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Realistic or Modern CS: Zombie Apocalypse


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Roleplay Availability
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  • Name: Alix Dayne

    Age: 20

    Sexuality: Homosexual

    Gender: Male

    Hometown: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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Rosalyn Lane

Name: Rosalyn Madeleine Lane

Nickname: Rose (only to her close friends)

Age: 29

Equipment: Advanced medical kit and supplies, mountain climbing backpack, tent, and several packs of ready to eat meals.

Weapons & Ammunition: Uh, do scalpels count as weapons?

Previous Occupation: Surgeon

Medical training, wilderness survival training, and fluency in three languages.

Personality: Rose is sarcastic and stubborn. She is quick to have an opinion and will voice that opinion without worry of offending other people. Being a surgeon has led to her being confident. But being a female surgeon surrounded by guys taught her to push for what she wants. Rose likes to see the best in people and often is too trusting in situations where she should be more guarded.

Background: Rose grew up with five older brothers and learned quickly that she had to work for what she wanted. When she was little, she thought she wanted to be a linguist. This changed, however, when two of her brothers died in front of her in a car crash. Rose could do nothing to save them. To prevent this from happening again, she devoted her education to learning how to save people. After med school, Rose completed her internship and residency at John Hopkins.

Rose got married to a surgeon named Anthony shortly after starting as a trauma surgery attending in New York City. Anthony was a huge fan of the outdoors. The couple spent a great deal of time backpacking and taking rafting trips in upstate New York. One trip, Rose got sick and had to be evacuated out. Anthony decided to continue the trip. The only issue was that these rapids could only be navigated by groups of two or three people. One person would end up flipping the raft. Unfortunately, this caused Anthony to ended overturn mid trip and drown.

After learning of Anthony's death, Rose planned a trip around South America where she would backpack through the continent offering first aid to people living in poverty. She headed out with about four other surgeons. Unfortunately, when they arrived in Rio for the start of their trip, the chaos was just beginning. The other surgeons booked places on a boat and left Rose on her own. She now is just trying to survive.​
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Red_Delta Red_Delta Miss Lusamine Miss Lusamine
Both accepted!! Might be a small delay on my own, but I hope to start the roleplay either tomorrow or this evening depending on how many characters we'll have ^^

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    Full Name: DeeAnglii Natalia Bongiovanni

    Nickname(s): Angelii or Dee (Only called by friends)

    Age: Twenty-Four

    Hometown: Florence,Italy

    Previous Occupation: Co-owner of Bongiovanni INC and Daughter of Leader Italian Mafia

Name: Eli Mayfair
Nicknames: Never really obtained one.
Age: 19 years old
Equipment: He has mostly a travel pack, fit with things to get him through the night, some food he picked up, and then things such as a flashlight, first aid kit, and a canteen.
Weapons/Ammunition: He has a small hand gun and a box with 6 bullets in them in case of emergency. Other than that he has a small knife he snagged and then a baseball bat he keeps in his bag.
Previous Occupation: He had been a college school student when the apocalypse occurred, so he didn't really have much of one outside of helping his father at their store.
Skills: He knows his way around a bat, along with rationing. He also is a very quick thinker, especially in stressful situations.
Personality: Eli finds it very easy to communicate with people. Though the outbreak happened at such a new time in his life, and he had to grow up quick, he continued to grow as a caring, quick, and bright individual. He does have his moments where he thinks them surviving is helpless, but he tries to brush it off so he can put his brain power into better use. He does come off as a little cold, and he is kinda sassy, but that makes him fun.
Background: He had been raised in a very nurturing, wealthy home. His father had been an owner of a popular shop in Manhattan, New York, and his mother was a counselor at a neighboring junior high. Though he had his fights with them, he still felt the close bond with them. Both of them had died the first night, and he had to grab his bag and run for his life while his parents tried to eat him alive. But he picked up different tools of the trade from different travelers, squirmed his way out of sticky situations, and grew stronger form it all, though the death of his parents still shocked him to the core when mentioned.


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David Bernard
Light combat vest, coyote pack, 3 MRE, 1 canteen, 1 field dressing (bandage)
Weapons & Ammunition:
M39 enhanced marksman rifle (EMR)(1 box magazine, 19 out of 20 rounds)
Previous Occupation:
Military: Branch: Marine Corp

Hand to hand combat
Combat training
Survival training.
Ah where do we start, the souborn, and the most persitant man you will ever meet, untrusting of people at first, but turns once trust in is place, he turns into one of the most loyal, and trustworthy people in this time. Just dont get him mad, he has anger issues, and sometimes needs to blow off some steam, in other words, bashing a zombies head in.

