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Nation Building Political Intrigue RP


The Pun Tyrant
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Please read the rules in the overview before posting anything in this section.

Characters you can/must have: (only mandatory to have characters with the "at least")

•At the most one kingdom

•At least and at the most one ruler character (if the roleplay grows enough, players who only play spy characters might be allowed)

•At the most two spy characters (more may be granted to players who earn it through services to the thread and the roleplay)

•A reasonable (as in, not in excess) amount of army characters. (will not be mandatory to players who are permitted not to use a ruler character)

CS structure:

- [nothing]

•question: [your answer]

•question: [your answer]


(S)-subject to the "secret" system


A note on the character types-

Kingdom- not really a character, but still extremly important, a kingdom functions like currency. By troops, position, money, or anything else your kingdom is the precious treasury that you want to give tiny bits off but preserve the overall to get an even bigger chunk. Be wise in it's management and remember there are many thieves in this alley...

Remember that while you control just about everything regarding your kingdom, so do I. And unlike you, I don't need your permission to do witty changes...

Ruler- this is your main character (unless you don't have it). This is your most important piece, the one you'll be moving, the one doing the machinations and schemes sand trying to pry on the others to get his greedy claws on whatever is coming out of the conference. Whatever means you use, whatever your ideals, tastes and fears, remember: the game never ends.

You can have a ruler of a kingdom that is not of your making, provided the political environment allows so and the creator gives you permission.

Spy-the character that serves to gather information for your plans. Even if spies can be hard to manage, don't worry, they are worth it. Inteligent placement of spies is key to gathering precious information. Hiwever, if you do not have them, don't worry too much, as having spies will mean a decrease in the ruler's pratical points.

You may be able to have just a spy character in the future (so no ruler or army), once the roleplay has begun to grow in player numbers (if it does). Like with rulers, you can have a spy for a character that isn't yours, a ruler in this case.

Army- an army character is the lead of a division of your army from back at home. Unlike the spy and the ruler, they are not in the conference and can take action away from it, however, they are subject to information control, so they will not always move. FOr that reason, you only NEED to post the POV of army characters when they have their orders.

A note on the CS length and detail-

The kingdom CS is how much you and the other characters are allowed to know about your kingdom. That includes anyone, from the kingdom or not, including NPCs. More information may be added later on, or previous information may be updated, with my permission. Any unpermitted changes will constitude and infraction, as is claiming information on the kingdom not in the CS or in the PM sent for the "secret" system.

For this reason,I decided to make the kingdom CS this heavy, given information play is one of the most central aspects of this roleplay.

A note on nation building Mary sues:

Do remember that no country is or ever will be perfect and just as any character, kingdoms should be relatively balanced.

A note on my judgement of the CSs:

Do remember that I will not be reviewing as a roleplayer, but as a GM. My concern is the good and health of the roleplay, not your personal preferences.

In other words, unless you can convince me that something I am against will actually be helpful to the roleoplay, you are not getting into it with whatever I am criticizing.

A note on humans, furries, anthros, elementals, elves and other diverse species:

Certain especies, as the above mentioned, are too diverse, too sought after and/or too general to be owned by one kingdom alone. As such elves, anthros, furries and elementals will be split into groups. Certain non-humanoid species may serve as mounts and may be subjected to this divisions as well. Each group will be considered one species.


Extremly general creatures, such as elves and dwarves and goblins are subject to territorial or behavior divisions. Elves, for example, will be divided into night eoves, high eleves, forest elves and snow elves. Dwarves will be split into mountain dwarves, cave dwarves, and surface dwarves.

Animal people of any kind are subject to divisions based on their animals. These extends to broader strokes (like anthros splitting into dog people, cat people, bunny people, etc...) to more subtle differences (dog werewolves, full wolf werewolves, half wolf werewolves)

Elemental-related species are divided by their elements. The obvious example would be elementals, but I'll go with dragons. You can have fire dragons or sea dragons, or ice dragons, etc....

This is all, though, a case by case situation. Of in doubt, please ask me directly if a species is or not divided and how.

Humans are taken by the central kingdom which invited everyone to the conference.

Species ban list: full groups of too generalized or diversed species, angels, demons, any sort of deities, gorgons, any previously taken kingdom species, more may be added, even as species are requested
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Kingdom CS:


•Name: (the name given to the kingdom)

•*Age: (time since the kingdom's foundation)

•relative location: (to other kingdoms, the sea, etc...)

Species that inhabit it- (up to five species or all non-taken species. Angels/demons/deities of all kinds and anything strictly related are forbidden)(Humanoid Species only)

•Species decriptions and names: (include names, appearances, divisions of all sorts, general behaviors of relevance, and more importantly, any abilities or powers)


•Geography: (describe the geography of the kingdom, including all the most important geographical locations)

•divisions: (if the kingdom isn't entirely unified or have frontiers of some sort within itself, state so here)

•Cities: (it's cities and it's relative positions)


•descriptions: (descriptions of cities of relevance, including, in the least, the capital)


•(S) Main economical sources: (where does the kingdom get most of it's money from? Tourism? Fishing? Tailoring?)

•currency: (describe the kingdom's currency)

Political Organization-

•Current Rulers: (Who is currently in charge of the kingdom, officially?)

•Political form: (monarchy, democracy, dictatorship, etc...)

•Social Classes: (who is higher or lower in the social hierarchy, what's the criteria, and what are the consequences)

Military Organization-

•Rankings: (the different steps in authority within the military)

•(S)Numbers: (the relative size of each set of military forces)

•*(S)Especialty: (the medium on which the soldiers are at their best)

•Description of military divisions: (how the military forces are divided)


•*theme song: (national anthem)

•*cultural festivals and holidays: (any festivities, cultural events, or anything else we should know about specific time periods that pertain to the kingdom's culture)

•*other: (anything else you'd like to add to the mix)
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Character CS:

Character type-

•character type:




•Family: (if it is a previously unmentioned family, add a description of it's importance, banner and other relevant traits)







•*Typical Attire:

•Means of transportation:



•Personality: (2 paragraph minimum)

•(s)Likes: (at least 3)

•(s)dislikes: (at least 3)

•(s)fears: (at least 2)

•(s)goals: (at least 1)

•*quirks: (at least 2)




•family members:






•*Theme song:



Kingdom CS:


•Name: Lostlands united kingdoms

•relative location: In a peninsula to the north of the central kingdom, connecting to it.

Species that inhabit it- Etheral, anthros (dog people), mantid, shapeshifters, undead (zombies)

•Species decriptions and names:

Ethereal- Ethereals are a race of beings without a physical body in it`s sense, which had it replace with arcane magical energy which their souls and minds now inhabit and relay together. They tend to wear mostly light clothing, and their magic consists of enchantments on armor, weapons and more or less anything else. Rarely, though, do these gain any new properties, but rather increase old ones. They have a rather merchant culture.

Dog People- Humans with dog body parts in addition to their own. They have no special magic affinity except for the expected increased senses and even minorly increased physical traits. They tend to generally behave as any human would, but have various aspects of dog behavior integrated into their everyday lives and culture.

Mantid- A race of insect-people, usually colored in shades of yellow and orange, with an exoskeleton, antennas, a second set of arms that reassembles a praying-mantis`s arms and other insect traits. They live in a hive society, blindingly following their empress. Their powers come from the use of alchemy, which consists in the making of potions based on the properties of mixable ingredients. They also have the power to preserve the best of their kin in ambar, these being called "paragorns". When a paragorn is needed, they can be awakened and if properly fed, they will go on as if no time had passed.

Shapeshifters- Just as the name suggests, this beings do not have a stable shape, and can in fact shift into other beings. In their original forms, though, they become something that could be described as "if a pudding had a baby with a pile of blue sneeze". They do not display any form of organized culture, instead wondering around as playful and individual beings. Only recently has the idea of allying themselves to other race come to mind.

Zombies- A form of undeath that consists of coming back to life in a semi-decomposed state, unlike skeletons (fully decomposed), liches (not decomposed), and ghosts or other spiritual beings (without a body). Their power consists mostly on how efficient they are in tasks as they have little to no concern over their own bodies, in fact being capable of regeneration and being rather resilient to death. Some have other powers, mainly necromancy and sometimes powers they inherited from their previous life.

(include names, appearances, divisions of all sorts, general behaviors of relevance, and more importantly, any abilities or powers)


•Geography: The kingdom is located on a large peninsula to the north. It`s borders are largely surrounded by mountains, although it`s connection to the continent hardly has any. It is a rather slim connection, though, compared to the kingdom`s size. Beyond the mountains there is a coastal line, very extensive, most of it containing beaches of some kind. The mountains typically have vales between them, and several rivers cross them. They conjoint on the top of center of the kingdom, creating large swampy areas. Beneath those, towards the south, the swamps become grassy plains with small hills.

•divisions: The kingdom is divided by it`s several races. The swampy areas belong to the zombies, while the mantid hold the mountains and vales. The ethereal pretty much the whole coastal line, and even part of the sea. They also purchased the area that connects the kingdom to the continent. The dog people own the rest, as the shapeshifters have no interst in owning lands.

