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Fantasy Curse of the Lilac Night (Main IC, CLOSED TO NEW MEMBERS)

Heart still beating faster than usually (scientists arnt meant to have feelings damn it) Daniel took a deep breath before composing him.

"S-sorry about me freaking out uh, not really used to human contact. Besides I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions anyway. I mean we just met and you don't look like you would try to take advantage of anybody like that it's just that sometimes my brain doesn't have a filter like when I'm scared or nervous which is probably why I can't seem to shut up right now which I probably should but I can't so uhh." He passed for a moment to take a breath before continuing to ramble.

"But yeah um you wanted to know my name? Daniel, that's what my name is. Though a lot of people call me Einstein if you wanna call me that instead. Really I don't care what anyone calls me as long as they don't talk down to me while doing it. Names are just a way to identify a certain member of a species after all, their a collection of sounds that are used to identify someone. But you probably don't care about any of this so I'll shut up now." The blush seemed to have faded by the time he was done rambling, though he still kept his distance from Ryder.

@Cloud Nagasake
@Destructus Kloud @Mika9889 @Luckz @ThatDove  @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit

Leon was ready to slice the woman's throat had she given the wrong answer. The blade in his hand gave him an almost nostiligic feeling. Like he was back at war, although the flashbacks didn't help that. He didnt like the feeling, it scared him, made him paranoid, and likely to hurt someone. But as he waited for the girls answer, he received a smack to the head. His expression turned even fiercer, just as Adora had said. He sometimes looked frighteningly similar to a lion.

He turned towards the new threat, his the blade of his knife still against Lucy's throat. Leon didn't respond, he only started at Julius, with a blood thirsty look in his eyes. He didn't know what the guy was talking about, but he was very tempted to stab him."Newspaper article? You're calling me a dimwit, yet you believe you'll ever get out of here. Even if you did write an article, who would read it? Who would care, we're all cursed, our lives are already ruined. But that doesn't mean I have to stand around waiting for one of you treacherous bastards to kill me." Leon was still very paranoid about those around him being some form of spy, from some enemy government. But he was coherent enough to reply in a way that wasn't utter gibberish.

Leon was more certain lf the boy with the notebook, and the girl with the camera. Being spies than ever, and was prepared to remove them from the equation. Until he felt a small, soft, warm hand  wrap itself around his own. He inhaled, calming down, and attempting to calm himself. He pulled his knife from Lucy's throat, and was about to put it up, although he still glared at the woman. Until he was slammed into by someone, he was confused, and quickly reacted. Grabbing his assualter by whatever clothes he could. They went rolling through the bushes, luckily Leon has released both Lucy, and Adora, so they weren't also dragged along.  Eventually they had split up, but as soon as they had parted, the guy leapt back on Leon. It took a moment for Leon to regain his senses, but when he did his grip tightened on the knife. The guy was trying to take his knife, this was a big mistake. One that he'd probably come to regret, as Leon grabbed the man, cocked back his head, and slammed it into the guys nose hard. Afterwords he would push him off and stand up, holding his knife parralal to the ground. Ready to continue the fight if his assualter continued.
@Solemn Jester @ThatDove @Destructus Kloud @Mika9889

  The man shook as the assaulter spoke to him in such a way that he assumed that he was the stupid one; Julius clenched his fists at mention of what he said, and was about to heatedly correct him when Adora rushed over to the weird army guy, telling the reporter that this must be a mistake. Well, clearly he had just attacked Lucy without warning! So no, this obviously was a direct threat towards Lucy! Why Lucy? He had no fucking clue!

  He planned to just find a way to knock the attacker out so that he could grab Lucy and run, but fortunately another person intervened by tackling the attacker. Julius immediately rushed forward to Lucy, hugging her tightly. Checking for injuries. Silently hoping that she hadn't been scarred for life by that....that....that creep! He looked back at Adora, hugging Lucy closer to his chest. "He just threatened her with a knife," Julius almost shouted, the anger clear in his voice. "....I think that should say enough to you about what just happened. Come on, Luce. I think that we should start unpacking."  

  Without another word, he yanked Lucy away from the scene and the fight, and into the safety of the building. He kept running with her until they reached a random bedroom. Slamming and locking the door behind him, he let go of Lucy, then looked around the room. Okay, who the hell had decorated this place?! Scrunching up his nose, Julius grabbed the bed and tugged it to the opposite side, so it was right next to the window. The dresser didn't belong by the door. What was a desk doing so close to the window? And why did the walls have to be such a terrible shade of purple? Wrinkling his nose again, Julius sat on the bed, attempting to write a grocery list for this afternoon, when he'd be going shopping for decor. After all, unlike that dumbass, he knew how to read, and what he'd read was that he was allowed to "continue his day-to-day activities as long as he was back by nightfall", which he guaranteed he would be able to do. He looked back over to Lucy, hoping he hadn't ripped her arm off while running away, then once again hugged her. 

  "That guy was a jerk," he mumbled. ".....I'll make sure he doesn't touch you like that ever again, okay?"
If Adora was some sort of twisted person or something, she could have laugh at how it was only mere moments that Leon and her were celebrating their fateful coincidence and now, in just a matter of minutes, everything seemed like it was on fire! She thought Leon's sudden rampage was finished when he felt the warmth of her hands yet another man jumped out of nowhere and tackled Leon. Fortunately, Leon put the girl down just before the new guy jumped in the fight. Of course as if things couldn't have been more wrong, Julius turned towards her and angrily shouted at her. Adora flinched at the sudden tone of her friend, she was used to getting ignored by him but he getting angry at her was a different matter. She just wanted to stop the fight and now... 

She stared at the retreating backs of Julius and the photographer girl, she held back tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. People may say she's quite a softie and is very sensitive and emotional when it comes to, well, basically everything! She clenched her fists as she returned her attention to the rolling duo who was headed towards the bushes. She hurried after them, concern, confusion and other emotions were painted on her face.

"Please, stop!" she pleaded as she watched the two try to yank the knife out of each other's hands. She felt so stressed out by everything, it seemed like life in this strange facility for the cursed ones would be very different from the life of flowers and perfumes she have always had ever since she was just an infant. Heck, the fact that she's cursed itself is stressful! No wonder she completely lost it when she watched Leon smash his head on the other guy's face, she was pretty sure that the other's nose got squashed like a bug. Adora let out an audible gasp before she lost control of herself and she watched as the world went black. Her small unconscious body hit the soft green grass while the two men fought.

