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Realistic or Modern Cromwell Manor

Titus smiled at Blake. "I'm Titus, and it is nice to meet you." Titus spelled out in water that hovered in the air. All the while he was blushing.
Elizabeth Hunt

During their pleasantries and friendly introductions, Elizabeth called back her butterflies when she saw the elegant, sophisticated woman stood above them. Her presence commanding and demands respect from anyone who sees her. Eliza then turned her frame in the right angle to ready herself for what the woman has to say.
Titus let the water float back to the bottle. Titus saw the women, and instantly knew she was the owner of the Cromwell Manor. Titus couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. Though Titus had his eyes set on someone, close to his own abilities. She made him smile when he saw her.

As she loomed over the students in front of her, standing in the lower level of the lobby, a slight smile graced her lips. Which was unusual, Smiles out of nowhere weren't really her thing. They could be, but they weren't

" On behalf of my Late Husband and I, Welcome to Cromwell Manor. I don't expect you all to get right into the swing of things, So, for the next few days you will all settle into your dorms. In a few minutes i will be personally giving you these I.D Cards. " The Head Mistress held up a stack of plastic, credit card sized notes.

" These cards will also be your currency, On it i have already taken the liberty of pre-loading each of them with five hundred dollars to be used to decorating your dorm rooms, and Decorating ONLY. With that said, after this you will need to earn your own money. If you think your abilities are controlled enough to find a job in the city, be my guest but if you screw up i will not be there to say ' I Told you so'.

" Now, with the Rooms, you will find then on the other side of this building, They are already equipped with your basic needs, a bed,lamp, Laptop and desk for your work and a wardrobe. There are no room-mates. so Please take your time here make friends, or enemies, as long as you remain civil and don't harm one another... And after you're ready please feel free to pick out your room and await further instructions later tonight at dinner."

With that, Isabella strode down the stairs, with her hand riding the right hand rail, coral pink train following her.


Raven sat, her legs crossed, on her tower of suitcases. She listened intently to every word the head mistress had to say. She already didn't have much with her, so the pre-loaded money would come in handy even if it was just for decorating her dorm room. And she got her own, she didn't have to share with anyone. This was a real treat, all her life she had to tuck her mother in or cleaning up needles, or whatever the case may be. She got her own bed and she was very excited. All she needed now as to make friends, so she stood up as Isabella came her direction to hand her the card

" Thank you M'am" Bird smiled to the woman and took her identification from the head mistress.

( Anyone up for mingling with Raven or Orion?)


As the first speech was just about half way done, Orion leaned against one of the pillars near the entrance with his arms crossed. His own room would be nice, but he had his own room back home. But making it look the way he wanted to would be nice, Kennedy wanted everything uniform back home, it was absurd and very irritating There was quite a handful of students here so waiting to get his I.D card could take a bit so why not mingle?

Titus walked up the stairs, and gently took hold of the card. "Thank you Miss Cromwell. It is really a blessing what you are doing here for us. so thank you again." Titus walked down the stairs until he noticed an really pretty girl. Titus walked over and blushed a little bit. His eyes shifted to a deep green, and smiled. "Hi I'm Titus. I saw you over here and came to say hi." Titus blushed as he rambled, and he eyes were constantly shifting from sea green to sea blue and everything in between.
Elizabeth Hunt

Elizabeth listened intently to what the woman has to say. A room to our own?, she thought. Back on her island, her parents had given her practically everything she'd ever needed or wanted, without her asking. She appreciated that act from her parents. However, this elegant, classy woman had presented something else, something more interesting. That they are to earn their own money afterwards caught Eliza's attention. She had never worked anywhere. Receiving her card, she said her "Thank you," and examined the card. She smiled at the thought of finding a job in town. Eliza looked around and saw that some of the others have gotten their cards while some are still awaiting for theirs. She saw a person leaning on one of the pillars. "A newcomer?" She said to herself. Turning to approach him, she smiled and held out her butterfly to flutter about them. "Hello. My name's Elizabeth. Did you get your card already?"

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Nick Rollins

Nick heard some fuzz outside. So he exited his room and Isabella giving out cards. Luckly he heard the instructions so he took a card and went back to taking his medicine.