David had a normal life, nothing interesting about it, he enlisted in the U.S Marine corp at the age 18, throughout basic training, he put the ther recruit to shame, quickly making his way to the top. Graduating basic as a E-3 or Private first class(PFC) he was assigned to go to the middle east to deal with them terrorists, he iscovered his anger issues once he saw one member of his squad get gunned down, he may or may not have beat the man who shot him to deat with he mans own gun. He moved through he ranks, before getting rasigned to a base in Brazil. He is now he rank of E-5 or Sergeant (SGT).

Known for his angular, chiselled features, Victor has mixed Spanish and Brazilian ancestry. Accounting for his tan, olive skin and light brown eyes. Standing at 6'3" he's somewhat intimidating when taking into account his sinewy strength, hidden in a frame built more for running than it is fighting. Nonetheless, his long hair and light beard have earned him the nickname 'Jesus'. Especially after the day he was mocked for wearing sandals. Found wearing clothes that seem always a little frayed, yet easily adaptable for the hot temperatures of South America.

Victor Juárez



- Rucksack
- Water Bottle 500ml (Full)
- Canned peaches x2
- Looted cigarette packs x3
- Mobile phone (30% battery life)
- Bag of cashew nuts

Weapons & Ammunition:
- Crowbar
- Switchblade

Previous Occupation:
Lowlife/Oddjob criminal

- Hotwiring cars
- Break-ins
- Decent self-defence knowledge
- Knows the backstreets of the city and slums


Charming, if not a little rough around the edges. Victor has been known for his wily ways, always finding loopholes, getting caught red-handed more than once. His record is filled with a daring amount of variation, from fraud to drug charges and robbery. Brought up below the poverty line, he remains stuck to his ways. Stubbornly defiant, apathetic to an extent, and a born survivor. More than used to violence, but practically thrives off it. Although he can often come off as arrogant, prideful and self-centered, Victor is a surprisingly charitable character. After living through the effects of never having enough, it's this empathy that usually strikes people as odd. It takes time for the Brazilian to fully throw about words such as 'Trust' nonetheless, is a reliable man to place your bets with, and sticks to his own dishonourable code. Loose anger accompanies a good sense of humour, making Juárez a rather unpredictable ally, if not incredibly difficult to pin down who he'll knock out, and who he'll sit down to drink beer with. His religious tendencies, seem to come both stronger and weaker as the virus spread, losing faith and gaining faith in the Church come the turning of the tides.


Victor was brought up by a single mother, his father dying after being caught in a mineshaft collapse when he was still an infant. Due to lack of funds and family, they endured the shifting move to Rio de Janerio, where his mother would go on to work herself to the bone. Once a place of opportunity, it soon became their prison. Nonetheless, they were not alone, as relatives would often lend a hand with the monthly bills, birthdays, and celebrations. It was clear, that Victor was influenced by living in the slums of Rio. His foul-mouthed attitude and streetwise smarts would never belong to a happy, healthy child. Dropping out of school at 16 with a spiteful nature, he was adopted into various small criminal rings.

Hooked with heroin, the darkest point in his life, Juárez turned to the Church for help. Where they clothed him, fed him, and assisted the young man as he tried getting back on his feet. Yet he was never enamoured like some were, never was religion for men like him. He tried living honestly, adhering to his family's wishes, however, it didn't take long for him to relapse into old habits. No woman, nor clergy would be able to stop his downward spiral, trying to survive in a world that balanced upon chance.

As the virus started, Victor thought nothing of it. Till it began picking up pace. His mother was ill, from the last he'd heard. Later, when he went to make a check on the wild lunacy of his birthplace, it was no longer home. His mother was no longer there, yet the door swung open in the breeze, and a woman swayed in the back of the kitchen. Turning her face, it was familiar, torn, love once residing in those eyes. No longer for him, but for hunger. Juárez instead locked the door, and left the thing to it's fate.

Joining the end tail of the looting, he grabbed himself what was left in the highstreet shops.


A mixture of African and Brazilian ancestry leaves Luiza with a rounded, plump lips and fine facial features. Standing at the height of 5'6" with a mass of curly locks, most usually tamed back into a braid or otherwise. Slender, willowy figure, the result of genetics and jogging. Dark brown irises are accompanied by thick lashes whilst forming a pretty face, it can often be creased with dark glares.