@Destructus Kloud @Solemn Jester @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit

Kypher Hawthorne

(Excessive Profanity Warning)


"God-fucking-dammit! Argghhh! Fuck you, so much!" Kypher had fallen back as soon as he was headbutted in the face, lying on the ground and clutching his face, clearly in pain, "My freaking nose, dude! Why? Who even headbutts?! Fuck!" Squirming on the ground, he sat up and pinched his nose to stop the bleeding and immediately regretted it. It was pretty mashed up, "You must have a forehead of steel man, goddamn." It was then that he noticed the two he had just saved run away from the scene quickly and he quite rightly yelled after them with indignation, "Yeah, your welcome by the way! Feel free to help me with this!" Sighing, he shook his head looked over at the army guy, who still seemed to be in the fighting mood, "What? You want to keep going? Breaking my face wasn't enough for you? Fuck you, man. Just- fuck off." Standing up, he pulled his sleeve over his hand and used it to squeeze is smashed nose so that it somewhat stopped the flow of blood, much to his own discomfort. Glancing down at the now unconscious girl, he looked at the army guy with indifference, "I'm not sure if I should really trust you with her, but I gave my maximum amount of fucks for today. So you can deal with this." Kypher then strode off inside to look for some tissues, "I am gonna find me something to staunch this mess of a nose job..." And with that he disappeared inside the building as well.

@Solemn Jester @ThatDove (No more fight, you guys can do your thing now. :3)
Morgan made a pouty face and accompanied it with an: "Awww looks likes the party is over, who doesn't love a little bit of drama on the first day?" She spoke to herself and then watched the nose-smashed man head inside, clutching at his face and muttering words.  Dove gave a small chuckle and instead lulled her head around to really admire the view of her brand new living arrangements. It's actually really pretty here...She thought to herself, smiling inwardly but her outside face just as resting and bitchy as ever. True Morgan was rather intimidating at the first meeting but when you knew her she was fiercely protective and enjoyed helping out others. Nan called it her communicable side, "there's a light in everyone!" She'd sing song throughout her house.

Morgan stared at the rest if the group with hooded eyes and studied their facial features, admiring some, mentally judging others, before moving to the man and the aesexual. Cute. He seemed very innocent but the one who made a move, was covering up a mortified face which made the edges of her mouth curl upwards in a pretty smile; dazing her out of her staring feast, her phone buzzed and she looked at the screen.

Nan: Left your bike with men from the facility, it's being locked up for when you use it during the day time, I called for a taxi.

M: A'ight, ty nanny x

Morgan typed quickly before watching the girl fall, if it wasn't for the grass no doubt that would've been a nasty fall. "There's no point in helping as there's already a lively amount of people around her already," she murmured before picking herself up and turning on her heel, heading inside to find the boy with the broken nose...it wasn't hard, follow the red blood road. Dove chuckled to herself at this.

"Uh oh mister, better get that sorted before you stain this place red, I for one am not too keen waking up to the stench of blood every day, ok?" Morgan said with a chuckle in her voice, true it was sarcastic but it wasn't so bad, for all she knew he had actually tried to do something to help and deal with the situation, his first impression already had him in her good books. "Besides, I'll see you around Hero, the name's Morgan," she leant against the wall and lazily saluted, her eyes inviting, before turning her head around and her body with it, heading through the hall with a sway in her hips and a confident hair flip. She left the bloodied boy behind. Morgan wasn't going to make herself overly known and friendly so quickly and besides, she had better things to do than deal with a broken nose, he could clearly handle it? Right? Anyway, if he wanted to talk to her further, she wasn't stopping the boy from following her, pfft, like she could in this place.

@Destructus Kloud

Kypher Hawthorne


Of course he hadn't meant to get blood on the floor. Neither had he meant to get his nose broken. It was that damn army dude's fault, him and his crazy fucked up head. Kypher definitely had one rule he stuck by: don't mess with crazy and good god was that guy a mess. Finding some tissues, Kypher stuck them up his malformed nose and sighed a strained sigh. It wasn't so bad. When it turned night he could reset and then the pain and the deformation would go away, but that was quite a while away still. Still deep in his thoughts, he was distracted momentarily as some hot piece of ass a girl he hadn't seen before walked in with clear swagger. He could almost feel the confidence radiating off of her, not to mention the beauty. She clearly was a winner in most guys' books, unless you swung the other way, which Kypher  didn't. Raising an eyebrow in mild surprise at her introduction, he nearly chuckled before wincing as the pain flared again. Sweeping a hand through his hair, he grinned ruefully at the hot girl, "Yeah, not everyday you have to stop a crazy army guy from killing someone, but hey, it's cool."

The hair flip, the sway of the hips, her eyes - it was all quite entrancing, mesmerising even. Of course, Kypher had had his fair share of overly suggestive and even manipulative relationships, so he was not so easily swayed into submission like some. Standing, he walked after her as she sauntered away, increasing his pace until the walked side by side, "Hold up now, I haven't told you my name yet either." With as charming of a smile as he could managed with bashed up nose, he stood before Morgan and took a sarcastically graceful grandiose bow, reaching out a hand with that same smile, "Mademoiselle, I am Kypher Hawthorne, at your service." It was an obvious gesture and he clearly wasn't being completely serious, god forbid if he were actually that corny, but it was about as romantic as he got short of bringing a bouquet of roses and a horse and carriage. And that would definitely hurt his budget if he were to do that.

@Luckz (Well, well, well. Hello there, sweet stuff. xD)
Lucy had completely frozen throughout that whole situation with Leon. Her eyes had grown wide as soon as she felt the knife right by her neck, and her mind had completely blanked. She was... Flatly terrified, honestly. She couldn't even form words or thoughts to respond to Leon's demanding question, so she hadn't moved whatsoever nor spoke even a bit. Her limbs wouldn't respond, nor would her mouth, despite the fact she was mentally shouting at herself to move or respond or do something, anything at all. She had hardly even dared to breathe... A few tears threatened to spill down her cheeks, she was that afraid.

