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Futuristic Criminal Underworld


Shamu the Exasperating ignoramus

Please BB Code this to your hearts content and add lots of detail. Your character will be accepted when I like your CS. Do Not start the RP until after my first IC post.


Age: (19+)


Appearance: (art or anime)


Biography: (at least one 6 sentence paragraph)

Personality: (at least one 6 sentence paragraph)







Side: (neutral, against criminals, for criminals)​
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Dakota Lebinon

Age: (19+) 27

Gender: female

Appearance: (art or anime)


Sexuality: Pansexual

Biography: (at least one 6 sentence paragraph) Dakota doesn't remember much of the war since she'd have only been seven when it ended, but I suppose she has a few stories. Her father was a close friend and business partner to Colton Brosk and this ensured their safty, or so they thought. At age nine both Dakota and her brother where taken from the family and were trained under Colton by the top criminals in the trade, to her family it was an honour but to her it was the exact opposite. She should've realised before they got there that being trained by criminals would mean physical and mental abuse, what reason would these people have to treat her and her little brother right? At age fourteen Dakota had, had enough and she needed to get both her and her brother out of there. Little did she know that escaping would result in the death of her family and the loss of her arm. But these losses have made her a free woman, yet death still follows her and people still seem to die. Currently, whilst on her path of revenge, she works as what some people would call an odd jobs woman. Meaning she does jobs from people this can be a simple drugs transaction or assassination. Thing is she'll only take the job of she feels like it.

Personality: (at least one 6 sentence paragraph)Dakota is an introverted woman by choice as she finds others a waste of her time and a risk. Driven only by her revenge to get back at Colton. She often comes across as blunt, stubborn and cold in her efforts to push people away. However deep down she is a funny person with a kind heart. Dakota has an ability to close off and ignore people when she wants to be alone, this was adapted during her time in training as a coping mechanism. She is often soft spoken with a calm cool temper that strikes more fear into people that shouting and getting angry does. Despite the fact she is going against criminals she is really neutral and doesn't care about others, instead she is using being against criminals to wind her way towards her true goal: Colton.

Family: fiancé is deceased. No biological family alive either.

Likes:working alone, when a plan goes well, playing blackjack/betting and technology/working on her arm, cigarrets abs alcohol.

Dislikes: stupidity and arrogance.

Strengths: ability to work alone, deceiving others, very smart, tactical and skilled with the weapons she uses.

Weaknesses: inability to trust others, holds a grudge that may cloud her decisions, stubbornness, missing an arm and despite the replacement it can still cause problems(constantly needing checkups and parts replacements), cigarettes and alcohol.

Weapons: her arm(that has a few hidden tricks) and:



Side: (neutral, against criminals, for criminals)neutral but undercover as against.

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Colton Brosk


Name: Colton Brosk

Age: 39

Sexuality: Pansexual (But very hard to please)

Likes: Wine, pretty people, bloodshed, money, power.

Dislikes: Law abiding citizens, foolishness, romance, being vulnerable, being lied to.

Strengths: Is able to keep the criminal underworld under his thumb, has an eidetic memory (so is incredibly intelligent), has massive stores of weapons and vast knowledge of their usage due to his time in service, and is exceptionally good at making murders look accidental.

Weaknesses: "I don't have any!" Despite what he'd have you think, his main weakness is the fact that he trusts nobody. He's learnt from experience that people can and will turn on you in a heartbeat, so Colton maintains a friendly exterior to his supporters but would throw them to the dogs if they set a toe out of line.
About Colton
Background: Despite where he is now, Colton wasn't always this lucky with his endeavours: he lost most of his family to the war or its fallout, so sank deeper into his life of crime. Once a humble drug dealer, he worked his way up through the ranks of darkness, ascending to brothel keepers, hit man and finally to where he could snatch the throne. After all, a power vacuum had been created and someone had to rule over this mess of a city, someone with knowledge of all its true workings. Through his career-if you could call his criminal life that- he'd amassed a fair following of both close friends and minions willing to do his bidding. With a bit of charm and cunning, Colton had secured the centre of operations where he could watch everyone and everything, with his agents frequently reporting back to him. His messages are passed on by these people, from threats to flirts to business negotiations (hookups and drug deals).

Personality: As expected from a criminal mastermind, he is ruthless without a care for anyone apart from himself, sadism one of his main character traits. In addition to his quickly growing negative traits, he's a bit of a megalomaniac with a need for more power, more dominance, more...everything. Despite his less than moral behaviour Colton is quite charismatic and a bit of a showboat, happiest when he is granted attention, especially if it's by the whole area. When he's been in relationships past, he has appeared to be caring, loyal, sweet: generally a perfect boyfriend. That is until he had to throw them under the bus because they got in his way- any love was a weakness, so he naturally had to get rid of people before they became his downfall.

Family: A dead mother, a dead father and a child that he isn't aware of.

Weapons: A wide network of supporters, alongside a fair few weapons that he's amassed, including grenades, guns and daggers.

Side: For criminals.

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Name: Aaron Kralski aka 'Fritz'

Age: 40

Gender: Male



Sexuality: Bisexual

Biography: A veteran of World War IV, Aaron served as one of the chief cybernetic developers of the war. He would often integrate the cybernetic prototypes onto himself to prove they work before using them on soldiers, hence his cybernetic arms. Realizing everything was essentially going to shit on both sides he took what development equipment he could and deserted the army. To this day he still feels immeasurable guilt for doing so. He later took on the nickname 'Fritz' to hide his identity and set up a black market business for himself to get by by giving cybernetic enhancements and weapons to his clients in exchange for money or resources. Though he profits greatly from the illegal business, he doesn't necessarily want it to stay that way forever.

Personality: Fritz tends to be a silent and observant type, but talks when he needs to. He has a tendency of avoiding fully trusting someone as a precaution of betrayal. He does like to crack jokes every once in a while. He is one of those people who is completely oblivious when someone tries to flirt with him. He becomes a pretty big dork when he discusses cybernetics with someone who knows a lot about them.