•Cities: Construct (the joint city), Aleata (the flying fortress), KKkrinnterin (the main hive), Kiven (the courtcity) , Kiome (the arena town), Grandcity (the grave palace) , Kikotun (the ambassy)



Construct- This city is the great capital of the kingdom. in this city, the alliance was formed and the treaty was signed, thus the place itself became one of great renown among all of the kingdoms. It´s beauty lies on the fact that all the races collaborated on it, joining together their cultures, art, ways...The city itself is a monument to the existence of the kingdom.

Alaeta- The Ethereal`s major city, Alaeta is a city that is magically set afloat. You need a functional port to reach it, and such will be no easy task for anyone. It is primed on Ethereal enhanted building, and it´s side appears as a waterfall on the sky.

Kkkrinnterin- Built deep within the mountains, Kkkrinnterin is the main hive of the Mantis´s swarm. It has deep tunnels, and rooms of steel and ambar.

Kiven- The former capital for the dog people, set during the Wan dynasty, this city is a splendor of simplicity, with homes and walls and everything else as plain and cozy as one can find.

Kiome- Kiome was a former military camp for the dog people, which grew into a full-fledged city over time. Today, it is still the main base for the dog people´s military.

Grandcity- A city whose name was MEANT to be provocative, the Grandcity is a place for the zombies to gather. It is the joint of four rivers that are then split apart again, forming a dense swampy area around the city. It is also connected directly to the kingdom´s new graveyards, hence having a pretty consistent stream of fresh hordes.

Kikotun- Built on the edge of the kingdom, Kikotun is a small city, but one that was quickly bought by the Etheral. In order to get to the kingdom legally, you need a pass from Kikotun (usually including a "small" charge).


•(S) Main economical sources: The buying and selling of tomes and other intelectual resources, as well as the trade of art and enchanted items, plus the charges for banking and other burocratic systems.

•currency: The charge coin

Political Organization-

•Current Rulers: Chamber of Thoughts (Mantid Empress, HighBider Rihil, Princess Malehna, Third-Shaper Kurioe, Chief-Experimentalist Hom)

•Political form: Aristrocacy

•Social Classes:

1st Step

Chamber of Thoughts-

2nd Step

Scholars- Military commanders, teachers of high regard and famed philosophers.

Necromancer Lords-

3rd Step

Great Merchants-



Raised Lords-

4th step-


Minor necromancers

Minor Merchants-

simple soldiers-

5th step-

Minor Philosophers

Common Citzens

6th step-

Raised Soldiers

Surviving Abominations

Usual Insectoid Citzen


7th step



Military Organization-


1st shard- The Chamber of Thoughts- Although not everyone has such specific classes in this kingdom, the rulers are above everyone else, in spite of rarely using such power.

2nd shard- The Legion Leaders- The main tacticians and commanders

3rd shard
- The Summoned- Mostly people from the 3rd step.

4th shard- Casters- Mages, necromancers and enchanters

5th shard- Soldiers- The common soldiers

6th shard- Minions- More expendable soldiers

7th shard- Arrowmeat- Slaves sent into battle

•Description of military divisions: (how the military forces are divided)


•*cultural festivals and holidays:

- Biscoti Day: A day when the dog people are to recall their origins,

- The treaty festival: A day when everyone wears masks and disguises as a way to celebrate the making of the peace treaty.

- The birthdawn: Originally a season, when the mantid`s brood would spawn, the birthdawn was converted into something else after the treaty, as a day to celebrate youth in general

- The turn: A day of high regard for the Ethereal, that happens to coincide with new year`s eve. In this day, years ago, happened the event that destroyed their bodies.

-Day of the dead: A day in the memory of those who`ve fallen, turned into a small-scale festival over the years.
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Proof of Nobility

•character type: Ruler

•name:Daemon Farrow

•*titles: Marshal of the northern marsh, High King of the Farrow Marsh, Revered Inquisiti and Lord of the lands of Maedi

•Family: The regal house of Farrow, the house was born from military might saving a king of ages past and then eventually forming lands and a Kingdom of their own to rule over and protect. The House of Farrow is generally quite small for a noble house with not cadet branches and very little to the house itself. This is largely due to their leaders choosing to marry for love rather then alliance and refusal to bear numerous children just to watch them squabble for land.

•age: 27

•gender: Male

•Species: Marsh Elf

•Kingdom: Farrow Marshes


•Appearance: He is fairly tall but not freakishly so, perhaps an inch higher then the average elf. His face is pale and thin and he is a generally slender man. He has a scar just at the bottom of his jaw, on his right side, from a duel he won. (Do I need more I bad at appearance descriptioning)

•*Typical Attire: Typically he wears leather armour with plate on his arms and lower legs, leather gloves on his hands and leather boots on his feet. Although the leather is dyed and pattered with symbols and colours of his house. Though he has more formal attire should the situation demand it.

•Means of transportation: He often rides on horseback on a large red haired warhorse.



•Personality: Daemon is friendly guy by all accounts, so long as he likes you. Should you be a friend of his or his family then you can expect unwavering loyalty willing to free you from any predicament with the full extent of his family's power and influence. Should he personally consider you a close friend you will enjoy the same luxuries within his lands and palace as his own close family.

However should you upset him or should he find you less then worthy or kindly then you can expect a fairly vicious enemy willing to attack you at every twist and turn to undermine your authority so that people he deems more worthy of your position may rise to take it and so, in his way, create a better world, better fitting the way he feels it should be.

•(s)Likes: (at least 3)

•(s)dislikes: (at least 3)

•(s)fears: (at least 2)

•(s)goals: (at least 1)

•*quirks: (at least 2)



•reputation: He is seen as a fighter and a soldier more then he is a ruler or politician.

•family members: His mother, Queen Mother Katherine. His sister, Princess Katherine, 23, and his younger brother, Prince Ethelred, 21, (And his brothers wife, Princess Anne).



•*Skills: He is a skilled tactician and fighter, constantly learning the arts of combat and commander-ship.


•*other:Possibly, we shall see onces I am done wont we

•*Theme song:The King within the marshes,

The King of soaken stone,

The lord of silvered harshness,

Shall come into his own!

His crown shall be upholden,

His harp shall be restrung,

His halls shall echo golden,

To songs of yore re-sung.

The woods shall wave on mountains,

And grass beneath the sun;

His wealth shall flow in fountains,

And the rivers golden run.

The streams shall run in gladness,

The lakes shall shine and burn,

All sorrow fail and sadness,

At the Marsh-king's return.

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Kingdom CS:[WIP]


•Name: Farrow Marshes

•*Age: Approximately 1000 years

•relative location: I might need to know more about other kingdoms for that.. but it would be pretty northern and not terribly far from the sea or from more plain like land

Species that inhabit it- Mainly inhabited by Marshlanders but ruled by the Marsh-Elves. There are also a wide variety of Marsh nature and the dreaded Marsh serpents.

•Species descriptions and names: Marshlanders are very similar to humans but are a little bit more gruff and rough around the edges and are quite a hardy people, they look like stockier versions of humanity. The Marsh-elves are very similar to their forest dwelling brethren but are much more attuned to water and are equally as skill in the arts of concealment but much more focused on the arts of war. The Marsh Serpents are not a sentient race but are thought by the occupants of the nation to be the discarded and dark offspring of their god, Dracos


•Geography: It lies a good deal north of the Central Kingdom with a few kingdoms between them and it.

To the North is the Farrow Peak, just below that lies the city of Draksi. In the west lies the temple of Dracos and the ruins of the old lands. To the east lies the Marshlander town of Farrick next to Farrow-lake<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Map.jpg.2cd4f01042d77cb605bf60a12bf4bc52.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Map.jpg.2cd4f01042d77cb605bf60a12bf4bc52.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

•divisions: There is a Marshlander revolt trying to depose the Marsh-elves and house Farrow but the House has a lot of support from its people, even most Marshlanders has yet to side with their own revolt. The Marshlander revolt occupies the area around the 'Ruins of the Old Lands' and their base is not primarily known to those in the capital but is suspected to be in a cave near Dracos Peak.

•Cities: North is Draksi, the capital and to the east is Farrick. There are various villages dotted about and to the west lies the Temple of Dracos next to the once firey peak of Dracos


•descriptions: Draksi, the capital, is smaller then the town of Farrick but holds all the nobles of the realm. It is filled with large ornate stone buildings with a wide array architectural styles. The center of the City is dominated by a huge stone square were men are nearly always training and it is overwatched by the halls of the Marshes, where the government is held, despite being a monarchy, and where the House Farrow generally resides in the warmer months, moving to a palace outside of the Temple of Dracos when the months are cooler.

Farrick is quite the opposite of Draksi, its a peaceful town with most of the buildings being ramshackle huts propped up on stilts to keep them from sinking into the marshland below. It is primarily home to fishermen and some with other agricultural professions, though they differ from those of conventional farmers due to the unconventional terrain. Farricks lakeside is fairly strong and in the past few centuries was re-inforced with stone. This is not to stop the town sinking into the lake but is, in fact, to keep the Marsh-Serpents at bay. The Marsh-Serpent which inhabit the large lake are the reason a perminant guard force is stationed in the town to protect it from the powerful aqueous creatures. Farrick is ruled by a mayor who is elected by the Marshlanders and is nearly always one of them, however anyone running for mayor must be approved by the King, though none have been refused or denied in a few generations.