But, then, luckily for the frozen woman, the nutcase who was threatening her was tackled... And then Julius was hugging her. She instantly clung to him, whimpering quietly as she tried to keep those fearful tears from sliding down her cheeks. She had never been more relieved than she was when Julius pulled her away from all of that and into the building, safely away from the fight and the nutjob who had freaked out for what seemed to be no reason.

As soon as Julius had shut and locked the door to the bedroom he had chosen, Lucy let out a shaky breath. For a few minutes, she silently watched him rush around, adjusting the room a bit before he began to write what she assumed was a list of items he'd buy later... She had yet to regain her voice and ability to move after being frozen, or she would have said something or helped him.  And then Julius was hugging her again, and she gladly returned the hug, burying her face in the taller man's chest for a minute, though her face flushed as soon as she registered what she was doing... And when she registered the fact that he was so close to her. But, of course, that didn't mean she intended on moving anytime soon. Being in his arms like this made her terror melt away, something that needed to happen before she could even think completely straight... After all, Julius was still her best friend, and the biggest, if not the only source of comfort she would find in this place.

However, when Julius spoke, Lucy did pull back from the hug, though it was just barely enough to allow her to tilt her head up and meet his gaze. "Okay... Thanks..." Her voice was fainter than normal and still shaky with fear as she responded to him, peering up at Julius from her measly height of 5'2". She was still trying to rediscover her voice after that, but she was slowly returning to normal.  "What... Was that even about?" She wasn't exactly asking Julius, but her blue eyes were focused on him. "Seriously... One minute everything was fine and I was just getting that pi--... WAIT! The picture!" Lucy instantly looked around for her camera, forcing herself to smile as she continued to try to regain some of her usual energy. After a minute of searching, though, she finally looked down at herself and noticed it around her neck... And then she facepalmed at herself. "Right, right... Iiiit's around my neck... Duh," She sighed a bit at that moment of stupidity as she grabbed her camera to see if her perfect shot had been completely destroyed by her falling backwards. She hoped not... It would be such a pain to recreate that shot, especially since she had completely forgotten how it looked, not to mention the fact she certainly didn't want to go outside again to try to get the flower back.

Honestly, after that, Lucy had already decided that she was never going anywhere near Leon again, with how he had jumped at her and threatened her with a knife for what seemed to be no reason at all... After all, she doubted she'd live to see another day if that happened again, since he had seemed quite set on killing her if she hadn't responded properly. Which she never would have, since she had completely lost her ability to respond altogether. So, yes, she decided it'd just be better to avoid him altogether. It was just... Safer that way.

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If Adora was some sort of twisted person or something, she could have laugh at how it was only mere moments that Leon and her were celebrating their fateful coincidence and now, in just a matter of minutes, everything seemed like it was on fire! She thought Leon's sudden rampage was finished when he felt the warmth of her hands yet another man jumped out of nowhere and tackled Leon. Fortunately, Leon put the girl down just before the new guy jumped in the fight. Of course as if things couldn't have been more wrong, Julius turned towards her and angrily shouted at her. Adora flinched at the sudden tone of her friend, she was used to getting ignored by him but he getting angry at her was a different matter. She just wanted to stop the fight and now... 

She stared at the retreating backs of Julius and the photographer girl, she held back tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. People may say she's quite a softie and is very sensitive and emotional when it comes to, well, basically everything! She clenched her fists as she returned her attention to the rolling duo who was headed towards the bushes. She hurried after them, concern, confusion and other emotions were painted on her face.

"Please, stop!" she pleaded as she watched the two try to yank the knife out of each other's hands. She felt so stressed out by everything, it seemed like life in this strange facility for the cursed ones would be very different from the life of flowers and perfumes she have always had ever since she was just an infant. Heck, the fact that she's cursed itself is stressful! No wonder she completely lost it when she watched Leon smash his head on the other guy's face, she was pretty sure that the other's nose got squashed like a bug. Adora let out an audible gasp before she lost control of herself and she watched as the world went black. Her small unconscious body hit the soft green grass while the two men fought.

@Destructus Kloud @Solemn Jester @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit

@Destructus Kloud

Kypher Hawthorne

(Excessive Profanity Warning)


"God-fucking-dammit! Argghhh! Fuck you, so much!" Kypher had fallen back as soon as he was headbutted in the face, lying on the ground and clutching his face, clearly in pain, "My freaking nose, dude! Why? Who even headbutts?! Fuck!" Squirming on the ground, he sat up and pinched his nose to stop the bleeding and immediately regretted it. It was pretty mashed up, "You must have a forehead of steel man, goddamn." It was then that he noticed the two he had just saved run away from the scene quickly and he quite rightly yelled after them with indignation, "Yeah, your welcome by the way! Feel free to help me with this!" Sighing, he shook his head looked over at the army guy, who still seemed to be in the fighting mood, "What? You want to keep going? Breaking my face wasn't enough for you? Fuck you, man. Just- fuck off." Standing up, he pulled his sleeve over his hand and used it to squeeze is smashed nose so that it somewhat stopped the flow of blood, much to his own discomfort. Glancing down at the now unconscious girl, he looked at the army guy with indifference, "I'm not sure if I should really trust you with her, but I gave my maximum amount of fucks for today. So you can deal with this." Kypher then strode off inside to look for some tissues, "I am gonna find me something to staunch this mess of a nose job..." And with that he disappeared inside the building as well.

@Solemn Jester @ThatDove (No more fight, you guys can do your thing now. :3)

Leon  glared at his attacker, who was now swearing  excessively. He might have felt proud, or even amused by the man's reaction. Had it not been for his mindset. He was dead inside, and rarely felt much emotion. He had blood on his forehead, he could feel it, warm, and wet, a familiar feeling. He wiped it off, and it smeared more on him. He sighed," that guy just had to be a bleeder." Leon said as he watched the man run off holding his nose.

But before he left he did make Leon aware of Adora. Who was passed out on the grass. He quickly ran to her, and crouched down. He cradled her in his arms, frowning as he calmed down enough to rethink what just happened. He gritted his teeth, and rubbed the back of his neck. Anxiety building up in him, he looked down at Adora, who appeared so graceful, beautiful, and delicate passed out in his arms. At this thought he found himself calming down once again.

