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Fantasy Creatures B-Gone (Monster Hunting)

"Oh, no little rabbit don't go." Dream Curly yelled as she chased after the fleeing blue rabbit. Alas it was no use and the blue rabbit faded into nothingness.

"Come back little rabbit." Curly muttered eyes still closed as she emerged out of her dream. Shifting around on the sofa she slowly pulled her eyes open and blinked against the dim lighting of the room. Sitting up she looked around the room curiously. "Where is everyone?"

Astor spoke "Sir my brothers bots are completely custom made from scratch even the framework and parts are made by Axston and all the programming is custom to from the base functions to the movement and memory all done by my brother Jaxson" he finished a smile on his face
Adeila just quietly ate her salad. Apparently Landon and Emerald were so caught up in there conversation they forgot she was even there. Heck, they even left her all alone in the restaurant. Why would she even go out on a lunch together if they were going to completely ignore her and leave her alone anyway? No fun...

She sighed as she finished her lunch and walked outside, quickly picking up on the rumors of the big monster. And only moments after loud roaring drew her attention. Crap... It was near. And she was all on her own.

She fished in her pockets for her phone and decided on calling HQ. Sure, she probably could run back straight away, but she'd better check with the others first.

"Please pick up.... Please pick up..." she mumbled as she heard the phone was busy calling the one in Wallaces basement.
Hearing the familiar sound of the phone ringing the energy seemed to appear in Curly again. Oh I hope it's a job! Face lighting up she hops from the sofa, all thoughts of the others gone and to the phone. Maybe it's about a cute monster. Then I might be able to make it into my pet. Oh I can't wait! Picking up the phone she happily greets the caller. " Yellow, you have reached creatures b-gone. My name is Curly how may I be of your service? Please say you have a adorable monster problem. "
"Curly..." Adeila said quietly and with a hint of fear audible in her voice. "It's near me... The restaurant where Landon, Emerald, and I went for lunch... Please tell me they're back already? They kinda left me here..." Though she was still on the phone, she ran a small distance to dive into a small alley.
Of course this would happen to one of us while defenseless. Curly thought in irritation. Nodding as she heard the others mucking around she responded. "Yea everyone else is back. Stay where you are if you can. We are on our way. "

Hanging up without waiting for a response Curly faced the others hands on her hips. Face going as stern as it could get, lips pursed eyes squinted she pointed at boss man. "That was Adeila. It seems that big monster found her at the restraunt Landon, Emerald, and her went to. Shall I go pull around the van while everyone gets the weapons? "
"Okay..." Adeila muttered to the already dead line. She pressed her back against the wall of the alley and pressed her hands over her ears. The monster was still some distance away, but damn, it was loud. The slight degree of fear she felt was rapidly increasing. It wouldn't have been so bad if she weren't all on her own there, but she was. And it was quite uncomfortable. A shiver ran all the way down her spine. And though the loud noise was definitely hurting her ears, she had to let her ears go to grip the pendant she carried around her neck. She slid down the wall and sat down on the ground, eyes closed, hands around the pendant.

"Hurry up guys..."
@kira blackthorn

Jaxson turned to the girl who had spoken he remembered from the file she went by Curly "we already have the vehicles and weapons ready to go" he said looking at her with a serious face his military training showing threw
"Well then what we waiting for!" Curly huffed irritation growing as small tendrils of fear and worry began curling up inside her. You better be breathing when we get there Adeila or I'll resurrect you and kill you myself. "Lets get going. The longer we wait the less time Adeila has."
@kira blackthorn

Jaxson looked at his brothers not sure what to do.

Axston just shrugged at Jaxson not sure himself

Jaxson asked Curly "Should I send our a spy bot to check on her and establish communication"
Donnie was bored, unsure of what to do he just sat there, bored

"Wish something would come up" he said
Spy bot? Curly blinked staring at the brothers with slightly wide eyes for a moment. We have spy bots? How awesome are we!? Expression shifting into a large grin she began literally hoping in place, violet hair flying with each hop. "Oh yea. Lets do that. I bet that will be awesome."

