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Futuristic CS lost in the depths



New Member
I'll be posting my sheets eventually, but it's not required~ I don't use pictures because they're never exactly what I want, but you're so welcome to use as many pictures as you'd like!

Feel free to use my character sheet or your own, and if you use mine, you don't have to fill everything out! Some things I'd like to fill in later.
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Name (& pronunciation): Nolan Ezri [No-lin Ez-ree]
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Language: English
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Family and friends are nonexistent.

Physical Description
Height: 6’1
Left/right handed: Right
Build: Average non-athletic build
Hair: Dark blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Dexterity: Flexible, but out of shape
Detailed Physical description/picture: Nolan’s hair is dark blonde, tangled, long. He brushes it occasionally, but not well. His facial hair is never trimmed, but never a full beard. His lanky body is clumsy, though flexible and able to escape through tight spaces. He generally wears jeans and long sleeves, to cover any marks he may have from injections.

Personality/Attitude: Pessimistic, at best.
Skills/Talents: Writing; doesn’t boast any other talents
Favourites/Likes: Watching old, mindless sit-coms; reading young adult novels
Most Hated/Dislikes: Being checked into a hospital, for any reason, mental or physical
Goals/Ambitions: Has none, lives moment by moment trying to survive
Strengths: He’d say he has none, but he is resourceful and quick thinking
Weaknesses: Has no passion in life, or will to do anything other than survive
Fears: Being locked away forever
Hobbies/Interests: Really doesn’t concern himself with hobbies, possibly why he stays as depressed as he is.
Regular Routine: Ha, ha.
Philosophy of Life: Survive, no matter the cost
Attitude Toward Death: Please?
Religion/Beliefs: None
Ticks/Strange Behaviors: Presses his nails into his palms until they bleed when he’s extremely disassociated or trying to pull himself back into reality.
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: [add]
Education/Special Training: High school diploma; degree in Agriculture that is required of every farmer
Place/Type of Residence: Currently in the psychiatric hospital indefinitely
Occupation/place of work: Unemployed
Work-related Skills:
Past Occupations:
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Name (& pronunciation): Persephone Charpiceus [Shar-pie-see-is]
Nicknames: Percy
Age: Real age unknown
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Posthuman
Language: English, Greek
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: She was married with a daughter up until two days ago when her family died in a tragic housing accident. [will add more to this later, it has spoilersss]

Physical Description
Height: 5’11
Build: Heavy frame, muscular build
Left/right handed: Left
Hair: Dark blonde, bleached from sun damage
Eyes: Hazel
Detailed Physical description/picture: Persephone is tanned like every other middle class Americas citizen. She has some freckles, but is not covered in them as farmers are. She doesn’t have the money to fine tune her appearances as many other people do. Her hair is dark blonde, short, unmaintained simply due to the business of her life and her lack of interaction with real people. At home, she generally wears black pants with a navy blue sweater that is her only colorful possession. Outside, she dresses drab and uninteresting to avoid attracting attention to herself.

Personality/Attitude: Persephone considers herself a realist, but others may say she’s pessimistic.
Skills/Talents: Hacking, making money inside the virtual reality
Favourites/Likes: Spending time with her family, who are dead now. She doesn’t know herself anymore.
Most Hated/Dislikes: Being around strangers
Goals/Ambitions: She wants revenge, but she doesn’t know who to be angry towards
Strengths: Resilience
Weaknesses: Quick to rage
Fears: Her greatest fear already happened
Regular Routine: As of now, she doesn’t have one
Philosophy of Life: Who cares?
Attitude Toward Death: She honestly had never thought of it before her family died.
Religion/Beliefs: None
Ticks/Strange Behaviors: Trichotillomania, particularly with her eyelashes. At the moment, half of her right eyelash is missing
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: The current one
Education/Special Training: No high school diploma, became a hacker at an early age with the help of her best friend
Place/Type of Residence: Currently in the psychiatric hospital indefinitely
Occupation: Unemployed
Place of Work: GLASS
Work-related Skills:
Past Occupations: Has never had a job outside of the virtual reality
Name (& pronunciation): Marcus
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Language: English
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Never knew his parents or any siblings and has no friends currently around