Bird tucked her identification card neatly in her back pocket before the unfamiliar male walked up to her. She ran her fingers through her hair and positioned it to fall over her left shoulder. Extending her hand, she smiled. " Hello,I'm Raven, but you can call me Bird." With a smile dancing on her plain, lightly glossed lips she quickly pulled back her hand. Maybe touching wasn't the best idea... at the moment



As he adjusted his shirt and outer plaid layer as he saw a girl come his way. He unfolded his arms and stood up straight, as if his father had come over to give him a lecture, without the sweat beading down his head and neck.

With clouds storming, the closed doors of Cromwell Manor opens slightly but slammed shut as if by sheer, invisible force. There was truly a widespread storm running through this part of town.

While he adjusted his sunglasses firmly on the bridge of his nose, he smiled to the girl . " Newcomer? I guess, i only arrived about a half hour ago.." He smirked at his own pun " And, no i haven't received that bit of plastic just yet."

Elizabeth Hunt

As the wind outside had cause the closed doors of Cromwell Manor to open, only to shut it once more, Eliza quickly glanced at the door and automatically rubbed her arms to warm herself. Cold air from the outside had crept in. Even though she had lived near the ocean and was used to the cold breeze, the thought of experiencing a storm in a totally new environment had made her suddenly miss home. "Newcomer? I guess, i only arrived about a half hour ago..", he said. "Oh, that's right," Elizabeth laughed along. "I suppose you're not so new anymore, considering that you've been here for more than sixty-seconds. And this bit of plastic," she looked at her id card and saw her name. "What's your name, by the way?" She was a little embarrass of the fact that she forgot to ask his name. "And is this room too bright for you?" she observed, pointing at his sunglasses.


With taking glances at the doors, he assumed the storm must be a big one. The doors looked fairly heavy and what he guessed was made out of pure redwood.

He caught wind of the Mistress coming towards the back of the lobby, still he guessed he had a few minutes before she reached him and his guest.

" Uh.. Orion ... Orion Campbell." He gave her a slight nod. His hands sometimes sneak up to touch his glasses like they have become a permanent part of his anatomy. Which in a sense they have. " Bright? No. But trust me, you don't really want to see my eyes." H stated in the most polite way he could think of.

Elizabeth Hunt

"Orion Campbell," she repeated his name. "It's nice to meet you, Orion." Glad to have made another acquaintance, she let her butterfly flutter closer to him. She noticed how he frequently touches his sunglasses. "Unless your eyes happened to be the cause of the storm outside, then by all means, I do want to see it," she said. Catching her self, she quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I usually think before I speak. I did not mean to sound rude." Eliza looked at the others and how unique them all have been, some of them even chose to reveal their powers right away. Embarrassed and wanting to change the subject, she asked, "So, um, what brought you to Cromwell, Orion?"


He removed his beanie and ran a hand through his blond locks, letting out a soft almost in-audible sigh, He knew if he did take off his glasses this girl, and probably a few more would get a real show.

He then realized that he had never gotten the girls name ,so he quickly changed the subject. " I don't think i ever got your name" His eyebrow arched behind one of the dark lenses. He had never in his life wished more to have someone interrupt him, for even the smallest thing like an Identification card.



Alice hadn't been looking forward to her arrival at Cromwell. If she was being honest with herself she was intimidated by the thought of being surrounded by mutants such as herself with dual abilities. She supposed it could have been intriguing if not for the fact she had easily been top dog at her old school but here? She wasn't sure if that was a possibility. She only hoped she could keep up a good front while mingling with people who could probably break her neck with a single look.

As the car came to a halt she took a deep breath. She was late, but she supposed she didn't care about that, it just made her seem more like the appearance she knew would be a struggle to keep up. As Alice stepped out of the car and moved to the trunk to grab her suitcase, she adjusted the hat on her head a bit before starting for the entrance. As she was she kept her posture straight and a thin line on her lips. She didn't want to be here, but since she was she was going to knock down everyone in her way, and she wanted to make that clear.