Jaxson turned to the man named Donnie "My brother Axston builds them from scratch but I do all the programming from scratch there our personal bots much better than the ones we made for Floyd we joined last night so this is the first day they have been here which is why you didn't know" Jaxson said with a smile

@kira blackthorn

Axston and Jaxson both smiled as Curly hopped up and down excitedly

Axston walked over to a huge bag and pulled our two bots one looked exactly like a raven, one looked like a dog

Axston asked Curly "which one would you like us to use"


Jaxson nodded at Donnie and pulled two laptops out of the bag and plugged one into the Raven spy bot and one into the Dog spy bot the computers began running threw the specs and debugging and encrypting the software of the two bots
Still holding on to her pendant tightly, Adeila moved further back into the alley until she reached a dead end. Had she just trapped herself here if a monster would show up? Not quite, thankfully. Adeila was very agile and could easily climb up the wall she was facing. Or she'd try to talk her way out of it, that occasionally worked too. She held her breath and sat quietly, trying to keep her nerves under control. In her team, she functioned just fine, but on her own she was a bit more insecure. And she had good reasons, very good ones.

"Come on Addy..." she told herself, despite hating it if ANYONE would call her Addy. "It can't take much longer now... Be strong, hold on, don't show..."
interested Donnie leans closer in to see the spy bots, they are an amazing type of robot with amazing mechanics (even if he didn't know much about this) and is stunned at these bots
Emerald saw the bots and giggled like a kid at the candy store. Those looked awesome! Oh how she wanted to play with them... but something told her that if she asked, she'd be in the bad side of the new guys, so she just watched from the side lines and learn what they can do.

Jaxson saw Donnie leaning closer to look at the bots "there fully automated with voice command capabilities and a two way radio built in so they can be used for communication as well and are both built with some combat capabilities" Jaxson said with a smile hoping he was interested in the programming and not just the bots
"Jesus Christ, you're speaking a language i don't know". "from what i can take from that is it has seriously impressive software and programming, that rivals the creation of the bots". "Am i right?"
Duke only gave a glance at the bots before equipping himself with a few ranged weapons. A gun and... whatever this handmade thing was. Better than nothing and better than a damn melee weapon. Because gods forbid he get close to a monster like that. "Now, if you're done ogling some hunks of metal, I should probably remind you that ONE OF OUR CREW MATE'S LIFE IS IN DANGER." He snapped with an intense anger that was beyond his usual demeanor. Normally it was just irritation or disgust, but this time it was a full blown "I'm killing you all later" kind of anger. With a scoff he got into one of the cars and sped towards the restaurant, knowing where it was purely because he gave it a scathing review one time after he was convinced they gave him food poisoning.

It took everything Jaxson had not to snickered at Donnie question "These naw these were actually about to go to the scrap heap I'm working on the programming for much more advanced bots though I suppose among people not familiar with such things they are pretty complex.... I'm just running there diagnostics and boot up sequences when that's done Axston will check there movement and reaction time I have already debugged and encrypted there software" he said glad someone was taken an interest in the programming
"Damn Duke, but yeah we have to go." equipping himself with a sawn off shotgun, he went and took a car beeping and yelling "who's gonna join me?"
@Majarkhon @Freezingcake

Astor looked at Duke who was getting geared he walked over to him to ask what kind of gun he used but the guy sped off before he had a chance

Astor looked around the room and grabbed another huge bag from the back of his motorcycle "ok everyone line up by me and tell me what weapons you use I brought some from my personal stash so treat them with care" he said hoping they would listen and nothing would get damaged beyond repair as it often did when he worked for Floyd


Jaxson sighed and unhooked the raven bot and sent it flying out the window it easily passed duke and the car once it spotted there team member it dropped down landing right in front of her "Are you ok" Jaxson voice came from the Raven bot

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