He lifted Adora in his arms, and patted her face in an attempt to wake her."Come on, it's far to early to sleep." He pleaded, beginning to make his way towards his room. A place he would feel much more comfortable. He walked down the hallway, with Adora in his arms. Glaring at anyone who passed him suspiciously, showing he was still very paranoid. He entered his room, and shut the door behind him. He placed Adora down on his bed, and looked around his mostly bare room. He had unpacked most of his stuff earlier in the day. Most of his personal items where all put up. It was clear by his room, that Leon wasn't really the stylish trendy kind of guy. He had no posters, or any kind of decoration that showed his own taste. The rooms Feng shui was no better than Julius had been. Although Leon wouldn't know, nor care about this. Leon moved to his bed, and sat next to Adora, then once again attempted to wake her."Come on Adora, wake up already. This isn't how I intend to spend my day." 


Mentioned- @Destructus Kloud 
Morgan chuckled as she watched him follow beside her. True he wasn't looking as good before he tackled the man but she could see it. He had that air around him and she smiled slightly. "Well well well, the mouse wants to play," Dove murmured before he stretched his hands towards her with the lines of mademoiselle and a very sarcastic manner to accompany it. Delightful; he wasn't someone to not take a joke and that made her happy, after all Morgan hated boring people. "Ahhh, how quaint, a Knight In Shining Armour," she placed her hand in his and gave an equally sarcastic curtsey. 

"Say hero, why don't we explore this place together?" Morgan got real close, her hooded eyes just in front of his and the smell of blood was very strong at such distance. She gave a small smile before running a tongue across her coloured lip seductively. Should she bait him this long? Yes. Was it necessary? Of course! 

Morgan pulled back before continuing her walk, watching as a passed out girl and Leon come stumbling through the hallway in his arms. She kept her gaze down, not wanting to frighten the man more and simply waited for them to pass before swaying away. Tension, it was everywhere at this place, couples were forming and the side glances where bountiful. She begun wondering is the walls were sound...stop child. 

"Are you coming hero?" Morgan questioned as she waited for a reply and removed herself from that thought, it wasn't her business hut everyone loved some drama!  Kypher was younger than her, but perhaps she'd find a very valuable ally in this boy of gold. (No pun intendeddd! XD) However for the time being, Morgan wanted to explore, see if there were facilities like a gym, maybe a pool, anything that would keep her moving; maybe even an area for whence she could paint in. Especially as she didn't want to keep going in and out of the house of nan's, it'd give the woman a heart-attack. And no way was Morgan up for losing her shape and she also hadn't seen any administrative staff yet either? Strange...She didn't want much did she!?

@Destructus Kloud (you know it XD)
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She felt like her legs were giving up on her but she needed to run. Run, run, run....as fast and as far as her trembling legs could take her...because if she didn't...

The blonde girl was wearing a dress drenched with red blood, still fresh and it dripped from the hems of her skirt.

The strong and rich smell of smokes were suffocating the poor lass. Adora could also hear the crippling sound of fire burning everything that goes in it's way...but most of all, she could hear the whispers.

She felt scared and hopeless as she let tears stream down her cheeks, her legs couldn't take her anywhere any longer, she dropped on her knees and slowly turned her head to look back..

What she saw was beyond terrifying. Burnt supposed-to-be corpses stared at her, their skin peeling off yet she still caught glimpse of the mark of Sol in their chests as they tried to grab Adora's face...

"You did this, Adora...."

"...did th..iss....Adora..."



"Come on Adora, wake up already. This isn't how I intend to spend my day." 

Adora bolted both her eyes open while she drew deep breathes and started gasping for air. She pressed a hand against her chest and she felt her heart rapidly pumping blood, she also felt the sweat rolling down from her forehead to her cheeks. It took her a moment to realize that everything was just a horrible dream. That it wasn't real. It was simply so horrible that Adora couldn't help but tear up. Even though her tears made her sight blurry, she still recognized the face of the man beside her. She suddenly reached out to him and wrapped her arms around him once again before she buried her face on his chest.

"L-Leo.....I'm n-not......" she started whispering incoherent words as hiccups and sobs prevented her from completing a single sentence. She stayed there for a moment before she pulled herself away and wiped her tears using the back of her hands. When she finally calmed down, she stared at Leon's eyes and bit her lips, "I-I'm sorry, Leo...I just had a bad dream.." she explained without the details. "I-I....what happened?" she asked him as she looked around the unfamiliar room which she assumed was owned by her friend.

@Solemn Jester

Kypher Hawthorne


Kypher grinned again at her response, straightening up and glancing down the hallway, "I heard there was supposed to be some gym stuff somewhere, but I don't know if that's a good place to hang out. That army dude like to do his crunches apparently. Oh, speak of the devil..." He frowned as he saw the crazy army guy and the girl he was carrying, throwing some serious shade at the other male with a glare of daggers. Turning back to his new-found damsel in distress, Kypher became aware of her close proximity to him, the seductive lick of the lips and her cool, cute eyes. He sure was glad he was immortal, because damn was she to die for. Smiling again, he followed the girl as she lead him further into the facility, "Hey, I know what you're thinking: 'He could have been cute if it weren't for his nose.' Well don't you worry. Come nightfall, this mess," He gestured to his face, clearly referring to his nose, "will be long gone. We all have powers right? Well mine lets me get rid of crap like this pretty easy." Kypher smirked, the bleeding and most of the pain in his nose having subsided now. He had tried to bring his nose more or less back into its original position, but it still looked terrible. He'd have to wait for his reset when it turned dark. Glancing about, it seemed the two had come across some kind of cafeteria area. Through a set of double doors, there was a long bar section where food would be dished and a bunch of tables with chairs littered the large open space, accompanied by bins that were dotted about the walls in various placed. Despite the large open room, there was still no one around, no staff or any of the other arrivals seemed to be here. Kypher took it in and huffed, "Didn't realise it was hard to get service around here, not the phone kind, but that too. Doesn't anyone work here?"

She felt like her legs were giving up on her but she needed to run. Run, run, run....as fast and as far as her trembling legs could take her...because if she didn't...

The blonde girl was wearing a dress drenched with red blood, still fresh and it dripped from the hems of her skirt.

The strong and rich smell of smokes were suffocating the poor lass. Adora could also hear the crippling sound of fire burning everything that goes in it's way...but most of all, she could hear the whispers.

She felt scared and hopeless as she let tears stream down her cheeks, her legs couldn't take her anywhere any longer, she dropped on her knees and slowly turned her head to look back..