Luiza Benítez

Lui, Lu


- Rucksack
- Water bottle 500ml (Half full)
- Enough dried mango to fill the bottom of her bag x7
- Granola bars x3
- Mobile phone (26% battery life)
- Pen and notepad

Weapons & Ammunition:
Kitchen knife (Chefs knife)

Previous Occupation:



- Getting information from people unassumingly
- Surprisingly good stamina
- Decent mediating skills
- Deals with pressured situations and stress well

Prickly, assertive, and sincere, Luiza has been known to have a less than favourable reputation. Disliking being pushed around, with a fierce sense of drive that can leave others feeling a whirlwind has passed. Her striking looks, the result of good parentage and healthy upkeep. Nonetheless, she exhibits a natural calm, with anger reaching nothing more than passive aggression - although, in certain situations, her full wrath can be frightening to witness. Generally a morally good person, with her kindness spared for close friends and relatives, she prefers to keep an image of herself as a strong and independent woman. Especially in an industry ruled by men. Not entirely the most interesting person you could meet, but one of the most insightful and good at reading expressions. Her hunches are often what keeps her in the job, that and her naturally inquisitive nature where an answer leads to more questions. Fresh out of university by a few years, her work in the big wide world had already gained admiration as an up and coming journalist. That was of course, till the dead began to rise. It's taken a toll on her nerves, leaving the strong woman, more frightened and prone to panic. After all, when the world starts crumbling, so do masks.


Born to a good, middle classed family. Her father a local doctor, her mother the secretary at the nearby school. Healthy loved and given more opportunities than half the children in Brazil, it was always accepted she'd grow to attend excellent schools with a higher education alongside her two other siblings. An older and younger brother who she found irritating, and often found time to bully her. The love of writing, only stemmed in her final years of high school, working for the school newspaper. It was often joked that she lived in dictionaries.

University was a taste away from home, her moment of freedom where she explored abroad and tested the waters for more permanent relationships. Of course, nothing quite worked out, and left her dipping in and out of date nights, unsure of whether she should bother with men before her career. Thus, throwing herself into her work, she was determined to be the epitome of the modern woman.

When the virus began to spread, the paper she worked for garnered all it could from its various sources, and began releasing the latest issues. However, in those few last days, more and more coworkers continued to get sick. Work was eventually cancelled for the very reason. She ended up losing contact with both parents and brothers, leaving her alone in a new, and violent world.​
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Weapons & Ammunition:

Previous Occupation:


[At least 3 lines]

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[Appearance] d150fc8e1d880e5248a895dc31176769.jpg

Name: Kane Wilson

Nickname(s): Kay

Age: 38

Equipment: Larger travel pack, a couple bags of beef jerky and 5 bottles of water, tactical vest,

Weapons & Ammunition: Ak-47 modified with 4×5 scope. 4 magazines of ammo. Glock 18 semi auto-mattic. 2 clips of ammo.

Previous Occupation: Swat

Skills: Hand to hand combat, long range combat, short ranged combat

Personality: He has a very quite mood and keeps to himself. Very shut in unless money or other services are offered for his help. Tends to be a lone wolf unless he can take advantage of a new companion.

Background: Kane enjoyed working with the swat team for 16 years. But after those fateful 16 years he was layed off and out of a job. He slowly came to a decline in life loosing a home and a wife.
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Name: Elena Goodwin

Nickname(s): N/A

Age: 22

Equipment: 1/3 Water Bottle, Granola Bars x4, fruit cups x2, phone (0%).

Weapons & Ammunition: Katana, Pocketknife, Pepperspray.

Previous Occupation: Waitress

Skills: Use of a Katana, a small bit of Martial Arts, Hacking.

Personality: She is a stubborn American girl who doesn't talk a lot. She's prefers solitude rather than being with a crowd. She's resourceful and intellectual. She can appear cold and distant at times. She likes to use sarcasm a lot.

Background: Ever since Elena was old enough to weild a Katana, she was taught how to use it. She thought it would never come in handy, but her father (who she and her mother thought he was crazy after the war) made her learn. He taught her himself how to aim and take fire (with a pistol at the time.) He even made her take martial arts classes for a while until one day he committed suicide for reasons she herself isn't fully aware of. She assumed that he couldn't handle the pressure of his memories of the war he had fought in. She grew up with her single mother until she had turned 18 and went to college. With her hobby dealing with computers, she was studying to become doctor; however, that was short lived when she had turned 22. It was supposed to be a simple vacation in Brazil with a small group of friends, but the apocalypse broke out, leaving Elena alone with her only weapon, the katana, to find the only family she has left- her mother. Why she would bring the katana after so many years of neglecting it? She made a promise to her father to always have it nearby. Even though she thought her father was crazy, she still loves him, so she kept her word, thinking it would make no difference. Unfortunately for her, the day has come for its use.