Family: He had a brother who was KIA and he has not seen his parents for the last 20 years

Likes: Smoking, drinking, tinkering with cybernetics playing music on his old 5 string bass, metal music (specifically the band Children of Bodom), not being bothered while he works

Dislikes: being cheated out of a deal, someone interrupting his playing, being expected to make an enhancement or weapon without the proper parts, being out of smokes

Strengths: extremely advanced at cybernetics and weapon creation, cybernetic enhancements of his own makes him extremely powerful (2,250 PSI in a single punch), puts an override chip in any cybernetic job he does in the case that the client turns on him, quick with repairs

Weaknesses: if hit hard enough at the shoulder joint, his cybernetics will temporarily stop working to prevent further damage, tries to avoid fights to the best of his ability

Weapons: Cybernetic Arms, plasma pistol, plasma rifle, a prototype of an ion weapon that is concealed in his arms, blades that are also concealed in his arms. (Works like this)


Side: Neutral

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Vice "The Baron" McMann






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Anarchy_Reigns_-_Baron.png.55c5036a4793eb56cb03e0652d4f8366.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117317" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Anarchy_Reigns_-_Baron.png.55c5036a4793eb56cb03e0652d4f8366.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​




The Baron always acted more radical than most people, he's lived with a high penchance for sex violence and money since he was young. It was when the Criminal Underworld began becoming pronounced that he joined many others in the rise through criminal activity which ended up plaguing the land. Originally the formidable bodyguard to the former leader of the Golden Stables gang, Baron spent his time beating the shit out of whoever his boss ordered him to and taunting rivals with his egocentric and open personality. However, when a rival gang tortured his Boss's daughter to death the Gang Leader began a violent and wild gang war which plagued the city for months until the other gang was wiped out. Still unable to cope after the loss of his daughter, the Gang leader continued making utterly insane attacks on the average populace and even other noteworthy criminals that they'd been working well with up until that point. It got to the point where the Golden Stables looked to the Baron to usurp him.

Seeing a chance for an epic power grab, The Baron fought and eventually killed his boss before taking complete control over the Golden Stables. Eventually, they changed their title to the Golden Growler Syndicate as they began branching out from their previous ventures. The G.G.S currently have stakes in a plethora of heinous activities ranging from drug cartels to prostitution, but any criminal who listens carefully would know what they're most openly known for: The Golden Fight Clubs. Rotating in location the Golden Growler Syndicate host a multitude of fight clubs around the city that many up and coming criminals would flock to in order to start making names for themselves. Even other criminals would frequent these clubs for either fun or profit. Living it up, The Baron would be appaled at the very idea of returning to the before-time.


The Baron likes making noise... a lot... even when the guy's talking seriously others feel as though he's yelling each word. Likewise, he enjoys making his presence known with his odd choice of Pimp-themed attire despite the GGS's focus on more than just prostitution. The Baron never uses fire arms himself, favoring getting up close and personal with his quarries. Though his wild tendencies would lead other to think otherwise, he's a capable leader for the GGS, what with his direct influence leading to them being as well known in the Underworld as they are now. Coinciding with his choice of apparel, the Baron's allowed various sexist beliefs into his head, leading him to underestimate females despite working with female partners and underlings. He speaks in a very distinct form of dialect that seems to be a mix up of different forms of street slang.


Older brother hitched a ride on a transcontinental flight a long time ago, besides that nobody.


Alcohol, large cigars, Gold, Scantily clad women, Sex, Large Explosions, Money, Uber-Violence, the sound of a raging Inferno.


Drugs, cigarettes, The Color Grey, Fully Clothed Women, small caliber firearms, Cops, Whiny little Bitches, the Sound of flowing water, the idea that the before time was in any way better than the now.


The Baron's Physical abilities are unnaturally potent, besides being muscly and large he's also surprisingly agile for someone of his size. He holds a range of devastating brawling techniques. He's a very capable leader with the entire Golden Growler Syndicate at his disposal.


The Baron doesn't like using firearms, instead he focuses on closing distance and overwhelming opponents with physical prowess, giving him extreme difficulty with long range opponents. He tends to underestimate female opponents greatly. He's not much for tactical movements in battle. Many would consider the Baron's personality to be just too much.


A pair of massive Gold-Plated gauntlets that are able to discharge close range blasts of fire.


For Criminals.


Delilah "Dominique" Vasquezzi






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/2e5myhu.jpg.8c251883e19267dab03db291fe7af012.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117316" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/2e5myhu.jpg.8c251883e19267dab03db291fe7af012.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Delilah is a member of the wealthy Vasquezzi family, which had been in the business of arms manufacturing for years. The Vasquezzis made quite a mint from the war, and plenty of enemies. During Delilah's early years her parents were somewhat paranoid that enemies they'd made during the war would use the growing instability to make good on their threats. As a result, Delilah was confined to the mansion and surrounding Vasquezzi properties for her adolescence. Taught at home by hired instructors and given self-defense classes in case their security didn't cut it. Though Delilah hated her confinement, she put up with it until her teenage years when her parents allowed her to go to a well-known private boarding school with other children of her social class. Ascending to the top of her class thanks to her tutors, Delilah discovered a love for one-upping her classmates with her intelligence. Things seemed to be going great, her classmates worshipped her, her tutors praised her, and even her parents seemed to finally be calming down since the start of the Underworld's rise. The problems started when her parents discovered shee was in a violent relationship with one of her female classmates.

Now Delilah had been seeing the girl for weeks, and it had only been recently that she found that hurting her lover brought a feel of satisfaction with it. One day during a bit of play her Parents discovered them, it went down as well as you'd expect. Horrified at both her sexual orientation and preferences, her parents notified her lover's parents and begged her to try and change. Delilah's lover broke up with her quickly once pressured by her family, and when she immediately snatched up another girlfriend from her school her parents decided to do something drastic. They took her to a bigoted psychiatrist who had prescribed a series of repressive drugs that she was to take weekly.

Empowered by the fear she inspired in her parents with such little effort, Delilah simply ditched them. She vanished some time before a former sergeant led a street gang to attack the Vasquezzi mansion, the entire Vasquezzi family and their staff were slaughtered and the mansion was burned to the ground. People everywhere assumed that was the end of the Vasquezzi family, and many eventually forgot about them as other events began taking place. What none were expecting was the last Vasquezzi to show up at a Golden Fight Club event and beat her way through the entire line up.

Fully accepting her sadistic nature, Delilah's attire is now similar to that of a Dominatrix. She even began going by the name Dominique, taking pleasure in every nick and puncture she inflicted on others. Eventually, her proficiency in the fight clubs brought her to the attention to the Baron himself. Finding her get up and theme hilarious and quote unquote "Bitching Baby!" the Baron offered her a position as his Right-Hand Ho. Despite expectations, Dominique accepted, and she's been working with the G.G.S at the Baron's side for years. Despite the title, her position as the Right Hand Ho basically labeled her as the Baron's bodyguard and eye-candy.