What she saw was beyond terrifying. Burnt supposed-to-be corpses stared at her, their skin peeling off yet she still caught glimpse of the mark of Sol in their chests as they tried to grab Adora's face...

"You did this, Adora...."

"...did th..iss....Adora..."



"Come on Adora, wake up already. This isn't how I intend to spend my day." 

Adora bolted both her eyes open while she drew deep breathes and started gasping for air. She pressed a hand against her chest and she felt her heart rapidly pumping blood, she also felt the sweat rolling down from her forehead to her cheeks. It took her a moment to realize that everything was just a horrible dream. That it wasn't real. It was simply so horrible that Adora couldn't help but tear up. Even though her tears made her sight blurry, she still recognized the face of the man beside her. She suddenly reached out to him and wrapped her arms around him once again before she buried her face on his chest.

"L-Leo.....I'm n-not......" she started whispering incoherent words as hiccups and sobs prevented her from completing a single sentence. She stayed there for a moment before she pulled herself away and wiped her tears using the back of her hands. When she finally calmed down, she stared at Leon's eyes and bit her lips, "I-I'm sorry, Leo...I just had a bad dream.." she explained without the details. "I-I....what happened?" she asked him as she looked around the unfamiliar room which she assumed was owned by her friend.

@Solemn Jester

Leons heart was pounding heavily, he couldn't help but feel nervous. Here Adora was passed out in his room, and he was worried she wouldn't wake up. That certainly wouldn't look good, but he was more concerned about her. His panic only grew when Adora awoke gasping. Leon was worried that somehow his powers were already active. That he was unknowingly suffocating her. Luckily she quickly recovered, and buried her face in Leons chest. His panic faded, and he wrapped his arms around her small frame. But her crying so closely to him made the whole situation feel so akward.

He nodded at her explanation, and frowned when she asked what happened. He rubbed the back of his neck akwardly."Umm, well you passed out.. after I broke a guys nose. Sorry, I just lost it when the flash went off. I should probably apologies right?"  Leon asked, although it was clear he wasn't a fan of the idea. He sat up, looking away from Adora. Then as if she wasn't there he unzipped his track suit. (Or whatever kind of suit I said before, I forget.) He then walked over to a dresser, and opened it. Now only in boxers, his body muscular, and covered in scars. He found some cargo shorts, and a white tank top. Then put them on, and turned back towards Adora."So how about we go get something to eat at the cafeteria?" He asked casually tossing his track suit to the side.



(More or less what his body looks like ^)
Adora stared at Leon's face for a considerable amount of time before she frowned back, although her frown looked less intimidating that his since her nose was still red and her eyes were still puffy from crying. She couldn't understand how Leon even asked that question, whether he should apologize or not! It was clear as the day but before she had the time to give him a lecture, he already stood up and began undressing. She let out a small yelp of surprise before turning away, her back facing the changing man, giving him privacy. She did notice his body though, to be more specific, the scars etched on his muscular frame.

She was aware that her friend was from the military, that at some point in his life he was part of some army. That must've been the reason why he suddenly attacked the girl. She felt bad for him, seeing dead and injured people left and right, seeing his comrades getting shot or worse. No wonder he grew so tough. But she's still not gonna let what he did pass.

"You really should apologize, Leo! Especially to the girl and Julius!" she puffed her cheeks before she turned around and faced him only to see that he's still not finished changing. Adora hurriedly and innocently put both hands on her eyes and continued her lecture, "I'm pretty sure that guy is complaining about his broken nose." she added. She adjusted her fingers so that she could still peek through her hand and look at his scarred back, "What about you? Are you feeling okay? Did they hit you somewhere?" she asked, concern mixed in her voice.

When he was finally done changing, she stopped (not-so) covering her eyes, "The cafeteria sounds fantastic..then after we should go to the clinic." the blonde stood up from the bed and opened the door.

@Solemn Jester
Adora stared at Leon's face for a considerable amount of time before she frowned back, although her frown looked less intimidating that his since her nose was still red and her eyes were still puffy from crying. She couldn't understand how Leon even asked that question, whether he should apologize or not! It was clear as the day but before she had the time to give him a lecture, he already stood up and began undressing. She let out a small yelp of surprise before turning away, her back facing the changing man, giving him privacy. She did notice his body though, to be more specific, the scars etched on his muscular frame.

She was aware that her friend was from the military, that at some point in his life he was part of some army. That must've been the reason why he suddenly attacked the girl. She felt bad for him, seeing dead and injured people left and right, seeing his comrades getting shot or worse. No wonder he grew so tough. But she's still not gonna let what he did pass.

"You really should apologize, Leo! Especially to the girl and Julius!" she puffed her cheeks before she turned around and faced him only to see that he's still not finished changing. Adora hurriedly and innocently put both hands on her eyes and continued her lecture, "I'm pretty sure that guy is complaining about his broken nose." she added. She adjusted her fingers so that she could still peek through her hand and look at his scarred back, "What about you? Are you feeling okay? Did they hit you somewhere?" she asked, concern mixed in her voice.

When he was finally done changing, she stopped (not-so) covering her eyes, "The cafeteria sounds fantastic..then after we should go to the clinic." the blonde stood up from the bed and opened the door.

@Solemn Jester

Leo let out a heavy sigh once Adora began lecturing him. As if he wasn't a grown man."Yes, I know, but it's not my fault. She should be more considerate of those around her. I could have really hurt her, and that wouldn't have been good for anyone." Leon said moving over and grabbing Adoras arms, pulling her to her feet. He looked down at her, saddened by the outcome of today.

Then he smirked as she mentioned the guy who's nose he broke."If he didn't want his nose broken he shouldn't have stuck it in others business. I was just calming down when he tackled me." Leon said booping Adora's nose as she has done his numerous times before.

Leon knew Adora was a sweet girl, but maybe she was to sweet. He thought she could be a bit naive at times, which wasn't a good thing in the real world. He should know, he'd seen plenty enough to scar a person for life. It wasn't a good world, hell this facility was proof of that, and no one. Not that writer boy, photographer girl, or even Adora could convince him otherwise. Leon suddenly wrapped his arms around Adora, laying his head on hers."Yeah, I'm fine, sorry for worrying you. I won't let it happen again, promise." Leon said kissing Adora's head, and then leading her out of his room."Come on, let's go get something to eat. Who knows, maybe if any of the others are in the cafeteria I can apologise." Leon said trying to give his best smile for Adora.


