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Realistic or Modern Crayon RP

"I'm sorry" Jade murdered again "Thank you for being their for me. I guess I was wrong I DO have friends in the box... Or at least just one. I promise I'll never put any of us in danger again."
Goldie sat shivering in the pot of crayons as she listened to the argument. What had been done to the peace that had been here only yesterday? It was like it had evaporated! She felt so sad as she hopped out to look for Reign. She had to find him! The tranquility of her home was breaking apart and she didn't like it one bit!

She bounced out cautiously, looking around for signs of trouble. It had never been like this before! It just made her so sad. The yellow crayon saw Jade but didn't make a peep even though she really wanted to. She wanted to say something! The things she had heard were just all so very sad! Especially what Reign had said...

The crayon soon found the light blue one. Goldie didn't want to yell at him or cause a confrontation, but something certainly had to be said! "Reign! Reign, why did you yell at the delightful marker? She wasn't doing anything wrong! I'm sure that with some time you could grow to like the markers! Come on Reign, we can't have fighting in our home!" Her cheerful voice now sounded worried and a little scared. She was so scared about the peace breaking apart!

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