Cringiest Cring of the Cringy RPs

Well two points

A. people online are often very different than they are in real life. They might be very outgoing in a chat or roleplay and painfully shy in real life. They might pretend to be someone who is a great singer - but in real life they couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.

They might fantasize about falling in love with a handsome stranger / going to exotic locals / being famous - when in reality they don't have the time / money / or talent to pursue those dreams.

Thus they roleplay as a way to live out their fantasies in such a way that they can be whomever they want.

B. A roleplay is supposed to be about telling a story with characters. Now some people do make self-inserts ( basically themselves in whatever the plot is ) but other people make up totally original creations for their stories.

And just like there is no such thing as a "bad" genre of book. There is no such thing as a "bad" genre of roleplaying.

There are just genre's you like more than others.

For instance - historical novels bore the pants off me. But that doesn't mean I think those kinds of books are bad. They're just not my cup of tea.

The same instance - Romance roleplays bore and frustrate me. I don't think they're bad I just don't enjoy roleplaying them myself.

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