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Realistic or Modern Cromwell Manor


Luna bit her lip and eyed the spot to sit but shook her head.

"No thank you. I've been sitting on a bus for two days to get here, I'd rather stand."

She finished it with a smile as the lie rolled off her tounge.

"And it doesn't matter... As long as you feel alright I suppose everything is fine."

Luna looked around the beautiful room awe struck.

"It's lovely."

She whispered.

As the girl shook her head and replied with a "No" to the offer to sit down and the fact that she looked bit better than before, Frank was not going to push her to do something she does not want to.
"Cool, well, then enjoy your stay..." he said feeling bit awkward of the situation as he just wanted to help but she gave this "afraid of him" feeling "...if you need anything, i will be right there!" he continued after a little pause and pointing to the chair he was sitting when she came in. He put his hand in the pockets of his hoodie, slowly walking back to the chair and sitting back down.

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And suddenly in one moment she was all alone again.

Luna bit her lip till she tasted blood and looked around.

Walking over to a table in the room she noticed some flowers dying in a vase.

Smiling, Luna went and touched the pot and all the flowers bloomed as if they were fresh.

Luna placed her own rose in with the others with satisfaction.

Her eyes skimmed the crowd once again. She was scared to talk to anyone, most talking led to accidental touching.

Rowen wandered the hallways a bit, but she had no map, and while being away from the crowd calmed her nerves, she also had not yet been approached by the woman with the cards, so the temporary calm would have to do for now. She had found a room she liked, but was much to paranoid to leave her duffle bag of meager possessions anywhere unattended. The bag itself looked like it had been through hell. Her clothes were reletively new at least, but still. You didn't spend time on the streets without it showing.

Eventually, she found herself back in the foyer, where the green haired girl caught her eye. How could she not, really?

She didn't say anything upon entrance, just leaned against the same table on her elbows and watched with fascination as the flowers bloomed. "They're lovely."



Luna's attention snapped to the girl and she grinned sheepishly.

"Thank you... I just hate to see flowers die."

Luna took out a bud which hadn't bloomed, being the smallest one in the vase.

She frowned at the lack of actual rose but concentrated.

After a few moments the flower sprung open into one of the most beautiful blossoms in the set.

"Just took some extra encouragement."

Luna smiled and handed the flower to the strange girl with a wink, her flirty personality taking over now that she had some more energy.
Anderson walked over to Isabelle and grabbed a small stack of the cards from her and began to search the crowd for the faves in the cards. He saw two girl talking one had just revived one of the flowers that had died.

"Do you ladies have and ID card yet?" He asked waking over to them. Searching the stack for their faces. @Jasil @Rainzen
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Rowens eyes widened. The flower was practically glowing. Completely transfixed, she reached toward it. "May I?" She asked, but took the blossom without waiting for an answer, careful not to let their hands touch. She didn't need to be doused with this girls thoughts before she even properly met her. Her lips spread into a wide grin at the wink though. "So, your mutation, you grow plants?" She asked curiously. Perhaps it was rude to ask, she had never spent a lot of time with mutated people like herself, and had no idea. The arrival of a third person seemed to break her fixation though. She hastily shook her head. "No. Thank you."

@Jasil @KingHalliwell
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Anderson handed the one girl her ID quickly looking at the name. "Rowen Mathers and Luna North, here you guys are" Anderson said pulling the cards out of the stack and heading them to the girls. "My names Anderson Dustin, I uh am like a mentor here I guess." Anderson introduced," you guys need anything come to me." @Jasil @Rainzen


Luna was about to answer the girl but another person approached them.

Luna's slender fingers plucked the card from the guys hand and she smiled.

"Thank you... And uh, yea kinda. Plant manipulation and something else."

Luna shrugged, she didn't want to go into details about her succubus powers. Luna gave Both strangers a flirtatious smile and crossed her arms.
@KingHalliwell @Rainzen

Rowen nodded at the boy. "Yes, of course." She answered. She didn't push the subject of mutations, knowing a redirect when she saw one, even without her telepathy. "I'm a touch telepath. So if you don't want me to know your life story, fair warning. I can't control it. It's not that bad unless it's skin to skin though."