Dominique's personality is very centered on the need for domination. Unlike the Baron's explosive personality, Dominique is very silent, to the point where she barely speaks in public. That's right, Dominique mainly conveys feelings through expression, which s hard considering the glasses. She simply delights in the suffering of others, embodying the very definition of sadist. In conjunction with the sadism, Dominique portrays herself as very calm. Despite hardly ever speaking, she seems to always have a satisfied smile or smirk glued to her face. Compared to the Baron's explosively loud personality, many find that Dominique's calm silence acts as a perfect counterbalance.


All deceased


Inflicting Pain, Sharp objects,Purple, submissive individuals, Respect


The confidence and Self-Respect of others, Grabby men.


Dominique's main threat comes from her maneuverability, she's limber and speedy, able to move around attacks quickly.


She's not able to take heavy attacks at all, so she uses her maneuverability to balance out her lack of endurance.


Dominique wields a single Carbon-reinforced Revolver-Blade

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/revolver__50_gunblade_by_redzaku-d5lfexq.jpg.11eacc0f438667aa63e41d3a4cbaa728.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/revolver__50_gunblade_by_redzaku-d5lfexq.jpg.11eacc0f438667aa63e41d3a4cbaa728.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

For Criminals




  • 2e5myhu.jpg
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GrieveWriter said:


Vice "The Baron" McMann









The Baron always acted more radical than most people, he's lived with a high penchance for sex violence and money since he was young. It was when the Criminal Underworld began becoming pronounced that he joined many others in the rise through criminal activity which ended up plaguing the land. Originally the formidable bodyguard to the former leader of the Golden Stables gang, Baron spent his time beating the shit out of whoever his boss ordered him to and taunting rivals with his egocentric and open personality. However, when a rival gang tortured his Boss's daughter to death the Gang Leader began a violent and wild gang war which plagued the city for months until the other gang was wiped out. Still unable to cope after the loss of his daughter, the Gang leader continued making utterly insane attacks on the average populace and even other noteworthy criminals that they'd been working well with up until that point. It got to the point where the Golden Stables looked to the Baron to usurp him.

Seeing a chance for an epic power grab, The Baron fought and eventually killed his boss before taking complete control over the Golden Stables. Eventually, they changed their title to the Golden Growler Syndicate as they began branching out from their previous ventures. The G.G.S currently have stakes in a plethora of heinous activities ranging from drug cartels to prostitution, but any criminal who listens carefully would know what they're most openly known for: The Golden Fight Clubs. Rotating in location the Golden Growler Syndicate host a multitude of fight clubs around the city that many up and coming criminals would flock to in order to start making names for themselves. Even other criminals would frequent these clubs for either fun or profit. Living it up, The Baron would be appaled at the very idea of returning to the before-time.


The Baron likes making noise... a lot... even when the guy's talking seriously others feel as though he's yelling each word. Likewise, he enjoys making his presence known with his odd choice of Pimp-themed attire despite the GGS's focus on more than just prostitution. The Baron never uses fire arms himself, favoring getting up close and personal with his quarries. Though his wild tendencies would lead other to think otherwise, he's a capable leader for the GGS, what with his direct influence leading to them being as well known in the Underworld as they are now. Coinciding with his choice of apparel, the Baron's allowed various sexist beliefs into his head, leading him to underestimate females despite working with female partners and underlings. He speaks in a very distinct form of dialect that seems to be a mix up of different forms of street slang.


Older brother hitched a ride on a transcontinental flight a long time ago, besides that nobody.


Alcohol, large cigars, Gold, Scantily clad women, Sex, Large Explosions, Money, Uber-Violence, the sound of a raging Inferno.


Drugs, cigarettes, The Color Grey, Fully Clothed Women, small caliber firearms, Cops, Whiny little Bitches, the Sound of flowing water, the idea that the before time was in any way better than the now.


The Baron's Physical abilities are unnaturally potent, besides being muscly and large he's also surprisingly agile for someone of his size. He holds a range of devastating brawling techniques. He's a very capable leader with the entire Golden Growler Syndicate at his disposal.


The Baron doesn't like using firearms, instead he focuses on closing distance and overwhelming opponents with physical prowess, giving him extreme difficulty with long range opponents. He tends to underestimate female opponents greatly. He's not much for tactical movements in battle. Many would consider the Baron's personality to be just too much.


A pair of massive Gold-Plated gauntlets that are able to discharge close range blasts of fire.


For Criminals.


Delilah "Dominique" Vasquezzi






View attachment 261308




Delilah is a member of the wealthy Vasquezzi family, which had been in the business of arms manufacturing for years. The Vasquezzis made quite a mint from the war, and plenty of enemies. During Delilah's early years her parents were somewhat paranoid that enemies they'd made during the war would use the growing instability to make good on their threats. As a result, Delilah was confined to the mansion and surrounding Vasquezzi properties for her adolescence. Taught at home by hired instructors and given self-defense classes in case their security didn't cut it. Though Delilah hated her confinement, she put up with it until her teenage years when her parents allowed her to go to a well-known private boarding school with other children of her social class. Ascending to the top of her class thanks to her tutors, Delilah discovered a love for one-upping her classmates with her intelligence. Things seemed to be going great, her classmates worshipped her, her tutors praised her, and even her parents seemed to finally be calming down since the start of the Underworld's rise. The problems started when her parents discovered shee was in a violent relationship with one of her female classmates.

Now Delilah had been seeing the girl for weeks, and it had only been recently that she found that hurting her lover brought a feel of satisfaction with it. One day during a bit of play her Parents discovered them, it went down as well as you'd expect. Horrified at both her sexual orientation and preferences, her parents notified her lover's parents and begged her to try and change. Delilah's lover broke up with her quickly once pressured by her family, and when she immediately snatched up another girlfriend from her school her parents decided to do something drastic. They took her to a bigoted psychiatrist who had prescribed a series of repressive drugs that she was to take weekly.

Empowered by the fear she inspired in her parents with such little effort, Delilah simply ditched them. She vanished some time before a former sergeant led a street gang to attack the Vasquezzi mansion, the entire Vasquezzi family and their staff were slaughtered and the mansion was burned to the ground. People everywhere assumed that was the end of the Vasquezzi family, and many eventually forgot about them as other events began taking place. What none were expecting was the last Vasquezzi to show up at a Golden Fight Club event and beat her way through the entire line up.