Mentioned- @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Mika9889 @Destructus Kloud
Morgan looked at him as the doors opened, "You can heal yourself? Can you die?" She questioned on a half serious note but mainly her voice was laced with curiosity; interesting to say the least.

Dove's eyes then focused on the hall before her, it was clean, everything setup for a purpose not just there to be looked at and acknowledged, but yet again not a single soul, other than the cursed, were present. "Well, this place gets curioser by the minute," she walked towards the centre of the room and propped herself up on the table, crossing her legs as she continued to look around. "I could definitely eat but if this shit starts appearing like magic I'm heading downtown and getting takeaway," Morgan moaned with a playfulness in her voice, the facility had to be managed due to it's size and nan had already spoken to a few men anyway about her bike.

"I think he's just stressed Hero, besides who doesn't want to see a service man's body?" She licked her lips with a wink towards Kypher before shrugging and looking at him. "I couldn't care less if he was in there either love, I'm an active girl, in more ways than one," Morgan added to the end as she placed a finger under his chin and brushed her lips against his. She pulled away suddenly and mentally revelled in the teasing she brought upon him.

Her body then jumped down from where she was seated and Morgan walked over to where they get food, unsure of what she'll find.

@Destructus Kloud

Kypher Hawthorne


Kypher seemed to consider Morgan's question for a moment, trying to decide which one to answer first, "Well, technically, yes to both your questions, but also no. I suppose that isn't particularly helpful, but just you wait. You'll find out what I can do in later hours soon enough." He sent a sly wink of his own at the girl before laughing at her comment about a magic cafeteria, "Are you crazy? If this place magically serves, I'd be all over that! Wouldn't have to deal with some bitchy dinner lady slopping the nastiest crap onto your plate too." Still chuckling at the thought of food just flying about to serve them, his expression grew troubled as he looked away at the mention of the guy that had broken his nose. Kypher immediately didn't like the army guy. Not because he tried to kill that girl or went psycho, but mainly just because he broke his nose. It wasn't anything permanent, but goddamn did it hurt. Too distracted to notice morgan leaning in, Kypher looked up just in time for her to seductively brush her lips over his for the briefest of moments. Of course that was all it took to send major thumps crashing through his heart as it accelerated dramatically and all the 'hell yes' endorphins to fly about his brain. As she pulled away, it took a moment for his brain to catch up with his body as he blinked in surprise before smiling slyly again, "That was a nice surprise. I hope I'll get to find out more about you later than what first meets the eye." But what was currently meets the eye is daaan fine, if I do say so myself. Following the teasing beauty of a girl over to one of the serving bars, Kypher glanced about the area. He couldn't tell if there was actually any food in the trays behind the serving counter because they were all covered and he obviously wasn't going to be smelling anything for a while now. Glancing over at Morgan, he noticed a vending machine that lay against the opposite wall, "Oh, score! They got snack! I wonder if we have to pay? I mean, I got cash though, so it's cool." Strolling over to the large rectangular machine with some overpronounced style, Kypher spun on the spot as he approached the vending machine and elbowed a random button. An energy drink fell into the compartment at the bottom, free of charge. Kypher grinned and picked the cold drink up, tossing it to Morgan before pressing the same button and getting one for himself as well, "Today we shall feast like royalty!" He opened the lid to his drink and raised it in a toast to the girl, "In honour of my new princess, of course." Kypher's grin grew as he drank, seeming to forget all about his broken nose and the fight from earlier. Perhaps this place wasn't so bad. So long as there were no chores he had to undertake, life seemed pretty good being locked up in here. 

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@Mika9889 @Solemn Jester (Mentioned: lol I'm horrible)

  Julius looked down at Lucy before she removed herself

from the hug. She looked terrified—no, traumatized—and he felt his anger bubbling as a result. Damn military guy was practically begging to have his reputation soured, and Julius swore on his notepad that if he spotted another attack, he would write it down and publish it. And then he would rip the man apart. Piece. By. Piece. He shook his head, looking out the window. "I dunno what he was thinking. But if he pulls that shit again, I will be getting local authorities involved," he answered calmly, then looked back to Lucy; she seemed to be hiding her sadness again. He checked her neck for any injuries, then, relieved that she was relatively unharmed, just breathed a sigh of relief. "I know that we all turn into murderous psychos at night, but I didn't know that there was someone who was already a psychopath anyways...." he mumbled to himself, grabbing a piece of paper and taking out a file. He flipped through it, then found the image of the same attacker. "His name's Leon. He's a bus driver—heh, no wonder, those guys are always in a sour mood—former military guy, that explains the knife....I thought that weapons aren't allowed on the premises," Julius thought aloud, then, on the notebook paper, began to write. 

  Dangerous Man in Supposedly Safe Place - Should Background Checks be Made Before Admittance to the Lilac Facility?

  As a CLN-positive, I can say that most people afflicted with the Curse of the Lilac Night are actually very sane, good people during the daytime hours. However, it appears that there are some Afflicted that are unstable 24/7, and a danger to the other inhabitants. The very man I am talking about attacked one of his fellow residents with a knife, not only breaking the Facility's very strict rules on use of weaponry within the building, but threatening her life before my very eyes. These actions simply cannot be overlooked by anyone with an ounce of common sense. 

  Miss Lucy Deluga is a very dear friend of mine; I have known her since I was a child, and she wouldn't purposefully hurt anyone. So naturally, I couldn't simply stand by when I witnessed Leon Arbarith, a bus driver and a former member of the military, charging at her. His eyes were wild, crazed, and, like a lion looking down on his prey, he struck, pushing the innocent photographer against the wall and shouting at her, asking who had sent her. I sternly warned him not to hurt her, and he would have killed her, had it not been for the bravado of one of the other people at the Facility, who distracted the beast enough for us to make our getaway. 

   The question I have is this; what exactly are Arbarith's motives, and why would he attack a freelance photographer? Is he even safe to be around? Should one who carelessly disregards important rules about carrying around weapons be allowed to so much as roam the streets? For as long as these questions remain unanswered, I fear for the lives of both the Afflicted and the citizens of Riden's Cadavar. As the public representative of the Afflicted, I, Julius Blanche, desperately hope that our good mayor will put these thoughts into consideration. In the meantime, I personally will tone up on my self-defense skills. 