@Jasil @KingHalliwell
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Isabella smiled slightly when Anderson helped her distribute the cards. When he had first arrive at the school a year ago, she quick;y assumed he was just another trouble maker, waiting to reak havoc through her halls, her corridors. Unfortunately, the year before Anderson had arrived, she had to expel several students, mostly male, for sub par performances. That was the standard at Cromwell, She didn't stand for trouble making and goofing off, If some of these kids came here because they thought it would be easy, they were vastly wrong.


Raven politely excused herself from Titus's engagement. Her walk here had put quite a bit of pressure on her feet. If she had any inkling that she would have to walk to school she wouldn't have worn heels, and high ones at that. With her card safely ticked into her back pocket, Bird traveled up the stairs. All she really wanted to do was freshen up and pick out a dorm room.

The hall was littered with polished,
wooden doors, adorned with elegantly designed silver door handles. All the doors looked the same except for the silver numbers on each of t They were all unlocked, save for those who have already been chosen.

"Lucky 13..." She roamed the halls in search for her lucky number and finally found it, of course nested in between twelve and fourteen, with a bout three feet of wall between each door.

Opening the door, the room looked like Head Mistress had
explained. It was bare, with white walls, and only had the essentials. She looked around, One thing was missing a telephone, among other decorations of course.

But what she really loved was when she found that not only does she have her own room, she has her own bathroom.


( if anyone wants to explore with Raven, feel free to interact!!)

There were only a few stranglers in the lobby that hadn't yet received their cards. She had almost not wanted to finish passing out the rest but knew it was for the best, having cards laying around with money wasn't a bright idea and she knew it. So without further adue, she quickly passed out the rest of the cards out. Frank being one of the last ones.


Raven , finally finding her room set her suitcases on the plain white bedding, and walked into her newly claimed bathroom to stare at her reflection. She ran her fingers through her auburn hair, trying her best to get the little knots out from the wind whipping it about on her walk over to Cromwell. To her best judgement, she slipped off her heels, feeling instant relief from the pressure and took a walk down the hall, her red painted toenails leading the way. She never heard anything in Isabellas announcement about not wearing shoes so why not? the cool, marble floor felt good on her skin. With her card safely tucked into her back pocket, she walked down the stairs and was clearly the only one within the walls without shoes. that was a good conversational peice,.

Frank was sitting in the lobby for some time now, at least 10 or so minutes waiting for his turn to receive the card when finally it happened. He got the card and was more curious and confused that before. There was no doubt that his late arrival made him to miss something, announcement or any other kind of information as everyone else knew that was that card and did not look lost as Frank was. Frank stood there with his leather bag in one hand and the card in other and looked around for some magic clues that were not there. Slowly swiping the room with his eyes from one side to other he stopped. His attention was stuck on this girl who was walking down the stairs. For some reason she was not wearing any shoes but hey, this place is full of weird people with abilities and powers, so bare foot is not the weirdest thing you could stumble upon. Whatever was the reason, she seemed comfortable and someone who knows what is going on. In less than a second Frank was right next to the girl and only grey smoke was left in the place where he was standing like if he would have smoked there. Frank used his teleportation ability to get to the girl before he loses her in-between others. "Hey, hello!" Frank mumbled "Im Frank! Can you be so kind and help me?" he asked and then continued without receiving a reply "So I was kind of late to all this meeting and i feel that I missed out on important information" he took a little breath "and then I received this card and honestly have no idea what it is and what do i do now!?" he stopped and then added "Please, tell me you know what is going on?" Frank felt weird, not because of the girl or the house, or all the people, it was more like a byproduct of all of it. He was excited, scared, angry all at once, but he hoped that this girl will answer to some of his questions and he will be able to breath and relax.

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