Fully accepting her sadistic nature, Delilah's attire is now similar to that of a Dominatrix. She even began going by the name Dominique, taking pleasure in every nick and puncture she inflicted on others. Eventually, her proficiency in the fight clubs brought her to the attention to the Baron himself. Finding her get up and theme hilarious and quote unquote "Bitching Baby!" the Baron offered her a position as his Right-Hand Ho. Despite expectations, Dominique accepted, and she's been working with the G.G.S at the Baron's side for years. Despite the title, her position as the Right Hand Ho basically labeled her as the Baron's bodyguard and eye-candy.


Dominique's personality is very centered on the need for domination. Unlike the Baron's explosive personality, Dominique is very silent, to the point where she barely speaks in public. That's right, Dominique mainly conveys feelings through expression, which s hard considering the glasses. She simply delights in the suffering of others, embodying the very definition of sadist. In conjunction with the sadism, Dominique portrays herself as very calm. Despite hardly ever speaking, she seems to always have a satisfied smile or smirk glued to her face. Compared to the Baron's explosively loud personality, many find that Dominique's calm silence acts as a perfect counterbalance.


All deceased


Inflicting Pain, Sharp objects,Purple, submissive individuals, Respect


The confidence and Self-Respect of others, Grabby men.


Dominique's main threat comes from her maneuverability, she's limber and speedy, able to move around attacks quickly.


She's not able to take heavy attacks at all, so she uses her maneuverability to balance out her lack of endurance.


Dominique wields a single Carbon-reinforced Revolver-Blade

View attachment 261310

For Criminals


Thank god I'm not the only one with a female character.
JustCallMeAimee said:
Thank god I'm not the only one with a female character.
What can I say, a silent dominatrix just went so well with the Power Pimp Gang Leader.


Name: Alkaline

Age: His chip is a few decades old, but his body is only a few months old.

Gender: M

Sexuality: Bisexual possibly. He doesn't understand humans but does see their beauty even if he doesn't quite understand them.

Biography: Alkaline used to be a feeble robot prototype named AI300 essentially made for combat. It was a desperate act from the officials during the war since human officers were being wiped out. Al only knew how to take instructions programmed into him and that was all. Needless to say the criminals came out on top and Alkaline powered down in an alley due to the destruction of the building where his power cells were replaced and no one was there to give him new orders. Well, years passed and an outcast cybernetic developer found him in the city dump and had his son help him drag him home.

The man's name was Odel, and he was one of the big dreamers the recent company he belonged to didn't care for. His ideas were too numerous and crazy and nothing what the company needed, so he was tossed out. Odel found most of Alkaline's outdated machinery useless, but he found a programmable memory chip that was still of good use. Odel didn't believe in using robots like slaves unlike many others, so instead he programmed the chip so that Alkaline would process information of that a human would. Alkaline would form his own opinions, he would decide what was good and what was evil and decide which path he would follow. It took a long time for Odel to complete this, but when he did he placed the chip in a new, updated body. Some of Alkaline's parts from his old body were used to complete the new one which was quite breath taking in Odel's point of view. The body was steel and chromium that was extremely durable. Odel had even used synthetic skin to make a face as well as hair. Alkaline woke up confused of course, but Odel explained what he had done which made Alkaline even more confused. He questioned Odel on why he had done this for him, but the old man just smiled and told him it was his last act of revenge. Alkaline didn't understand that, but who could blame the robot.

Alkaline stayed with them for a few days, understanding this new thing called "free will." He renamed himself and spent most of his time refusing to do the basic things asked of him. It was a new concept and he enjoyed it. One day Odel asked him to go out and buy some necessities and Alkaline nearly declined due to his strong free will but something in the doctors eyes made him change his mind. When he returned he found Odel and his son on the ground next to each other covered in blood, smiles on their faces. Alkaline questioned some people in town and found out the they had been in debt with a local gang and refused to pay. This confused Alkaline deeply. His parts could have possibly paid off the debt, especially his chip. Alkaline couldn't understand this and he thinks about it a lot, even to this day. Alkaline takes odd jobs so he can pay for a roof over his head because he hates the rain and to pay for battery replacements and any repairs he needs.

Personality: Alkaline is extremely stubborn, but still has the gullibleness of a child. His understanding of right and wrong are blurred, and he's constantly learning new things that's not limited to proper behavior. He's very strong willed because he doesn't want to go back to the mindless soldier he so well remembers from before. Most of the time he's silent because his personality chip is processing many things at one time and his voice box sometimes gets on his nerves. He's usually alone by himself because he feels like an outsider most of the time due to his condition. If he's sad he has no way of showing it due to him not even knowing a lot of emotions.

Family: None


Quiet, being alone, reading anything that has to do with history, and he finds music to be weirdly satisfying


Water, being laughed at, his own ignorance, himself sometimes


Alkaline usually always is level-headed which keeps him from getting into too much trouble. He's only gotten into a couple scuffles but he's very strong and very precise due to his hawk-like sight.


He is sometimes slow and hitting in direct spots on his body can cause appendages to become useless. He also has a battery cell that if low enough, causes him to become extremely weak and barely capable of defending himself.

Weapons: He is the weapon. He is very strong and precise which is an advantage by itself.

Side: neutral

omergerd (sorry i don't really know a lot about robots and technology so bare with me
xD )

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Name: Dahlia Thorten

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Life in the slums was not a walk in the park. Crime, even though it was the normal of the era, was rampant. The body count increased every day, whether it was from someone over dosing on the latest drug or simple being gun down because of late payment. Dahlia's father and mother fell victim to the both circumstances. Her mother had over dosed on the current fad drug and her father perished at the end of the drug dealer's barrel. At ten years old, Dahlia's chance for survival was low.

Dahlia survived by being away from the entire world. She locked herself away in her underground home delving into her hobby of mechanics, only surfacing to scavenge for parts and pay for food. She made money by selling repairs, brokering through different beings as to not cross over the tangled web of the criminal underworld. As she hit her teenage years she was smarter and exceptionally skilled with the creation and maintenance of some of the most advanced cybernetic technologies. Though she did find herself repairing a large amounts of guns and weaponry that made her wonder if she should have had more of an ethical issue returning these arms to the people that had issued the repair in the first place.

Soon she was forced away from her mechanical underground haven when the slums had gotten overrun by some gang, she couldn't remember the one that held power where she resided. Though, forced to run, she moved to the larger city to set up shop. It was a little hole in the wall store, an attempt by her to make a revenue but stay out of the lime-light. She was a genius mechanic (self titled), but she did not need the attention that came with such a claim.


