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Fantasy cottage by the woods &&


New Member
Miura Haruma as faceclaim

Name: Sven Mortimer
  • Cursed Mage (by stories other mages tell
  • Svenny
Gender: Male
Age: looks 27 | oldest he could remember being is as old as Caesar
Birthday: August 6th
Species: Mage
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship status: single

Appearance: Sven is tall, and quite slender. He prefers to keep himself in a very healthy fit body, but there was once a time where he was quite muscular. He weighs around 166 pounds. There is a small tattoo of a crow on his wrist. He is unfamiliar with why he has it, however, he believes the mark on his wrist matches the one on the book which holds the secrets to his eternal curse. he has black hair that is styled long, with short on one side and left long down to his chin. It has a small wave to his hair, and normally tucks it behind his ear to keep it out of his eyes. His eyes are a prominent slanted shape, with a deep amber brown color to it. When he's using magic the rings around his pubils turn a dark golden color. His skin is a cool beige color with little facial marks, or scarring. Lips are naturally soft coral color, with thin sharp lips.

Bio: This is a memory he doesn't have, but this is how he got cursed c:
He simply killed a man to obtain his wife. The wife had cried for years as Sven had trapped her in a cage to keep her for eternity. It had backfired on the man as his obsession had gotten worse. Her crying had annoyed him, he wanted her to love him. One day though - when he went to check on her in her cage she was dead. Her broken heart had killed her, and seeing her dead had caused the mage to go mad. He had killed humans while he experimented on them to find a way to bring back the dead. For years he tried different spells to bring the soul back of the woman he loved. He had finally gotten help from a small witch who had promised him that this woman would return but it would cost him.

When he asked how much, the witch simply said, "You reputation." He simply agreed, thinking none of it-- and the next morning he simply vanished from everyone memories and eyes. For centuries he was like that, eventually forgetting everything that had brought him to the point of eternity alone. Now the woman who appears at his door from time to time is the soul of the woman he had fallen in love... Now history could simply repeat itself.

Everything was quiet, and all the mage did was read in his favorite chair. The book? Bindings, Curses, and Traps written by a very young mage. He had picked it up a few years ago when he saw it in one of the shops in the city. The city he lived in was beautiful, and especially at night in which the canal would reflect the post lights in its murky depths. Along the sidewalks were apartments all squished together. Similar to This. And the further you went down the darker it got, until the canal narrows to a bridge that lead to a rocky path. The only light that that one could see was down the path towards a house. The path rounded out and in the middle of the walk way was a lamp post that showed off a cottage with the forest in the background. sorta like this

Sven probably would have enjoyed this night, and this book if he hadn't read this book 10 times and actually had someone here with him. He slammed the book shut, and glared at the fire in front of him. He was so tired. Tired of what? Tired of his life being so empty without her. He was tired of people talking around him. He was also tired of being invisible. Centuries have gone by and he's even forgotten his original name, and why his curse had happened. The answer to those questions was in a book on the shelf. Bound in black animal leather, and wrapped in twine. A small red gem was bound in the leather, and every time he tried opening it-- it refused to open. He had tried every spell, and every potion in the world, but it never opened. He tried ignoring it, and many times tried to bury it outside of his cottage, or burn it in the fire but it always came back to its spot on the highest part of his bookshelf. Over time it had just become a small thought in the back of his head.

It had the secrets to his curse, he could just feel it. Whoever did curse him had a sick mind to put a book he couldn't open on the shelf. Even now, as he held his own book in his lap he looked at it on the shelf. He wondered if anyone else could touch or see the book like he did? Could anyone actually open it either? Chewing on his bottom lip, he sighed. Tonight was long, and the lamp that sat in front of his cottage shined bright. It would continue shining for his guest to arrive. Each year she lived, was around 100 years for him. Right now, the last time he had seen her was about 300 years ago, which was only 3 years for her. From what he remembered she was talking up a big storm about a potential job and how excited she was to accomplish something so big. Before she left, Sven almost spoke to her about his own feelings. The friendship she was giving him was wonderful, but he was in love with her. The way she would appear at his door, and when he opened it would be welcomed with a big grin. At times a few years would go by for him, and she wouldn't show up. Every time she did though, he'd always welcome her in, prepare a grand meal for her, read a book for her or tell her one of his fantastic stories of adventure. Yet, she always stated this was just a dream. No matter how many times he tried to convince her it wasnt, she'd never believe him.

This time it wouldn't just be a dream, the next time she came to that door she'd be trapped. The book he had been reading had given him just the ingredients to successfully trap the invisible magic that took her away from her dream world.