The Temple of Dracos is just that, a temple. However it has two main sections to it, the lower part where most come to celebrate, sacrifice and declair their devotion and the upper part. The upper section of the temple is more like a monistary and is near the peak of the large mountain, or dormant volcano. The lower section is also a small town though the main profession there seems to be sellers of wares, often claimed to be of religious significance.


•(S) Main economical sources:

•currency: the Kingdom officially uses the 'Dracosik' but the Marshlanders generally just trade in goods and use a barter system. Although even they use them for more expensive goods, like tools and trinkets.

Political Organization-

•Current Rulers: Daemon Farrow

•Political form: Tanist Monarchy

•Social Classes: Those who are Marsh-elf are generally higher class in society but the main divide is the right of Nobility, all noble families have a document or some such granted by a previous king signifying them as a noble and entitling them to tax tennants on their land and pay a set amount to the ruling house, in this case Farrow. To get a Right of Nobility you have to either prove your noble lineage or, more likely, impress the king in some way impressive enough that he should grant you some and, most likely, some land too. Some have, however, been known in the past to sell their Right of Nobility to rich merchants allowing those who make their way to power financially. All the others are simply just men of the Marsh. Some however can be given the title of 'Honoured by Royalty' Granting them powers similar to a noble but without giving them a family of their own. This title is often given to skilled military commanders who may not been seen as 'noble' in the more formal sense to be granted a house of their own.

Military Organization-

•Rankings: The leader of the Army is the 'Marshal of the Northern Marsh' and is nearly always held by the ruling monarch and comes with the title of 'Honoured by Royalty to any who receive it. Below the Marshal of the Northern Marsh are the Commanders of the Eastern, Western and Southern Marsh and, while their title imply they command a section of the lands defensive or offensive forces in specified directions the directions are more figuretive then literal, simply implying that they are in a way equal to each other and the marshal, though the title of commander also reminds them they are below the marshal. Below the Commanders are Knights who are members of the noble families who seek to gain fame or fortune and generally they will not be given titles of Commander or Marshal for those are nearly always held by Marshlanders if not (in the case of the Northern Marshal) the king (or queen). Below the Knights are the bulk of the military forces with many men below each knight.

•(S)Numbers: (the relative size of each set of military forces)

•*(S)Especialty: (the medium on which the soldiers are at their best)

•Description of military divisions: The military is divided into four sections, one under each commander and the Marshal, with the Marshal officially commanding all the other sections alongside his own. Each section is broken into three further sections, the bulk of which being their melee troops, backed by the other sections of the rangers/archers and the mages, learned in fire magic and often doubling as priests. Cavalry can be used by Knights and up but often are not simply due to the marshy terrain they are often fighting in.


•*theme song:

The King within the marshes,

The King of soaken stone,

The lord of silvered harshness,

Shall come into his own!

His crown shall be upholden,

His harp shall be restrung,

His halls shall echo golden,

To songs of yore re-sung.

The woods shall wave on mountains,

And grass beneath the sun;

His wealth shall flow in fountains,

And the rivers golden run.

The streams shall run in gladness,

The lakes shall shine and burn,

All sorrow fail and sadness,

At the Marsh-king's return.

•*cultural festivals and holidays: There are two main cultural festivities of the region, one in the burning of the old year and takes place on the winter solstice and the other is 'Watch Night' which takes place once a lunar month when the moon is in total eclipse and on the Watch Night the literally do that, keep watch all night until the sun rises again over the world.

•*other: They follow the religion of Dracos, a highly militant religion that, while not saying all other religions are false, either supports a god from another religion or brands it a god of Darkness/Destruction and then seeks to, ironically, destroy that dark god.



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Name: სამეფო მაღალმთიანი (The kingdom of Maghal)

Age: 660 years

relative location: Maghal lies in the north of the continent of Esten and is about 100 miles north of the farrow marshes, with a narrow span of empty plains cutting in between the large sapwood forest south of the mountain steppes. To the east is the Thenyn sea. North is a vast expanse of plains and hills called the northern spire.

Species that inhabit it

Species descriptions and names: There are three main species that live on within the domain of Maghal; Mountain Orks (Adamiani and Khe'Gareshe), Cave trolls and tunneling goblins.

ჩაპი (Adamiani),

ხე (Khe’Gareshe),

მხეცი (Mugg trolls)

საშინელი (goblins).

Adamiani - Main holders of the land and the rulers of the kingdom the Adamiani are numerous. As an average their height ranges from 5½-6 feet and they are rather large in size, with stereotypically clubbish arms and thick legs, weighing from 200-400 pounds. Their skin ranges from a bluish to a brownish hue the farther south you go and their hair is naturally black or dark brown. Because of their mainly carnivorous diet they have sharp teeth, on some occasions even to the point of tusks. They excell at more humble and earthly things, from metalworking to their warrior prowess and have a strong belief in their ancestors and spirits. These creatures are usually devoid of any exceptional power besides martial prowess, the exception being the elder council, and are not fond of foreign magics.

Khe’gareshe- Another race of mountain orcs the Khe’gareshe are leaner and lankier than their Adamiani cousins. Born from the descendants of a clan banished by Saomar Shavip’ekhit’, who mated with humans and elfs they found as they broke apart. It was only 200 something years ago that they were allowed to return to the mountains, though only one of their children. As thus it has become a tradition to send a child to the mountains to live. Because of their heritage they are much more worldly along with being highly educated and less prone to violence, though as a rule of thumb they are not the greatest of physical fighters anyways, making instead better thieves and politicians. (Same thing right :P )

Unlike their Adamiani cousins the Khe’gareshe can practice small magics, like fireballs and the subtle controlling of animals, though that is just another source of prejudice against them in the homeland.

Mugg Trolls- Mugg trolls are named thus after the first encounter with their leader Mugg over 400 years ago. They are large hunched creatures with gangly thick arms and layers of fat hanging from their stomachs, usually wearing large blankets of animal furs as well as a layer of feces, mud and a multitude of small plant life. Goblins usually use their backs as gardens after they are dead, and rarely when they are alive. By nature Mugg trolls are violent creatures, using stones to form crude weapons, and as such they have fought with and against the orcs on various occasions, regarding them in a light akin to sly respect. For the most part these creatures in their caves on the eastern side of the mountain range, lumbering back and forth looking for something to eat, and they are not particularly intelligent.

Goblins - Goblins are small and unintelligent creatures, leaving them to the mercy of orcish design after their primitive tribes were taken over. Goblins have stood side to side with the orcs for longer than history records, sometimes as equals but most often as lessers, slaves and the like. The creatures themselves feed of the plants that grow on a trolls back while its sleeping, as well as almost anything else they can find. Because of their primitive and dull witted nature they are most often seen as Mona or Dedamitsa if they are particularly clever.


Geography: Its lies along a mountain range commonly known as the Harvest Mountains along with the steppes and hill lands that run along the feet of the mountains. To west, where the hills flatten out into endless plains, there is a sea that runs along the shining coast. To the east is mountains and hills as far as the eye can see. To the north the land is left to large swathes of plains and to the south the forest of Sapwood can be faintly seen in the distance, a dark green line on the horizon.

divisions: There are three divisions throughout the kingdom, the east, the west and the steppes. The orcs that live in the Eastern mountains are more aggressive, having constant run ins with bandits that fancy the nearby Sapwoods as well as other such groups, whereas the orcs of the west are more ingenuitive, focusing their efforts on bettering the group as a whole through thought. These two are divided by a large river that cuts through the mountains, pouring out in the north in large, awe inspiring waterfalls. The orcs of the steppe are much more humble and welcoming of foreign races, and have a more free sense about them in general, they also value money higher than the East or Western mountains.

Cities: The domain of the Maghal contains 7 cities, 5 for the main houses and 2 built after the second age under the rulership of Sakarl Grashnka.

  • Ishknavi
  • Glebi Gamart’avis
  • Ebi’Piras
  • Maghali’ghru
  • Mgelik
  • Rlomkinis
  • Napiroz


Ishknavi - The Capital city, built by and in the honor of the first Mek, Saomar Shavip’ekhit’. It is carved completely out of stone in the heart of the largest mountain of the range and is connected to all other cities through tunnels and passageways. The city itself is filled bustling craftsmen, warriors and nobles, holding the palace and the winter elders chamber. The city itself is broken up into four districts and has two rings. The outer ring is split in three parts, the area around the main gate being taken up by the mercantile district, the remainder of the left half being taken up by the living district and the right side holding the industrial district. The inner ring holds the noble district, which holds the noble houses, city barracks, the palace and the winter elders chamber. The palace alone takes up a third of the noble district and is adorned with articulate carvings of gruumsh and Karaash as well the first Mek himself, inscribed almost in the same light as the gods themselves.

Glebi Gamart’avis - Hold of the second favored house of the Maghal, crown atop the westernmost mountain it is the home of the Glebi house, decendents of the beast clan. Those of House Glebi devote themselves to warfare as well as the protection of their orcish fellows, though they exclude the lesser races of trolls and goblins with extreme prejuduce, using their goblin slaves as practice targets or for public humiliation shows. The city itself is made of grey stone buildings topped with straw, surrounded by a thick wall that overlooks the range for miles. Banners are always flying here, as if trying to warn off some invisible enemy by their overwhelming presence and notoriety alone.