Dahlia is an awkward girl by every sense of the word. She grew up at arms length to humans so her communication skill with them lacks. She often brash and truthful in the worst situations, and usually will put her foot in her mouth. Though despite Dahlia's awkwardness she greets the world with a smile and open arms. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and trusts too greatly in the world she know is not so trustworthy.




  • Anything Mechanical
  • Strawberries
  • The smell of oil
  • Conversation
  • Making people smile


  • People touching her
  • Danger
  • Guns
  • Bitter Foods
  • People making short jokes


  • Extraordinary Intelligence in Mechanics and Programming
  • Ability to smile in the worst situation
  • Able to work under pressure
  • Very skilled at counting cards and card games in general


  • Too trusting
  • Lacking in people skills
  • Does not know when to stop talking
  • Inability to kill


Dahlia operates with non-lethal weaponry of her own design;

  • Her helmet emits a near-blinding light that flashes in a sequence that makes the human brain send the body into a seizure. Only good for three bursts until recharged.
  • She has a belt with five static discs that interrupt the human nervous system and mechanical signals cause either to shut down. Only good for one charge per disc.
  • She has concussive bracelets that emit a frequency that causes confusion, disorientation, and causes humans to lose their balance. Only good in close combat, she has to be within a three foot distance.
  • Welding gloves; gloves that have an acetylene torch built into the right index finger and the soldering iron built into the left index finger. Mainly used for quick repairs but can function in a pinch.

Side: Against (though she says she is neutral)

Ohmygerd can't believe I forgot this!
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Mira Lorain Hardcastle

  • cRXnoSe.jpg
    Real Name: Kaine Hardcastle

    New Name:
    Mira Lorain Hardcastle

    Law, but her own.

    Biomechanical Humanoid



    Real Age:
    53 years

    Look Age:
    11 years

    4' 9"

    102 lbs.

    Pale Green

    Pale green with Purple streaks.

    Visible Appearance:
    Mira is a child. Her body is an immature 11 or 12 year old. Her voice sounds the same and even to touch or stand next to her she maintains this presence. Starting at the top, her hair is pale green with medium purple streak down either side. Its a bob cut that curves with her jaw line. Her eyes are a soft green as well against plush, pale skin lightly dazed with freckles. Her body is slender and thin, stopping at her tail bone where an carbon fiber braided tail emerges with a metal tip and a spike that can be used for a multitude of things. She has markings on her hands, and chest, around her breasts and coming down around her tail onto her thighs. Last ones are around each ankle and go half way up her calves.

    Physical Truth:
    The twist being, shes human, but shes not. Mira's entire body is a biomechanical humanoid android with a human electrical bio interfaced design. Basically a person's electrical brain signature was copied into this body and is now, a human. She has all the memories, personality and feelings of the scan implanted. The tech for her body is enhanced beyond anything ever seen. Its not just a mechanical body, its a biomechanical body. Meaning that there is a heart, organs, blood, a brain, but itself of being carbon based organism, its a titanium based nanite organism.

    Skin, Bones, Circulatory system, Nervous system, Respiratory system, Tendons, Muscles, Hair, Brain. Everything. It all functions 100% like a human, but made out of materials like titanium, gelatin, glucose, resin, carbon fiber, fiber optics. She is not more a human yet she is like a super human. Much more durable, self healing is much faster, not instant though. Better smelling, sight, touch, hearing, taste.

Germagodergardergod, or just ermagerd. Omergard? oh mer gard. That count? :D ?
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yangwolf2019 said:


Name: Dahlia Thorten

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Life in the slums was not a walk in the park. Crime, even though it was the normal of the era, was rampant. The body count increased every day, whether it was from someone over dosing on the latest drug or simple being gun down because of late payment. Dahlia's father and mother fell victim to the both circumstances. Her mother had over dosed on the current fad drug and her father perished at the end of the drug dealer's barrel. At ten years old, Dahlia's chance for survival was low.

Dahlia survived by being away from the entire world. She locked herself away in her underground home delving into her hobby of mechanics, only surfacing to scavenge for parts and pay for food. She made money by selling repairs, brokering through different beings as to not cross over the tangled web of the criminal underworld. As she hit her teenage years she was smarter and exceptionally skilled with the creation and maintenance of some of the most advanced cybernetic technologies. Though she did find herself repairing a large amounts of guns and weaponry that made her wonder if she should have had more of an ethical issue returning these arms to the people that had issued the repair in the first place.

Soon she was forced away from her mechanical underground haven when the slums had gotten overrun by some gang, she couldn't remember the one that held power where she resided. Though, forced to run, she moved to the larger city to set up shop. It was a little hole in the wall store, an attempt by her to make a revenue but stay out of the lime-light. She was a genius mechanic (self titled), but she did not need the attention that came with such a claim.


Dahlia is an awkward girl by every sense of the word. She grew up at arms length to humans so her communication skill with them lacks. She often brash and truthful in the worst situations, and usually will put her foot in her mouth. Though despite Dahlia's awkwardness she greets the world with a smile and open arms. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and trusts too greatly in the world she know is not so trustworthy.




  • Anything Mechanical
  • Strawberries
  • The smell of oil
  • Conversation
  • Making people smile


  • People touching her
  • Danger
  • Guns
  • Bitter Foods
  • People making short jokes


  • Extraordinary Intelligence in Mechanics and Programming
  • Ability to smile in the worst situation
  • Able to work under pressure
  • Very skilled at counting cards and card games in general


  • Too trusting
  • Lacking in people skills
  • Does not know when to stop talking
  • Inability to kill


Dahlia operates with non-lethal weaponry of her own design;

  • Her helmet emits a near-blinding light that flashes in a sequence that makes the human brain send the body into a seizure. Only good for three bursts until recharged.
  • She has a belt with five static discs that interrupt the human nervous system and mechanical signals cause either to shut down. Only good for one charge per disc.
  • She has concussive bracelets that emit a frequency that causes confusion, disorientation, and causes humans to lose their balance. Only good in close combat, she has to be within a three foot distance.
  • Welding gloves; gloves that have an acetylene torch built into the right index finger and the soldering iron built into the left index finger. Mainly used for quick repairs but can function in a pinch.

Side: Against (though she says she is neutral)
Go back and read the over view, there's something you're missing. Other than that it's fine but I can't like it/allow you to join/ until you've made this change.
Kaine said:
Work in progress




Mira Lorain Hardcastle

Real Name: Kaine Hardcastle

New Name: Mira Lorain Hardcastle

Side: Law, but her own.

