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Realistic or Modern Crayon RP


Freelancer, Empath, Demigod
LadyRager submitted a new role play:

Crayon RP - Crayons

Markers have recently arrived in the daycare, and the crayons are worried about being replaced.

Will they ever get along? Or will they have to take drastic measures...

A busy daycare on Saturday morning.

The crayons live in the arts n' crafts corner, alongside pencils (on good terms) and markers (not on good terms).

1) Be kind, no fighting, etc

2) No one is invincible.

3) Only use as many characters as you can handle

4) Use some type of Ooc if of topic question

5) be at least semi literate. Typos happen.

6) Please no one sentences
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Reign was sitting depressed in a corner when he first saw the box. It was a early Saturday morning and another wave of sadness washed over Reign, he didn't know what else to do but just run away and sulk. As he was sitting there he saw a colorful yellow and green box. He went to go check it out and once he read the words on the box he ran in fear.

The words on the box said MARKERS
Luke was talking to the markers in his box. He had prepared all of them for the big move, but you can never really prepare for a move. You lose some, you gain some, but he was determined to make this one last. He continued to converse and console with the others to make sure everything was in check.
Jade woke with a start. she tried looking out of the side of the hole that was i the box, God it was hard being at the side of the box. As she saw what was outside she was surprised to find that she wasn't seeing the other side of the aisle like she normally did. I guess someone bought us, she thought, trying not to wake the others she tried to open the box. she wanted to explore this new world that she could finally call home, maybe she could make friends. and maybe get away from the markers who she always hated. They were always mean to her. They would always make fun of her name

Jade is stupid" they'd say "You're pink, pick another name

As Jade finally got out of the box she hopped about a bit. This place is AMAZING!!! She thought. This will be the best place to have for a home. Jade suddenly heard a noise and went to investigate. The sound came from a pot of sleeping crayon. Oh crayons, she exclaimed, I do like crayons, they're much nicer than markers.
Goldie was sound asleep in the comfy pot, happily snoozing away next to her Crayonmates. She slept with not a care in the world, knowing it was Saturday. She could sleep in today! She liked the weekends, they let her catch up on sleep. Though, she did miss the kiddies as she slept. They used her to color in their suns! It always delighted her that she could take part in drawing such an amazing object.

She awoke to a new day, a bright Saturday morning. What a great day to draw a sun! She hopped out of the pot carefully in order to leave her Crayonmates undisturbed, but froze when she saw something in front of the pot. It wasn't a pencil, that was for sure! She knew each and every one of the pencils, thanks to her friendliness. Goldie hopped a little closer. Didn't look like a crayon either!

Who was she to judge? Oh course not, she wouldn't! She'd accept this fellow drawing tool for that is what she should do! "Hello!" She had quite the cheery voice. "Hi, hi, hi!" She hopped around the other in order to examine her. "I'm Goldie, the yellow crayon! You must be new here! What's your name, fellow drawer?"
"Hi there Goldie. I'm Jade, I'm a marker. And we are new here, I just moved in this morning. I came from that box over there" Pointing her cap at the box where she had come out earlier "This place is amazing, do you like it here?"
"Hi Jade! Nice to meet ya! Hi, hi, hi!" Goldie did another bouncing circle around the drawing tool that proclaimed to be a marker. A marker! She marveled at the thought. "I though that markers were only a legend!" she said when she came to a stop in front of Jade. "We!? There's more?" she squealed in delight as she bounced happily over to the box.

She tapped the box with her tip, jumping excitedly. "Hi! Hi, I'm Goldie! There are markers in there, the legendary markers? I've only heard stories! Stories, really nice stories! Sometimes not so nice, but that's okay since I don't judge just because of stories! Come out, come see your new home!" Goldie was quite an excited marker, saying all of this in a gushing manner. She was always all set for new arrivals!

She turned back to Jade and nodded as best as an excited crayon could nod. "Yes, this is my marvelous home! There are pencils too, yes, really nice pencils! They're so very colorful!"
"Oh that's cool, I can't wait to meet everyone. I hope the others come out soon." Jade said "But the others are sleeping right now."
"Aw..." Goldie looked as sad as a cheery yellow crayon could look. She perked up immediately and bounced over to Jade. "That's okay! You can meet my friends! They're really quite nice!" Goldie peered into the can of crayons, but everybody was snoring softly. She was delighted at that, though she wished they could meet a legendary marker!

"Hey, light blue's missing!" That's when Goldie really cheered up, happy to see a friend was somewhere around. She knew when someone was missing! "Oh Reign! Yoohoo! Come out and meet the friendly legendary marker!"
"G--- get that evil THING away from me!!!" Reign screamed "I want NOTHING to do with any of those" every little word sounded like poison.
Lucifer woke with a start. There was noises coming from outside the box. Was there a problem with moving? Did a fight break out? He immediately pushed his way out of the box. He peeked out of the top in time to see Jade with somebody. Somebody that didn't look like a marker! He could not say Jade and him were as good of friends as he'd like, but he felt a kinship because of their color. He would scold the others for picking on her. He then heard somebody shout. It was a fight! He jumped out of the box and rushed toward danger as fast as he could. "Hey!!" He shouted after the crayons surrounding Jade. "Leave her alone and pick a fight with me!"
Goldie gave a teary gasp. "Reign! How could you say such a thing?" If crayons could have cried, she would have been one waxy puddle right about now! "You're supposed to welcome the new people! Didn't I welcome you, even when we already had old Blue? Don't be like that, they just want to make friends! They're friendly! I p-promise!"

