark by this time. Kypher freaked out, lashing out at them until he eventually grabbed a hold of one of the policemen's  chest. The man crumpled as if he had just died then and there, but Kypher felt great, invigorated even. He had drained the man of his life energy, even Kypher didn't know it. The police officer tasered Kypher and brought him in. A week later he was still in a police cell, lamenting his life. His family had moved away, he was in jail and he was- "A monster. Plain and simple."

And then he received a proposition. An offer to be moved to a facility to help remove the dangerous disease that plagued him known as CLN. Kypher vaguely remembered the purple flower that they described, it had been there the first time he had died. Resigned to a life of solitude anyway, Kypher took them up on the offer. I mean anything was better than the situation he was in, right? "Except death."

Theme Song:


He was once part of a gang, hence the scorpion tattoo on his neck.
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"Poison is a game of luck. You either get to enjoy a good drink or you die, depending on which glass you choose."



Julius Lucian Blanche




Julius Cesar, Bad Cop (you know, good cop, bad cop), The Poison Center








Lucy @Mika9889 - Though Julius wouldn't dare admit it aloud, he's smitten for his childhood friend, Lucy, often showing his feelings very subtly to her. He highly doubts that he will fully get the message across. 


Date of Birth:


November 3rd, 1995 // Scorpio


Native of Riden's Cadavar?:



Blood Type:
Blood Color:
Dark Indigo























153 lbs.
Cause of Death/Power:
Arsenic (Poison) 

Arsenic is one of the classics. Hugely popular up to Victorian times, it was both easy to acquire and effective. It seems they couldn’t get enough of it, being a common ingredient in any number of household products from wallpaper to paints. Arsenic poisoning occurred accidentally from all these and natural sources with notable cases such as the loopy King George III of Britain.
The superficial effects of arsenic poisoning are jaundice and a skin rash, but this tends to be after a long build up. Acute poisoning from a high dose results in intense gastric distress – basically everything goes wrong with your gut causing vomiting, diarrhea and bleeding, along with pain.
Death follows convulsions and coma with circulatory failure being the ultimate cause. This may happen within a few hours of ingestion. Arsenic looks a lot like sugar and has no flavor. 



Julius himself doesn't remember exactly when or how he developed the curse, but it's safe to assume that he consumed arsenic by mistake as a baby. Nobody learned and nobody ever knew. 

 How it Happens:


Julius can transform sugar into arsenic, to put it simply, therefore having the ability to spike anything that tastes sweet with poison. When this occurs, Julius's movements freeze entirely and his eyes start to glow. A purple light often radiates around him, then it seeps into any of the nearest sweet foods. All the victim has to do is eat the food. Once the victim dies, his symbol appears on their neck, near the lips, or on their stomach. Julius's curse is especially strong if he or Lucy were picked on, mocked, or had an encounter with a not-so-nice person sometime within the span of the last 24 hours.  

Symbol/Marking Left on Victims:



Kill Count:
Men - 1

Women - 1

Children - 18

Animals - 3

Julius is a relatively assertive man most of the time, the one who very patiently talks people out of doing bad things and serves as a voice of reason. Rational and diplomatic, he has the heart of a reporter, wanting to know all sides of the story, not just one. For that, Julius goes out of his way to find out the true meaning behind things; his hunger for knowledge is never satisfied. He's an incredibly serious man, not the type to smile or joke around, especially in times of dire peril. He's a very scholarly man who does his research before he speaks, and possesses a certain pride towards that. 


On the other hand, Julius is also emotionally distant. He has difficulty connecting with others, being a bit detached from the other people of the town. He is also very gifted at giving people the cold shoulder, which he often subconsciously does when nervous or upset. Julius also hates his curse with a fiery passion, often attempting to get rid of it, which leads to frustration. Usually when the sun starts to set, that's the only time when you'll see his true nature; the side that cares about other people's lives. 


And that side tells people to run and not to eat anything sugary. Indeed, while he acts like he doesn't care, Julius does. A lot. He doesn't show it with his words as much as he does with his actions, though. Simple, silent deeds and acts of kindness, often left anonymous, are how he gets around to showing people how he cares. He is a very strong and durable young man, too; a silent teddy bear, so to say. He especially shows this kind side around his crush, Lucy, though he can never admit his feelings without getting tongue-tied. 


When the the curse takes over, rather than going insane or turning into a ray of sunshine, Julius instead stays a lot like the way he normally is, except colder and uncaring. In this state, he openly admits his love for Lucy, and speaks of committing acts of vengeance for her sake. His cursed self is hopelessly romantic, and takes his love very seriously. He tends to target anyone who dares make Lucy cry; even in his cursed form, Julius has morals, albeit a bit more twisted. He's basically an emotionless yandere during the evening hours. 