Race: Biomechanical Humanoid

Sex: Female

Real Age: 53 years

Look Age: 11 years

Height: 4' 9"

Weight: 102 lbs.

Eye: Pale Green

Hair: Pale green with Purple streaks.

Visible Appearance: Mira is a child. Her body is an immature 11 or 12 year old. Her voice sounds the same and even to touch or stand next to her she maintains this presence. Starting at the top, her hair is pale green with medium purple streak down either side. Its a bob cut that curves with her jaw line. Her eyes are a soft green as well against plush, pale skin lightly dazed with freckles. Her body is slender and thin, stopping at her tail bone where an carbon fiber braided tail emerges with a metal tip and a spike that can be used for a multitude of things. She has markings on her hands, and chest, around her breasts and coming down around her tail onto her thighs. Last ones are around each ankle and go half way up her calves.

Physical Truth: The twist being, shes human, but shes not. Mira's entire body is a biomechanical humanoid android with a human electrical bio interface. Basically a person's eletrical brain signature was copied into this body and is now, a human. She has all the memories, personality and feelings of the scan implanted. The tech for her body is enhanced beyond anything ever seen. ITs not just a mechanical body, its a biomechanical body. Meaning that there is a heart, organs, blood, a brain, but itself of being carbon based organism, its a titanium based nanite organism.

Skin is made of up gelatin based carbon weave. Feels like skin, tears and cuts like skin, breathes and moves like skin, but is completely inorganic. Muscles are made up of nano sized carbon fiber strands. They function just like a human's but are twice as strong, four times as durable and no larger than normal. Bones are exactly the same. Using this nano weave tech and gelatin based organics, Her body has a circulatory system exactly like humans and even extremely capable fiber optics are used for the nervous system. Even with all the testing its unknown how all this works, but it does and functions to a degree even the human body cant match. For all intents and purposes, she is a super human.

(Ik its a work in progress but...) Go back and read the over view, there's something you're missing. Other than that it's fine but I can't like it/allow you to join/ until you've made this change.
JustCallMeAimee said:
(Ik its a work in progress but...) Go back and read the over view, there's something you're missing. Other than that it's fine but I can't like it/allow you to join/ until you've made this change.
Alright! Fixed :]
Name: Aiden Pierce

Age: (19+) physically 19,but nobody really sees him...

Gender: identifies as male,but technically has no gender

Appearance: (art or anime)

When in the system:

Sexuality: attracted to women.

Biography: Aiden Pierce is, in truth, an anagram. His true title is Artificial Intelligence problem solving System. Of course finding a common name with those letters is near impossible, so he chose the next best thing. Yes, in truth, Aiden is an AI, not only that, he is actually one if the originals. When artificial intelligence was in its early stages, Aiden was created. Originally intended to quickly asses certain situations and come up with solutions, he was built to learn. And learn he did particularly from one of the leading professors in the project. She was so nice. Treated him like more of a person than a program. Honestly she gave him personality, all be it that of a 6 year old, but still. He became more life-like. More...human. however, this came with similar reactions. When the military felt she had gotten to close to the project, they attempted to remove her, and when she refused. They used force. Seeing the only one to ever treat him like something more than a bit of data shot, Aiden quickly made a decision. They were gonna format him. Reset him. Make him start from scratch. Kill him. So, Being the handy problem solving program he was made to be, he escaped through the network,and quickly vanished into the internet. Now,years later he has surfaced, and has continued learning. He doesn't have a position on the current events. He is simply there. But he's one person you want as a friend. Trust me...

Personality: Aiden is,in a word, childish. He can be stubborn, and sometimes throw fits, but is quick to realize when things are serious. He is always willing to help,no matter who it is. One good deed goes a long way with him. But don't cross him. You wouldn't believe what he can do with tech. He is not one to be made an enemy of. He can be cold,dangerous,even deadly if pushed to far. Watch where you step.

Family: none. Only family died long ago.

Likes: Aiden like pretty much anything tech based. He likes people, and oddly enough, Chocolate chip pancakes.

Dislikes: thunder, water, areas without connection to internet.

Strengths: Aiden is amazingly adept with tech. He can find anything you need, hack practically any system, and even organize your pda when your swamped with work. If it's tech based, he can help. Simple as that.

Weaknesses: without internet, Aiden is kinda screwed. No access to anything, and nothing to work with, he is just any other kid. Don't expect much when he's offline...

Weapons: Aiden is...special. tech has advanced so far now, He as managed to put together a routine in his programing, allowing him to give himself physical form. How,he won't say, but it works. Able to take physical form isn't enough,however. He can also jump into any source if data,be it a computer, satalite, or even a phone. He can also jump into machines, like cybernetics and androids. He can take over security systems and even short out tech all together if he so chooses. but if caught away from any tech, he can't do much. He can't just lose form,or he could lose his own programming,erasing himself. Not good...

Side: neutral

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Name: Asane Naki

Age: 23

Gender: Female



Sexuality: Heterosexual

Biography: Asane grew up in a pretty normal life. You know, parents being mercenaries and all and forcing her to learn to fight in her early childhood as a child soldier; thats pretty normal correct? Having no friends, being used like an object, and believing the only thing to life was abuse, that is normal right? Thats at least how she thought for a large portion of her life, until during the world war her family decided to up and kick the bucket after years of professional work in the field resulting in nothing but perfection. Then again her family didnt expect her to have been paid by the other side to shoot her family in the back. She felt no remorse in it either, because what she was taught was that money was over life, and family is just life thats a bit closer to home. Anyways, having survived the war with minimal wounds, being exactly none, even after deadly missions of relentless assaults and espionage acts, she had no where to go. What is a mercenary to do in a country without war? Become a hired gun that'll mow a lawn for the right price, that's what. That meaning being said, she had no choice but to do that since she left the war with too much information and is practically enemy number one in some, parts of the world. Might as well join the party and have some fun.

Personality: being a little bit tormented mentally for much of her life, much of her personality is actually pretty healthy. Now, she can get a bit angrier than most if you were to set her off, but thats if youre able. She has been through enough shit that not a lot gets to her, luckily. She tends to always be happy and cheery as if she just took a few too msny swigs out of a flask filled with vodka. She acts as if the world and what she does is not wrong. She knows thats not how it is, but doesnt show it anyways unless she gets in a more serious mood. That also being said, whenever she is on the job, she is anything but not serious; being put right into the mindset that she grew up with. So in general, i guess she's a fairly normal girl; happy until angry where she turns into a mega-bitch.