Waving a hand to lift the book out of his lap and back in its rightful place on the shelf he knew that he had everything set up. Everything was set up for years now, but he just had to be patient. He's waited centuries for someone to see him, he could live out a few hundred years if he needed. Crossing his legs and leaned back, the best thing he could do was take a small nap.

Frantic knocking woke up him, which startled him easily. Sven looked to the door, not making any movements. He was just wanting to hear a voice before he got his hopes up. The knocking didn't happen again for a minute and he wondered if he had just been dreaming. "Sven!" came a cry, an all too familiar cry. As if his dreams had finally come true, and after 300 years she had returned. Trying not to act too excited, he lifted himself off the couch and adjusted his shirt, and ran a hand through his hair. The vials of ingredients that laid across the table were signs that he was going to try the trick of trapping all magical force inside this home. If it was magic that took her away from him, then the magic wouldn't be able to even get to her when he activated the trap. That way they could spend eternity here together, and his loneliness would be cured. Opening the door, there she stood. A big smile across her face, lighting up the excitement that was all too familiar. It took Sven's breath away to see her, and for her eyes to connect with hers. She was absolutely stunning. There was that temptation to reach out and touch her, but he refrained. She, on the other hand, slammed her whole body directly into hers as she spoke to him.

Whatever had brought her back, would most certainly be rewarded later. Sven was going to cherish the rest of their lives together, and she would no longer have to leave to the human world. Spend an eternity in a world of magic, and hopefully she'd feel the same way about him. After all, he was so desperate for her to love him. If she didn't, well this would most certainly be awkward, "You haven't even grown an inch." He stated playfully, as if adults could actually grow more when they've matured. She wasn't aware of how long a human year was compared to his own year, but that didn't matter. He didn't want her to feel guilty for allowing him to live on his own for such a long time.

"How rude of me." He scowled, "Come in. Come in! It's been years, my dear. I doubt much has changed? Last I heard, you had a job!" He motioned for her to come in, and he snapped his fingers at the house. The house went alive with magic, feeling the guest arrive had created the life-like house to get moving with food and treats. The house was almost like a human, it had emotions, and it listened to you. It knew the guest and adored her. For the house, it was as if it could finally serve a proper master that was grateful for the house's services.
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How long has it been? Two, three years? Nancy couldn't remember the last time she visited Sven. Then just visit him if you wish. It definitely wasn't as simple as it seems. It was a strange experience, arriving at Sven's cottage every now and then and reuniting with him like old friends. There's a fine line between reality and dreams, and each time she arrived at his doorstep, the line felt blurred. Though, soon after the first encounter with Sven, Nancy concluded that this was simply a reoccurring dream. A lucid dream, in fact, likely brought up upon a stressful and exhausting day. Nancy had grown to crave a visit to his cottage. It felt like an escape from the harsh, empty reality of daily life.

What good are friends if they immediately lose interest after a single peep about your daily struggles? Even a common house pet would offer more comfort. That may be part of the reason why Nancy wished to return to that otherworldly cottage. Inside was a man who was willing to listen to everything you had to say and cheer you up with a feast fit for a queen. Nancy often found herself reminiscing about those dreams during breaks at her job.

Speaking of her job, Nancy faintly recalled joyfully chattering with Sven about her acceptance to medical school. She told him that in just a few years, she would finally be able to experience her dream job. Three years later, and here she was, a medical resident at a local hospital. It was unquestionably tough, twenty-hour shifts left Nancy worn out to the bone. Today was especially brutal, her shift dragged on for nearly thirty hours after receiving multiple code blues. Being the resident on call, Nancy spent hours confirming and declaring death to the family members.

I'm finally home. At Nancy's single bedroom apartment, Nancy collapsed onto her mattress and let her eyelids fall. Forget taking a bath or brushing her teeth, sleep was the most valuable thing at this very moment.

"Sven!" That warm, enchanting light, it was all too familiar. The cottage practically seemed to glow against the blackness of the night. The gentle whooing of nearby owls served as background noise as Nancy waited for that handsome face to greet her at the door.

The door swung open and the biggest smile appeared on her face, it was a smile she couldn't control or hold back. The pressure and stress from work seemed to melt away, being thankful and relieved, Nancy embraced him as tight as possible. It's been quite a long time since she's held someone like that. People at work were always so uptight.

"Of course! I'm still the shorty, but I swear I grew half a centimetre," Nancy replied jokingly as she stepped inside the cottage. The interior changed a bit but it still felt the same as it did three years ago. It was just as welcoming as always.

"Indeed, I got a job. Can you believe it? I'm a doctor now...!" Despite believing that this was merely a dream created by her own unconsciousness, Nancy spoke as if Sven was a completely separate individual.

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