• Winter

• Mornings 

• Coffee (no sugar, no cream, no sweetener)

• His Job

• White Wine (doesn't stain his jacket as badly as red wine and tastes excellent)



• Sugar

• Warm Weather

• His Curse

• Messiness/Sloppiness

• Glass Dolls (they creep him out)




• Track and Field (was the champion in high school)

• Writing (obviously)

• Feng Shui

• Baseball 




• Feng Shui 

• Baseball Card Collecting

• Baseball (when he has the time)

• Photography (especially of still life)


Julius Blanche was born the only son of the local florist, Rose Blanche, the child of a major scandal that involved his mother, then fifteen, getting assaulted. His curse originates to as early as when he was two years old, when he accidentally poisoned his biological dad's dog, shortly after his father got released from prison. Due to that one event, wherever, Julius went, rumors of him being a demon often followed. He was always a tall, rather scary-looking kid, so it was easy to make assumptions about the boy. Only Rose and a select few didn't believe the rumors, regardless of everything that happened. Throughout his life, though, it felt like his mother was more of a close friend than a mom. He wasn't rich, so he attended the local school, but often got teased and tormented for his rather intimidating appearance. "Don't eat us!", the kids would howl, laughing their asses off. And every time, Julius felt the inclination to punch them in the face. He never followed through, however, for he had one friend amongst the enemies and the gossip about him being a demon child; Lucy. Lucy was kind to him, so Julius fell in love. Due to their friendship, however, Lucy received just as much scorn as Julius. He never found the nerve to tell her, but by night he found a way to show her. All the way up to his freshman year, once a year and at the same time (near the end of the school year), one child would be found by the river with Julius's mark. Julius never knew that he was behind the deaths, but it initiated his inner super sleuth. 


High school was a whole new story; Julius entered that year, expecting to be teased, but instead received a warm welcome. He developed the nickname "Julius Caesar", apparently because he was "kingly". He never got it, but successfully graduated with a great reputation....and a job offer to work for the local newspaper, The Daily Cliffhanger. From then on, life was good, and his curse never seemed to exist. However, one day, he found his mother chatting with a strange man that looked a helluva lot like him; the man wouldn't leave her alone, and was pushing her around. Eventually, Julius found out that this guy was his father. Infuriated, the curse decided to take action.


The next day, Rose Blanche and the unknown man were found dead in the flower shop; Julius was in charge of writing the article about their deaths, which at the time, he didn't realize were caused by him. He equally cursed and worshiped the murderer for killing his parents, only to figure out a shocking development; he was the murderer. Julius soon found himself sinking into a deep depression; it was because of Lucy that he didn't kill himself or try to fight the council, simply letting them take him to the Facility.


And here he is.


Theme Song:





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"Science to me is like God to you. It gives me something to believe in."

"CLN is a myth. It's not a disease, it doesn't give people superpowers, and we're all here for no reason."


Daniel Murkel






Born male, but switches constantly between pronouns and doesn't bother to correct people if they use the wrong ones


"Is science a sexuality?" (Asexual)





Native of Riden's Cadavar?:


Birth Date:

March 14th, 2002

Blood Type:


Blood Color:

Same blue as hair

Physical Appearance:





102 lbs

Tattoos/Scars/Distinguishable Marks:

A small scar on their ring finger and knuckle from a cat scratch

Scaring around the back neck from drowning

Freckles along nose and cheekbones

Cause of Death/Power:

Drowned in a lake (water manipulation)

How It Happens:

Because he can manipulate water, she uses her victims blood against them by controlling the water molecules in the blood to torture and kill as they see fit. If there is water available, he shoves the water down their throat much like how she was drowned. The mark appears on the victims neck, most often on the back but occasionally on the front.