Ebi’Piras - Ebi’Piras is the second youngest city in Maghal and has already taken the spot as the second largest and most favored city throughout the domain. It has grown so large so fast that it has outgrown its walls three times, leaving ringed districts to be made out of sheer convenience. Over time these rings were cut up further, giving the city 18 individual districts, 7 of them being living districts throughout the city. The city sprawls across the steppe and has the most advanced technology and architecture always on display as the lord of the city does not commission a state architect, but personally commissions them himself for each job regarding state property and allows those who want things otherwise to be built to commission their own architect. Because of this the city is diverse and colorful in all 18 of its districts.

Maghali’ghru - A small city situated at the top of Ashipik’, this city is devoted to education, science, and the better understanding of the world. It sports three different campuses the biggest of which being the University Ageba, which stands on an adjacent peak, connected to the city through a large stone bridge, along with the Summer Elder Chamber. The city itself burrows deep into the mountain instead of outward, using each layer as a different district for housing, research, relaxation and ect. Sadly the natural orcish paranoia around magic has caused only a few to come to this city and stay, most only coming for pilgrimages to the elders, leaving it only part of what it could be.

Mgelik - A fortress jutting out of the mountains facing north, Mgelik stands as the strongest hold in all of the domain. Where House Glebi may be known for their offensive stature House Mgelik is an impregnable fortress, equipped with farms, homes, mines, smiths and barracks’ all within its thick walls. It is interconnected with every other city in the mountains through special “highway tunnels” that allow faster access to areas in need. It is said among foreigners that have seen the city that it is so great it must have been stolen by an ancient race of dwarves, though the Maghal claim to have built it completely themselves.

Rlomkinis - Run by the house of Kinis Rlomkinis is one of the two cities built within the mountains and serves as the industrial hub of the kingdom. Drumming out at least 100 tons of assorted ores into swords, axes, farm tools, armor, and other substantial objects. The city boasts two large walls and a high roof adorned with meticulously carved pillars of orcs as if they were holding up the mountain themselves, with large brawny muscles and struggling visages adorning their stone flesh. In the first wall are the homes, shops, guild buildings, taverns and the like all sprawled ontop of each other as if trying to reach the top of the walls they are built against, thin roads weaving in and out of large groups of buildings, intersecting with the main road every now a then. Though the military force here is highly trained and vigilant, most who do not live and breath the city end up running a high risk of getting lost and gutted in some dark alleyway.

Napiroz - The first orcish port city was built during the second age in the shadow of a small mountain, almost a hill, that shares the same name. It is built upon a thick and winding river that pours from the lakes both on the mountain side and within the mountain itself and hosts a number of animals and plants considered luxuries to those in the eastern parts of the kingdom. The city spreads along the river unhindered and has no walls, as it is so young that walls have not even been commissioned for building. Only small boats have been established and they capture tons of fish, salting them and sending them to the capital to be sold at high prices, an orcish delicacy. This as well as lumber eagerly chopped and shipped from the nearby forests makes this city a commodity that cannot be lost any time soon.


•(S) Main economical sources:

currency: The kingdom uses a single currency, which is a printed silver coin with the glyph for freedom (უ) on one side and the glyph for war (ო) on the other. Though those out caught inside the small cave hamlets found throughout the mountains might see rudimentary bartering take place instead of currency exchange from time to time.

Political Organization

Current Rulers: Garosh Elflayer

Political form: Tyrannical monarchy with an elder council

Social Classes: There are five social classes; Mek, Sasuliria, Savakro, Dedamitsa and Mona.

Mek- The mek is the ruler of the Mountains and is the supreme law on all things. They are violent and ruthless and both the sword and shield of the orcs, figuratively and literally as the Mek is the first into battle. Because of this he is usually seen as a oppressive tyrant to most foreigners. To become Mek you must first pass the trials of the elders, to prove your spirit is worthy of the mantle, and then you must fight your competitors to see which gets the blessing Okmiserti, the god of battle.

Sasuliria- the elders of the orcs. They are sometimes said to hold more power than the Mek themself and control the spiritual powers and the hearts of the people. They are chosen during the paths of awakening, when an elder on the brink of death makes his last journey through the lands of his ancestors. Strangely they are the only Adamiani to both be able to use magic and be at peace with foreign magics.

Savakro - The ‘nobility’ of the orcs so to say. This class makes up the merchants and house leaders, as well as some wealthy craftsmen. There are es, which are all lead by the decendents of the eight clans five noble houses, all descending from the original five clans that fought for the control of the mountains. Each house has its own speciality, whether it be war or industry. These ‘nobles’ usually are the first to lead armies into the fray under their banner and are held under a much stricter honor code in the eye of the public.

Dedamitsa - The workforce of the orcs this class is made up of mainly Adamiani along with Trolls and high ranking goblins. They are the bulk of the population and work as miners, hunters, soldiers, common craftsmen and otherwise middle class laborers. More often than not Dedamitsa work alongside Mona and form bonds despite the difference in their classes.

Mona - Slaves; this class is mainly comprised of goblins and trolls that have been taken by force and orcs who are spending time for crimes. For the most part slaves are put to work as manual labor, though their masters have little to no regard to their safety, unlike when working with Dedamitsa, and they live in large warehouse like buildings called khvreli where they are fed water meat and bread once daily. In rarer occasions Mona are also used to bolster the army, in only the most dire of circumstances, and as personal servants to children of the noble houses or wealthy merchants.

Military Organization

Rankings: There are 4 rankings in the military

  • Jariskats’i - Conscripted soldiers; split into three types: Telobik(medics,support), Jashuk(rangers, scouts) and Mari(fighters, warriors)
  • Erokki- First officer; commanding officer, two types: Bukal(Banner bearer) and Droashka(communications, support)
  • Diozul - Second officer, Plans battles, may lead the army if he so wishes
  • P’ars - War commander - Plans from the kingdom.



Description of military divisions:

There are four armies; The East Army, The West Army, The Steppes Army and the Northern Army. The Eastern and Steppes armies have 3 P’ars each whereas the North and East armies only have 2 each. Each P’ar controls 30 Diozul.

The Western army has roughly 10,000 soldiers and has commander over the most territory

The Eastern army has roughly 4000 soldiers and is in charge of the peninsula and the eastern mountains.

The Steppe army has roughly 7000 soldiers; regulating the main trade routes that run out of the Steppe.

The Northern Army has roughly 5000 soldiers, most of them stationed in Mgelik.


•*theme song:

War Chant

siskhlis, siskhlis, siskhils da

Onk, Onk, Onk

Ladik da Ladik, Ladik da Ladik, Ladik da

Rok, Rok, Rok

Mert’i sinat’le ch’veni gza!

Ven mak meshk ghe da fnia

Iaraghi chveni kriden

Kimil chveni Sakebi!

Dzirs susti!

Chveni vigbeht, rats chveni khirdba!

Sasak patara!

Chveni damon mat’quelva!
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Kingdom CS:




Roughly 900 years old.

Relative Location

A very large land-mass stretching out to the East of the continent, with a sea border to the North, East, and South, with just the West border landlocked. (Think of The Reach in The Vale's location.)

Species that inhabit it-


- Tryston's population is a self-made race, formed from centuries passed. These individuals are incredibly similar to Humans, the key difference bing that the Trystonians all have bright blue glowing eyes; a side effect of the Kingdom being so exposed to Vydasium for so long, although it has no negative effects. Additionally, the Trystonian brain - or mind - is vastly different from that of a human. Whilst most Trystonians are often smarter than humanity, they lack the affinity for war that humans posses. They have no special physical augmentation, or magic-harnessing abilities.

(except Torin's bloodline)

. No other species inhabit the kingdom, as no other species were ever conquered.



The environmental, and geographical state of Tryston can be divided into four areas:

The Grand Lands

An enormous area in the center of the Kingdom, this is where all the Trystonian cities are founded, this land is extremely rich in agriculture, and covered in lush forests and beautiful green plains disturbed only by the occasional lumber-mill and paved roads. Wheat, grain and food in general are in massive supply here Trystonian spices are all found here; arguably, this area is Trystonia.

The Kharidian Canyon

An enormous stone canyon bordering the Northern sea that stretches from the Royal Frontier all the way to the Beydonian Coast, this blocks off a direct naval invasion from the Northern sea border, as the rock-face of the canyon stretches for hundreds of feet high, certain rare materials are mined here, most of which form the technology that Trystonia uses. Namely, 'Vydosian Stone' which is a much sturdier type of stone from which the Stone Golems, are made from.

The Golden Coast

A massive stretch of land, bordering the Eastern sea. It is uniquely named due to the fact that the trade cities of Golden Stone, and Easter March are positioned here, and is where almost all trade with the (Elusive Shadow Kingdom) takes place.

The Royal Frontier

This is the border of Tryston, a large mountain range which offers a deterrent against invaders, large Vydosian crafted towers have been built upon the mountain in order to prevent foreign invasion, should enemy forces be spotted, a series of flaming beacons would be lit in view of every major city signaling for the deployment of the main army. It is said that High King Torin stopped his conquest of the other human tribes here; citing it was better to maintain a stable kingdom, behind Mother Nature, than journey on to the uncharted.