(Open to talk to anyone! @Slaughterized Sorry my starter took so long)
Getting bored Nick goes out of his room leaving the syringe behind. On the laptop which was still open Nick was role playing on a site called "RPcountry." While he just wanted to explore the school a girl caught his attention, by the looks of things she just arrived because a car sped off.
Alice had been just about to reach the entrance when she felt a tingling sensation wash over her. She glanced around, noticing a boy who was staring at her. She smirked, and slid inside, wondering if he would come after her. This would certainly be interesting. She didn't think someone would notice her so quickly in a school of freaks but she supposed she wouldn't complain. She glanced down at her luggage, before starting for the rooms, wanting to pick one out. She glanced behind her to see if that boy had caught enough interest in her to follow or not.

@Little gasmask
Titus smiled at the girls smile. "Bird I like that nickname. So I can safely assume that you power is control over birds??" Titus asked as he blushed a little from staring at Raven to long. "So do you wanna go with into town to get some decorations for our rooms, and maybe look for jobs too??" Titus asked as he asked with a little excitement.

Slaughterized said:
He removed his beanie and ran a hand through his blond locks, letting out a soft almost in-audible sigh, He knew if he did take off his glasses this girl, and probably a few more would get a real show.

He then realized that he had never gotten the girls name ,so he quickly changed the subject. " I don't think i ever got your name" His eyebrow arched behind one of the dark lenses. He had never in his life wished more to have someone interrupt him, for even the smallest thing like an Identification card.

Elizabeth Hunt

She smiled as Orion had asked for her name. He may have missed it the first time. "Yes, I shall repeat my name for you. My name is Elizabeth Hunt. You may call me Eliza." Elizabeth was feeling quite unsure what to say to Orion. Maybe he doesn't want to talk to me, she thought. "How did you find out about your, um, abilities, if you don't mind me asking?" Even though they were all new there, it wasn't a hidden fact that all of them have gene x. She shifted her stance and her butterfly rapidly flapped its wings as it stayed afloat amidst them.

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She giggled softly when he said she must control birds. " No, not at all. Bird is from my mother.. but I would love to go look for a room before i decide on decor. If you don't mind that is." Raven shrugged, holding her suitcases in her hands firmly. She had to explore this place. At least for the first few days with no work to hold her down she could go exploring... maybe push a few buttons.



The question stumbled him He wasn't exactly one to just..tell his life story. Even though he had already had her name , the subject change was quick. Normally he would just diverse attention and sneak off, then again these people were probably smarter than his brothers.

" Uhm well.." He coughed and stuffed his hands in his pickets, unsure whether or not to continue.

" I was a kid and well,, some parents got needless to say.. uncomfortable. " Orion didn't know what else to say so he just stopped there and shrugged, Meanwhile Isabella luckily came around his end and handed him his plastic card. He smied and took it, not saying a word.

The tension in the room was palpable, as was bound to happen with a group of strangers who were going to have to spend quite a lot of time together. Earning her own money wouldn't be a problem, depending on the town, that was. Still, she had a good amount of cash in her wallet from palm and tarot readings on the street of the last town she had visited. She frowned at the idea of the card. It was a generous offer, but she had a feeling Mrs. Cromwell wasn't just handing out the money with no strings attached, and likely had some form of access to the account. Maybe she would get some paint and some new sheets, but the girl had been living out of a suitcase for years. When you were a runaway, you didn't use debit cards. The concept weirded her out.

People had started mingling now, but what she could see of it was a bit stilted and awkward. Instead of sticking to the foyer and waiting for someone to speak to her, Rowen thought maybe it would be best to just find a room and go from there, so she slung her duffel bag over her should and headed down the hallway to see what there was to see.
Nick sees the girl go to her room.

"I'll catch her at dinner." He though as he went to the other direction as that is where his room is. As he went inside his notification on 'RPcountry' we're over 9000. He began replying which will keep him busy until dinner.

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Frank Zommer


"They sold everything...just for this...just for me..." slowly the zoning out and silence was interrupted by the strong wind blowing in the face and the cars bypassing Frank in high speed. He was already late but the cold and strong wind that was almost like a nature saying "No! Do not go there! Turn back!" made the last couple of miles impossible to finish. He was really close to the location of so called Cromwell Manor that Frank had no information about, just the bit that his grandparents said that it is going to be place where he will have his normal life...