Symbol Left on the Victims:


Kill Count:

Men - 3

Women - 1

Children - 6

Animals - 0


Daniel is a man (child?) of science. He believes nothing can be so unless proven by science and it's laws. She's very stubborn and isn't moved easily in her positions, even when the other person proves themselves right multiple times. He mostly keeps to himself and his experiments, occasionally allowing others to help him. She's very slow to trust and is cautious even around people she's know her whole life

When he does have to socialize, Daniel is very snarky and sarcastic. More often than not behind every statement made he's always there with a witty remark or quick comeback. She hasn't found someone who can keep up with her quite yet, but if she ever did she feels the results would be interesting (*cough*shed finally have a friend*cough*)




Video games

Classical music


Loud noises

Cold weather

The outdoors

People who look down on others

Tall shelves 


Good mental math 

Good at memorising important things as well as useless facts

Inventing/Coming up with ideas (though almost never carries out a project. While good at science, Einstein is terrible at engineering)


Reading random articles on Wikipedia

Reading biographies about important science and historical figures

Mixing chemicals and preforming harmless (mostly) experiments


Daniel and his parents were relatively happy in the small town of Ridens Cadavar until his mother was killed by a person claimed to be diagnosed with the "Curse of the Lilac Night" (though Daniel doubted that was a real disease. Who names a disease after what sounds like a romance/horror novel?) Her father began to neglect her in his distress and at the age of 11 was abandoned all together, left to fend on her own.

When he was 13 Daniel wandered too far into the woods, getting lost in thought on how to make his way back he fell into a lake (more of a pond really) and began to drown, losing concience quickly. When he awoke next to the lake sometime later she concluded that she must have pulled herself to shore before she could drown. Exciting the woods quickly she paid no mind to the rather strange encounter and went on as usual, although now he had a bit of a hard time remembering what he did after the sun went down. It was probably nothing important right?

Theme Song:

Idk what's a good song for a sarcastic friendless little shit?

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"Make sure to keep your breath around me, because if you lose it. You won't get it back."

Name: Leon Arberith

Nickname/Alias/Title:  Breath taker, or Gasp

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: straight

Crush/Lover: none

Occupation: Bus driver ( formerly in the army)

Native of Riden's Cadavar?:


Birth Date:   February 13 1994

(The date when this takes place is September 13, 2017, as a reference for accuracy with the year and stuff.)

Blood Type: O-

Blood Color: black

Physical Appearance:127676289c442e768daa0de758722354.jpg

Height: 5'10

Weight: 160 lbs

Tattoos/Scars/Distinguishable Marks: he has several scars from his time in the army. Although the only visible scar is a slash mark across his throat. He covers the majority of his body to hide the rest

Cause of Death/Power: suffocation, lack of air. Not strangling, not choking. Simply suffocation.

How It Happens: 

Leon's ability works in two ways, the first being a barrier around him. It's 10ft around him, and once someone enter it the breath is sucked from their lungs almost immediately. As if by some kind of vacuum. This ability can be turned on, and off at his will, the other way he can use his powers is more up close, and personal. It involves him touching his victim, and sucking the air out that way. It's much more effective, being as he can hold them keeping them from escaping. While they could walk out of his barrier if they figured out where he boundary for it was. After the last ounce of life has drained from his victim then his mark can be found on their neck, or back over where their lungs would be.

Symbol Left on the Victims:

images (4).png

Kill Count: 10

Men - 5

Women - 4

Children - 0

Animals - 1

(These are only the victims from the curse, he has killed many more people during his time in the army)


He's quiet, and liked to keep to himself. He doesn't dislike people,  he just rather not have someone die because they were to close to him. He's completely aware of how dangerous he is, as well as how dangerous the others are. He's respectful, and tidy not liking to make a mess. Its pretty hard to make him angry, but setting him off is another story.

The tiniest thing can set him off, being as he has PTSD. This is post traumatic stress disorder, and more or less causes him to have flash backs of his less pleasant times in the war. So sudden loud noises, flashes of light, or sneaking on him are just a few things that can set him off. He cares deeply for human life, and has heavy guilt about those he's killed. 

Likes: His space

Peace, and quiet 

A good nights sleep

Days when he isn't reminded of his past.


Dislikes: loud noises

Flashes of light

Unnecessary violence 

Being told what to do

Being rushed


He has military training, so he's fairly good in hand to hand combat.

He also has slight medical knowledge, although not enough to do any good for someone in a critical state.

He has training with fire arms, explosives, and he even has slight negotiation skills. Not that they ever seemed to come in handy.



Guns (shooting them, reading about them all that)

Doing the crossword puzzles, and solving puzzles in general 

Backstory: When he was young his family was poor. So he was often left out of the loop when it came to things. His clothes we're all hand me downs from his older brother. He was lucky he got to eat some days, and spent most of his time running about with what friends he had. Eventually he turned 18, and decided to join the army. After most of his friends had gotten arrested, which wasn't a surprise since they where all some kind of bad. He spent his time in the army, although the place he was stationed at wasn't the best. Eventually he was injured severally after an attack. He was lucky enough to survive, although most of his comrade's weren't.