No Geographical divisions.


Trade Cities:

Golden Stone

A grand city of permanent sun, and bustling Commerce; it was created when the alliance between (Elusive) and Tryston formed several hundred years ago as a means of trade, but has now come to rival even the capital in economical input due to the pure amount that the city sees on a daily basis, the streets are littered with stalls, and no poverty exists. instead it is a bustling centre in which the Trystonians and (Elusians) interact with one another, selling wares, and cooperating. It has come to be known as the 'City of Celebrations' as crime is almost non-existent. It has the best living conditions, and is the ideal goal for a comfortable, good life. It borders the North Eastern sea, and is only a few miles from the Kharidian Canyon.

Easter March

As the name suggests, this city was originally created as a Military City 50 years before Golden Stone, to defend against an invasion from the Eastern Sea, yet with the formation of an alliance between Tryston and (Elusive) Great King Torin scrapped the militarization in favor of more trade opportunities with his newfound allies, his leap of faith paid off, and with little threat from the East, Easter March is instead the fourth highest in economical gains (although that's half as much as Golden Stone). Other than that, the city is relatively average in size, grandeur, quality of life, and does possess a small level of poverty. It is located to the South East, and like Golden Stone it borders the sea.

Military Cities/Fortresses

The Southern March

Not much to say about this city, heavily fortified with strong walls, and a constant producer of warfare technology; The Southern March was created to defend against an invasion from the south sea, it is positioned slightly to the South West, meaning the army could march to meet an invasion from South or West. This city does not have a normal populace; and inhabits a army, and those families who do live within are trained to fight, and answer a calls to arms immediately. It produces little profit, as most money is spent on military technology.

Western North March

Identical to the Southern March, but slightly smaller, and set up to support Gal-Hallath in case of a Western invasion. Like the Southern March, the city is bleak, and dull. With little of impressive value within, although there little poverty as most of those who live within are sworn to the army, and receive soldiers pay. It is positioned to the far North West.


Whilst a military city, Gal-Hallath is considerably larger, and grander than the two Marches, and borders on the line between a Military City and a Main City, those who live within are relatively comfortable, the conditions are very good for Higher to Middle Classes; yet poverty is a large problem, and the city has an area specifically for Lower Classes. Additionally, since the largest standing army in Tryston resides here, the city has the largest output of military technology. And due makes no profit, but a loss. Is positioned to the far South West.

Main Cities:


A Grand city of magnificent architecture, Summerfront is a sub of local commerce, and brilliant scientific advancement. Whilst it's architecture isn't as fancy as that of Golden Stone, it is far sturdier; with giant imposing structures, and high-walls. With the highest number of farms within the city outskirts, Summerfront is the singular largest supplier of wheat, and grain in the kingdom - rivaled only by the Capital itself. However, though not as severe as Gal-Hallath, like - Greenhal - the city does suffer a poverty problem in the Lower Class district, although outside of that the conditions are more than adequate. The large city is located in the Eastern Center of Trystane.


Greenhal has the largest population in the kingdom besides the Capital, truthfully it is much the same as Summerfront aside from the fact that it is larger, and produces less food. Whilst Summerfront generates a good profit, Greenhal - due to it's larger population and lower food production - often costs more than it generates, similarly to Gal-Halath. However, as the name suggests; Greenhal does sit upon upon a large, green plain, with a looming forest in filled with beauty, and waterfalls in the distance, the sight is known as 'The Holy River' and is used to bless newborn children with Torin's blood. Located in the Western center of Tryston.

Capital City:

Grand Tryston

An enormous structure of looming magnificence, Grand Trystane dwarfs all other cities in the Kingdom, it's huge glamoring Vydosian walls twirl around the fortress like glittering snakes, the buildings within spiral eloquently into the sky; proving their dominance, market stalls thrive enough to rival the cries of the Golden Stone merchants, the farmers sweat just as much as their Summerfront brothers. But it is undisputed, that Grand Tryston is impregnable, her Vydosian walls a reinforcing fact. Within the city, lie a population larger than both Summerfront and Greenhal combined, it produces more income than all but Golden Stone - the productivity, however is nigh unrivaled.

Grand Tryston is a hive of scientific brilliance, and it is their all new Trystanian ideas, and technological advancements are born. It combines the military might, and productivity of Gal-Hallath, the brilliant economic superiority of Golden Stone, and the food-productivity of Summerfront to become a Diamond - among gold. Then, there is the King's Keep - a structure of Vydosian, stretching up a huge road behind locked gates, expertly guarded by hundreds, and as impeccable as perfection. Yet even this jewel of magnificence is not completely perfect, the Lower Class district of the capital is plaqued by Poverty, as finding eager Middle Class workers in the Capital is beyond easy.


Main economical sources:


Tryston is an agricultural powerhouse due to its lush, green, almost perfect lands. Which are a godsend for farming, and food production; the kingdom gains an enormous profit from this. As no currency is needed to purchase food, and the populace is incredibly happy due to the beauty and purity of the country. The main agricultural profit makers include wheat, grain, and vegetables.


With no special capabilities, the Human Race has been forced to adapt to survive, and the answer to that adaptation has been technology. Both in war, and in peace. The economy of Tryston functions incredibly well from production, as most money is put into science; which further increases economic capability whether it be through sewage systems, new roads, or more wells.


Thanks to the Trystonian allies of (Elusive Kingdom) Tryston is able to make a massive sum of gold from trading. Their impressive amount of food, and sometimes technology, for coin. A worthwhile agreement that helps both nations dearly.



Iron, bronze, silver, gold coins, with a crown embezzled upon them. Each coin is worth 10 times more than the last.

Iron coins (Poverty) can afford little more than a days food.

Bronze coins (Lower Class) can afford perhaps cheap clothing, or a few days food.

Silver coins (Middle Class) can afford a weeks food, and decent quality clothing.

Gold coins (The Higher Class) can afford small plots of land, a small number of armed guards, a months food, and good quality clothing.

Vydosian coins (The Important People) can afford large swathes of land, small armies, a years food, and excellent quality clothing.

Political Organization-

•Current Rulers: King Augustus

•Political form: Absolute Monarchy

•Social Classes:

Main Cities have a division between the Lower Class, and the rest.

Higher Class

The Nobility, the rich traders and people of high rank either in the Military or King's Court. The Higher Class is made up of those born into power, or who have clawed their way up, people of this category live comfortably, and with great respect; they command much power in their regions, especially the Nobility.

Middle Class

People who live comfortably enough through hard work, but that's about it. Usually limited to those lucky enough to receive jobs as Canyon miners, farmers, or people who work in decent city areas.

Lower Class

People who struggle to live comfortable lives, they have jobs in the lower ranks of the military, or had the misfortune of being born in a Lower Class area.


Those who lack the talent, or carry an affliction meaning they are unable to even get a place in the military or a Low Working job. Most turn to crime to survive, and those that don't live very short lives.

Military Organization-

Rankings, Numbers.


The runt of the litter, poor quality armor and weaponry. No training, little morale.


: The grunts, these are the basic cannon-fodder. Yet they are relatively well-trained and decently equipped, not the best morale.


: Commands a force of 6 Soldiers and Levies. Slightly better gear and morale.


: Commands 6 Captains, and a company of 34 Soldiers, and Levies. Well-equipped, and decent morale.


: Commands 6 Commanders and a Battalion of 204 Soldiers, Levies, some Cavalry and Captains. Very well equipped, good morale.


: Commands 6 Knights and a small total army of 1224 Soldiers, Levies, Cavalry, Captains, and Commanders. The best equipment money can buy, brilliant morale.


Commands 5 Counts, and a total army of 6120 Soldiers, Levies, Cavalry, Captains, Commanders, and Knights. Vydosian-Steel alloy equipped, unwavering morale.


Commands 4 dukes, and a huge total army of 24,480 Soldiers, Levies, Cavalry, Captains, Commanders, an Knights. As well as a standing army of 10,000 men. Starcrafted armor, unbreakable morale. (But he will make a tactical retreat)

Total Numbers: 34,480 (Not including artillery)


The North Western Front:

Commanded by Dutchess Barlough, charged with the defense of the Kingdom from the North and West. He has control over the Western North March Fortress.

The South Eastern Front:

Commanded by Duke Concord, charged with the defense of the Kingdom from the South and the East. He has control over Greenhal City.

The Homefront:

Commanded by the King when present, but Duke Pontus otherwise, charged with the defense of the Center of the Kingdom, and supporting the other Fronts. He has control over Summerfront City.

The Western Front:

Commanded by Duke Tytas, charged with the defense of the Kingdom from the West. He has control over Gal-Hallath.

The King controls the Capital, and the Trade Cities directly. Duke Barlough receives funding off the Crown to support his army.


-Large, open-plain warfare.


-Prepared Battles



Small scale battles.

Individual troop quality.

Battles in closed-terrain. (Forests, marshes, valleys...)



Stone Golem

The Golem is chiseled to the appearance of a bulky statue, the runes are then engraved - similarly to the Purification ritual - it is something between Blood Magic and Rune Magic, the runes chiseled are powered by the blood of the one who wields the control rod, without a control rod the Golem would be 'awake' but unable to do anything, where with the rod the Commander can give the Golem basic orders.