  After the final cursive stroke, Julius looked long and hard at his masterpiece, then he looked back to Lucy, peering over her shoulder to see the photo. The flower had a beautiful red glow to it; like always, he was impressed by her work. Leaning on her shoulder, he raised the notebook, almost in his own triumph, then lowered it. "Finished the article. The question now is whether to show the culprit first or to wake him up tomorrow with the pleasant surprise of his reputation getting smashed to pieces. Sorry, but it has to be done so he gets the message across. Nobody messes with you while I'm around. Nobody."
Leo let out a heavy sigh once Adora began lecturing him. As if he wasn't a grown man."Yes, I know, but it's not my fault. She should be more considerate of those around her. I could have really hurt her, and that wouldn't have been good for anyone." Leon said moving over and grabbing Adoras arms, pulling her to her feet. He looked down at her, saddened by the outcome of today.

Then he smirked as she mentioned the guy who's nose he broke."If he didn't want his nose broken he shouldn't have stuck it in others business. I was just calming down when he tackled me." Leon said booping Adora's nose as she has done his numerous times before.

Leon knew Adora was a sweet girl, but maybe she was to sweet. He thought she could be a bit naive at times, which wasn't a good thing in the real world. He should know, he'd seen plenty enough to scar a person for life. It wasn't a good world, hell this facility was proof of that, and no one. Not that writer boy, photographer girl, or even Adora could convince him otherwise. Leon suddenly wrapped his arms around Adora, laying his head on hers."Yeah, I'm fine, sorry for worrying you. I won't let it happen again, promise." Leon said kissing Adora's head, and then leading her out of his room."Come on, let's go get something to eat. Who knows, maybe if any of the others are in the cafeteria I can apologise." Leon said trying to give his best smile for Adora.


Mentioned- @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Mika9889 @Destructus Kloud

It didn't surprise Adora when Leon wrapped her in his arms once again but the kiss on the head was definitely surprising. She giggled at the sweet gesture before sliding her soft hands down his arm until it stopped to intertwine her fingers with his. Despite being a quiet and tough guy most of the time, Leon could be such a sweetheart at times too!

Her smile grew even wider when Leon flashed her a matching smile, "You know, you look even better when you smile." she complimented before her smile turned playful, "Although your lion face is pretty cute too." she used her other free hand to return a boop on the nose, emphasizing her point even better.

She also felt proud when Leon promised and said something about apologizing to the people from earlier. She hummed softly while she ventured towards the cafeteria, perhaps she was too out of place in the facility for having a very upbeat and bubbly mood despite everything that happened. To be honest, she's not really that happy, it's just that it's always better to keep a positive perspective on things. Also, what good would it give her if she keeps on depressing herself? Definitely, after a day or two, the people who put them here would realize that it was all a mistake!

She didn't even realize that they were already in the cafeteria. The cafeteria was bigger than what she expected, since they're sick and is dangerous and all that silly stuff she thought that they were going to be stuck with an abandoned and haunted looking facility. "Come on!" she grinned.
It didn't surprise Adora when Leon wrapped her in his arms once again but the kiss on the head was definitely surprising. She giggled at the sweet gesture before sliding her soft hands down his arm until it stopped to intertwine her fingers with his. Despite being a quiet and tough guy most of the time, Leon could be such a sweetheart at times too!

Her smile grew even wider when Leon flashed her a matching smile, "You know, you look even better when you smile." she complimented before her smile turned playful, "Although your lion face is pretty cute too." she used her other free hand to return a boop on the nose, emphasizing her point even better.

She also felt proud when Leon promised and said something about apologizing to the people from earlier. She hummed softly while she ventured towards the cafeteria, perhaps she was too out of place in the facility for having a very upbeat and bubbly mood despite everything that happened. To be honest, she's not really that happy, it's just that it's always better to keep a positive perspective on things. Also, what good would it give her if she keeps on depressing herself? Definitely, after a day or two, the people who put them here would realize that it was all a mistake!

She didn't even realize that they were already in the cafeteria. The cafeteria was bigger than what she expected, since they're sick and is dangerous and all that silly stuff she thought that they were going to be stuck with an abandoned and haunted looking facility. "Come on!" she grinned.

Leon turned his head akwardly, almost blushing, but due to his thick skin avoided it."Yeah sure," he mumbled feeling akward now. He wasn't use to being complimented, but it was usually Adora who did it. He didn't mind so much, she made him feel a bit more human. Calmer, more sure of himself, and he felt wanted."Hmmm," Leon grumbled as they approached the cafeteria. He was glad to see Adora in such high spirits. But unlike her he wasn't so cheerful. He couldn't help but feel akward about seeing the others again. The fact that he had promised to apologize didn't help the feeling any.

But he clenched his fist, and kept close behind Adora. Almost like a body guard, the way he was walking so close to her. It wasn't long before they made it to the catateria, and Adora told him to," come on." So he did, and was surprised by the size of the catateria. They're weren't that many people in the facility, so he was curious as to why it was so big. Maybe they wanted to give the cursed plenty of space. Incase they tried to slaughter each other. At that thought Leon's gut churned," damn, why'd I have to go and attack her." He mumbled so only Adora could hear, then face palmed."I'm so stupid sometimes," but at this point he noticed the two others in the cafeteria. The guy who had attacked him, and a girl he had also seen after the attack. They seemed to be looking for a bit, and honestly the woman was so full of herself Leon could tell just by the way she  teased the tomato nose.

Leon grabbed Adora, by the arm, and gently walked over to them. He stood in front of them, a scary look on his face. The same fierce look he usually wore, and then he did something that he would never do without Adora pushing him towards it, he apologized."I'm sorry I broke your nose, I wasn't in the right mindset... I've got alot of issues from my time in the service. I reacted on reflex, i never wanted to hurt anyone. I plan to apologise to the other two as well. I hope you can forgive me....and...we can learn to live together." Leon felt weird apologizing, like a child who had just been scolded by his parents, and forced to apologise for something.