After that he was sent home honorable discharge they called it. He was to injured to do much, he got checks but it wasn't much to to live on. Luckily he got a job as a bus driver, the public kind, not the school bus. It was peaceful work, and it helped. It wasn't long before he made friends through people his parents knew. They were doing much better now, his dad has slipped in some big business building. Sued them for all he could get, and he offered to help Leon out. Said he wanted to make up for his crappy upbringing. Leon denied, saying it wasn't his fault times where hard. Leon told him he wanted to try, and make it on his own. His father simply nodded, saying if he ever needed the money he knew where to go.

Not long after that Leon began to feel strange. He wasn't sure what it was, but something seemed off. He ignored it though thinking he was simply sick. That was a mistake, because during a party some of his friends were throwing it happened. He blacked out, and when he came to all his friends where dead. Four couples, and one single man, also their dog. He was shocked, and not sure what to think. Eventually the police came, and everything was explained to him. He had so much on his mind he never thought  that he could be infected. Not long after that he was taken to some place for his kind. People who were like him, so now he's got his peace, and quiet. Hell he kind of enjoys it to be honest. No need to worry about paying bills, or where the next meals coming from.

Theme Song:

Other/Trivia: He has a knife with the name of a female comrade on it. Possibly someone he had feelings for who didn't make it back from the war.
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"Dark Child-speak to me

Like the demons in the night.

Guide me to through the skies

And drive away the fright."


Ryder L. Silvanus


Luzo, The Dark Child








None yet...


11th grade Student

Native of Riden's Cadavar?:


Birth Date:

January 8th, 2000 // Gemini

Blood Type:


Blood Color:

Light grey, white luminescence

Physical Appearance:





138 lb.

Tattoos/Scars/Distinguishable Marks:


Cause of Death/Power:


How It Happens:

Ryder's ability allows him to protrude a number of razor sharp spikes out of any surface or sharpen the edge of any object he touches. For him to use his ability effectively Ryder must come in physical contact with the terrain/object then transfer his power through the ground in a electrical circuit-like motion. These spikes can then be extracted from the ground in intricate patterns to act as minefields or a branch close to each other in a defensive barrier. Ryder can manipulate the surround land within a 30 meter radius of himself and if one were to attempt to dodge the spikes they should feel for the where the ground trembles around them. Every two slight tremors means the third tremor with result in a fast moving upward spike. If one were to succumb to Ryder's spikes then this symbol would appear on their forearm, neck or lower abdomen.     

Symbol Left on the Victims:

Gemini Symbol.jpg

Kill Count:

Men - 2

Women - 1 

Children - 8

Animals - 4


Ryder possess a split persona depending on his situation between Good or Bad, one of them being the Charismatic, innocent, but a maniacal and evasive speaker most know as Ryder. While the other is a brutal, fearless, "executor" known as Luzo. 

Ryder is a very youthful individual who, at one moment, can come off as an excitable, playful, child-like teen who puts others before himself. But as one may begins to grow onto him they will find that he often speaks around the truth not to spare the feelings of others, but to hide one's own secrets or just to toy with his them. He doesn't enjoy confrontation as much as his alternative side, but he never backs down without giving it his best shot. Ryder is also a well versed actor and uses and displays his talents often to achieve his goals or save his own. He is approachable at first glance, but isn't one you would want to leave your precious keepsake or prized possession alone with, particularly necklaces. 

Now as for Ryder's alter, he is a vile, cynical and cold-hearted, inhuman being who feeds on the despair of others. Luzo is an analytical and even more evasive ego with darkened eyes, a villainous smile on his palate and a low serious tone, Luzo takes to a new level in antagonism by corrupting and using the young boy's vessel to make the life of those too close a living hell and leaving the clueless Ryder to attempt to see another day. Luzo spares no one and seemingly never thinks about what he will do next. However his actions are very limited because he is a piece of the shattered glass that makes Ryder's psyche, and if something happened to Ryder, Luzo would suffer equally. So because of this Luzo only reveals himself when his CLN powers return.   

(More will be added, but this is the basics)






+Puppets, referring to weak minded humans



-Being lied to

-Feeling left out

-Being out of control


Talented Actor

Unwavering skill in speech


Collecting Necklaces and charms 

"Haunting" abandoned areas

Writing and Telling Stories


Will Be Added Soon~!

