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Creepypasta (Closed)

He grabs a couple of ramune sodas out of the fridge and set them on the table. Ryou sat down and waited for her to get done...
- after finishing getting dressed my hair seemed to be perfectly straight , putting my hair up into a side braid, comes out of the bathroom and sees u. Hey - smiles happily
(I gotta go to bed, it's late here. Talk to you in the morning)

He smiles back "Hello, you feel better?" he asked as he handed her the ramune soda...
Ryou gives her the soda and sits back in his chair waiting for her to sit down. He pops the marble down on the soda and takes a drink

"So where would you like me to start?"
"Well when you ran out of the classroom, something inside of me snapped. It was an urge to protect you... I haven't been able to leave your side. Being at your side gives me a security inside knowing your okay. Everytime I see you hurt, it awakens every time..." he starts shaking a little bit "I know what it is like to be near death... I was there once."
" really" ? you close to death as well" I've moved from one High school to another yet someone dumped bleach on my hair it was originally black then it turned white".
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"Really... and it was a because I was the new kid, so they..." he looked down shaking violently, it hurt him to think about it. He had his hands on the side of his head "... Why are people so cruel?..." his eyes were glowing
"But... what do you think of me?..." he looks at her in the eyes, his eyes were vivid green and cat-like. He knew he loved her red eyes, he saw... beauty in them.
"Your like me in a lot of ways were both diffrent, but that doesn't mean we can't be fre"-feels a hand grab me from behind knocking me out- and the person running off
He runs after the person out of his house and looses him, so he locks the doors. Ryou goes back over to her and picks her up and carries her to the bedroom and lays her down. He lays next to her with his arm around her and kisses her forehead and falls asleep next to her. Zalgo comes home later finding them and doesn't do anything, even he saw that they were both so hurt so he let them sleep...
- laying asleep in the bed not realizing I had almost been kidnapped by someone I did have a cut on my arm it seemed like a physcopath but wasn't a 100% sure, all I knew was it burned like crazy.-
He sensed her pain and examined her and saw her arm, he licked it and it started to numb it and heal...
- soon waking up after sometime one eye happens to be a turquoise not red like the other. - looking out the window watching the leaves fall down on the ground.
He smiles and a small purr starts coming through his chest... his eyes open a little and looks at her and smiles "Hi..." blushing slightly
Goes into his cat form and chases after it... he hugs the ball of yarn and starts kicking at it with his hind legs while biting at it...

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