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Creepypasta (Closed)

He smells the treat and eats it... he looks at her with his eyes halfway down and pounces on her, he transforms back, pinning her to the bed
He looks outside and sees the flowers as well...

"Those aren't the most beautiful thing I have ever seen..." turning her head back gently
- we both hear a window smash but no 1 but us and ur father r in the house. " what was that it sounded like a window smashing"
He sat up fast with her

"I don't know..." he held her hand and walked into the hallway... In the living room was Zalgo and a taller man with white hair and light blue eyes... Slenderman was using glamour. They were talking and Slendermans side followers were there too. Masky, Hoody, and Jeff. Jeff looked over at us and chuckled

"Hey look, he cat has a little master now... to bad we have to take her with us" he was rude and disgusting with his words

Ryou held he closer and glared at Jeff
Jeff chuckles "Technically, Zalgo didn't take your soul so we are arguing who gets it first... Even if it was one of his stupid minions, it doesn't count"
- scoffs- " I like it here " - bang covers eye with Snow White hair and one red eye and blue- why the heck do u want my soul I got nothing special you want from my soul and nothing interesting, why are you here anyways?
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Jeff "Because, the bigger the group the better... as you can see, there are more of us than them and we are more of a family than you will ever have..."

"THAT'S A LIE!" ryou protested and Zalgo silenced him
- stays behind Ryou but someone was missing from the group and a hand comes over my mouth and soon runs off- with a muffled sound saying " help me!!" Slendernan allowed everyone to leave but salvo and Ryou.
Ryou was furious and was transforming on that exact moment,another battle was gonna break out between Slenderman and Zalgo.

Zalgo ordered Ryou to chase after her and he did so... Slenderman and Zalgo were left alone to battle again...
- with out a trace slender mans gang was gone with out a trace, stuck in the trunk of a car with tape on my mouth tied up in ropes, after the car stops Jeff knocks me out and calls slendernan-
Slenderman doesn't appear, he was in the middle of battle with Zalgo... Ryou knew exactly where they were heading, he knew about Slenderman's mansion and knew exactly it was...
- keeps squirming- finally getting one hand free of the rope I finally scream " LET ME GO!!" - getting knocked out by Jeff then all went black-
He heard her voice echo in his mind and was now running faster in his demon cat form... he finally reached the mansion and saw them dragging her limp body into the mansion...
- laying uncontious and being dragged up stairs to the evaluation room whare they started the process of evaluation, with slender and gang smiling that they were going to get a new member.
He turned into an average housecat and entered the mansion and was spotted by Sally, she smiled and picked up the "pretty kitty" and took him to everybody upstairs, it was the most sneaky way he could get through the mansion without being spotted suspicious...
- being evaluated wasn't to hard but I still was knocked out soon the evaluation was completed and soon things started to change, my hair slowly starts to change black but the streaks are very faint, soon green and blue streaks come in but they are more vibrant in color, tattoos started to form and one eye instead of being blood red it turned into a dark blue
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