Theme Song:

View attachment Nightcore - I'm Insane.mp4

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Adamaris Adora Zaina

The Golden Princess || Phoenix || Sol

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Crush/Lover: TBD

Occupation: Student

Native of Riden's Cadavar?: Yes

Birth Date: December 31, 1999

Blood Type:


Blood Color:

Bright Yellow-Orange

Height: 5'4

Weight: 45kg

Tattoos/Scars/Distinguishable Marks:

Small mole underneath her left eye


Cause of Death/Power:

Burnt to death / fire

How It Happens:

Adora's curse allows her to produce fire out of thin air. She can form fireballs on the palm of her hands and control fire in general. Her victims (more like, their fallen bodies) which were burnt into crisps, returns to normal when the day comes but their hearts turns into literal ashes. Adora's symbol would often appear on the skin of her victim's chests.

Symbol Left on the Victims:


Kill Count:

Men - 3

Women - 2

Children - 1

Animals - 12


Friendly, caring kind, humble, innocent and perhaps a bit playful. She's quite well-known around the small town, perhaps all sixty villagers have heard of her. She's also known to be quite helpful, often lending a hand to those who are in need, whether it be a grandma crossing the street or a baby bird which fell from it's nest. Adora is childish most of the times so she rarely take things seriously. She's the type who'd prefer to stick to safe yet false lies than to face the harsh truth. She can be called a coward. Adora can also tend to be quite self-absorb.

When the night strikes, a great change occurs on her personality. Her innocence, her kindness, her friendliness, and her beloved characteristics are gone. She turns hot-headed, rude and she basically gets annoyed/angered by small things. She also turns flirty and manipulative.



-Cute things





-people hating her

-getting ignored




-Playing instruments




-Playing the piano and guitar


Born in a wealthy family on the small village, she was quite the daughter her parents hoped for. Her parents were happy to have her and they couldn't ask for a better daughter. Even though they aren't always around for Adora, she coped with it and never hated them for it. After all, she was never lonely for she has friends.

Yet one day, she suddenly woke up with both the palm of her hands burning hot, she found her nanny lying down the stairs. Her nanny wasn't moving, she tried to shook her shoulders yet nothing happened. The other workers on their mansion noticed the screaming and crying girl, they quickly called an ambulance. That night, her parents came home and she overheard them talking with the lead police handling the mysterious case. She overheard about "a strange mark on the woman's chest and her heart turned into ashes". She might have regained her smile ever since but the memory of what happens still haunt her up to this day, especially after all the things she hears about dead people with the same strange mark on their chests.

Theme Song:


Julius Lucian Blanche - FRIEND

Leon Arberith - FRIEND
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Lucy Deluca

Luce, Luca - These are variations of her name, basically

21 years old



Julius Cesar Blanche (@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit) - Lucy is quite smitten with her childhood friend, Julius, though she won't dare do anything to show it, for fear that he doesn't return her feelings. She's a bit too afraid to ruin their friendship to admit it.

Freelance photographer

Native of Riden's Cadavar?

Birth Date
October 19th, 1995 | Libra

Blood Type

Blood Color
Electric blue

Physical Appearance


106 lbs

Tattoos/Scars/Distinguishable Marks

Cause of Death/Power
Struck by lightning (electricity)

How It Happens
Lucy's ability boils down to something rather simple; electricity... The curse allows her to bend electricity to her will.

However, for the most part, Lucy's kills are quite simple; she begins to spark up when she decides on her victim and prepares to kill. She will follow them and try to lure them into some sort of deserted alleyway while charging up her abilities, though she isn't exactly picky of where she'll kill if she can't successfully lure her victim anywhere.

Once her electricity is charged enough, Lucy will either do one of two things; she will either point her finger at the target and allow the electricity to shoot out of her fingertips (which provides a much less painful kill, since she'd usually go for the head or heart when she does that, which quickly interrupts body signals and kills them before they know what happened) or walk up and brush (or press) against them. With that method, there are more contact points, so it is a much more painful death.

Usually, her mark will appear over their heart or on their forehead, depending on where she hit them. If she used the second method, it appears over where their heart would be. It glows eerily until morning, and, while the body shows no signs of being electrocuted, it will suddenly become a conductor of electricity or give a harmless (but painful) shock to whoever touches the body first after death.

Afterwards, she must wait half an hour to recharge, unless there is a thunderstorm. When it's storming, her powers are stronger and take fifteen minutes to recharge, rather than the normal thirty, because of the electricity in the air.

Symbol Left on the Victims

Kill Count
Men - 11
Women - 11
Children - 13
Animals - 2

Normally, Lucy is hopelessly optimistic, social, and able to see the beauty in everything. She is very, very idealistic and always sees the silver lining, no matter how dire a situation it is. Furthermore, she is also very passionate, especially about photography, and can and will go on about her passions for all eternity if someone starts her on the topic. She desperately wants to show the world that there's beauty in everything through her photos, to make the world seem a little brighter if that's at all possible through such a simple thing.

