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Fantasy Creatures B-Gone (Monster Hunting)

"Yes!" She exclaimed happily as she finished hers and began eating his. "And I did warn you! You just chose not to listen." She added after swallowing.
"Thanks." Landon watched her eat. Without noticing he was starring at Emerald, and he kept starring after he realized. Landon wasn't sure what he felt for her but he had started to feel something. It had been a long time since he had felt anything for anyone.

Astor,Axston and Jaxson stood there not sure what to do they had not been dismissed or told they cold relax so they just stood there waiting for orders until a female whom they weren't familiar with personally but knew a few things about due to the research they did on each member before joining

All three brothers bowed in unison when she introduced herself they already knew her name but figured it was better to be polite to a senior member "I am Astor and these are my brothers Jaxson and Axston" Astor said Jaxson and Axston nodding as they were introduced Astor being the ladies man he was took Opals hand and kissed the back of it gently " it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance" he replied with a charming smile
Emerald soon finished and she sighed with satisfaction. "As always, your cooking is the best." She said with a wide grin as she handed the waitress the card. "Tell Richard that, will ya?" She asked, the waitress giving her a smile before she walked off with the card.
"I'll go start the bike. Meet you out front." With that Landon stood up and walked out front. He started the bike and lit a smoke. If he was anything he was patient. Listening to peoples conversation he heard a couple talking about the new monster on the loose. "Shit." Hurry up Emerald.
She stood up and looked at Adeila. "You can finish up here then meet us back at the basement right?" She asked, taking her card back and she walked out. She saw Landon and a...cigarette... She sighed and pulled it out of his mouth and put it out. "Don't smoke, it's bad for you."
Opal was a bit surprised by the formal response and even more surprised by what Astor did. Her face went a bit red "W-well right back at you." She replied, laughing a bit, if not a bit awkwardly. She wasn't quiet sure how to act in a situation like that. "Make yourselves comfortable. Who knows how long it'll take the others to get back. No use standing all military-like for no reason." She added, offering a friendly smile.
Wallace checked the time on the old wall clock by the window, "the rest of the group should be coming back any minute now," he stated, not that anyone was really going to listen to him. Well maybe those triplets would. Soon he would be able to spread the news. You see, there's an upside to staying back while everyone goes out.
Landon just looked incredulously at her. "But ..." Looking at her face he knew he wasn't going to win this argument. Turning to the bike he displays it with his hand. "You want to drive back." He smiled with a hint of amusement. "I know you want to."
Her face lit up and she nodded, hopping on. She began looking it over with excitement. "You just turn the handle to pick up speed, right?" She asked, making sure she wasn't wrong before she actually drove it.
Actually he pints to what most would assume to be the break. "That's the accelerator. The handle accelerator is broken." He points to the other one. "That's the break be careful it's touchy, but it shouldn't throw us off as it's rigged for the back tire." He climbs on behind her and puts the helmet over her head. "No one but me drives her without a helmet." He says a smile in his voice. "It's bad for your health."
She was about to argue but instead decided to drop it since he was letting her drive...even though she has never driven before...but there was no need to tell him that, right? It didn't look that hard. She started to drive, smiling as she did. This felt amazing!
Landon could tell she hadn't done this before but she wasn't doing bad so he just watched for any lethal mistakes and remained prepped to grab the handles if he needed to. Although he suspected he wouldn't. He started laughing. "Take the long way." He yelled.

Astor looked at her quizzically wondering if this was a test of some kind his brothers shrugged in response and looked at him wondering what to do when the boss said the others will be here in a minute Astor and his brothers jumped into action

"Axston check the vehicles make sure there full fueled and ready for battle as well as the bots and traps, Jaxson check and make sure all knives and swords are sharpened and make sure the bots programming doesn't have any bugs that could potentially cause problems I'll check and clean the guns and the stuff gathered so we can mobilize" and as soon as he told each what to do they took off like making sure everything was ready to go Astor turned back to Wallace "Sir should I send a spy bot out for reconnaissance" he asked the question directed at Wallace
Emerald giggled and turned so that it would take longer to get back. She loved this feeling; made her want to get her own. Too bad she couldn't. Oh, maybe she could save up! She laughed at the thought as she rode.
"Uhhh.... No, no that's just fine. I don't even think we have any of those, we just have handmade equipment," Wallace was a bit baffled by these guys. He wished they would loosen up a bit, they were much more no nonsense than everyone else in the group. "Hey, you don't have to do all that work just yet guys. Once were all here we can figure out what's going on," he pushed his big glasses up the bridge of his nose.
Landon laughed straight up until he could see the HQ, Back to work he thought. Remembering the couples conversation outside the restaurant. He knew this was going to be a long week. The paperwork was just going to stack up and he was just going to do it at the last minute. He laughed one last time and squeezed Emerald in the process of laughing.
Emerald squeaked when she felt him squeeze her. She soon, though, pulled up and got off. "Back to work." She said with a smile. "For you, that is." She added with a giggle. "Really, you shouldn't slack off all the time." She said as she skipped towards the door.
"Yeah I know." he mumbled as he pulled out a smoke. watching her move towards the door. Putting it to his lips he lights it. Did that lighter sound loud just now? Am I really worried that she will catch me. He started smoking and prayed she wouldn't look back.

Jaxson and Axston finished checking the vehicles and weapons before falling back in line Astor spoke to Wallace "Sir my brother Axston builds bots and my brother Jaxson programs them sir and we have taken the liberty of bringing our own personal bots for the company to use sir at current we have 2 spy bots 4 tracker bots and 1 defense drone with us sir" Astor replied glad they had not given Floyd there best bots
She paused and looked at him. "Really?" She asked, looking at him with disbelief and a raised eyebrow. "Do I just have to take it away? Do I have to treat you like a child and take away your toys?" She asked, trying to hide her laughter. She couldn't act like this for long. It was too funny.
"Well aren't you guys just full of surprises... Hey, by any chance do you think I could take one of these bots? I'd like to figure out how they were made so I can possibly make more robots for us in the future," Wallace asked a bit timidly. He had never had the chance to inspect a real bot, this was his golden opportunity.
Landon looks at her before throws it away. "Fine. I'll quit. But I can't be held responsible if dukes face becomes concave." He grins ear to ear. Walking toward the door he pulls out his pack and lighter before handing it to her. "Here." He walks inside sits at his desk and gets started on his paperwork. A sight never before seen at the HQ.
Emerald follows with a proud and satisfied grin. She puts the pack and lighter on her little desk and sits down. "I always win~." She says happily as she leans back and yawns.

Axston figited uncomfortably not sure what to do these bots were his brain child but he had them all patented from day one still giving up his bots was like someone giving up there child he thought about it before stepping forward a little hesitantly "Sir I have the specs for the bots with me Sir I would be happy to go over them with you anytime you would like sir" Axston replied his voice was an octave higher than Astor who was a very low Bass you could tell he was slightly uncomfortable

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