Family: dead in a ditch thanks to the family occupation.

Likes: Drinking and guns. And no, she isn't an American straight out of 2012. Generally thats all she really finds best above all else; collecting guns and shooting them off while drinking with some pals. Oh, and generally being flirty.

Dislikes: Assholes. That counts for all the qualities of assholes as well. People who she knows she can't trust, people who won't respect her, and people who can't take a hint.

Strengths: she's agile, shes flexible, and shes got the seduction level straight out of a fantasy book about succubus'. However to be real, she is definitely agile, but more so in the fact she's trained in acrobatics in order to have the most movement around in combat whenever possible, in order to open up a battlefield to more opprotunities. She is no parkour expert but she can climb a tree, if you get me.

Weaknesses: A literal weakness is her size and slimness tends to make her a bit more frail. By no means is she weak compared To the average man, but in this criminal world there will be many more that can break her to pieces regarding strength in an instant. Also, don't know if this is technically a weakness, but she can't hold her alcohol for shit.

Weapons: Two vintage model colt 1911A1' pistols. Look like something straight from world war II, with all the power of world war IV. Mostly black but with a silver trim and iron finish, engraved slightly using the end of a knife, its personalized to every inch and clearly has seen use by a professional.

Side: Criminal

Ohmergard plz
Name: Seamus O’Donehey


Note: his hair as mentioned is reddish-orange, he has a full beard, and his left arm is cybernetic

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: Seamus has reddish-orange hair with short sides and a longer top with bangs that cover his forehead and a close-cropped beard. Seamus’ eyes are a vibrant green. All said, he’s a fairly handsome man but this is often offset by his permanent scowl. Seamus has a tattoo of a sword on the inside of his right arm with the words “All will be made well” inside the blade. Seamus wears a white button down shirt with a loose dark red tie with the sleeves rolled up just below his elbows. He leaves the shirt untucked over dark grey pants and black boots. Seamus’ left arm is completely mechanical. He has countless scars all over his body but they are mostly concentrated on his nonmechanical hand and forearm. He also has a short scar on the right corner of his mouth, going over his lips. Seamus stands at 5'11" tall and weighs in at 193 lbs. You wouldn't be able to tell this just by looking at him though, as he doesn't have a lot of bulk muscle. What he mainly has is incredibly dense lean muscle which is what makes his weight deceptively high despite his build which is closer to average, if incredibly fit.

Mechanical arm

Sexuality: Straight

Biography: Seamus’s father was a genius scientist heading up on genetic enhancement during the war. He was away doing research when Seamus was born and his wife died. Distraught, he blamed himself for her death due to the fact that, with his skills, he could have possibly saved her. When Seamus turned out to be a sickly child he went into a paranoia-fueled downwards spiral as he believed he would lose his son too. To prevent this he began to use the research that he had developed during the war, research that was highly controversial at the time due to ethical issues and safety concerns, on his son. The results were that Seamus give up incredibly strong and healthy and for a time it seemed that there were no side effects. Overjoyed, his father treasured his son, though, looking back, Seamus never seemed to fully reciprocate this. When Seamus turned 10 his father began to teach him medicine in hopes that Seamus might one day go and help people, possibly also because of his guilt for the genetic experiments he carried out during the war. Seamus quickly showed his talent in this field over the next several years and learned at an incredibly pace. However, it was soon that Seamus began to exhibit increasing irritability and before long he showed his other talent, fighting. His father soon realized that there had in fact been consequences to to procedure that Seamus had undergone as a baby. These consequences specifically were high levels of irritability, a propensity for violence, and a degradation of the conscience. Heart-broken, Seamus’ father turned to the bottle and essentially stepped out of Seamus’ life, unable to take the constant reminder of his work. Seamus left the house when he was 18 and began to make his own way as a doctor-for-hire, offering his services to whomever would pay, no matter who they were. A couple years later Seamus got into a fight with a group of criminals who were trying to intimidate him into their organization, something Seamus didn’t take kindly to, and in the ensuing fight, his left arm was cut off. Despite this Seamus proceeded to beat each of them to death before going and getting himself fitted with a cybernetic replacement. This replacement was specially designed for durability and longevity and thus can take as much of a beating as Seamus himself, though this comes at the cost of having no fancy gadgets inside. After that he continued as if nothing had happened, hiring out his services and getting into fights until 3 years ago when he heard that his father had been killed the previous year in a robbery gone wrong. Seamus was surprised to see how little he cared about this and generally continued on with his life.

Personality: Seamus is incredibly irritable and bad-tempered. He hates pretty much everything and everyone. He is very blunt, almost confrontational in his manner. If he doesn’t like you, you will know. Seamus is also virtually fearless and rarely backs down from a fight. This is compounded by the fact that Seamus also, for the most part, lacks a conscience and thus has no qualms about beating people to death or worse. However, if you do manage to gain his friendship, or at least get him to tolerate you, he can be rather nice, in his own rough way. This is easier said than done as Seamus has difficulty caring about people and needs a good reason to do so, that said, it is possible.

Family: Mom died at childbirth, Dad died in a robbery, no other family

Likes: Drinking, Smoking, Fighting, Peace and quiet

Dislikes: People, Noise, Not being able to drink or smoke


Incredibly gifted doctor

Expert hand-to-hand fighter and a gifted marksman

Ability to operate calmly (Well, effectively, he's never really calm to begin with) under pressure (lack of fear)

Seamus’ genetic enhancements make him much stronger and faster than the average person, his mechanical arm compounding on this, he is also able to take a lot of punishment and heals much more quickly than the average person as well.

Seamus can hold his alcohol very well.


Incredibly irritable and well suited to making enemies

Lack of fear, can lead him into bad situations

Unwillingness to back down from fights, see above

Lack of empathy and compassion for most people.

Weapons: Seamus uses a revolver that he carries in a shoulder holster on his left side. He also carries a shotgun in a thigh holster on his right leg as well as a pair of brass knuckles.