On the other hand, however, Lucy is also independent to a fault, highly emotional, and can't stand the thought of hurting others. Honestly, despite how hard she tries to keep the curse out of mind and avoid letting it hold her back, the fact that she's a murderer by night is eating her up and making it extremely hard for her to keep up her usual 'everything has a silver lining' mantra... But, she hides it, along with any other negative emotion she has, as to avoid bringing others down. After all, she doesn't want to make others anymore upset, as she realizes others are probably upset about that as well... Not to mention the fact she'd hate to have someone else try to help her with it, as she likes to think herself completely self-sufficient and able to deal with even the traumatic things on her own, being so independent.

However, it's especially difficult for her to push that guilt aside, since she is a very, very, very sensitive person and cries quite easily, especially with her empathetic nature... And, because of that and her want to make the world brighter with her photos, she absolutely despises her curse.

A final thing to mention is that she reacts very, very badly to others trying to comfort her or help her, as she believes that a) she is the one that helps others, not the other way around, and b) she doesn't need the help whatsoever. She values her independence greatly, and, unless she's especially in ruins or you're extremely close to her, she will snap at you and get very, very angry.

However, by night, when her curse takes over... Lucy changes completely. Instead of her usual, sunny self, Lucy becomes an explosive, unpredictable force charged with the power of lightning, a terrifying thing indeed. She becomes extremely sadistic and explosive at night as well, her usual nature seeming to vanish almost completely, though she doesn't remember what happens... But, nonetheless, she knows that nighttime is bad for her, and usually will isolate herself when the sun begins to set, as well as attempting to confine herself so she can't hurt anyone.

Despite this, she wouldn't ever badly injure her friends, having no desire to, despite how sadistic her possessed self is... That isn't to say, however, that they're completely safe.

~Finding the perfect shot

~Being late
~Being unable to cheer someone up
~Extreme pessimists
~Her curse
~Missing deadlines
~Negative emotions
~Others trying to comfort or help her
~Spending too much time trying to take one photo

~Flute - She played flute in high school, and still remembers how to play somewhat
~Photography - Obviously, she's very good at her passion.
~Seeing the beauty in everything - This is from her optimism, really.
~Singing - Lucy is actually quite a good singer, and very much enjoys soothing or upbeat songs

~Photography, mostly. That's where most of her energy goes, especially since she enjoys it so much.

Theme Song

~When Lucy is in a good mood, she will usually hum to herself.

~When excited, Lucy absolutely cannot sit completely still. She'll either LITERALLY be bouncing where she sits or fiddling with something (usually her hair or camera).

~Lucy constantly has her camera with her, and will suddenly drop everything and take it out when she sees a good shot. She hyper focuses on getting the photo until she deems the shot she took perfect, which can take anywhere from five minutes to three hours, depending on the day and how hard of a shot it is to get. Until she gets the shot, good luck communicating with her at all, as it's very, very, very hard to snap her out of the almost trance-like state she enters when focused.

~Lucy is often absorbed by her photography, to the point where time seems to... Melt away and become meaningless. When this happens, she doesn't notice how much time has passed, until she looks at a clock afterward and realizes 'oh crap, I had a meeting two hours ago'. Because of this, she is rarely ever timely... Especially since she doesn't keep any way to tell the time on her, though she has had her eye on a pocket watch for quite some time.

~After their first interaction, Lucy is flatly terrified of Leon and will try to avoid him at all costs. If she can't avoid him, she'll usually be partially hiding behind Julius and speaking as little as possible.

~There are times her optimism gets drained completely by her guilt for the nightly kills, and she breaks down. The only one who could possibly get away with even attempting to comfort her in those moments is Julius.

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"Babe, life's toooooo short to be so up yourself, let me remove your head from your ass so you can see the sun shine,"

Name: Morgan Dove 

Nickname/Alias/Title: Dove, Angel, Mo.

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual - but always loves to tease women.

Crush/Lover: Many, little, never know.

Occupation: Works down the beach as a life guard under her father.

Native of Riden's Cadavar?: No
Hometown: from Sevrilla(made up) A town by the sea.

Birth Date: 29/11 -  29/Nov 1995

Blood Type: O-

Blood Color: white

Physical Appearance:

Height: 5 ft 7

Weight: 9 st 3

Tattoos/Scars/Distinguishable Marks: Tattoo that her father let her get of a manta ray on her ankle when she was 17.


