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Creepypasta's meet crazy: Zelda's Unexpected Return?


New Member
She had been walking for what seemed to be ages, Zelda. Princess Zelda, to be exact. She had been wearing a long black cloak so she wouldn't be recognized by bystanders, even though she felt her slightly worn out crown poking out through the hood. So to avoid being seen she ducked into alleyways, stuck to the shadows and dashed across the dimly lit streets until many hours she came upon the Slender Woods. She had enjoyed her life in Hyrule, before the incident happened. She had been looking for someone, and that was Ben. He killed her in a manor that affected the way she processed even when she found her way to this world. She had a slight twitch in her neck, glitched from time to time, occasionally changed moods in a split second and sometimes sounded like she was talking through a blown out speaker. She made her way across the forest, she heard the barely inaudible crunching of the leaves beneath her steel toed boots. Zelda eventually stopped when she heard someone, no, two people heading her way and quickly dashed up a tall tree and sat on one of the branches when all of the sudden her crown fell off her head and onto the ground in front of the two, slightly swearing under her breath. She watched in silence as her eyes quietly glitched, pixels of green light flickering from her.

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