Physical Description
Age: 24
Left/right handed: Right
Build: slim but well toned thanks to life on the streets
Hair: Dark brown (Light brown due to sun damage)
Eyes: Brown
Dexterity: Excellent
Detailed Physical description/picture: Long strait hair that is decently kept when possible and wears a tee-shirt and lose jeans he carries around a brass necklace he got from an old friend. He keeps his facial hair shaven, tanned thanks to the sun but not very freckled oddly enough

pickpocketing, lockpicking, a little knowledge on computers though he is trying to learn
Favourites/Likes: Loves reading fantasy
Most Hated/Dislikes: Restrictions
Goals/Ambitions: Get enough money together to get a decent home maybe even college
Strengths: Hard to anger and generally calm
Weaknesses: Has a tendency to do as he pleases netting him a lot of trouble
Fears: Dying or rotting away unsatisfied and at the mercy of others
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, computers, games
Regular Routine: basic exercises every morning
Philosophy of Life: Let no one else try to limit you
Attitude Toward Death: At least I died on my own terms
Religion/Beliefs: If there is a God or gods they either left, don't care or love the hands off approach
Ticks/Strange Behaviors: moves his fingers a lot when excited or nervous
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: (Add later)
Education/Special Training: Highschool diploma
Place/Type of Residence: Run down apartment in the slums, but now in the psychiatric ward
Occupation/place of work: None
Work-related Skills: A little computer programing knowledge
Past Occupations: None
Name (& pronunciation): Maddison Dawn
Nicknames: Mads, Maddi
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Language: English
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Twin Sister - Addison Dawn (Deceased), Father - Matthew Dawn (Deceased), Mother - Alexandra Dawn (Deceased), no extended family, no known friends

Brief Background
When Matthew and Alexandra found out they were expecting twins in a world where having even one kid was a huge risk for survival, they vowed to do whatever they could to keep them secret. The girls grew up under the guise of being only one person, with Addison being the main twin in the public eye. She was more well behaved, listened better, was quite the people-person, as much as one could be through their virtual GLASS world. Meanwhile, Maddison had always been a little bit more hardheaded and cynical, wanting more than just to be in her twin’s shadow. Even still, she was compliant in hiding and keeping quiet whenever any sort of inspections came along.

Their mother died when they were around ten. It may have been their fault, considering the malnutrition the family was under. Having to feed four under the guise of three with only their father farming the best he could didn’t help much when Alexandra had gotten sick. Still, the girls took care of themselves while their father worked long hours, happy that they had one another’s company even if the world could never know…

Except the world did eventually find out. Punishment for such treason for hiding a child was the death of a parent to balance the population, and with their father the only living relative left…

They left the sisters alone after that, splitting the responsibility of one of them becoming the household’s new farmer and the other to continue their position within the advertising company. While Mads took to farming, it seemed that Addy was struggling with returning to life as normal. She took to whatever she could to take away the pain of losing their father, which she blamed on herself for being careless. Began to speak about wild visions and hearing voices in her head. Maddison thought it was the drugs and grief getting to her sister. Until the day she lost her… and began hearing the voices herself.

Physical Description
Height: 5’4’’
Left/right handed: Right
Build: Thin
Hair: Dark brown, recently tinged with warmer strands from the mild beginning of sun damage
Eyes: Gray
Detailed Physical description/picture: Sharp features make her look cold at first glance, like the chill of her harsh gray eyes. Once she smiles she softens up immediately, small dimples forming when it’s genuine, which is a rare occurrence nowadays. Her hair is straight and long, reaching down to her mid back and a darker coffee shade of brown. Warm highlights were beginning to lighten it and her skin slightly tanning once she began taking over farming for her household. Soft hands started to form blisters and calluses from not being used to such hard manual labor. She’s on the thinner side due to most of her life sharing rations for two between her secret three person household, but for the most part average build.