Sleeve of marine life and cool flowers up her right arm

Cause of Death/Power: She moved to the neighbourhood and pretty much first week there got drunk at a party thrown by someone around the corner. She was leaning forward getting more ice, pissed, when two boys came out practically eating each others face off and accidentally fell into her, she went straight in and smashed her head. Then froze to death.

How It Happens: Her skin is practically bluey-purple, due to the coldness of the ice. She freezes things she chooses to touch and can even create frozen structures out of thin air, whether that be a sword to hold, sharp claws on her hands, or a tiara to make her feel god damn pretty. She more often than not, freezes her hands into claws and slashes their necks, or occasionally she'll freeze them to death by simply, lowering down the heat?

The victim can die between minutes to a couple of hours, depending on if she wants to kill them slowly or not.

Symbol Left on the Victims:

Kill Count: 3 - the boys who raped a girl at the party she found out about after she died.

Men -
Women -
Children - 3
Animals -

Morgan is a very flirtatious person, full of confidence and is very down to Earth. She appreciates everything she receives and is very communicable despite her sultry looks, depending on the situation and whoever she is talking to. At the first meeting she can seem very intimidating but that's just how she is! Her father taught her to be strong and after truly learning how to be a lifeguard that's all she is!
Morgan is generally sweet when you pass her rude and cruel front though and very mature for her age.

In her spare time you'll see her running, swimming or painting and sketching. She's always on the move and is full of energy (mischievous energy or not) but she eats like a horse and drinks like an elephant and is absolutely free in every part of her life. She's vibrant and seen as the 'cool' kid (well...was) and is always on the look out for some juicy boys to gobble up.

Can't blame a girl for having fun can you?

Besides at 21 she's looking better than ever.


At night, she generally becomes more intimidating and sultry, she practically sways her hips for her victims like a snake, before the kill. Morgan is straightforward more or less and keeps her lids low and lips pouted, she's practically irresistible and conniving but just as rude.
-keeping healthy
-dark chocolate

-people who don't take risks
-boring people
-sitting still, she likes to be quick about things
-being tied down: mentally or physically.

-a very good surfer and swimmer
-high stamina so she lasts long during physical activites.

-anything keeping her fit

Her mother died during child birth so it was just her and her father. She grew up relatively quickly than those around her and was practically running and swimming before nursery. Her father was one of the leading lifeguards down the beach and so she followed in his footsteps, he taught her to surf and they were well known amongst the sport community.
At school Morgan took up art, she loved painting, especially with her fingers and did that as a side hobby, mostly during winter or when she was off work.
Morgan at 21, moved away from home to go see her grandma which her father insisted she saw, heading to the place her mother lived as a child, she stayed with her grandma.

Then it all happened...

Theme Song:

Nightcore - Wonderland


Owns a motorcycle.
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" There are three deaths. The first is when the body ceases to function. The second is when the body is consigned to the grave. The third is that moment, sometime in the future, when your name is spoken for the last time "



Arlen Maren Hearthe



Red Mist | Smokey Eyes | Intoxication












Morgan Dove [Crush]

Adamaris Adora Zaina [Crush}





Native of Riden's Cadavar




Chicago, Il


Birth Date



Blood Type



Blood Color

Neon Red


Physical Appearance







220 lbs


Tattoos/Scars/Distinguishable Marks

The words for Create in Japanese



Cause of Death/Power

He died in the engine room of a ship. He had been travelling back to America when the ship had trouble and he went to the engine room to see if he could help. The engines exploded killing him and the rest of the passengers aboard. The last memory he has before waking up with CLN on the coast is the smell and taste of smoke from the engine. His Adaptation of CLN during the night makes his body smoke. a Thick red fog escapes from his skin and kills upon breathing it. He only has slight control of where the fog goes or who it kills. The narcotics the facility uses just seems to make the fog thinner and despite easier. It dissipates about an inch off his skin leaving him with only a red shimmer about his body during the night. The smoke is also non lethal while in the facility.


Symbol Left on the Victims

The victims of his smoke are left severely de-hydrated and/or with glowing Red eyes from massive blood vessel damage in their eyes. Upon having an autopsy a series of red marks are burned into their lungs.



Kill Count

Men - 4

Women -  0

Children -  0

Animals - 9



Arlen has the personality type ESTP but to explain it in short he's everyone's friend. He can read and adapt like an animal in any environment. His people skills are masterful and precise. Often reading people like an open book. He enjoys being the center of attention whenever he walks into the room and often doesn't stay in one place too long. In high school he was the 'Everything guy' He was just enough Nerdy, Jock, And everything in between to make more friends then enemy's. That's not to say he's the kind of guy to give you the shirt off his back. he lets you like him because people should always keep their friends close and enemy's closer. Remember he's everyone's best pal.   