Essentially, the Golem is nothing more than a bulky statue which moves slow, and punches things. It's a magical construct, it is created from stone, runes and life-force.


•*theme song: (national anthem)

•*cultural festivals and holidays:

Torin's Day.

A day when all inhabitants of the kingdom receive a single silver coin, and are expected to purchase gifts for one another, the richer are expected to treat the poorer, as a remembrance to the generosity High King Torin showed to the tribes he defeated.


Mostly applies to Newborns, in order to name their children Trystonian, parents take their children to the 'Holy River' in Greenhal forest, where a Priest overseas the ritual, in which a skull is used to be filled with Holy water, and an ancient knife is given to the parents who must cut their fingers, and drop two droplets of blood into the Skull. The newborn is given no more than a sip, and priest draws a blood-sign upon it's head. This ritual is believed to grant people passage into the 'After Realm' in which they will be greeted by Torin and his followers, before living among them in a world of perfection. Some adults believe doing so yearly will absolve them of dishonor, and grant them Torin's blessing.


The Trystanians are not exactly religious; they worship those measured in Greatness, normal men, who have committed deeds so incredible they have transcended to another plain. Since the first king - Torin - a man who united the tribes of Tryston under a single banner, and created a prosperous empire - no such other worthy of Greatness has proved themselves enough to transcend. Yet whispers among the nobility, and the common people alike, hold faith that Augustus is that man. Since his twelve year rule, the Kingdom has prospered more than ever in the previous two-hundred years.

Vydosian Stone; the trademark of the Trystonian Kingdom, the stone is layered with tiny veins of magical energy, which over the centuries the Trystonians have learnt to harness; they don't have spells, but the stone can be 'enchated' in different ways with sufficient amounts of blood, and the correct rune-carving.

Obviously, a Vydosian wall is nothing more than a strong wall. Other examples of the stones being used for magical purposes would be weapons and armor, but the Golem is the pinnacle of the Trystonian Technology.

Could the magic power something like a 'Stone Dragon'? No. It would require far too much life-force, the Dragon would be powered, but the man who powered it would die; and only he could use the control rod. So there are limits.

Character type- W.I.P


Name: Augustus Torinsblood

Titles: King (Some call him High King out of respect.)

Family: (if it is a previously unmentioned family, add a description of it's importance, banner and other relevant traits)

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Kingdom: Tryston/Trystania




Typical Attire: Grand majestic robes of incredible value, and brilliant appearance.

Means of transportation: Horse

Wealth: Richer than the rest of Tryston combined.


Personality: (2 paragraph minimum)

Likes: Good manners, and diplomatic speakers. Cunning, clever, and sincere individuals who 'Play the Game' well.

Dislikes: (at least 3)

Fears: Losing even a single city, or one major defeat to a foreign invasion.

Goals: Transcend to the next Plane in the After Realm, and join Torin as a Great man.

Quirks: He often goes silent when thinking or considering things, no matter the situation. He also has a habit leaning his hands together (as seen in the picture) when interested, curious, or surprised at something being said



•reputation: Adored among the populace; all but the pverty stricken bear no ill-will towards the King.

•family members: Queen (Elusive)






•*Theme song:

•*height: 6'0

•*weight: 202lbs

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Character type-

•character type: Ruler


•name: Rihil WorldBind

•*titles: Highbider

•Family: Worldbind, an unimportant famly with no banner.

•age: 55

•gender: male

•Species: Ethereal

•Kingdom: Lostlands United Kingdoms



•Means of transportation: Sphinx ; hydra

•(s)Wealth: extremely wealthy


•Personality: Greedy and manipulative, Rihil is a merchant in his depths. To secure his goals (profit), he´ll go to nearly any lengths. He is very knowledgeable in terms of world-wide lore, as one would expect from an ethereal, as well as an extremely calculating and perceptive person. He is humble, too much even, as he can easily overthink things out of caution, resulting in possible paranoia. He is willing to bend and be underhanded, but nevertheless displays a certain pride in keeping his word. Still, what you understand and what he meant, may be two very different things.

He is very polite and very organized, always punctual. Still, he remains a rather playful being, who very much enjoys playing the fool and seeing the reactions on others, or simply teasing them for a little laughs of profit.

•(s)Likes: counting money, jokes, irony

•(s)dislikes: uncertainty, surprises, rats

•(s)fears: shooting stats, uncertainty

•(s)goals: to make as much profit as possible


•(s)backstory: Rihil was one of the ethereals and used to be a street rat as human. Once rid of a physical body, he could focus on making a living instead of succumbing to having to hunt rats. This allowed him to quickly rise up in the social scale, to the point of becoming the "merchant representative" by the time the Chamber of Thoughts was formed.

•reputation: he is known as an ancient merchant who is cunning and extremely knowledgeable, who love is money.

•family members: n/a


•(s)powers/abilities: Enchanting- he can improve objects and people`s senses. Also capable of bestowing electricity upon anything.


Character type-

•character type: Spy


•name: Helena Fang

•*titles: n/a

•Family: The Fangs are an ancient family of knights, known for their feats in battle, and for often taking positions of high regard next to the king and queen. Their banner is a single wolf fang in a green background.

•age: 17

•gender: female

•Species: dog people

•Kingdom: Lostlands United Kingdom



•*Typical Attire: Her grey, light armor.

•Means of transportation: horse

•(s)Wealth- not very wealthy, as she does not own any fortune due to her condition as a girl.


•Personality: Lena is a stubborn puppy girl, who will do everything to get to her goals, her way. It will take quite a beating and quite some humiliation for her to agree to listen though. Combined with her huge ego and pride, that tend to result in a short temper for teasing, it would make Lena quite an unsuited candidate for the role of spy.

However, she is also a very perceptive and hardworking girl with a knack for quick-witted thinking and very skilled in most forms of hiding and espionage. Granted, she did learn this out of fear, something she is deeply ashamed of that thrusted deep together with her family's complaint of her being born a girl.

•(s)Likes: being praised, being petted, eating

•(s)dislikes: being yelled at, being criticized, failing

•(s)fears: that her family will never accept her again, fire

•(s)goals: to prove her worth to her family

•*quirks: (at least 2)


•(s)backstory: being born into a family of knights, she was immediately set aside as one of the ladies until a son came...only, her father died soon after, so there could be no son. All her life, despite being shunned by the rest of the family, she´s been struggling to fill that role they wanted to have someone in, and she`s decided working as spy successfully will prove her worth.

•reputation: none

•family members:


•(s)powers/abilities: peak physical capacity and greatly increased senses


Character type-

•character type: Spy


•name: Glom

•Family: (if it is a previously unmentioned family, add a description of it's importance, banner and other relevant traits)

•age: 35

•gender: male

•Species: shapeshifter

•Kingdom: Lostlands United Kingdoms



•Means of transportation: n/a

•(s)Wealth- none


•Personality: Glom is a strange and rather unsympathetic being. He is a perfectionist who wants his jobs well done, and with professionalism, which he himself never ceases to have. He is always courteous, in particular with his enemies. This noble attitude does not stop from being efficient, quite on the contrary: He will be able to avoid harboring feelings that could cloud his mind.

However, his mind is maybe outshining on this aspect. He lacks social understanding, and although he is very logical, he is very apathetic as well. In fact, he has a tendency to criticize to the utmost limit of his beliefs.

•(s)Likes: success, praising, sleeping

•(s)dislikes: disobedience, loud noises, whining

•(s)fears: being crushed under paperwork, failure

•(s)goals: to always succeed and be as efficient as possible.

•*quirks: (at least 2)


•reputation: n/a

•family members: n/a


•(s)powers/abilities: shapeshifting
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Kingdom CS



♔The Seven Vales♔


Has been around for eons, making it one of the oldest among kingdoms.


In the farthest reaches of the continent, hundreds and hundreds of miles from the Central Kingdom, the kingdom of the Seven Vales is vast in both territory, people, culture, and history. Its boundaries begin with The Crown - a forest of never ending autumn that nearly closes it off to the rest - and ends with the coast of Victory Seas off to the southwest. Because of this, the Seven Vales's weather is reportedly tropical, with the exclusion of The Crown, because of its close proximity to the Sand Halls across the Victory Seas.


°The Seed Folk°


They are generally viewed as some form of hybrid between humans and elves, as some of them acquired slightly pointed ears (though not entirely), but the majority of their population cannot be told apart from any other human. The only thing that sets them apart is the seed that is located in the back of their necks - the instrument they use in order to be reborn.

-Life Span-

Upon death, the seed they protect falls out, and once recovered will be planted anew, thus allowing them to reform and live once more. However, it takes almost a year before one is ready to rise again, and thus it is treated with absolute caution, unless one died in old age, and not in battle.

-General Residence-

Residing only within the Seven Vales, and only a handful being sent away beyond the Crown as traitors or outcasts, the seed folk are a people that treasure companions deeper than any other species. They have two major cities, and countless smaller ones throughout the Seven Vales.


It is unwelcome to form divisions within the community of the seed folk, and is frowned upon.

