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Fandom could we be a good match?


New Member
hello there! i am called nine (or just 9 if you prefer) and i'm new here to rpnation! i have been roleplaying for about 7 years or so, and now i'm in search of a partner who shares some interests. so, here it goes...

some things about myself:
- i am genderfluid/female
- because of my age (20s), i would prefer my partner to be 18+ (this is so no one is at risk of feeling uncomfortable due to an age gap)
- i work full-time in a stressful environment, so i don't have as much free time to dedicate to roleplay as i would like. if you're looking for a dedicated partner who can devote a lot of time to posting multiple times a day, i would unfortunately not be a good match. i used to have time to really immerse myself in my roleplays but that is no longer where i'm at in my life right now.

a little bit about how i like to roleplay:
- despite my casual forum posting (lowercase letters for days, using symbols & whatnot), i do roleplay using proper grammar, capitalization, punctuation, etc and would like my partner to do the same. you don't have to be perfect ofc and neither am i, but anything less than semi-literate is a pet peeve of mine.
- third-person, past or present tense
- i tend to enjoy romance as the focus of my rps and i am open to male/male (my preference tbh), male/female, and female/female pairings. i am very interested in exploring the sexualities and gender identities of characters as well.
- i have more experience roleplaying males and that's typically what i prefer.
- i am shy to make this point, but it's probably necessary to say that my post length will be 1-2 paragraphs max. i don't do one-liners and always give my partner enough to work with, but because of the points i've mentioned above, i'm not able to give replies that are as long or detailed as i might like. basically i don't want my partner to feel as though they give more than i do, because feeling like an inadequate partner causes me stress/guilt.

fandoms i'm interested in:
* please note that i'm not willing to rp with original characters for fandom rp
- persona 5 (i'm new to the persona series and i haven't quite finished the game but i love the characters and i'm interested in exploring the dynamics of their relationships)
- dramatical murder
- togainu no chi
- no thank you!!! (a BL game that i'm not sure many people have played but still)
- yu-gi-oh (just duel monsters, i have like 0 knowledge of anything ygo that is not duel monsters)
- overwatch (okay so i'm a really bad overwatch player but i love the characters and i'm willing to brush up on the lore and backstories for the sake of some indulgent roleplaying)
- ffxv (idk how well i would do with this as i'm a final fantasy noob but i just got through the game & love the main characters)
- i may update this list later with more fandoms!

original characters:
- i'm not as interested in oc's as i am fandom rp, but i am open to it. i tend to stray from things like teacher/student as those are too generic and vague imo. i have some characters i'd be willing to play around with, but i like character building with a partner just as much. for me, original plots are driven by the characters and not so much the plot, so i'd like to focus more on character building than world building.

that's about all i can think of so far! i was hesitant to place this ad because i can't be such a hardcore roleplayer anymore, but i figure it's worth a shot to maybe find someone who just wants to have a good time and vibe off one another as we do a chill roleplay. let me know if anything i've said catches your interest, and thanks for reading this far!
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Eh. "Hardcore roleplaying" as a concept bothers me anyway XD I'm definitely a casual RPer all the way (Which makes it a bit difficult to find partners T.T)
I'm intrested
great! which fandoms are you interested in, or do you prefer ocs?
Do you have any Persona 5 ships? ^_^
yes! my main ships right now are akira/akechi, akira/yusuke, and akira/ryuji, but i'm open to exploring other ships as well. which ones are you interested in?
I'd be interested in Persona 5 if you are still looking!
yes, i am! which ships would you most like to do? my preference is m/m but that's not a must.
yes, i am! which ships would you most like to do? my preference is m/m but that's not a must.
I'm currently only interested in the m/f ships. My preferences would be Akira/Makoto or Akira/Ann though I'm definitely open to more!
akira/makoto would probably interest me the most out of those two! and i would be willing to play either role. PM me if you'd like?
yes! my main ships right now are akira/akechi, akira/yusuke, and akira/ryuji, but i'm open to exploring other ships as well. which ones are you interested in?

Currently I'm really craving Akira/Mishima and Yusuke/Ann. Do either of those interest you?
oh, akira/mishima actually sounds very fun to me, actually! i'll PM you here shortly.
well, i know people have already hit you up for P5 a few times now, but i'd be interested in akira/akechi if you're up for it! good luck searching! :0
well, i know people have already hit you up for P5 a few times now, but i'd be interested in akira/akechi if you're up for it! good luck searching! :0
ahh, akira/akechi still sounds amazing! i'll shoot you a PM here soon if it's okay. c:

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