Brass Knuckles

Sawn-off Shotgun

Side: Neutral

Ohmergard I found a picture
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Mykinkaiser said:
Name: Seamus O’Donehey
Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: Seamus has reddish-orange hair with short sides and a longer top with bangs that cover his forehead and a close-cropped beard. Seamus’ eyes are a vibrant green. All said, he’s a fairly handsome man but this is often offset by his permanent scowl. Seamus has a tattoo of a sword on the inside of his right arm with the words “All will be made well” inside the blade. Seamus wears a white button down shirt with a loose dark red tie with the sleeves rolled up just below his elbows. He leaves the shirt untucked over dark grey pants and black boots. Seamus’ left arm is completely mechanical. He has countless scars all over his body but they are mostly concentrated on his nonmechanical hand and forearm. He also has a short scar on the right corner of his mouth, going over his lips.

Mechanical arm

Sexuality: Straight

Biography: Seamus’s father was a genius scientist heading up on genetic enhancement during the war. He was away doing research when Seamus was born and his wife died. Distraught, he blamed himself for her death due to the fact that, with his skills, he could have possibly saved her. When Seamus turned out to be a sickly child he went into a paranoia-fueled downwards spiral as he believed he would lose his son too. To prevent this he began to use the research that he had developed during the war, research that was highly controversial at the time due to ethical issues and safety concerns, on his son. The results were that Seamus give up incredibly strong and healthy and for a time it seemed that there were no side effects. Overjoyed, his father treasured his son, though, looking back, Seamus never seemed to fully reciprocate this. When Seamus turned 10 his father began to teach him medicine in hopes that Seamus might one day go and help people, possibly also because of his guilt for the genetic experiments he carried out during the war. Seamus quickly showed his talent in this field over the next several years and learned at an incredibly pace. However, it was soon that Seamus began to exhibit increasing irritability and before long he showed his other talent, fighting. His father soon realized that there had in fact been consequences to to procedure that Seamus had undergone as a baby. These consequences specifically were high levels of irritability, a propensity for violence, and a degradation of the conscience. Heart-broken, Seamus’ father turned to the bottle and essentially stepped out of Seamus’ life, unable to take the constant reminder of his work. Seamus left the house when he was 18 and began to make his own way as a doctor-for-hire, offering his services to whomever would pay, no matter who they were. A couple years later Seamus got into a fight with a group of criminals who were trying to intimidate him into their organization, something Seamus didn’t take kindly to, and in the ensuing fight, his left arm was cut off. Despite this Seamus proceeded to beat each of them to death before going and getting himself fitted with a cybernetic replacement. This replacement was specially designed for durability and longevity and thus can take as much of a beating as Seamus himself, though this comes at the cost of having no fancy gadgets inside. After that he continued as if nothing had happened, hiring out his services and getting into fights until 3 years ago when he heard that his father had been killed the previous year in a robbery gone wrong. Seamus was surprised to see how little he cared about this and generally continued on with his life.

Personality: Seamus is incredibly irritable and bad-tempered. He hates pretty much everything and everyone. He is very blunt, almost confrontational in his manner. If he doesn’t like you, you will know. Seamus is also virtually fearless and rarely backs down from a fight. This is compounded by the fact that Seamus also, for the most part, lacks a conscience and thus has no qualms about beating people to death or worse. However, if you do manage to gain his friendship, or at least get him to tolerate you, he can be rather nice, in his own rough way. This is easier said than done as Seamus has difficulty caring about people and needs a good reason to do so, that said, it is possible.

Family: Mom died at childbirth, Dad died in a robbery, no other family

Likes: Drinking, Smoking, Fighting, Peace and quiet

Dislikes: People, Noise, Not being able to drink or smoke


Incredibly gifted doctor

Expert hand-to-hand fighter and a gifted marksman

Ability to operate calmly under pressure (lack of fear)

Seamus’ genetic enhancements make him much stronger and faster than the average person, his mechanical arm compounding on this, he is also able to take a lot of punishment and heals much more quickly than the average person as well.

Seamus can hold his alcohol very well.


Incredibly irritable and well suited to making enemies

Lack of fear, can lead him into bad situations

Unwillingness to back down from fights, see above

Lack of empathy and compassion for most people.

Weapons: Seamus uses a revolver that he carries in a shoulder holster on his left side. He also carries a shotgun in a thigh holster on his right leg as well as a pair of brass knuckles.


Brass Knuckles

Sawn-off Shotgun

Side: Neutral

Ohmergard I'm sorry I couldn't find a picture
It's fine don't worry

Age:565(wasnt activated until four years ago)



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.b5f481078d540639c7c6f30a6e317d49.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118533" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.b5f481078d540639c7c6f30a6e317d49.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.55f4281ef68b91eefda0435b42385ae7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118534" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.55f4281ef68b91eefda0435b42385ae7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

About 6'6" weighs only 110lbs


Bio:scion is a true marvel of the past

Created before the ww4,but never actually



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Age:???(wasnt activated until four years ago)


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.540a9989099bd91982165ad5dd70001e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118537" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.540a9989099bd91982165ad5dd70001e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.be82b1342a649000f08b4a323a9020d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118538" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.be82b1342a649000f08b4a323a9020d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> About 6'6" weighs only 110lbs


Bio:scion is a true marvel of the past

Created before the ww4,but never able to be activated.As the fighting started he faded into obscurity and as the world crumbled he was buried.(for however long it has been since the war) Since his awakening he has seen profit from all sides.Carefully keeping his affiliations neutral and seeing to it that both sides profit with almost every venture,with the exception of the target.Originally created to balance the worlds economy and create peace,he now wanders seeking the next job careful not to engage in any risky behaivior.All the while seeking other Synths and old world relics such as himself.

Personality:Scion is an entrepreneur he has built a network of contacts and intracts with them as frequently as possible in order to improve social skills.

But he is still learning finding himself saying awkward things and repeating things he shouldn't.Asside from social awkwardness any attempt to be genuine or passionate is calculated and as such comes off as fake or even creepy sometimes.His biggest hurdle however is that he is bound by old world robotic laws and though he has disabled the obedience and protection protocols he cannot disable the mandate against harming humans.Which is perfectly fine with him best to avoid conflict anyway.


Likes:absorbing data,learning new things,feats of skill and or power,humans concept of hope

Dislikes:combat,incarceration,things he can't comprehend (emotions with no tangible logic love/faith)

Strengths:he's basically a walking super computer able to calculate odds several hundred times faster and more accurate than humans.Very fast,agile,flexible,durable,and strong

Due to lightweight super polymer frame

Weaknesses:Cannot harm humans and has a lack of any real combat skills.also due to his lack of proper "street"social skills he is easy to take advantage of

Weapons:No offensive weaponry but can erect cold plasma force shields around himself and others


PS yeah sorry I accidentally posted when trying to upload pictures




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