@ThatDove @Destructus Kloud @Luckz
Morgan smiled warmly at his enthusiasm, it was uplifting to say the least. "My Knight in Shining armour has a sinful side after all," She caught the bottle with an outstretched hand and then ripped the top off, drinking to her hearts content before seeing the army dude and the girl who passed out walk in. "Oh company! Exciting," she pondered on topics of conversation before looking at Adora, admiring her beauty. "Hey love are you ok? I saw you fall but there were already so many people crowding you I didn't want to make it worse," this was the first genuinely nice thing she had said so far and Morgan was so proud. 

"I won't bite sir, well in someways," she winked before continuing, "I understand you're this macho dude who served in the army and I respect that massively but jesus christ take a chill pill," Dove chuckled out to Leon as she watched him stand so defensively over the girl. "People need to breathe," she had a lot of experience with that, being alone and just chilling was delightful, whether working out or just painting. Every now and then she'd have a party but hey-ho, she was an all-rounder. 

"Anyway since you two are here, my name is Morgan," she said bluntly before tapping on one of the tables with manicured nails. "Also, there's no one in this facility so far other than us and me and hero have no idea where the food is at, but the vending machines are free," Dove said quickly, not wasting time on dawdling and got straight to the point. Her hooded eyes casted glances at the body under the clothes of Leon and she smirked. She was totally right about one thing, who wouldn't? 

"Hero? Want to wait around here for a while or continue exploring," she flicked her hair gently before holding her bottle with both hands, and leaning against the counter where they are supposed to serve food. It was weird. She'd only really just noticed it but she couldn't feel the normal connection to her powers, they were dimmed or cut off. Morgan chilled her drink a little more and was beginning to wonder what she'd struggled with under the roof of this new facility. 

@Destructus Kloud @Solemn Jester @ThatDove
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Kypher Hawthorne


Kypher glanced over at the sound of people arriving and his expression immediately turned sour when he saw the army dude that had broken his nose with his face. Taking another cursory sip of his drink, Kypher ran his free hand through his blonde hair again and sighed, "Whatever. Just don't pull that psycho shit near me again and we can be best buds. That's the last time I jump in to save the day..." He muttered the last part regretfully, taking another swig of his free drink before turning to Morgan again, "Hey, you're not the only one that likes to get a little active. I say we make like a Christopher Columbus and explore the fuck outta this place!" His suggestive smirk turned to a stoic grin as he marched off through another hallway that lead off from the canteen. Sniffing the air, Kypher felt fairly certain he could smell chlorine. Turning around, he yelled after his new spicy princess, "Yo! I think they do actually have a pool here, you know! I highly suggest we go make full use of the equipment here, it's what the facility people would want!" He leaned against the doorframe, his smile still remaining in anticipation as he waited for Morgan to follow him. Swim-time meant a reduction of clothes and that was definitely something Kypher was looking forward to. There were perks to being a boxer after all and getting some sick muscles as a result was certainly not a downside at all. 

@Luckz @Solemn Jester @ThatDove
Adora did hear the words he muttered, it may be low but she still caught his tone. She couldn't help but feel bad for Leon, he did say he lost control of himself and he didn't meant it, yet people still got angry. But she's not saying that what he did was right either, it wasn't and that's exactly why they're on a mission today! To start over again with each and everyone!

Fortunately, the guy who got his nose broken was sitting there with a pretty lady. Adora couldn't help but stare at the two of them before tilting her head sideways. Could they be on a date? Perhaps now's not the right time to apologize? Oh, silly. What was she thinking? Everytime is the right time to apologize.

The petite blonde did turn her head when Leon suddenly grabbed her by the arm gently before the two of them neared the other duo. When Leon started apologizing, Adora couldn't help but beam up and grin from ear to ear, her rosy cheeks turning even rosier due to happiness. "Now that Leo here," she gestured towards the man standing defensively beside her, "-apologized wholeheartedly, maybe the four of us can be- I dunno- best buds!?" she giggled like a kid. Her attention shifted towards the lady who explained about the cafeteria system after introducing herself as Morgan.

"It's so nice to meet you, Morgan! I'm pretty sure we'll get along well. Thank you for asking, I'm fine." she clasped both hands together before flashing her and her blonde companion a warm smile, "My name is Adora and to properly introduce my friend over here," she once again gestured towards the toned man beside her, "-he's Leon, a very good friend of mine! Don't let his intimidating demeanor scare you, he's actually pretty sweet." she revealed with way too much optimism. She tried to gently elbow Leon on his side and gave him a quick sideway drop-that-lion-face-look-and-be-more-friendly-looking-look look.

Not long, the blonde guy went ahead of them and moments passed before he shouted something about a pool. Adora was positive the blonde man was trying to invite her and Leon too, so she did what she does best and grabbed Leon by the hand and tried to drag him towards the pool, although it was quite hard since she has such a small body compared to the ex-army. She turned around to look at Morgan, "Hey come on pretty lady, the pool's waiting." she smiled before looking at Leon using her trademark Adora's-Puppy-Dog-Eyes with matching slow fluttering of her long lashes.

@Solemn Jester

@Luckz @Destructus Kloud
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Morgan looked at Kypher and nodded, a glint of happiness in her eyes at the mention of a pool. "Yes, delightful," she said with a raised brow before flicking her hair and following after Kypher. 

The woman carried a sense of confidence and intimidation as she stared at Adora, who had stared at her first before she spoke. "Best buds? Hon, I appreciate friendship but I'm not looking for lifetime supply of it," she said rather bluntly as she turned to face Adora as she walked, walking backwards with such finesse and graceful- ness. Then she only just registered what she'd called her. Pretty lady? This girl had just met her and was already calling her nicknames as though the two had been friends for years. 

"Heh, quaint," Morgan then adjusted her attention to Leon. "Tall, dark and brooding, what suprises do you entail?" She smiled a seductive smile before turning back around and stepping at the same pace as Kypher. "You're a ball of energy all of a sudden love, maybe you can put that to good use later~," Morgan rose on her toptoes as she walked and sent a delicate lick to the edge of his ear before breathing along his neck as she rested on the flat of here feet.

Morgan gave a low chuckle before seeing doors up ahead and the strong stench of chlorine to follow it. Oh how she did love water, Morgan had practically grown with it but whilst she was delighted to have a pool, nothing could beat the smell of saltwater on the winds of a setting sun. Morgan wondered if her numerous amount of swimming costumes were in her room, well she had never been to her room yet but still it could wait.

@Destructus Kloud @ThatDove @Solemn Jester

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