-General Traits-

Comaraderie is kept with utmost care, and is key to winning over the seed folk - well, almost all of them.

Death does not bother them much.

Usually acts high and pompous, proud and sometimes conceited.

Open to diversity and lack of conformity, except for when unity is demanded.

Are gentle when forming alliances, and deadly otherwise.


They lack any affinity to magic, majorly excepting two that claim the same species.

Because of their extensive life span, the seed folk have many masters of different skills and arts.

°The Wildlings°


There is no specific appearance of a wildling. Their heights, weights, sizes, and other features vary tremendously depending on the location they inhabit within the Seven Vales. In accordance, one group of wildlings would be questionable, and even unfamiliar to other wildlings of a different group.

-Life Span-

Very, very short. Their birth up to their deaths (of old age) lasts only two years.

-General Residence-

All of the Seven Vales house the wildlings. Not one place in the kingdom is without them. Because of their short life spans, they attempt not many big feats unlike other species, as they die prematurely before its completion.


There are many divisions of the wildlings because of their diversity and favor of conflicts. A short life with neither fights nor conflicts is a dull life, and this makes them free creatures, tied down by no master. Those that try to enslave them - some number of displacers and seed folk - have failed.

Thus, they have formed seven main divisions: Vramgr, Hestion, Untellai, Estrella, Koile, Sumtra, and First Vale. The other villages or groups gathered in many places either belong to one or the other.

¶Vramgr wildlings are those that reside within cities, looking like regular folk, but are characteristically the tallest of all the species. They are a considerable people, able to form deep but short term relationships, and ones lasting lifetimes among themselves, or even countless generations.

¶Hestion wildlings are a more rare sight even in the Seven Vales, as they call the Crown itself their home, as well as the Bareback mountains. Because of the nature of the golden forest and the mountain range, and the perilous creatures that dwell within, these wildlings are the toughest of their kind. They are what keeps the beasts tamed - at least, most of them - and make it safe enough for human embassadors or other species to get through these particular areas. Loyalty stands greatest among them, as it is important in any fight or hunt. They are a lithe people.

¶Untellai, Estrella, and First Vale are the wildlings that operate under military purposes, leading and filling most of the Seven Vales' forces under those that live incredibly longer than they do. They still retain the free spirit, no matter the gallantry or the master, and do not allow their expendability to be tossed around as if it were but a small price. Under circumstances that are in need of services for the kingdom, they are a unit. Other than that, things get rowdy.

¶Koile is the division of wildlings that reside on the four borders - east, north east, west, and south. These borderdwellers act like guardians of the territory, and are the ones to report any approach from the outside. However, no unwelcoming party has come for the last century, making these borderdwellers live more peacefully than those that are closer to the capital cities.

¶Lastly are the Sumtra. They have a very infamous division, even among wildlings. Their number is little, but they are rumored to have practices that are unjustifiable and unpleasant in order to fuel their form of living, and rarer still a sight than the Hestion division. However, should any appear, they are easily distinguishable because of the near bluish-black hue of their skin, and the stark white of their hair.

-General Traits-

Are observably impatient, sometimes accompanied by easy irritation.

Often change their minds and opinions between short periods - to a non-wildling, of course.

Dislike being ordered around, except for matters that concern the general and the greater good.

They carry friendships to future generations. The same applies to grudges.


Are very fast learners, no exceptions.

°The Displacers°


The displacers pride themselves for being designed after the image of a perfect man for their mage. The mage viewed the perfect man to be tall and thin, with slightly bigger eyes and a pale complexion. They often appear somewhat ghostly because the rest of the species that naturally reside in the Seven Kingdoms have tanned skin.

-Life Span-

Similar to a human's.

-General Residence-

As of late, displacers are found in capital cities, and almost never anywhere else.


Displacers consider themselves lone wolves, and do not feel any sense of kinship to a fellow displacer, unless they have shared a good past.

-General Traits-

Quiet and sly.

Speak little of their opinions or preferences, despite having many of both.

Takes masters for two reasons, and two reasons only.

Are untrusted by the general public.


Are naturally able to develop rogue-like skills should they wish, but any path to be anything else is often futile.

Can detach their body parts from their main person, and still have it function properly.

They are, however, a dying breed. There are only roughly over a dozen known displacers in all of the Seven Vales.


The Seven Vales is the southwestern tip of the continent, as already stated, and is like an island because it mostly surrounded by the Victory Seas, had it not been for the vast land area covered by The Crown that connects it significantly to the continent itself, and through that, most kingdoms that are within.

The Crown, the golden forest of eternal autumn, is relatively on the northeastern part of the Seven Vales. It marks the end of the territory of the said kingdom from the rest beyond it.

The Victory Seas is the stretch of water that shields the shores of the Seven Vales.

The Bareback Mountains is the mountain range that appears like a scar on the face of the territory, as it forms an abruptly unwanted vertical fence within Cerleia Vale.

The Qizue Lake is a big lake that takes the most part of Qizue Vale, and is the source of water of various flowing rivers throughout the kingdom.

Zukishi Lake is the sister lake of Qizue, as both are almost relatively opposite each other.

Lasting of the greatest landmarks is the Eden. Far inland, stretching through three Vales at once, taking no more than half of the territory of each. It is the fields of crops, trees, and great planes that is the source of most of the kingdom's food.

The Peaks are stone towers that guard Renios Gate Vale, however, they are unavailable for use, as they are battered, crumbling, and most leaning dangerously or in danger of collapse. It is a reminder of the Last Stand before the conquest of the Magi Imperium failed, and a tribute to the warriors that faught and died.


(The vales are listed consecutively starting from the thinning of The Crown within.)

¶Haven Vale

¶Renios Gate Vale

¶Drthein Vale

¶Roseus Vale

¶Cerleia Vale

¶Palenioran Vale

¶Qizue Vale


(There are various cities in The Seven Vales, and nearly hundreds of small villages, but only a few key cities will be stated.)

Π-The Four Border Cities-Π

All four border cities each have a hightened torch, which is to be lit only to mark danger approaching.

{Arrow's Tip City}

The northeastern border city - shared among the Koile wildlings, a number of the seed folk, and every now and then with Hestion wildlings. It earned its name due to the fact that it stood closest to the ends of The Crown, its main tower seen even from miles away, and is the first to assault or likewise be assulted should there be war. However, it has not seen such war for a long time, hence the military force that is in it is mostly withdrawn back to the capital.

{Pearl City}

Is the eastern border city, where the sun shines first. Commanded more by seed folk than Koile wildlings, but only by a little, and is a port city just as it is a border city.

{Vergaspire City}

It is the southern border city, and is a city carved on the sides of a mountain and stretch down before spreading out into a valley, the edge leading to high cliffs that plunge straight to Victory Seas.

{Colossus City}

The western border city, a city of tales and legends, whose horizon includes the edges of the Sand Halls - the vast desert. A great number of Koile wildlings and seed folk live in this city, as it is also one of the main cities in addition to its being a border city. It commands the lands that are filled with memories, and the ghosts of those that have passed. Wings of Remembrance, the largest cementery in the whole kingdom, is home to many souls, and likewise, the overseers of the West.

Π-The Great Cities-Π

♕Arriv's Calling♛

-capital city-

Within Drthein Vale lies the capital city of the Seven Vales - Arriv's Calling. It is the center of commerce, politics, royalty and royals. Surrounded by thick marble walls, all eight sides watched over by the Sentinels - high-rise watch towers, it is a beautiful city taken care of by all three races. The military has their base and the most of their bulk housed within. Lords and Dukes have their residence in the capital, just as they do elsewhere, and the handful of those that have received Knighthood consider Arriv's Calling home. In the middle of it all, separated from the rest of the capital by a moat, stands Castle Blanc, wherein resides the Triumvirate, and the Caretaker of the Seven.

♝Cerulean Point♝

This particular city is located in Cerleia Vale. It is a very small city, and only has a few residents, but it is a great city, as it is the place where Head of The Truth takes office. The temperature here is lower compared to elsewhere in the kingdom, as it is located in the highest of the Bareback Mountains.

♞Garnet Prince♘

The greatest gem in the whole of the Seven Vales, as it is the rock for which the best schools and academies for all branches of arts, sciences, and histories, and perhaps even the most basics of magic (though it is not supported here, as there is incredible lack of individuals with such special proficiencies, though those that are proficient in magic are sent straight to Castle Blanc). Scholars and maesters alike from all around the kingdom come to visit the Grand Libraries. Qizue Vale is its location.


Main Economical Resource:

Fishing, because of the large twin lakes in addition to the Victory Seas.

Agriculture, mainly because of the Eden.

And occassionally, woodcraft


There are three forms of currency in the Seven Vales. For common day-to-day dealings, there are the gold and silver Reos. They aren't disks or coins, but actuall spheres of pure metal. One hundred silvers is equal to a gold. Three golds is equal to a Dorne.

The second highest form of currency is indeed the Dornes. It is for religous and church purposes, and for higher forms if dealings, but are more common than one might think. A Dorne is in the form of writing, thus used exclusively within the Seven Vales.

A rumor has beein going about for decades about a higher form of currency, and it is still in rotation despite the numerous excecutive claims of it being non-existent. There is no knowledge of its form, making the skeptical doubt the rumors are true and the romantics form conclusions about it.