Note: Elena's katana was previously her father's katana that was handed down to her after her father's death. Her father acquired the katana in Seki at Gifu (Japan.) He managed to acquire the katana during some of his travels after the war. {He went traveling to help him get his mind off the war-- that was his excuse to leave the family for that short few months.} Though he came back with numerous weapons with more fears and doubts than before. Her father believed Elena would never have to suffer from war ever again, and he decided that the katana would be the best weapon for her (Not compared to a gun of course.)

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Deleted Account Deleted Account
Sorry to rain on your parade, but could you add more into how she acquired the katana? I'm very tight on these kinds of weapons with everyone ^^


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    Full Name: Vincent Mason Vasiliev

    Nickname(s): Vince

    Age: Twenty-Six

    Hometown: Des Moines , Iowa

    Previous Occupation: Detective for the LAPD

Deleted Account Deleted Account
On the main RP page the first post has all info you need, along with basic rules, weather, - whole deal
Deleted Account Deleted Account
No problemo! Just ask if you need help navigating. I don't have the app, but I'll try to help in any way I can c:
On the other hand, just gonna delete our messages to free up some CS space, :D So dw
[Appearance] View attachment 323137

Name: Kane Wilson

Nickname(s): Kay

Age: 23

Equipment: Large military sack, MRE's for almost a week, tactical vest,dust goggles

Weapons & Ammunition: Ak-47 modified with 4×5 scope. 4 magazines of ammo. Glock 18 semi auto-mattic. 2 clips of ammo.

Previous Occupation: Swat

Skills: Hand to hand combat, long range combat, short ranged combat

Personality: He has a very quite mood and keeps to himself. Very shut in unless money or other services are offered for his help. Tends to be a lone wol unless he can take advantage of a new companion.

Background: Kane enjoyed working with the swat team for 16 years. But after those fateful 16 years he was layed off and out of a job. He slowly came to a decline in life loosing a home and a wife. So he decided to put his skills to use and became a mercenary of top noch area.
After doing another review of your character, I'm afraid there is actually a few things wrong.
- I'm not allowing mercenaries, only prior and active military/police personnel.
- If your character is 23 and has worked for the swat for 16 years, it means he would've been on the swat team when he was only 7 years old.
- I could let a swat member (AKA part of the police force) get away with the ammo, but he's more military in design. I doubt swat teams have MRE's, military kit and dust goggles
- As mentioned, there is only 2 lines for both personality and background

I have to lend this criticism, otherwise I feel it would be unfair to the roleplay in terms of realism. I hope you understand ^^
I under stand the criticism and i kinda didnt think it through a 100%, rhanks though and i did edit equipment and the backstory to your tweaks idalie idalie Also please let me know if im good to go
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[Picture Pending]
Antonio stands just over six and a half feet tall and weighs a whopping 315lbs (142kg). He has a wide face, buzzed brown hair and eyes like varnished oak. Typically he keeps a goatee and a clean shaven face, but it's hard to keep up appearances when you're killing things on a daily basis. He's considerably lighter than most, but his Mexican-American roots make for a well enough excuse. He's heavy set, but he carries his weight well. He's tall and broad, yet manages to still have a baby face.
Antonio Carlitos Caballa
Tonio, Tony, Big Guy
Duffel Bag
  • Jar of peanut butter (It's the best stuff in the world.)​
  • Fancy-Ass silver spoon (for partaking in peanut butter consumption)​
  • Phone​
  • Runner-Bottle that is so Miami Disco​
  • Telescopic Umbrella​
  • Can Opener​
  • Wallet full of useless cards, identification and various currency.​
  • Bandanna for covering one's face when doing unwholesome activties.​
Weapons & Ammunition:
A frying pan.

Previous Occupation:

Cooking (what a surprise)
The long lost art of opening locks with credit cards!
Breaking things when they need broken.
Being that guy you could talk to when hope is lost and you're staring down the barrel of your gun.
A handful of languages, though mostly short phrases.
Doesn't hurt to know how to ask, "where's the bathroom?" in three, maybe four languages.
It's hard to sum up someone's personality in a few sentences, but it's easiest to say that Antonio was the guy hoping the apocalypse would start a helluva lot sooner. He was the guy who held doors open for little old ladies and went out of his way to lend a hand to someone just because that's what he thought he was expected to do. He was raised to be a man of a kind heart... And in time, he resented it. He's still a happy fellow, but in the trying times of the end, he's a little too happy to kill a shambling corpse. Before the end, he wouldn't have said what was on his mind. He'd keep it bottled up so he doesn't have to be a burden to anyone. Now, however, he'll say what he needs to and mean it. He'll be the first to step up and say something if he thinks it's wrong. If he's angry about something, he doesn't keep it to himself. He'll break something for catharsis. Though he's found disturbingly fun to slaughter the undead. He thinks he's make one hell of a zombie if he were infected.