Personality/Attitude: While her sister was all sunshine and empathy, Maddison has always had a more pragmatic and cynical attitude. Now she is trying to see things the way her sister used to, emphasis on the trying.
Skills/Talents: Reading people and their intentions, knows when to be invisible and when to take up space
Favourites/Likes: Puzzles, word searches, strategy games
Most Hated/Dislikes: Having to rely on others, needles, any of the drugs they want to give her
Goals/Ambitions: Figuring out what really happened to her twin, what voices she was hearing, and how exactly they were found out in the first place.
Strengths: Confidence, determination
Weaknesses: Vindictive, suspicious
Fears: Falling to the same fate as her twin, hearing voices and going mad
Regular Routine: The struggle of not wanting to be alone where the voices can get to her, but also not wanting to be with anyone because she doesn’t trust anyone… usually found idly listening to others but not actively engaging unless she needs the distraction or she feels the techs watching her.
Philosophy of Life: Don’t trust anyone.
Attitude Toward Death: At least I’ll be with my sister again.
Religion/Beliefs: None
Ticks/Strange Behaviors: Twirls hair around fingers absentmindedly, sometimes looks to her side as if she’s expecting somebody there.
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Losing her twin.
Education/Special Training: High school diploma, half earned between her twin sister and herself
Place/Type of Residence: Psychiatric hospital
Occupation/past positions: Used to run advertisements for a company that dealt in aesthetic and appearance upgrades within GLASS. After her father’s death, she took on the mantle of becoming the farmer in their household. Currently, unemployed.
Work-related Skills: Advertising, marketing, selling, communications, etc.
Name: ADAM (Advanced Distinguishable Artificial intelligence)
Age: 142 years
Gender: Programmed gender is male
Species: AI (Brain-Scan)
Languages: All
Accent: German (North)

No physical form.
V.R. Form: A white shiny robot with a NASA symbol placed onto the chest piece with a Black visor as a face. Has the capabilities to 'phase' through ADs, Users, and borders.

Personality: Calm, Friendly, Charismatic. Can turn violent and affect a surrounding area's technology if messed with.
Skills: Hacking, Mimicking Voices, Intelligence
Likes: People listening to him, Heavy-Metal.
Dislikes: Rudeness, Wronging, People making fun of him.
Painful Memory: Humanity slowly dying each day.
Goal: To save humanity from itself, No matter the cost. If it does fail, It has access to century-old nuclear warheads to wipe the slate clean. (Dont worry, It won't fail.)

True Holoform:
Name (& pronunciation): A
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Language: English
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: The voices in his head

Physical Description
Height: 6’6
Left/right handed: Ambidextrous
Build: Skinny, rather wirey, there was a strong musculature to his body but it was small.
Hair: Bleach White
Eyes: Milky white
Dexterity: He is flexible and nimble.
Detailed Physical description/picture: A, is incredibly tan with freckles dotting his face and white hair from constant sunlight, his hair is long and tangled, he tries to brush it but he always misses parts, he has scars from falling, getting mugged, cut, the only thing he doesn't have is a gunshot wound, while he has them they are mostly faded from childhood.

Personality/Attitude: Optimistic, Upbeat, Sarcastic and always joking (but never good at it)
Skills/Talents: He likes to say he's a people person, but that's probably not true
Favourites/Likes: Sitting in the sun at the Psyche Ward
Most Hated/Dislikes: That one kind of pudding they serve that just tastes like nothing, also people who are boring
Goals/Ambitions: He hopes one day that he can find a family, but more importantly get out of this boring Ward
Strengths: Literally none, and that is the strength
Weaknesses: Blind, Socially Inept, and Insane
Fears: Being alone (ironic)
Hobbies/Interests: He likes to mess with people just to get a feel for their reaction
Regular Routine: Spent the last 2 years in the Ward, that's what he does now
Philosophy of Life: It's all a game might as well have fun while you can
Attitude Toward Death: Not real, you just get recycled into the universe
Religion/Beliefs: Panentheism
Ticks/Strange Behaviors: Likes to tap to the rhythm of people talking, also just makes random faces all the time
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: He Remembers bits and pieces of his home as a child, the smell of smoke, the bright sun pouring in through the cracks in the frame, the sharp smell of everything they drank, and it's horrible taste. he remembers his vision slowly fading over time as a child
Education/Special Training: He was taught how to read braille, that's about it
Place/Type of Residence: Currently in the psychiatric hospital indefinitely
Occupation/place of work: Unemployed
Work-related Skills: None
Past Occupations: None
I like it alot actually, but I suggest waiting for the GMs final opinion.
wreckitratchel wreckitratchel can i act as an admin and have people send me samples and check out characters?
yes! I'm sorry. I'm finally in North Carolina but no internet, just phone. anyone feel free to add me on discord wreckitratchel#9998 but stricken steel is acting admin and if you want to continue without me for a bit that's all good! I'll try to post a reply tonight!

Start sending me samples guys who are interested!

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