Bartering is doable.

Political Organization

Current Ruler/s:

Xevia Cain Rugenostford

Political Form:

A monarchy with a hint of dictatorship and a mix of democracy. (A montatoracy. Heh)

Mainly, Xevia Cain is the Caretaker of the Seven. The Triumvirate, however, is either replaced or retained every three decades by the people. Lords and Dukes are the watchers of the vales, but after the death of a duke or a lord, their titles could be taken by those that prove themselves worthy. They undergo tests or challenges prepared by the Lord or Duke before them.

Social Classes:

Racial differences cannot be avoided, yet in the category if social classes they do not make much difference. However, the Military hold higher priviledges than Lords or Dukes.

Military Organization

Rankings and Descriptions:

Pawns - the lowest position in the military, and practically has 'expendables' written all over it.

Footmen - also known as the infantry.

Range Fighters - speaks for itself.

Riders - mounted military forces, and not restricted to a horse alone.

Ground leader - handlers of a full group of two hundred pawns, foormen, range fighters and riders.

Generals - the tacticians and preparators of an army.

Legion Guards - there are only four legion guards, and they are the ones that oversee the activities of the whole military force, and reports directly to Castle Blanc.

Knights - are a handful of men that protect the capital above all else.


Varies accordingly throughout the Seven Vales. The smallest consist less then two hundred men. The largest is close but not going far from a thousand.


Keeping the peace and preventing war.

Cultural Festivities and Special Days

♚Peace Trials♚

After the War of Kingdoms many centuries ago, all travel to Arrow's Tip City, Renios Gate Vale and Colossus City to reminisce the loss of lives and the victory that its conclusion brought with it.


During the second month of every year, the House of Celestial Truth and its members gather in their humble churches for three days and nights in constant meditation as they search the Oblivion of Darkness in the hopes of an epiphany that will reveal the one Truth.

★The Black Year★

It is a year Xevia Cain Rugenostford dies to be born anew for an entire year. The wildlings that live within this period are bitter men and women, hard and harsh even by wildling standards, because of their lack of freedom for sensitive dealings. The seedfolk are the ones that mourn due to their sense of kinship, and are the ones that mostly keep the wildlings at bay. Displacers are indifferent to this. The Black Year is never looked forward to.

☆Lifecoming Festival☆

A month-long festival held in the capital after the rebirth of Caretaker Xevia Cain. Countless balls, lively bazaars, great operas and theatre performances, nightly story-teller battles, and many many more take place within the marble walls. What happens in the Lifecoming Festival stays in the Lifecoming Festival.

★☆Year End Transition☆★

To celebrate the year that passed, and the year that will come, the Year End Transition is celebrated divergently.

∈Name Days∋

The seed folk give great importance to the instances where they shall face death for the first time. Name days happen when the individual reaches ten and eight, where they are either killed off or commit suicide, and by the next year, when they have reformed, take a new name. The day of their death and the day they are fully reformed are a reason for celebration among the seed folk.

♧Battle Reign♣

Battle grounds are set during the midyear where wildlings from all around are to be gathered in the capital - specifically Castle Blanc - and all is welcome to watch as men and women wildlings compete with one another for glory and recognition. The winners are to be spoiled for the rest of their lives, held above by fellow wildlings, and have their names recorded in the stone tropies in the Great Libraries.


Long ago, magic was once a powerful force that dominated over the continent, and is controlled by individuals that are able to weild its power. This proficiency grew and was passed through generations, these magic-weilders becoming more and more agressive and bold.

In the midst of it all, in the territory of Ganeo - now the Seven Vales - seven maesters of Magic took their offices and schooling, taking apprentice after another to train. This is what began the Hailing House, which is said to be the birthplace of the Imperium. It is the training ground to allow these maesters to test.

With the intention of domination, the seven magicians built the Hailing House, and thus the experiments of the races began.

Numerous failed attempts and a loss of many lives was the result, but after a few choice trials, three races were born, and are the inhabitants of the Seven Vales today.

These 'creations' are what led the assault throughout the continent, their might unparalleled by any other, and thus upon its conquer, the continent was under the power of the Imperium. It lasted for millenia with infamy tagging behind it.

That was, until the magician Haylen - one of the seed folk - bgan to point the Imperium's faults and rallied his fellowmen to fight against the totalitarian rule. He died in a public square, assassinated, as he was giving one of his powerful speeches.

His death became widespread, and reached the ears of Imperial Senior Magician Klavier. He looked into the life and work of Haylen, and was swayed by his passion for change. He began to gather those few he was able to encourage, and attempted to plan the fall of the Imperium.

However, he was constantly on the run, as he was already being chased. He was not careful enough, and in his room an assassin was let in, with the intention to kill him. He managed to kill the assassin, yet not before he was shot with a poison dart. In his dying breath he muttered a great spell, powered by magic of no words, fueles by his life source.

The spell was indeed so great, that the magicians far and wide was stripped of their great power, which was reduced to the basest of all magics.

To this day he has a giant statue in the gardens of Castle Blanc.

Character type-

•character type: Ruler



Xevia Cain Rugenostford


Caretaker of the Seven, Guardian of the Enchanters, Queen of the Triumvirate


Rugenostford is a self-given name by Xevia. Cain, however, belongs to her father, Imperial Magician Klavier Cain. She is a descendant of his, or more specifically, a creation. Klavier Cain is the magician that created the seed folk, with Xevia as his closest, most treasured apprentice. During his time planning for the overthrow of the Imperium, he had entrusted her to a personal guard named Fleigh -created for the sole purpose of her protection - and is the only other person with the surname Cain.

Their sigil is a pair of mountains, symbolizing the Vales, with an eagle whose wings are spread, symbolyzing the warriors of then and now.

Having no other companions of the same descent, Xevia and Fleigh Cain have been the protectors of the Seven Vales since the death of Klavier Cain, and has seen it fall and be rebuilt numerous times.


Nearly a millenia




One of the seed folk


The Seven Vales



Has long, flowing white hair, and light orange eyes.


Usual Attire:

Is usually in her white-and-gold armor, especially during formal occassions or important meetings or dealings. However, should it be otherwise, she takes the pleasure of wearing her silver crown that symbolizes her rank, and a simple white gown.

Means of Transportation:

Actually prefers walking than anything else. But if necessary, she refuses carriages, and insists on riding on horseback.


It is no secret. All of the Seven Vales is her wealth.



Xevia is a woman of reason, when described plainly. Her emotions play little part when it comes to matters that demand professionalism, and usually her eyes appear dead inside - a clue to many that she is unforgiving and merciless when in a state of seriousness.

But in casual gatherings or interaction, she is a different person. She is mischievous and has a sense of humor towards anything. Her eyes twinkle, and her smiles and laughs are always genuine.

However, there is a dark side to Xevia Cain, but its existence is only known to her protector.


♥She fancies beautiful things, and/or things that last.

♥Music, poetry, strories, and all that contribute to the enlivening of one's imagination.

♥Hidden knowledge, which would not be hidden for long.

♥Bravery, and those who exhibit it.


♡The Seven Vales, in all its glory.

♡Her brother, companion, and protector - Fleigh Cain.


She tells no one of her dislikes, but one that particularly stands out is the coming of the Black Year.


As if she'd say it.


Keep the peace, most especially in the Seven Vales, which is her top priority. The rest of the continent comes after.


◎Xevia enjoys scaring the heck out of individuals, and she does so randomly, with no warning whatsoever.

◎She sometimes pulls all of her hair back with a tie when frustrated, and walks around as the tied hair sways from side to side. It oddly calms her down.



History has already marked Xevia onto itself, ever since the death of Imperial Senior Magician Klavier Cain. She was the one that spoke for her dead father when, after they discovered they were stripped of their great magic power, the ones they considered to be below stood up in unity against them. With her voice, she spoke the words of peace, and of the retreat of the three races that powered the Imperium back into Ganeo, presently Seven Vales.

There was no lack of casualties in the aftermath. Many deaths were reported - a result of the inner wrath the enslaved felt towards the once almighty magicians.

But eventually, Xevia, with Fleigh by her side, were able to subdue these seekers of vengeance, and allowed the peace to reside among them.. for the time being.

She led the buildIng of the kingdom of the Seven Vales. The Hailing House was destroyed, and laws were issued throughout the kingdom that was to remain isolated for the ages to come.

However, their isolation ended when the War of Kingdoms broke out. Xevia and Fleigh led their military troops in the battles, yet they were mostly defeated by the more powerful species beyond - species they knew little about. When it concluded, Xevia was a different woman, and Fleigh was the only one who could see the change.

In the present day, Xevia Cain Rugenostford spends her days in Castle Blanc, in service of the kingdom just as much as they work in her service.


Xevia has a good reputation among the peoples of the Seven Vales, but those who truly know the inner workings veiled by the great mountainsa, green fields, and sandy shores would spin a different tale.

Family members:

◇◆Imperial Senior Magician Klavier Cain - Father; Deceased◆◇

◇◆Protector Fleigh Cain - Brother(ish)◆◇



This has remained a secret for hundreds of years.


♬Can sing numerous lengthy ballads of the seed folk.

◈A great rider


◑Debate and persuasion

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