She turned toward the other marker, letting out a gasp that was nowhere near teary. It was a delighted gasp. "Hi! Hi, hi hi!" She excitedly bounced around the other marker, a legendary marker! "I'm Goldie, a yellow crayon! Who might you be, fellow marker?" Goldie stopped in front of the marker, bouncing excitedly in place. "It's always nice to make new friends! Picking a fight? Oh don't be silly, we're all friends here! My friend Reign, a delightful light blue crayon, is just shy!"
"Get away from those TERRIBLE creatures. They'll rip you apart, why do you always have to be so naive, Goldie?!" Reign yelled
Luke towered over the golden, somewhat hyperactive, crayon. He was taken back when the crayon began to approach him, though she seemed harmless enough. The blue one, on the other hand, was spitting insults one after another. He bounded towards the blue, trying his best to look intimidating. "How dare you call us terrible! Get out of here, before you give me ideas.." He turned to Jade and attempted to take her away. "Let's get back to the box. We have to make sure everybody else is okay."
"N-Naive?" Goldie sniffed. That is if crayons actually could sniff! "That's really mean Reign, don't be like that! They're harmless! Haven't you heard old Blue telling the stories about the markers? They were good stories! We should make friends, they might prove to be useful allies! It's better when there's peace in the daycare! Jade is a nice marker, I think the red marker would be nice too!"

She sniffled again, if that was possible, and turned to the red marker. "You come in peace, don't you? We crayons wouldn't mind sharing our home I'd think! We're already friends with the pencils, they're quite delightful as well!"

Goldie bounced over to the marker. "No, please don't do that! He's just scared! Don't give him a bad impression of the legendary markers! I promise I left them alone, I only knocked to see if anybody was awake!"
"Yes naive you silly little crayon! How could you possible think they could be friends. And I am in no mood to fight anyone. I'm leaving" The blue crayon stormed off, trying to find the best place to hide for the rest of the day.

"Luke, don't worry about the crayons. That blue one must have been terrified, I mean we ARE new in their territory. And Goldie is really nice. If you see the little blue please just take it easy" she asked.
"Oh..." Goldie looked sad as Reign went. The sad crayon slowly hopped over to Jade. "Why can't we all be friends?" she sniffed. "It was such a nice Saturday morning too! I-I hope we didn't give the legendary markers a bad impression of us! Reign's really not so bad, he's really a good crayon!"

"Nobody wants to fight, we promise! The crayons, as well as the pencils, are quite friendly!" She was looking a little upset. "You go with your marker friend, Jade! I'm going back to my Crayonmates..." The yellow crayon hopped away, off back to the pot of crayons.
Luke examined the pink marker and the small yellow crayon. He let out a warm, deep breath. "I apologize little energetic crayon. Jade," He turned with a stern look on his face. "you cannot run off like that. I don't want you with crayons alone. I want you to have one of us with you. If that has to be me, so be it." This wasn't the crayon's territory anymore. It was a free for all. If Luke had to fight for it, for the safety of his box, so be it. "The yellow little one..Goldie, is leaving. I suggest we do the same."

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Jade sadly watched as Goldie hopped away. She turned to Luke while he was hopping away and said "You know what Lucifer... You don't own me, and I like the little hyperactive crayon. She means absolutely no harm to me. I know you want me to be safe, but I can take care of myself. I'll get back in the box when I'm ready."
Lucifer was surprised at the retort of the marker next to him. "You're going to choose them over us? I'm trying to protect you. Goldie may not mean harm, but others might! You're putting every marker in danger. I know they're not the best friends, but they're from your box." Luke having no more to say, he stormed off towards his home.
She shouted after Luke as he walked away"You're right they're not really my friends, I have no friends. I really wish you would trust me enough to let me be one" Jade held back a sob. She always tried to stay strong but in the truth she was always lonely. No matter what she did she always seemed to do something wrong, and now Luke wanted her to stay away from the only things that might be her friends. It just wasn't fair.
Disheartened from the conversation Jade bounded off somewhere secluded, she was sad that Luke thought she was choosing the crayons over the markers. Luke had been doing so well with the whole move he was starting to rub off on her. She had opened her heart to the thought of them being at the very least best friends and then everything that morning had happened. She didn't think he was right about the crayons but it made her feel terrible that she had let him down. She finally decided to turn around and head back to the box. But a little crayon was waiting for her a foot away from her destination. She could see the fire in his eyes and she had a feeling that this little blue crayon wasn't going to let her by easily.

"Who the heck do you think you are?!?!?!" Reign screamed "coming in here thinking that you could just 'fit in'. Well you're wrong!!!! You don't belong here! You will NEVER belong here!!!" He bounced one step closer to the marker. Reign had no idea what he was going to do but he wanted to hurt the creature.
Luke heard the shouts from behind him and whipped around and blew air like a bull. He was fed up with this crayon, whether Jade liked the crayons or not, he had to make his mark. He couldn't stand by while Jade got bullied, even if she was going waxy. He rushed to her aid, immediately towering over the blue. " Get out of here!" He shouted. "Before you force me to BREAK YOU!!" He pushed the little crayon over with ease. "Now leave her alone!"
Reign stumbled backward as the big red marker toward over him. "I-- I'm sorry" he slowly backed away. He turned around and ran away

"Thank you, Luke. I guess you were right. Not all of them want to be friends. I'm sorry to doubt you" Jade said. She leaned into Luke "lets get back to the box"
Luke was left with a disgusting taste in his mouth. He knew it was right to help his friend, but he felt that it was wrong to be so belligerent with the crayon. "Yeah, let's go.." He trailed off as they hopped back to the box. He enjoyed knowing that he had helped a friend in need. He wanted to protect his family, if that meant fighting crayon after crayon. He hoped that the argument wouldn't get to the pencils. He wanted some sort of support for his box, and the crayons mentioned something about them being nearby.

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