Intellectual conversation

People confiding in him

Complete submission, not just sexual but on an emotional level.



Opening up

People who argue terribly or are too stubborn to be used.

Societies ideals



Arlen is rather good with computers due to his fathers job as a network engineer in America. He is also fluent in both English and the Japanese language. though with Japanese he often gets different dialects and pitches confused.



Arlen picked up the hobby of working out in America in middle school it was required to lift weights. He's become a regular gym go-er for several years now.



Arlen grew up in Chicago but upon graduating high school his dad offered to take him to japan for a few years to learn the culture and work with him on a network contract he signed onto recently. Arlen happily accepted the offer and spent two year studying and working in japan, he had been visiting different villages when he gained the CLN. As you've read the ships engines malfunctioned and he awoke on the coast. Police arrested him after connecting him with some recent murders. He didn't kill anyone on purpose as far as he knew and is pleading innocent even after proof was provided he had killed the people. He is currently being forced to say at the facility waiting for the opportunity to escape and go back to his family in America. Arlen is unsure what the Japanese government has told his family to pacify them for now but he hopes desperately someone comes looking for him.


Theme Song



"Life is beautiful, and I paint it for that very reason"


Linda Mitchell


Lili / The Red Painter










Freelance Artist

Native of Riden's Cadavar?:




Birth Date:

17/03/1998 - 17th March 1998

Blood Type:


Blood Color:

Forest Green

Physical Appearance:






Tattoos/Scars/Distinguishable Marks:

She has a prosthetic right leg

Cause of Death/Power:

Blood loss from severed leg / Blood manipulation

How It Happens:

Lili can force blood to come to her, somewhat like how a magnet attracts metal. She chooses who she wants to take the blood from and, if they have a cut, she can make their blood flow towards her hand where it forms into a small sphere. She can choose how quickly the blood comes towards her by strengthening or weakening her 'magnet'. If she strengthens the magnet enough then the blood will start ripping the skin some more because of all of the force, but that's only if the cut is something small like a paper cut. At full force the blood breaks the skin on its own and immediately goes towards the magnet, but Lili cannot do this anymore because of the facility weakening her powers. More often than not Lili attacks her victim with a knife of some kind and uses her power from there.

With the blood she collects she can mold it to her will without it ever getting onto her. She can do whatever she likes with the blood but once it turns back into morning all of the blood returns back to her victim, making it appear like nothing had happened apart from the fact that the victim is dead. The only sign that shows that she had killed them is both the symbol that appears wherever the blood had been taken from as well as the body having pale skin.

Symbol Left on the Victims:


Kill Count:

Men - 3

Women - 0 

Children - 2

Animals - 1


Lili is quiet, whether it be around people or on her own. She rarely pipes up unless she feels that there is something that someone needs to know of or she wants to contribute to a conversation. It isn't so much that Lili is shy or awkward around others, but it's more that she is more worried about her own problems than others. When Lili does talk with others she is relaxed but serious while talking and rarely insults others, even if she dislikes them. She is often in the studio or in her room and creating real life paintings on canvases to waste away the time while improving her skills. If Lili wasn't in the facility she would sell them or add them to her portfolio to show to possible companies she could work with for a project, but as she is stuck inside the facility with no way of contacting people outside of the facility she usually just stashes them away and let them collect dust. 

It's easy to see Lili as boring or dull because she rarely understands jokes or sarcasm when she hears them. She is also rather secretive about her personal life and her own art, which is unlike how she is at night once she becomes possessed. When night comes Lili isn't afraid to show her art skills off, and she usually does it in a rather gruesome way of painting with blood. At night she doesn't see anything wrong with it and will in fact strive to do it, going as far as to cut herself to use her own blood to paint with. It's at this time she becomes the Red Painter, and she will make sure that she lives up to that title every night. Lili turns into something quite like a thief at night, prowling around the facility to find something she remotely likes to take back to her room. She also becomes a lot more expressive and emotional over little things, becoming quite like a drama queen. In the end Lili forgets about this once morning comes around again.


. Art

. Cats

. Tea

. Birds

. The colour black


. Her missing leg

. The facility

. Dogs

. Joking around

. Aggression, even if it's used jokingly


. Painting

. Baking

. Keeping level-headed (in the morning at least)

. Keeping quiet

. Ballet dancing


. Painting

. Bird watching

. Baking




Lili is extremely sensitive about her missing leg and although she wouldn't show it in the morning at night she will obviously be upset

She becomes irritable whenever she is busy with something. especially when painting or bird watching

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