20 minutes passed and Frank was in front of a huge property...at the first he thought that he might have had made a wrong turn somewhere on the way and this is not it, as it definitely did not look as anything school a like. He checked the large square writing of address and name of the house that was attached to the fence structure near the main gates and it was indeed "Cromwell Manor". With his hoodie on and a leather sports bag in his hand with his belongings he took a deep breath, then exhaled and stepped through the gates.

Making his way further into the property a massive building, stretching to both sides of the property and looked like a kings palace, embraced his field of view. Feeling weird and dizzy from being nervous or excited at the same time he walked up the steps that lead to a high and strong wooden doors.
"Whatever awaits me inside...they sold everything...just for this...just for me...and I have to honour that!" he whispered to himself while gazing at the doors and a moment later made another step, pushed the doors open and entered himself into the building.

He was mesmerised for good 20 seconds after entering the lobby as he expected everything to look fancy but he never expected this. Again the thought about him not being at the right place struck his thoughts because he was not prepared or dressed for such place for sure. In front of him he saw bunch of young people and lady, that looked astonishing with her looks, walking around and giving out something that was card shaped. Frank squeezed his fist in which he was holding the bag and went towards one of the chairs that was there in the lobby. He placed the bag next to the chair and took a seat in the chair himself, observing what is going on and what kind of people are here.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.png.3bee85bdb644288f8a63f78a02d44d26.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147270" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.png.3bee85bdb644288f8a63f78a02d44d26.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

After a long trip, Luna finally arrived at Cromwell.

Her exhausted eyes had dark circles and anyone could mistake her for being terribly Ill.

Unfortunatly this was just the way Luna appeared most of the time, for she was too afriad to ask anyone to let her take energy.

Totally sounds like a great conversation starter right? Wrong.

Luna sucked in a breath and used some of the last of her strength to walk in the gates and up to the large building.

Immediately Luna bee lined for the door and went inside, seeing many other students around.

The girl with the colored hair stood by the door and bit her lip, nervously trying to decide who to approach.

But if anyone here knew what she could do, would they even want to talk to her?

Luna pulled a flower from her hair and held it in her hand.

The Rose began to bloom and then close up, performing this show repeatedly while Luna watched.

It calmed her to feel like she had control over one thing going on.
(Anyone who wants to interact with Luna, feel free to approach)



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Frank sat there for few minutes observing everyone and trying to figure out each and everyone's role in this whole charade. Yes, charade, that's how it all looked in his eyes, nothing was real, more like prepared spectacle to impress simple souls that have never seen such riches before. Obviously the older lady was in charge as you could tell how everyone was looking at her, almost like they would adore her for some unknown reason. Meanwhile another person entered the building and as Frank was sitting more or less close to the doors, at least much closer than others, besides they all were busy by following the older lady with their eyes and nervously awaiting their turn to receive the card, he spotted the girl entering and she did not look well. It was hard to understand her situation because even she looked as she would be ill, she could have been really exhausted at the same time, nevertheless she needed some assistance. Frank stood up from the chair, pretty fast and it almost looked like he jumped out of the seat, and walked towards the girl. Approaching the girl Frank stood right next to her and placed his right hand on her back, bit above her waist, and took her left arm into his left hand.
"Are you alright?" Frank asked assisting her with both of his hands "You should sit down! Come, let me help you to get to the chairs..." he said and made a slight movement towards the place he was sitting a minute ago.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.png.85850bfe3746c5e4aa335786ab154c1a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147483" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.png.85850bfe3746c5e4aa335786ab154c1a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Almost instantly Luna gasped and pushed herself away from the strange guy.

"Don't do that!"

But it was too late, from just the simple touch on her back, Lunas dark circles under her eyes disappeared but her skin remained pale.

"You can't touch me.... Are you alright? Do you feel tired? I didn't mean to do it I swear."

Luna rambled slightly.



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What happened was unclear, as he touched the girl, Frank kind of felt a little dizziness for a second and shivers ran throughout his body, but it was gone in a moment. The girl at the same time seemed to become more energetic and did not seem to need the assistance as much. She suddenly pushed herself back as if she would be in fear of being hurt or taking in consideration the place where they were, maybe, just maybe, she was afraid of hurting Frank? After the quick thoughts in his head he caught the last question she asked in a definite distress. "Do what?" he asked, obviously not understanding what she is talking about. "Do you want to sit down?" he repeated the question as she missed to reply to any...

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