Antonio was born to southern region of Texas in the United States, specifically in San Juan. He wasn't one to run with the local life, that is he didn't take interest in cars and tradition. He grew up in a small house of three and never found what he was looking for until he visited Mexico for the first time at the age of twelve. His first visit, he met the great vastness that was cooking outside his culture. It wasn't long until he found his dream. Cooking.

He was the first of his family that he knew of to go to college. Needless to say his uncle was disappointed he didn't have another set of hands around his garage! Ha! Nevertheless, he went to school to learn to cook... And found it was a complete waste of his time. He left formal training behind and moved out of the Americas to find a better horizon. It was a back and forth around Europe. He found ways to make sure he made it to the next country. He loved Germany, France, and Iran. Eventually... He found his way to Brazil. It was going to be another culinary adventure. Perhaps stay there for a few years... Make some friends.
The end of the world has a funny way of ruining plans.
I under stand the criticism and i kinda didnt think it through a 100%, rhanks though and i did edit equipment and the backstory to your tweaks idalie idalie Also please let me know if im good to go
All seems in order! Go right on ahead, keep an eye on your ammo :^)
[Picture Pending]
Antonio stands just over six and a half feet tall and weighs a whopping 315lbs (142kg). He has a wide face, buzzed brown hair and eyes like varnished oak. Typically he keeps a goatee and a clean shaven face, but it's hard to keep up appearances when you're killing things on a daily basis. He's considerably lighter than most, but his Mexican-American roots make for a well enough excuse. He's heavy set, but he carries his weight well. He's tall and broad, yet manages to still have a baby face.
Antonio Carlitos Caballa
Tonio, Tony, Big Guy
Duffel Bag
  • Jar of peanut butter (It's the best stuff in the world.)​
  • Fancy-Ass silver spoon (for partaking in peanut butter consumption)​
  • Phone​
  • Runner-Bottle that is so Miami Disco​
  • Telescopic Umbrella​
  • Can Opener​
  • Wallet full of useless cards, identification and various currency.​
  • Bandanna for covering one's face when doing unwholesome activties.​
Weapons & Ammunition:
A frying pan.

Previous Occupation:

Cooking (what a surprise)
The long lost art of opening locks with credit cards!
Breaking things when they need broken.
Being that guy you could talk to when hope is lost and you're staring down the barrel of your gun.
A handful of languages, though mostly short phrases.
Doesn't hurt to know how to ask, "where's the bathroom?" in three, maybe four languages.
It's hard to sum up someone's personality in a few sentences, but it's easiest to say that Antonio was the guy hoping the apocalypse would start a helluva lot sooner. He was the guy who held doors open for little old ladies and went out of his way to lend a hand to someone just because that's what he thought he was expected to do. He was raised to be a man of a kind heart... And in time, he resented it. He's still a happy fellow, but in the trying times of the end, he's a little too happy to kill a shambling corpse. Before the end, he wouldn't have said what was on his mind. He'd keep it bottled up so he doesn't have to be a burden to anyone. Now, however, he'll say what he needs to and mean it. He'll be the first to step up and say something if he thinks it's wrong. If he's angry about something, he doesn't keep it to himself. He'll break something for catharsis. Though he's found disturbingly fun to slaughter the undead. He thinks he's make one hell of a zombie if he were infected.

Antonio was born to southern region of Texas in the United States, specifically in San Juan. He wasn't one to run with the local life, that is he didn't take interest in cars and tradition. He grew up in a small house of three and never found what he was looking for until he visited Mexico for the first time at the age of twelve. His first visit, he met the great vastness that was cooking outside his culture. It wasn't long until he found his dream. Cooking.

He was the first of his family that he knew of to go to college. Needless to say his uncle was disappointed he didn't have another set of hands around his garage! Ha! Nevertheless, he went to school to learn to cook... And found it was a complete waste of his time. He left formal training behind and moved out of the Americas to find a better horizon. It was a back and forth around Europe. He found ways to make sure he made it to the next country. He loved Germany, France, and Iran. Eventually... He found his way to Brazil. It was going to be another culinary adventure. Perhaps stay there for a few years... Make some friends.
The end of the world has a funny way of ruining plans.
Accepted! Loving the character!

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